People in Liyue have very complicated senses about walnuts.

The other party's personality is indeed very lovable, lively and cute, but...

It's outrageous to catch people selling coffins every day.

Especially the advertisement about the half-price second monument. Who is a serious person who would think about organizing his own funeral every day?

Well...except Zhongli.

But when it comes to hating walnuts...

That's really not the case.

Hutao, who is in charge of Liyue's funeral business, is basically a person that every Liyue person cannot live without.

Liandangtang Yanwang Dijun, don’t you still need the Rebirth Hall to send immortals?

Moreover, everyone is in awe of Hu Tao who can still maintain a lively attitude despite facing death day and night.

Hutao's solemn attitude towards funerals and serious responsibility for the deceased made people praise Xirang's spending time in the Hall of Purity.

Since its opening, there has not been a single bad review!

But this does not prevent people from preferring to keep a distance from walnuts.

Human beings, even if they know that death is a fate that cannot be avoided in this life, will still be afraid of it.

Hu Tao didn't understand this.

But this is not what the four kings of Yunhan Society have to consider. At this time, they have already begun to think about how to escape.

If the person making the fuss in front of them is someone else, they will not hesitate to punish the other person.


He is the top powerhouse in Liyue and a master of the fire system.

He is also one of the few friends who has the best relationship with his immediate boss.

They are really untouchable.

But before they could come up with any reason, Hu Tao's big eyes with his hands on his hips blinked.

He jumped in front of the Four Heavenly Kings.

"Hey! How are you guys thinking about what I told you last time?"

Hutao had a sincere look on her face, raised her finger and said decisively:

"If you think about it, as a bodyguard, you face the dangerous task of protecting your employer every day. The mortality rate has always been a profession with a high rate in Liyue Port.

"You don't want to be attacked by a sudden accident one day, and you won't even be able to have a decent funeral, right?"

"Hmph, hurry up. Since you are Yun Jin's bodyguard, I will give you a group purchase discount!"

"Buy three and get one free for a full set of funeral and pipe materials. In addition, you will get a free tablet engraving service. If you become a wandering soul, the master will also provide a soul rebirth service."

"Don't miss this opportunity, it will never come back! Na na! Hurry up and order now!"

Hu Tao's big eyes sparkled with extremely serious expectations, so the above words were all her sincere speeches.

The four heavenly kings who were bodyguards were already sweating coldly.

But he hesitated and couldn't say any words of rejection for a while.

"It looks like you are going to place an order this time!"

Hu Tao excitedly took out a contract and was about to urge them to sign it when a chuckle suddenly came from the Yunhan Society behind him.

"Okay Hutao, don't embarrass them. How can a person in his prime leave his own affairs behind?"

Pansy, dressed in moon-white uniform, walked out with a hint of drama in her steps.

Indeed, as Ningguang said, Yun Jin is a master of integrating drama into life.

Stepping out of the threshold, Yun Jin nodded to the four bodyguards.

"I think it's almost time to get off work in Liyue Port. You guys go have something to eat first and come back later.

The four of them were relieved and turned around to hug Yun Jin.

Immediately, as if being chased by a wolf, he ran away in a hurry.

"Well... Yun Jin, you ruined my big business again!"

Hutao put away the contract, and there was some resentment in his words, but looking at his demeanor, he was smiling happily, and there was no trace of loss at all.

"Wutao's business promotion is as straightforward as ever."

Yun Jin smiled lightly and stretched out her hand.

"Come in and chat. It's rare for you to come here, Hu Tao. After you finish the opera later, you might as well go looking for Xin Yan with me."

Hearing this, Hutao shook his head with a smile.

"No, no, this hall master doesn't understand your play, Yun Jin. I came to you because I have something to ask.

"Well...there are also the funeral orders for your four bodyguards just now, but it's a pity that you ruined them."

Yun Jin didn't feel offended, so she just took Hu Tao to the cabin on the second floor and poured her a cup of tea.

"You, if you change your behavior of promoting your own funeral services to everyone, maybe the business of the Church of the Reborn will be better.

"After all, no one wants to be close to death when they are in their prime."

Hutao took a sip of tea and after hearing Yun Jin's words, she raised her finger and waved it in disapproval.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death, everything in heaven and earth, yin and yang are orderly, and destiny is impermanent."

"Rocks will weather and lakes will dry up.

"A hundred years of life has passed since birth, and we have started walking towards death step by step. Since it is a law that cannot be disobeyed, it is better to face it calmly.

"Perhaps, we can create a few more moments worth remembering on my deathbed."

Yun Jin was obviously very familiar with Hu Tao's theory.

I can't say I agree with it, but I can't say I deny it either.

Yun Jin would not force Hu Tao to maintain the same view of life and death as ordinary people, otherwise

That would not be the innocent walnut.

"Although Hutao talks about the essence of the world, people hate hearing the truth the most.

Yun Jin shook her head with emotion.

After Hutao was introduced to the door, Yunhan Club had already started to receive customers one after another.

Yun Jin estimated the time, thinking that it would be almost her time.

He did not continue chatting with Hu Tao and said straightforwardly:

"I'm going to be on stage later, Hutao, what do you want from me?"

"Oh! That's right! I almost forgot!"

Hutao patted his head and stuck out his tongue with a smile.

