"Please wait here"

What led us out of the reception room was a hall-sized room that seemed like a party that was blown out all the way upstairs.

The entire hall is illuminated by the light of day that plugs through skylights and upstairs windows, and white wallpapers add up for a clean and bright look.

Luxurious chair just up the front step.

It would also be made during the so-called gaze.

If we bring in tables and chairs, we're going to have a dinner party.

"How much, what shall we do? I'm getting nervous......!

I giggle at Riesha, who looks around me restlessly.

"I'm talking, Risha's talking. Protect me. Look, it's not much different from what you always do, is it?

"That's right, but uhh..."

No, I'm totally swallowed up by the atmosphere.

I snuck up on my shoulder and held Reesha's hand if I was at all distracted.

Places like this are vast in vain and luxurious in vain, which also means putting psychological pressure on visiting humans.

So Risha got totally into it during the operation.

Well, I can't help it.

A person is not a person in front of him, but a creature that can be feared or looked down upon solely by the title that accompanies that person.

The pressure you feel if your opponent is also in power will be considerable.

"Think about it. The day we first met, we stood around the king's holy knight opponent, didn't we? Risha even tried to pull out her sword. Don't you think this isn't going to change?


"You don't have to feel it. As usual, Risha will eliminate any imminent danger to me. [M] I asked for it."

Hands held back forcefully instead of replies.

I gripped it back so hard that I couldn't beat it, just as I split the temperature between my hands a little cold.

After waiting as it is for a while, the door on the top side of the sandalwood opens and Geolas shows himself.

When I fell on my knees and lowered my head, Reesha followed suit.

"Excuse me, have I kept you waiting"

No, you don't care about us.

"That's good. Please make it easier. I thought I said I'd welcome you as my guests."

That's what Geolas urges to lift his head.

Standing up according to honesty, I saw eye to eye with Chancellor Alan, who was also on his knees.

There are only four people in this hall: Geolas, Alan, and me and Leisha.

It looks like… but there will be several escorts lurking just because they are not visible at all.

Of course there should be close guards and maids waiting outside the room.

Assuming it becomes a violence-development, you can consider it hopeless to escape safely.

"Well, let me ask you something, Rosie. Your mother's words."

"Yes, of course."

Take one big, deep breath.

The brain slowly began to spin, as if fresh air filled with lungs had been switched.

"Let me start by asking you one thing about Grace M. Geolas."

At that moment, the air flickers.

I somehow knew by my senses that I was suddenly trying to step into an area where I shouldn't.

"He's dead, right, about a month ago"

Chancellor Alan's eyebrows rise.

"I denied that earlier. My mother says she's in therapy in a distant land--"

"Do you really think so?"

"What are you trying to say?

Here Alan opened his mouth.

Perhaps to keep Geolas from saying extra things.

"Then I'll ask you, Chancellor Alan. Where is Master Grace cured?

"Don't feel the need to teach that to your Lord. If you really want to know, why don't you guess what you're good at and what you do?

I smile and snort at Alan telling me to mock him. [M]

"You can't."

When I answer immediately, Alan laughs at me strangely.

"Ha, no, excuse me. Did you hear that, Master Geolas, these people are still stingy. Drive him back early."

"It's Master Geolas who can decide that, not you"

Alan's sharp gaze flies.

With those eyes, I showed Geolas in my jaw.

"… Logie, can you tell me why you think so?"

"Okay. Let's start with the three puzzling events that come with it."

Loosen your collar and stick one hand in your pocket.

"First. Even though Master Grace disappeared, it was too late for the rumors to spread around."

"It hasn't disappeared, so why not?"

I finger Alan, who says anything stupid. [M]

"If it hasn't disappeared, how come rumors of Lady Grace's disappearance have suddenly become popular lately? If Lady Grace was telling the people below that she was going to sick care far away, wouldn't the rumors be popular in the first place?

"Lady Grace is an influential man, and if he is ill, it will lead to anxiety among the people. So I was only telling some trusted people."

"I see, that's strange"

"What's wrong?"

"That's what I think the rumors will soon spread. If the mother of the present lord is missing, it will be important."

"Master Geolas' subordination is loyal to his duties. Oh, and don't leak inside information."

I'll put two fingers up to that word.

"What is it?"

"Two days."

"So I hear what you're talking about"

The number of days until the rumor that "a dignitary is missing", which I circulated, turns into the rumor that "Master Grace is missing”. Unfortunately, it was just an overestimation. "

For the first time, Alan looks at me with animosity. [M]

Looks like you finally recognized me as your enemy here.

That was a long time ago.

"The cause of the time-lag until the rumors spread —— wasn't there something else that disappeared the day Master Geolas disappeared? For example, yes. Three maids who were particularly close to Lady Grace."

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