Genshin Impact: Invite Nasida And Mc Build The Jingshan Palace

11. The First Step To Becoming A Senior Mining Man Is The Coal Mine!

"Check what you are carrying. Are you sure you have two pickaxes and a wooden sword?"

Jiang Xuan stood at the front of the mine.

Behind it is a dark mine with no end in sight.

Holding a shield in his left hand and a wooden sword in his right hand, he looked at the time with a serious expression.

Now is the time when the sun is just in the middle, so the time in the MC world is still easy to tell.

Anyway, there is no longitude and latitude. As long as the sun is overhead, it is noon.

This is a good time, at least it’s safe outside.

I just came here and looked around for a while, Jiang Xuan has confirmed that there is no coal mine at the door.

At the very least, there is nothing within a few dozen meters of the mine entrance.

This was a bit of a bad start, but it was getting late, so Jiang Xuan decided to take a gamble today.

Whether going to the top of the mountain or to other mines, too much time is wasted.

Before coming out, Jiang Xuan went to a good brother's house to pick up a few torches, which were barely enough for lighting.

"no problem!"

Ke Qing is also dressed the same as Jiang Xuan, with a shield in her left hand and a wooden sword in her right hand.

As for Gan Yu, he held a torch in one hand and a wooden pickaxe in the other.

After all, Jiang Xuan couldn't afford to bet on how many lives he had or whether Gan Yu and the others could be reborn.

Everything is still about safety.

Even though Gan Yu Keqing seems to have strong fighting ability, Gan Yu is still an immortal.

In the MC world, it still can't withstand a few slaps from zombies.

There is no way, the unreasonable world is so out of line.

"After going down, I will open the way at the front, Gan Yu will stand in the middle and be responsible for lighting, and Keqing will be at the back."

"If there is any problem, you can just evacuate backwards. Don't worry about me. Got it?"

Jiang Xuan gave last instructions to Ke Qing and Gan Yu.

The two of them also nodded seriously.

There is no need to worry about why Jiang Xuan should not be left behind. As a strong man who has fought countless times in battles.

They know when to take care of their teammates and when unnecessary worries are holding them back.

Jiang Xuan is obviously more experienced than them. Instead of worrying about whether Jiang Xuan can escape when the time comes, it is better to consider whether you can avoid dragging him down.

"Did you remember the techniques I taught you before?"

Jiang Xuan asked again.

Gan Yu's little head nodded rapidly.

He took out his wooden pick and drew on the wall.

"If you are surrounded by zombies, immediately lean against the wall and dig in, then put blocks behind you to block the zombies' attack path."

"When encountering a skeleton shooter, dig sideways. While retaining a breathing and observation port, make sure you are not within its shooting range."

"If you encounter a green four-legged monster, you must set up a shield as soon as possible. If there is a water source, run to the water!"

Gan Yu repeated it steadily, and Jiang Xuan was relieved.

Although there are still many scary things in the mines, such as annoying silverfish, slimes, spiders...

Sometimes there may even be a black one.

But those things don’t appear very frequently. Relatively speaking, zombies, noobs, and creepers are the most troublesome.

Especially the hordes of novices who were turned into hedgehogs every minute.

There are too many dangers in the mines, including zombies with enchanted weapons and equipment, small zombies that run very fast, etc...

But Jiang Xuan obviously didn't have time to talk about this.

I can only go down and pay more attention.

"Besides remembering these, there is one more important thing!"

Jiang Xuan raised his finger, Gan Yu tilted her head and thought about it, and said happily:

"I won't take half a step away from Jiang Xuan, I won't stand in front of you, and I won't dig underground casually!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xuan clapped his hands with a smile.

"Congratulations, Gan Yu has initially qualified and became an entry-level miner!"

"Is it just entry-level?"

Jiang Xuan was joking, but Gan Yu sounded serious.

He sighed with some regret.

"Sure enough, mining is also a great knowledge, I still have to work hard!"

Jiang Xuan pursed his lips in embarrassment, turned around and waved his hand:

"Get ready, let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ke Qing picked up the shield without saying a word and followed Gan Yu vigilantly, while Gan Yu also raised the torch seriously.

Although they are very powerful, they are not always lone wolves.

There have been many times when there should have been cooperation.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan also put down his last worry and completely handed over his back to Keqing and the others.

With the help of Gan Yu's torch light, Jiang Xuan and the others carefully groped deeper into the mine.

It's not that he's making a fuss, he really doesn't want to bet on whether he will die...

The road in the mine is a bit rugged and not easy to walk.

However, this is also the feeling under the top light and shadow materials.

It's essentially a world of blocks. No matter how difficult it is to move around, it's still easy.

Especially the three of them are not ordinary people.

In a short while, it had advanced more than fifty meters.

The sunlight coming from outside the mine has completely disappeared.

In the dark mine, only Gan Yu's torch, which was neither weak nor bright, illuminated.

Although Ke Qing and Gan Yu are already big-hearted, they still get nervous in this kind of environment.

At the very least, Jiang Xuan could feel Gan Yu's breathing behind him becoming more and more rapid.

Faintly, it feels like it's sticking to my back.

Jiang Xuan smiled bitterly, no one was immune to the pure black environment, and so was Gan Yu.

Putting away the wooden sword, Jiang Xuan gently held Gan Yu's wrist.

Gan Yu seemed to be panicked for a moment and subconsciously raised his head.

In the darkness, Jiang Xuan's eyes flashed brightly, and in an instant, the panic in Gan Yu's heart disappeared without a trace.

"Don't be afraid."

Jiang Xuan comforted the two of them softly.

"Watch your step."

Go ahead and keep your focus on the front.

He needs to be wary of monsters that may arrive, and Gan Yu will come soon when it comes to looking for minerals.

The mines here are so conspicuous. A little green among the thousands of flowers can be seen by anyone who is not blind.

Although he knew that Jiang Xuan just comforted him casually, Gan Yu calmed down inexplicably.

Take a deep breath and cheer yourself up from the bottom of your heart.

Focused on the surroundings.

Not far from entering the mine, there is a high probability of coal and iron mines.

This is what Jiang Xuan said.

The coal mine is dark, and the iron ore is a little white?

This is how Gan Yu remembers it.

With the help of the weak firelight, Gan Yu continued to patrol the surroundings.

Jiang Xuan in front was actually a little nervous.

He didn't expect that this mine was so outrageous. It had been so long since he'd been here and there was still no coal mine.

This is outrageous.

After all, there is still a shortage of manpower. If there were enough people, Jiang Xuan would directly lead people to dig from the top of the mountain.

If the mine is dark, just open a sinkhole for him and he can dig as much as he wants.

After complaining for a while, Jiang Xuan heard the faint roar of zombies in his ears.

But if you listen carefully, it should be coming from through the wall.

Simply, Jiang Xuan didn't say anything to make them nervous.

He estimated that it was more than a hundred meters into the mine.

If you go further, you can't get in with just three or four torches.

Jiang Xuan was also thinking about whether he should go back and make adjustments if he had a bad start today, and then come back to another mine tomorrow.

Suddenly, Gan Yu grabbed Jiang Xuan with his backhand.

He suppressed his excitement and said:

"Jiang Xuan! I saw it! It's so dark! It's a coal mine, right?"

Jiang Xuan was stunned for a moment, took out a torch from his backpack, followed the direction of Gan Yu's finger, walked over quickly and plugged in the torch.

Suddenly, the surroundings were bright.

Jiang Xuan took a closer look and laughed immediately.

He turned his head and nodded with some certainty.

"That's right! Coal mines! Lots and lots of coal mines!"

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