Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 744 Looking for the Fire Spring

After "Chi Liu" took a sip of the sweet egg juice, he felt a mild cooling feeling in his belly, and the hot feeling caused by walking through the firethorn bushes also subsided little by little.

The egg juice had just entered the mouth, and everyone in the July mercenary team opened their eyes.

My stomach, which was already empty from hunger, felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, and the pain in my mouth was temporarily relieved.

Yue Jinghua also had a look of surprise on her face. What Qingpu said was true. This kind of ostrich eggs can relieve the heat when eaten raw, and can keep out the cold when eaten roasted. It is an indispensable ingredient for surviving in the ruins of Shenyun.

"If I had known, I would have stolen a few more. Captain, this thing is so delicious. I have never eaten such delicious eggs in my life." Luo Pan's little eyes narrowed happily, which is not to say that Bird eggs taste so delicious. For a group of people who have been hungry for two days and one night, even bark and grass roots are delicious.

"Don't steal too many eggs. After the eggs leave the nest, they can only be kept for one day at most. Also, this area is the territory of the red dwarf ostrich. If you steal too many eggs, once they are discovered, they will be sniped by the red dwarf ostrich." It’s not that delicious anymore,” Yue Jinghua had no intention of using the eggs of the red dwarf ostrich as his only source of food.

On the one hand, it is because she is a person with strong modern environmental awareness.

She understands that in the Godfall Ruins where there are a large number of Warcraft, invading the interests of a small number of Warcraft will not lead to too bad consequences, but if excessive demands are made and eventually provoke a joint counterattack by the Warcraft, then it is not worth it.

On the other hand, Yue Jinghua also analyzed the current situation very accurately.

In the ruins of the Godfall where water and food are also scarce, a large number of battle teams, fugitives, and even mercenaries and mystics from other continents poured in. There must be countless people frantically looking for food and water.

Under such circumstances, no matter how well the July Team concealed their actions, it would be difficult for them to escape the eyes and ears of other team members. Not to mention that the eggs of the red dwarf ostrich also have excellent effects in repelling the cold and heat.

After what happened to Salman, Yue Jinghua didn't want her team members to become the target of public criticism again. She would never allow anyone to be injured or robbed in the ruins of Shen Yun.

Anyway, Qingpu also explained that as long as unhatched monster eggs and insect eggs are edible, she only needs to find a substitute for the red dwarf ostrich. Only under special circumstances will she collect the eggs of the red dwarf ostrich. .

After sharing his thoughts with the mercenaries, they thought about it for a moment and agreed with Yue Jinghua's idea.

Everyone spent a short time processing and roasting the eggs of the red dwarf ostrich, which could extend the shelf life of the eggs by three to five days.

While roasting the eggs, Luo Pan seemed to have said something unintentionally, "Captain, when I climbed up the flame arrow tree just now, I found that the view from the top of the arrow tree was very wide, and it seemed that I could see most of the landscape of the ruins of the gods. There is also a small part of the mountain scenery shrouded in fog.”

The shortest flame arrow tree is more than ten meters tall, and the tallest one is even tens of meters high. It is far higher than the surrounding short bushes. It is not surprising that the landscape of other areas can be seen from the top of the tree.

The compass was just a glimpse. He was a little afraid of heights and was afraid that the female ostrich that had left the nest would return, so he took a quick look and climbed down.

Compass' words reminded Yue Jinghua that if he stood high and could see far away, he could still see traces of some nearby flying monsters, and even hope to find the whereabouts of the Huoleng Spring that had never been found.

Jian Yue Jinghua looked at him with a deep look on his face, and Luo Pan immediately looked like a chaste and martyr woman who would rather die than surrender when she met a ****, "Captain, don't let me go up again. It's not long before dark now." , when I go up, I will definitely meet the mother bird returning to its nest, and I don’t want to fall from a high altitude and be smashed into a meat pie.”

After dark, the weather turns cold, and the monsters that go out for food will return to the bird's nest. It is indeed more dangerous, but they crawled in the bushes for an hour, and even with the help of Xie Gongtu, they could not find the whereabouts of Huolengquan. , If this continues, she will probably have to return to the temple to find the violent master.

"I'm going up this time. If I don't have any news within half an hour, you can go back first." Yue Jinghua brought a roasted red ostrich egg and prepared for the worst.

"Captain, you can't take risks alone!" Feng Buhui stopped him, Qin Dongting also looked disapproving, and Luo Pan also looked embarrassed when he heard this.

"Don't worry, I have armor to protect me," Yue Jinghua said, and her skin was covered with a layer of rose-red armor that was as beautiful as the sunset.

Raori Helmet, the battle armor she obtained from the Dragon Palace in the Sky, is almost like an artifact. It can protect Yue Jinghua from the arrow wood sprayed from the flame arrow wood.

Everyone in the July mercenaries thought that only Yue Jinghua was the best at adapting to the situation, so they could only support the captain's decision.

After Yue Jinghua made the decision to climb a tree and have a distant view, she looked around.

Since he wanted to climb high, he naturally wanted to find the tallest tree species. Yue Jinghua chose a flame arrow tree with the thickest tree body and a tall crown that was more than 500 years old.

As the sun sets, the crown of the flame arrow tree, which is no less than fifty meters high, looks like a cluster of ignited flames.

Yue Jinghua's figure moved, like a gecko, clinging to the tree, wandering straight up the arrow tree.

After just a few breaths, everyone under the tree lost sight of her.

Yue Jinghua climbed more than ten meters in one go.

The climb ahead was very smooth, with almost no obstacles encountered. After twenty meters, the surrounding flame arrow trees were forgotten.

At this time, Yue Jinghua heard a tiny crisp sound like cracking silk coming from above his head.

Looking up, her face couldn't help but change color.

The densely packed arrowwood leaves shot over like arrows lit with fire.

Flame Arrow Wood is a type of devil wood. When attacked by strangers or monsters, it will automatically attack.

Although Yue Jinghua was protected by Raori's armor, she didn't dare to take on such a sea of ​​arrows.

Her feet were hung upside down on golden hooks, and her thighs clamped a treetop of the arrowwood. She swayed slightly, like a nimble gibbon, swaying around nimbly, dodging the attacks of the arrowwood one by one.

For the remaining tens of meters, every five meters she climbed, Yue Jinghua would encounter a new round of attacks. With her skill, she accidentally got hit by a few arrows. She wondered why the compass had been shot into the shape of a hedgehog just now.

Fortunately, Yue Jinghua was protected by armor and was very agile, so she climbed all the way up without any danger. By the time she was about to climb to the top of the tree, it was already nearly half an hour later.

The sky had completely darkened, and the chilly night wind made the treetops roar like fire clouds.

Yue Jinghua took a few steps and quickly jumped up to the tree crown.

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