After teaching everyone the tips on mining diamonds, Jiang Xuan asked them to follow the small mine tunnel to see if there were any extra diamonds.

There were no forks in the mine road, so Jiang Xuan didn't worry about them getting lost.

Jiang Xuan even prepared a bucket for each of them. If there are any problems, pouring water can solve most of them.

However, what surprised Jiang Xuan was that Keqing and the others were self-taught and each made a boat to take with them.

This is really an extraordinary progress. Unexpectedly, using a boat to deal with Xiao Hei once enlightened them to a high level of understanding of boats.

Jiang Xuan was wondering whether he should take the time to show them how to jump on a boat and jump into the lava.

However, there are some limits to that operation.

It’s not like the click of the mouse or the click of the keyboard in my previous life.

This is life-threatening.

Jiang Xuan doesn't want to gamble his life yet.

He lives his life and strives to win steadily every day.

Therefore, Qian Dingzhu and Wan asked everyone to stop at most two hundred meters into the small mine tunnel.

After all, there are too many dangers in the mines.

Jiang Xuan would rather not have the diamond than get his friends hurt.

However, he also secretly asked Zhongli to help keep an eye on it. If there were any problems, Zhongli's strength would be able to withstand them for a long time.


It's basically foolproof.

Jiang Xuan was thinking boredly, then used an iron bucket to pour magma on the three-block high pillar in front of him.

After the magma has spread, pour water immediately to make obsidian.

After the obsidian appears, collect the water, replace the diamond pickaxe and start digging the chain.

In just a short while, Jiang Xuan had already dug up a group of obsidian.

This progress is indeed not slow.

After all, obsidian is too hard. Even if you want to knock off obsidian with a diamond pickaxe, it will take a long time to wield it.

But Jiang Xuan didn't feel bored, after all, Gan Yu was still by his side.

After completing the chain again, Jiang Xuan was planning to repeat the previous process.

After watching it for a long time, Gan Yu suddenly walked up to Jiang Xuan, took the magma bucket in his hand, and said with a serious face:

"Jiang Xuan, I have understood it. Let me do it. You can rest for a while."

Jiang Xuan was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say that his satiety level only dropped two bars.

However, looking at Gan Yu's confident look, he has obviously studied hard for a long time.

Jiang Xuan was also embarrassed to let down Gan Yu's kindness.

He nodded slightly and handed the diamond pickaxe to Gan Yu.

"Be careful, the lava is very dangerous."

Gan Yu nodded quickly and said softly:

"I know, first stand on the height of the platform, pour magma on the pillar, and wait for the magma to spread to the ground and spread."

"Then you pour water over it to form obsidian."

Gan Yu followed the process in a low voice, pouring in the lava and water carefully.

Suddenly, obsidian appeared neatly in front of Gan Yu.

"Jiang Xuan!"

Gan Yu happily looked back at Jiang Xuan, who smiled.

"Take away the water. I'll open a chain for you. You should be fine with the subsequent mining steps, right?"

Gan Yu nodded excitedly.

"No problem! Leave it to me!"

Seeing Gan Yu excavating with a pickaxe, Jiang Xuan also felt that it was a quiet time.

Gan Yu's happiness seems to be easily satisfied. Jiang Xuan is not sure where this happiness comes from.

Maybe it's because Gan Yu is such a kind girl and feels that she will be happy after helping others.

Jiang Xuan didn't leave Gan Yu far, he stood quietly behind her and looked at Gan Yu.

After all, it involves magma, and Gan Yu isn't very familiar with it yet, so it's best to just watch.

Gan Yu digs obsidian slower than Jiang Xuan.

Perhaps it's because she inherited only part of Jiang Xuan's physique.

However, Jiang Xuan was not in a hurry and waited patiently for Gan Yu to dig.

It took about four or five minutes.

The obsidian finally exploded and turned into ore floating on the ground.

Gan Yu was overjoyed and hurried down the ladder to pick up the obsidian.

He climbed up hurriedly and handed them all to Jiang Xuan.

Seeing Gan Yu's expectant look, Jiang Xuan laughed dumbly and gently pinched Gan Yu's corner.

"Thank you for your hard work, Gan Yu."

Gan Yu seemed to be full of motivation instantly.

"It's not hard work! I wish I could help Jiang Xuan!"

After saying that, Gan Yu enthusiastically took out the magma bucket and turned around to continue working.

But Jiang Xuan took her hand.

"That's enough Gan Yu for now, there's no need to continue.

Hearing this, Gan Yu was a little confused and looked at Jiang Xuan in confusion.

"But didn't Jiang Xuan only dig up a set of obsidian? This thing... Jiang Xuan should be very useful, right?"

"Well...if you're worried about me being tired, that's okay! I'm totally fine with this level of work!"

Jiang Xuan laughed dumbly and pointed at the diamond pickaxe in Gan Yu's hand.

"Have you forgotten Gan Yu? You are still running the chain collection, and the durability of the diamond pickaxe has dropped drastically."

Following Jiang Xuan's gaze, as expected, the diamond pickaxe, which was brand new just now, already had some cracks.

Suddenly, Gan Yu fell silent.

This is a diamond pickaxe, using three diamonds.

Gan Yu knew that Jiang Xuan went out with everyone and went deep into the mine for the past two days.

The fundamental reason besides redstone is diamond.

The diamond pickaxe has just been hot out of the oven for half an hour, and it looks like this.

