Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 738 Getting angry

With a "chi" sound, under the crazy attacks of the two desperadoes, Razer received another wound on his body.

This wound hurt the muscles and bones, cutting through the hard snake skin of the thunder snake, and the flesh and blood immediately burst, revealing the white bones inside.

Although it hit Razer, it was like it was hurt on Salman, and her body couldn't stop trembling.

Salman suppressed the anger that was about to burst out of his chest, and forcibly took the thunder snake back into the beast ring. As a result, the two profound practitioners pressed towards her step by step.

At the critical moment, several mysterious practitioners jumped down from a low altitude. One of them, with a cold face and handsome appearance, was none other than Fa Xiaoyi.

"Female Beast Master, you cannot resist these two fugitives. Step aside and after we kill him, hand over the merit ring in your hand." Fa Xiaoyi did not look directly at Salman. In his opinion, weak people are not worthy of his serious treatment.

Using a dozen merit points in exchange for her life was an act of kindness and righteousness.

I thought that such a rescue would definitely bring tears of gratitude from the other party, but I didn't know that there was a firm rejection from behind: "Go away, they are mine."

The members of the Martial Team suddenly found it funny. They didn't look like the members of the team. They were poor in strength and couldn't even use their brains.

At this time, if you still want to monopolize the military exploits, you are really desperate.

Fa Xiaoyi was about to reprimand him, but at this moment, his eyes darkened and he noticed something unusual.

The embarrassed female mercenary stood up with great effort, a dazzling light emitted from her eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

That smile made Fa Xiaoyi feel very familiar, that smile... He had seen it in Yue Xiaoqi, a smile that was unyielding in the face of difficulties, fighting to the death and defending dignity.

His heart seemed to be pinched by a big hand.

At this time, if it was Jinghua, what would she do?

Salman completely ignored Fa Xiaoyi's surprised look. In her heart, she recalled Yue Jinghua's reaction when faced with such a dilemma.

Caressing a beast ring on his finger, Salman still remembered what Yue Jinghua told him when he gave him this ring: "This is my snow-land animal husbandry in July. Your spiritual power It is very weak and should not be used unless absolutely necessary."

This is her trump card, the trump card left to her by Yue Jinghua.

Salman feels that now is the time for her to show her trump card.

Blood appeared on her chapped lips, her pupils shrank, and the beast ring emitted a stinging light.

The temperature of the firethorn bush suddenly dropped, and snowflakes fell in this area.

Among the snowflakes, several graceful figures of shepherdess snakes carrying a chilling aura appeared, including five younger women and one elderly snake girl.

After Yue Jinghua's careful conditioning, these snake girls, who were originally helpless and had no choice but to fight to survive in the Colosseum, have undergone a completely different transformation.

Everyone was wearing a snowy priest robe, and their whole body exuded an inviolable and sacred light.

That is?

Fa Xiaoyi suddenly opened his eyes wide. He saw a star array on the foreheads of the shepherd snakes who had just appeared. Summoner?

Could this female breeder in front of me be a summoner?

As a result, the strength of the Sibu team was far underestimated.

The members of the martial arts team were also surprised. They did not expect that Salman, who was at the end of his rope, would launch a desperate counterattack.

Even if they didn't know what a summoner was, from the sudden change in the captain's eyes, the team members had already realized something unusual.

These half-human and half-snake women look delicate, but the cold aura emanating from their bodies makes people shudder. They are not mysterious beasts or magical beasts, but rather pure and pure holy beasts.

The next scene shocked the members of the Martial Team even more.

"Kill, leave no one behind," Salman's voice was low and bloodthirsty, and blood flashed across her eyes.

That old priest is the old priest Snake Girl who was tortured to death by the evil poison. She has recovered 80 to 90% of her strength with the help of green liquid. "Yun Wu, the master entrusted us to take care of her best friend. You can Give Miss Salman a helping hand.”

"Grandma, Yun Wu obeys your orders," said the beautiful snake girl who was 70% or 80% similar to Long Rui. She looked at the two mysterious practitioners with only disgust in her eyes.

These fugitives, who exuded evil spirits and had lewd looks, reminded her of those demons who massacred her people in the snowy land.

"Goddess of Wind and Snow, please grant me the storm of snow to crush all evil and filthy things," Yunwu sang, and the remaining four priestesses behind her also sang along.

I saw a dark cloud appear in the extremely clear sky, and the originally sparse snowflakes fell like goose feathers.

The snowflakes were crystal clear, looked as soft as feathers, and seemed to have no lethality at all.

Put away all the girls' things." When the two profound practitioners saw the Martial Team, they already had the intention of quitting.

“But they didn’t expect that the female profound practitioner would stop her without risking her life.

The strength of a group of mysterious practitioners carrying magical beasts cannot be underestimated.

"It's just a bunch of girls, let's take care of them together," the two fugitives Xuanzhe's eyes flashed with poison, and they rushed forward like swift leopards.

Unexpectedly, they are not close yet,

The snowflakes turned into rotating snow wheels in mid-air.

Each small snow wheel is like a rapidly rotating blade under the blazing light. Although it is made of ice and snow, its lethality is amazing. Wherever it touches, people's skin will be instantly torn.

Where is the snow wheel? It is clearly a blood wheel that kills people.

When the two profound practitioners realized the power of this snow wheel, they were already deeply surrounded by the blood wheel. When they tried to escape, it was already too late.

"I will cut as many wounds as you make on Razer," Salman pursed his lips and chuckled.

"Chichichi," like trapped animals trapped in a cage, the two profound practitioners were helpless, and each snow wheel cut the blood vessels on their bodies.

The battle was very tragic, it was an absolute massacre.

The members of the Martial Arts Team felt their throats sore and felt chills rising from the soles of their feet.

After a period of fighting, the snowflakes disappeared, leaving only two lifeless corpses on the ground.

Almost at the same time, Salman, who had exhausted all his mental energy, fell to the ground as if he had lost all strength.

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