Going down the stairs taken by Guys, it was seemingly just a warehouse room.

That means you can fake it.

It won't be possible to pick it up just because you stepped in without any previous information.

Guardman is a good Gatai man and two long men.

He was dressed as a warehouse organizer while keeping his eyes open to anyone but customers.

"That, Mr. Guys? What about that kid over there?

Gatai looks at me better and points at me and says:

Long ones have turned their gaze toward me, acknowledging me with a surprised face.

"Dealer aspirations. It was funny, so I brought him in to give it a try."

The two of them say yes briefly.

"My husband and I are called good Guys, and I leave too much work to the kid. Since when has this place been an orphanage?

"Ha, sure! That lady can fight, but she's still a kid. It's too dangerous to watch, you know?

Apparently there are other kids working here besides me.

Just the right way to get all the information out here.

"I was wondering if you could show me to that orphanage and do it sooner than that. Beyond that wall, right?

When I say and point at them, they look at each other and then look at the wall. [M]

When the long one turned this way, it was definitely because his gaze was only stopping there for a moment.

"... here's the thing"

Guys sighing like a scratch.

"You kid...... what!

"It's Class A stuff that reproduces up to the touch, huh? What the hell happened to just seeing it without any magical interference..."

Thanks again, no matter how much you put on a perfect disguise you'll never know by the looks of it, it's easier to see through than a person who knows its existence can't hide the information.

Besides, if you look closely, you can see multiple footprints of none of the four people here walking against the wall for some reason.

The person you're after will soon notice, and you have to turn this off.

"Hey, come on, open up."

To the two who remain wolfy for a while, Guys shows the wall with his jaw as he hurries.

He took something blue bar-shaped out of his pocket with a facial expression that he didn't know how long he was.

Well, is that the rumored magic guide?

"…" The book goes down, the curtain goes up "

When the length is short, the magic guide shines only for a moment.

Shortly afterwards, I thought something like noise ran on the wall and scratched it off, and an iron door appeared.

I see, you were magically covering it up.

Speech recognition or euphemism, you can't disarm a disguise just because you have a magic guide.

"What do you say, maybe?"

"Yeah, yeah... somehow, you're a horrible kid"

I give a hand to a good Gatai man who says so. [M]

"It's not the kid, it's the logic, it's nice to meet you"

"Mm, oh, oh. I'm Bay."

Hold Bay's hand in confusion.

By the way, the skin of my hand was thickened.

It's a common hand in a human being who was shaking something heavy.

"You're a former soldier. For your information, can you tell me what kind of weapon you were fighting with?

"Battle Axe... but you, you even know that?

Does this hand feel like an axe, okay? Let's remember.

"Thanks Bay. Don't worry, I'm not going to reveal a secret I don't want you to know."

Stretch your back and gently tap twice from shoulder to arm.

I also did some checking on how to muscle for the future.

Then he turns to the long-sleeved man and he freaks out blatantly.

Guess what. This one's magical.

He's mentally intrigued by his confident disguise.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I'll give you the trick seeding through that wall."

"Is... trick?

"Oh, look here. You got a lot of footprints, don't you?

On your knees and point to the ground.

The long-sleeved man also crouched his knee and became the same height of his eyes as mine.

"Oh, sure."

"As I follow this destination... you see, it's all up against that wall. That's why I knew there was a door over there."

Length exhaled even his eyeballs for a long time on too simple a seed.

Put your hands on both disappointingly dropped shoulders.

"I'm going to let you work here, too, and I suggest you turn it off regularly. It's okay, because I had no idea by the looks of it, your brother's arms are real."

"Oh, yeah?

Brightness has returned to the long look.

Drop and then raise.

It's basic in the basics of people's hearts and minds, but it feels good when you decide this well.

"Of course, it's my pleasure. I'm Rosie."

"I'm Roy. Sorry to insult you earlier, but you're welcome."

Shake hands that are really friendly.

This one was the normal hand of an adult man, with nothing particularly unusual about it.

Now, I can say it's a smooth slide out of what took unexpected time.

I know it won't be possible to earn the full tuition here, but this kind of illigual organization is easier to do something with to gather information.

It was to say goodbye to the two of us, who had become just a little close, and step into the hot casino with Guys.

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