Gan Yu was heartbroken.

"Jiang Xuan…………"

Gan Yu eagerly handed the diamond pickaxe to Jiang Xuan, opened his mouth, and was about to say something.

Jiang Xuan nodded Gan Yu's forehead in a funny way.

"Don't apologize. I've been using this diamond pickaxe for most of the day. If it's broken, it's me who broke it."

"Besides, it's just a tool. Don't worry about it. More miners will come from Liyue in the future."

"Wouldn't it be easier if I wanted diamonds?"

Hearing this, Gan Yu also reacted and nodded softly.

He immediately looked back at the magma and water and thought for a moment.

"Jiang Xuan, should we bring a few more barrels of magma back? You should have many uses for this obsidian, right?"

"Furthermore, I think Zhenjun Liuyun and the others also want to bring some obsidian back."

Jiang Xuan was not surprised that Liu Yun and the others wanted to take Obsidian back.

After all, it is known as one of the hardest minerals in the MC world!

Jiang Xuan saw Zhongli looking thoughtful.

I'm afraid you don't want to use this thing to strengthen Ruotuo's seal, right?

If that were the case, Jiang Xuan felt that he was guilty of giving the obsidian to Zhongli.

However, Jiang Xuan still asked Gan Yu to bring a few more buckets of magma.

After all, obsidian is indeed a good thing.

Not to mention the resistance, it is also the main material for making enchantment tables and hell gates.

The more of this kind of thing, the better.

He and Gan Yu went to the magma pool and fished out four barrels of magma. Finally, voices came from the narrow mine tunnel behind them.

It sounds like Ningguang and Keqing have gained a lot. After all, there must be good news for Yanyan.

As Jiang Xuan expected, Ke Qing, who had just walked out of the narrow mine tunnel, brightened up when she saw Jiang Xuan.

He quickly stepped forward and handed the diamond in his hand to Jiang Xuan.

"Jiang Xuan, a total of seven diamonds were dug this time. How is this harvest?"

Jiang Xuan raised his eyebrows, put away the diamond and nodded happily.

"Including the three I dug, there are ten diamonds in total. This mine is already considered very rich.

Hearing this, the smiles on everyone's faces became more intense.

"Then do we still want to continue exploring the mine?"

Ning Guang asked a question, and after Jiang Xuan thought for a moment, he shook his head slightly.

"Forget it, I guess it's almost noon now."

"Let's go back to the manor villa, take a rest, and then count the harvest."

Hearing what Jiang Xuan said, although everyone still had some regrets, they didn't object.

After all, this trip has been going on for a long time, and I have gained a lot.

Tomorrow is the agreed time for the first batch of miners to settle in, and Ningguang and Keqing have to go back to make arrangements.

In addition, Keqing also needs to seize the time to write a code for mining in the MC world.

Despite their near misses this time, they still gained a lot.

What is Jiang Xuan's lineup?

The group of miners who will come at that time are just ordinary people with weak fighting ability.

There must be a mature mining code that tells miners how to avoid monsters, the appearance of various minerals, and techniques for mining minerals.

Keqing and Ningguang came to mine this time not just to mine for resources.

The summary of knowledge is the most important thing.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Jiang Xuan said softly:

"."Then we will teleport back to the manor villa. Remember the teleportation method I told you before, right?"

"Of course I won't forget it."

Ningguang smiled, glanced at Jiang Xuan, and said softly:

"Then I'll go back and wait for you."

After saying that, Ningguang's body lit up with white light and disappeared without a trace the next moment.

Others did not waste time, although the experience of going down into the mine was very interesting.

But after all, it's dark and lifeless inside.

Even senior mining man Jiang Xuan himself feels that if Gan Yu and the others had not accompanied him in mining, Jiang Xuan would not have reached such a deep place.

Probably, look at the door to collect some coal, get some iron ore and red stone, and then leave.

The MC world is very big, even boundless.

Even if the entire Teyvat was installed, it probably wouldn't take up much space in the MC world.

Therefore, in this world, resources and land are the least valuable things.

Jiang Xuan and Gan Yu said that in this world, the most important thing is imagination and creativity, but in fact...

The really (good) thing is the most important thing, and there are other things.

They are the ones who prevent Jiang Xuan from falling into endless loneliness, and they bring a lively atmosphere to the MC world.

Make this world a little more vibrant.

In a long life, human beings can accommodate countless wonderful moments.

But the secret is to ensure that life can always move towards tomorrow with enthusiasm and expectation...

Or companionship.

The social nature of human beings fundamentally denies Jiang Xuan's prospects of developing the world alone.


Find some like-minded friends and explore together in this unknown world.

This feeling may be more satisfying than letting Jiang Xuan use red stone to create a space-based dragon-slaying cannon.

White lights flashed around them, and Zhongli and others were teleported back to the manor villa.

And when Gan Yu asked Jiang Xuan to go back quickly, he also left together.

Jiang Xuan turned around again and took a look at the mine with emotion.

This is the first diamond mine he has explored in the MC world.

Although this mine still leaves many unknowns for Jiang Xuan, such as the neat ore wall.


Even if it was really Him, Jiang Xuan didn't have much fear.


Jiang Xuan's melodious voice carried far through the silent mine.

After a while, Jiang Xuan chuckled lightly, and his body flashed with white light.

"You are only one, but I am never alone..."

If you really exist, then...wait for us to come find you. "

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