"I just want to ask, Yun Jin, have you seen Zhongli in the past two days? That guy hasn't been back to the Hall of Purity in two days or almost three days!"

"Your place is the most likely place for him to appear. Have you seen him? This guy plans to ask him to go to the Adventurers Association with me to discuss cooperation."

"You just chose this time to disappear!"

Seeing Hu Tao's angry look, Yun Jin also frowned slightly and recalled.

"Mr. Zhongli... Strangely enough, Mr. Zhongli, who never misses an appearance, seems to have never come to my plays these days.

"Hu Tao, haven't there been any bills sent back to the Rebirth Hall in the past few days?"

Obviously, Yun Jin was also aware of Zhongli's prostitution style.

Hutao spread his hands.

"This is the weirdest thing! I haven't received a single bill these days."

"I was still thinking that Zhongli has been out for the past few days and only came back to listen to the show. You have left his bills with Yunhan Club again."

Yun Jin pursed her lips and smiled but did not answer.

She did have this kind of willfulness before, because she and Hu Tao are good friends, and Zhongli is also a drama confidant.

Except for Zhongli who loudly shouted the word "reward", Yun Jin sometimes suppressed other purchases at Yunhanshe and did not send them back.

But after Hutao finds out, he often comes over to settle the matter.

Although the business of Shengshengtang is not as good as that of Yunhanshe, it has a long-standing heritage, and Liyue people cannot do without Shengshengtang.

To say that we are poor is nonsense.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Yun Jin used this little trick to get Hu Tao to come over and meet him. Yun Jin liked chatting with Hu Tao very much.

Hu Tao's whimsical remarks often make Yun Jin very happy.

"Okay, since Yun Jin you don't know the whereabouts of that guy Zhongli, forget it."

Hu Tao drank the tea in one gulp, stood up and walked towards the door.

"If Zhongli comes to your place, please tell him to go back to the Hall of Purity as soon as possible. There is a major cooperation that needs him to negotiate...

"Bah, bah, bah! This hall leader has already negotiated! All we need to do is sign for final confirmation! Let him hurry up!"

"Otherwise, if Sister Lan refuses, it will all be Zhongli's fault!"

Hutao jumped up and down, and Yun Jin followed her to see her off.

Yun Jin had no intention of keeping Hu Tao here to listen to the show. Hu Tao couldn't get used to hearing these things.

In Hu Tao's view, it would be better to burn his brain and write his own limericks if he had this time.

Maybe it will be passed down through the ages like "Da Qiu Qiu is sick" and "The sun is coming out"!

Of course, the above are Hutao's personal thoughts and do not involve the suggestions of the Liyue Poetry Association.

The two of them had just left the wing on the second floor and were about to walk towards the door.

Suddenly, a rather refreshing voice sounded.

"Um, please wait a moment, Miss, the master of the Hall of Rebirth."

Hearing this, Hu Tao turned his head and looked behind him with his hands behind his back.

Not far away, he was wearing exotic gray clothes and orange hair. He looked like a childish and sunny boy.

But the reactions of Hu Tao and Yun Jin's Eyes of God made them understand.

This thin guy has the body of a warrior that has been tempered to the extreme.

very dangerous!

Hutao narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a moment and said:

"Ouch, aren't you the one..."

Dadalia touched his head and smiled seemingly without any thought.

"That's right, I am the last executive of the Fools, Dadalia. I just came to Liyue these days and wanted to listen to Mr. Yun's play, which is famous in Liyue."

"By the way, Master Hu seems to be worried about Mr. Zhongli's trace..."

I speak politely and respectfully, but...

Yun Jin took a step forward and said with a hint of irony:

"We are all guests from afar. Yunhan Club welcomes guests from all over Tiwat. However... Yunhan Club has the right to reject those evil guests who hide in the dark and eavesdrop on other people's chats."

What a fool!

Yun Jin also knows.

Ning Guang and the others talk about it every day, and the people in Liyue Port can only use the most vicious words on fools.

However, it was difficult for Yun Jin to be normal towards Dadalia.

What's more, although this guy seemed to have done all the etiquette, he eavesdropped on the conversation between Yun Jin and Hu Tao, which made the two of them unhappy.


Although this man concealed himself very well, Tiao could clearly see the hysterical fighting spirit in his eyes.

This person seems to be eager to fight with himself all the time.

Sure enough! Fools are all lunatics!

Dadalia didn't mind Yun Jin's rejection at all, and even laughed, looking a little embarrassed and said:

"Sorry, I was indeed negligent in this matter. However, I really know something about Mr. Zhongli's whereabouts and thought I could help Hall Master Hu."

"To be honest, I also want to meet Mr. Zhongli, a strange man who knows everything about ancient and modern times."

Hu Tao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"I'm not surprised that you know about Zhongli. After all, that guy's strange character is still well-known in Liyue Port.

"But since you know Zhongli's whereabouts, why don't you go find him yourself?"

Hearing this, Dadalia didn't panic at all, but just spread his hands slightly helplessly.

"I would also like to see him in person."

"But that gentleman's location is somewhat special..."

Dadalia looked helpless, but there was a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

"Mr. Zhongli seems to be in a small courtyard on the other side of Tianheng Mountain. Moreover, in addition to Mr. Zhongli, there seems to be Tianquan Xing, Yuhengxing and Seven Star Secretary..."

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