Compared with Ningxia, the women seem to have endless energy, and they torture Ningxia to death.

By the time the night comedy came, Ningxia sat in the audience with Klee in her arms, and it had already burned out.

Looking at Ningxia's appearance, Vanessa fed Ningxia a bite of the apple she had just chopped, after all, they unknowingly tossed Ningxia like this.

Collei Amber next to him was also a little embarrassed, just now I was a little forgetful, one of them dragged Ningxia to the ring, and the other dragged Ningxia to pile high, even Collei was trying to integrate into the atmosphere of the festival.

And Ningxia has also successfully achieved the achievement of one person playing with four people at the same time.

"Brother Ningxia, are you tired?" Klee touched Ningxia's face and asked, she was so happy today, not only Ningxia, but also three sisters had a good time with her.

"No, it's fine." Ningxia reluctantly said, not physically tired, but mentally tired, a little dreaming of Inazuma shopping with her sister.

When everyone was watching the circus, Ningxia slowly closed his eyes to recuperate, but soon opened his eyes and looked at a dark-skinned old man in the crowd,

Ningxia's eyes pierced the old man's eyes like a sharp sword.

I only hear "Smack!" With a bang, one of the old man's snake-like eyes burst open and fell to the ground, and the blood could not stop flowing down, but fortunately the old man was in the corner of the edge, and the circus watchers did not notice him.

Ning Xia looked at the mark of the Fatui on the old man's hand, and showed a mocking look on his face, good guy, he doesn't provoke the Fatui now, but the Fatui came to the door by themselves.

The old man covered his suddenly burst eyes, and left the circus house tremblingly, he had noticed Ningxia just now, and he wanted to make some movement while there were more people, but Ningxia noticed it instead.

"What's wrong?" Collei asked.

"It's fine." Ningxia rubbed Collet's head and said.

"Hmm~ Your hair is messed up again!" Collei complained, but didn't resist.

With all kinds of novel and interesting circuses, the audience burst into loud applause again and again.

With the end of the trapeze, the clown costume host pushed a box to the stage and said, "Next, we want to choose a lucky audience member to participate in the performance, are you interested?"

Suddenly, the voices in the audience advanced to a new climax, and Amber and Klee both raised their hands to get involved.

Seeing that the crowd reacted so enthusiastically, the clown said, "Then let's turn the lights!"

In the lively audience, Collei leaned on Ningxia restlessly, the lights kept drifting and flickering on his body, and finally stopped on Collei.

"Congratulations to this kid!!" The clown shouted.

"Huh? Me, me? Collei asked, pointing at himself in a daze.

As soon as she saw Collei being chosen, Amber and some good things in the audience pushed and shoved Collei to the stage.

"Why are you all so keen on this kind of thing!! Collei shouted, but still looked at Ningxia as if asking for help.

"Go up, I'll be waiting for you below." Ningxia comforted.

After Collei got the Ningxia dialect, he went to the stage in the push of everyone.

Collei, who was standing on the stage, felt stared at by everyone, and clasped his hands a little embarrassed.

The huge clown walked up to Collei, which scared Collei a little.

"Then invite this little guest into our special magic box!" The tall clown held out his hand and invited.

The uneasy Collei had no choice but to go into the magic box.

As the box is flattened, Collei is removed by the staff under the stage, and the clown begins to stick nails and swords into the box.

Ningxia squinted at Collei after being moved away by the staff under the stage, and there was no movement, this kind of magic trick was already old-fashioned in his opinion.

Collei was in a sealed box, and the claustrophobic space made her already uneasy even more panicked, and the unbearable memories of the past kept echoing in her mind.

Collei saw a dagger in the box and quickly picked it up, the weapon in his hand could bring her a little sense of security.

However, these small feelings of security were soon swallowed up by the claustrophobic space, and Collei recalled his terrible life, being driven and beaten wherever he went, which was simply terrible.

Then came the memories of the injected monster, the heart-wrenching fear that made Collei feel like he was going crazy.

The staff brought Collei back to the stage, along with several other concealed boxes.

The clown said, "That little guest is in a few of these boxes, may I ask who wants to come up and choose!?"

Seeing that there was still a chance to be on stage, Amber raised her hands and shouted desperately.

The clown saw that Collei was sitting next to Amber just now, so he said, "Then this big friend will come up and help!"

Amber excitedly walked onto the stage, and the clown asked, "Can you find your friend?"

Amber said with a smug face: "Leave it to me!"

"Okay, then look over there." The clown stretched out his hand and said.

Amber rubbed her chin and wondered which box Collei would be in, singing about the food as she searched.

Collei hears footsteps outside, and she decides that whoever comes from outside, she will protect herself with the dagger in her hand.

The claustrophobic feeling of suffocation suppressed Collei's heart, and the hand holding the dagger trembled uncontrollably, and she subconsciously touched the necklace around her neck.

It was the gift that Ningxia had won for her by playing the ring just now.

"Go up, I'll be waiting for you below." Suddenly, Ningxia's voice dispelled the fear in Collei's heart.

Then Collei remembered Amber, the children she had played with at the badminton festival, and her trembling hands calmed down.

At this time, Amber also picked the box and was about to open it, and Collei finally put down the dagger.

As the blinding light shone back into his eyes, Collei squinted at Amber's face.

"Look! I'll just say you're in this box. Amber stretched out her hand and said.

Collei shook Amber's hand, and the audience erupted in loud applause.

Collei stared blankly at the cheering crowd in the audience, as well as Ningxia who gave him a thumbs up, with a sincere smile on his face.

People here don't have to guard against others, they are as free as the wind, they laugh when they want to laugh, and they cry when they want to cry.

If I had grown up as a normal child in Mondstadt...

Collei thought to herself that if she had grown up as an ordinary child of Mondstadt, then none of the suffering would have befallen her.

And Ningxia....

Collei looked at Ningxia who applauded her gently, she will also meet Ningxia again, right?

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