Genshin Impact: Invite Nasida And Mc Build The Jingshan Palace

1205.Hengkai Everyone Enters The End For The First Time

Even though this red stone cannon has little technical content, Tesla is not something worthy of admiration at first glance.

When they first came into contact with red stone technology, Ning Guang and others spent a whole day figuring out the principles of this red stone cannon.

Tesla only had contact with him for less than half a day, strictly speaking, even only a few hours.

It was enough to see her talent in scientific research, and Jiang Xuan became even more satisfied.

"The advantage is that it is simple to build. As long as you have normal intelligence and spend some time, you can delve into it.

"But there are too many flaws."

Tesla shook his head and said softly:

"The waste of TNT is one thing, although there is no shortage of TNT in the MC world..."

"The most important thing is that the direction of the attack is fixed and cannot be changed, and the distance is difficult to control.

"It's only suitable for use as a positional fort, but... it's also very backward."

Jiang Xuan smiled and reminded:

"Don't worry, this is just the first thing we have researched.

"After that..."

With that said, Jiang Xuan led everyone to a brand new cannon "August 13" that looked more complicated and larger.

"The red stone mountain cannon is Liu Yun's masterpiece."

Liuyun suddenly held his head high.

"Compared to the previous red stone cannon, the red stone mountain cannon consumes more TNT, but at the same time, the damage caused also rises in a straight line."

"The red stone mountain cannon, as the name suggests, can flatten a mountain with one shot."

Tesla raised his eyebrows and clicked his tongue:

"It's interesting. Isn't technology leaping a little too fast?"

“However, there are still obvious shortcomings. Direction and distance are still problems.

"Moreover, this big guy is so conspicuous that when a war starts, he will be the first to be targeted.

Liu Yun nodded slightly, but was not angry. After all, this was an old cannon. She had already updated it and she no longer looked down upon this kind of cannon.

"Compared with the previous cannons, the red stone chain cannon fires TNT continuously for bombing in a short period of time, and uses TNT to fire a machine gun.

"The red stone fixed-point cannon is more difficult to operate than the previous cannon, but you can also start to adjust the distance and direction.

"The red stone tank has added movement function, but it is relatively dull."

"TNT replicator..."

After a series of technological introductions, Tesla nodded frequently while looking at them, but he was somewhat unconcerned while sleeping.

In her eyes, these redstone technologies had too many loopholes and were a waste of the great properties of redstone cubes.

In other words, the TNT replicator is relatively powerful.

Once this thing is opened, it can bomb in a straight line in a short time and collapse the ground.

Moreover, TNT is copied and does not consume resources at all.

But the shortcomings are also obvious...

It cannot move and is a living target in the air. It is good for mining.

Seemingly seeing Tesla's thoughts, Jiang Xuan smiled and joked:

"It seems that Dr. Tesla looks down on these basic technologies."

Tesla shows off:

"Redstone technology is a great field, but the technologies in front of us are too ordinary..."

"In my opinion, using great redstone blocks to create such a weapon is a waste of the properties of redstone blocks."

Jiang Xuan smiled mysteriously and said softly:

"Then let's go. The rest is not interesting. The real secret is in another area."

"Other continents?"

Theresa asked curiously, and Jiang Xuan shook his head.

"It's another world."

Hearing this, everyone immediately cheered up. They had heard that the MC world was very complicated.

Not only is it an infinite world, it is also a world that embraces the world of infinite dimensions.

Just like the tree of imaginary numbers, each leaf is a world.

Now, I can finally see other dimensions.

To be honest, even Otto is interested in Xiangsi.

"What are other worlds like?"

Kiana looked at Jiang Xuan with interest and said anxiously:

"Is it as grand, boundless and vibrant as the MC world?"

Jiang Xuan shook his head.

"The size of other dimensional worlds is the size of the normal world, and some worlds may be smaller than your earth.

"As for vitality..."

"I can't say that. Each world has its own characteristics. Like the Land of Fertility, it is a wonderful world where no monsters are born. The scenery is like flowers, and it is more beautiful than the main world."

"There are also dark and dangerous worlds like hell, ancient thulium ruins, etc."

Lisa looked at Jiang Xuan with interest.

"Hell? Doesn't that mean there is heaven?"

Westerners always have different expectations for heaven, and even Rita is not exempt from this.

"Heaven does exist, it is the dimensional world that comes with magic metal.

Jiang Xuan continued:

"But heaven is not as good as you think. There are angels in it, but angels... are hostile creatures.

"And the dangers in heaven are no lower than those in hell.

"Anyway, you can see it with your own eyes later."

"Now, the world we are going to is called the End.

Bronya's eyes lit up.

"Bronya heard from Yaoyao that the End is an important resource point in the MC world, and the dragons of the Dragoon Army are all brought back from the End.

"indeed so."

Jiang Xuan led everyone through the gate and arrived at a strange portal.

Compared with other portals, this one looks very strange when it is laid flat.

"The scenery of the end is very special, and there are many monsters, mainly endermen."

"Endermen will drop ender pearls, which are used for teleportation. However, we now have an endermen ranch, so there is generally no need to hunt endermen in the wild."

"But correspondingly, Endermen can teleport, and the damage is not low. If you encounter them in the wild, if you are not familiar with them, it is easy to get into trouble."

"One more thing..."

Jiang Xuan glanced at Otto meaningfully and said softly:

"Ender crystal is also a specialty of the end0..."

A hint of helplessness flashed in Otto's eyes.

"My friend, I think this matter need not be brought up again and again.

Jiang Xuan laughed and jumped into the end portal first to disappear, followed closely by the others.

Otto and others observed for a while and found that nothing special could be seen, so they also got in.

They were really surprised that they could travel through the world through the portal.

After he came to his senses, he turned around and looked around.

Obviously, a transfer base has been set up around the portal, and many people are busy in it at this time.

Run to the next door with a bunch of supplies and put them in the box.

From time to time, you can still see someone holding a dragon egg and walking back cautiously.

Seeing that Qiana and others were very curious, Ningguang explained softly:

"Those are adventurers who have contributed to the alliance and MC. They exchanged the opportunity to become dragon knights in the Adventurer's Guild and are allowed to come and collect a dragon egg.

“So cool!”

Kiana sighed with unknown meaning, Ningguang chuckled and said:

"If you want, I can give you a dragon egg after the cooperation officially begins.


Kiana was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook her head and said:

"No! I mean, adventurers and adventuring guilds, etc., sound like the organizations that the protagonists in magic novels belong to.

"The protagonist becomes an adventurer, opens up the world, explores the unknown, and receives rewards. It feels very exciting!"

Hearing this, Ning Guang burst into laughter and said softly:

"Is that so... If you want, you can register as an adventurer in the future. The Adventurer's Guild is now controlled by the alliance, and the benefits are still very good.

"Can I do that too?"

Kiana's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Why not? Kiana, you are also very strong. It is an honor for the Adventurers Association to add 0.4 to your membership.

"Sister Ningguang, you are so kind!"

Kiana nodded seriously.

"From now on, I will not only be the Valkyrie, but also the adventurer Kiana!"


Bronya complained as usual, but in her heart she couldn't help but want to register Xi'er as an adventurer to explore the world together.


Date at public expense!

It’s exciting just thinking about it!

Otto had no interest in these things, but was very interested in the surrounding environment.

Below is pitch-black nothingness, with strange light spots scattered in all directions.

The land, vegetation, buildings, etc. all have a pale and rough feel.

"All in's a very stressful and unknown place. It's really hard for you to establish a base here.

"It's actually pretty good here."

Wendy scratched her cheek, spread her hands and said:

"Actually, the environment in hell is the worst, with magma everywhere.

"Really? It seems that I would like to visit if I have the chance."

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