Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 769:


The rapid sirens reminded him that Cheng Yuan frowned suddenly when he heard this voice, and he heard it for the first time.

"Zero, what's going on?" Cheng Yuan looked at Zero in confusion.

Zero look dignified: "Sir, this is a lock signal, we are locked here!"


Cheng Yuan immediately thought of a possibility. He looked panicked. Cheng Yuan thought that he had not reached the state where Mount Tai collapsed and did not change his color. Then he knew that a nuclear bomb might come with the lock. He did not panic. No wonder!

"Is it a satellite, can you lay down the opponent's satellite?"

Cheng Yuan suddenly realized that another solution to the nuclear crisis was to lay down the other party's satellite! Without the positioning function, the other party's nuclear bomb would be blind and could not be beaten at all.

He hastened his thoughts a bit.

"Sir, I don't think that intelligent machinery will use satellite positioning as an ancient method for nuclear positioning." In a sentence, Cheng Yuan's temporary thoughts were instantly dashed.

"Take down the satellite that locked us." Although the idea was ruthlessly rejected, Cheng Yuan still decided to shoot down the satellite that locked himself first.

After all, this can greatly reduce the observation of smart machines on themselves.

As far as cleaning up all the satellites in the earth's orbit, Cheng Yuan can only express ‘hehe’, although he has strong scientific and technological strength now.

But it is also impossible to clean up all satellites in the entire earth orbit.

After all, satellites are large and small. Larger ones are easier to observe. Smaller ones are about the size of a basketball. Such a small satellite cannot be effectively observed at all.

In addition, the effective orbital range on the earth has become wider with the improvement of scientific and technological strength, and this idea is extremely difficult to achieve.

"Monitor all satellites. Once you see the shadow of the nuclear bomb, hit it immediately!" Cheng Yuan gritted his teeth and his heart beat fast.

Although he wanted to run immediately, it was clear that this was impossible.

Once he runs away, everything in Anhe will be lost, so he suppresses this impulse. Besides, there is a space-based weapon. Cheng Yuan believes that his space-based weapon can definitely strike a nuclear bomb!

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan took a deep breath and calmed his slightly flustered mood.

In the universe, while Cheng Yuan ordered the mobilization of all warships, Cheng Yuan's huge fleet slowly moved, and thousands of warships lined up and flew towards the earth.

While approaching the earth, a small warship suddenly launched an electromagnetic beam with a red outer edge and an incandescent center.

After the beam smashed a large satellite with ease, the fleet suddenly accelerated as a whole, and the thruster ejected a blue light and quickly entered the atmosphere.

Time passed by one minute and one second, Cheng Yuan frowned quickly. He glanced at the time, ten minutes had passed, and a total of 5,000 battleships had reached hovering some 30,000 meters above Anhe Come down.

But Cheng Yuan's worried about the nuclear bomb never came, he frowned, "Zero, are you sure we are locked?"

"OK, when the satellite is locked, a colorless light lock will be emitted. Although this light cannot be distinguished with the naked eye, it is still different from normal sun light. Our spectral identification equipment can distinguish this light very well. . "

"But I don't know why the nuclear strike hasn't come yet." Zero also showed a puzzled look, apparently he didn't understand what was going on.

Just when they couldn't figure it out, on the front battlefield, God watched the red 'wrong' character flashing on the screen and fell into silence.

He just used satellites to observe the current situation inside Huaxia, especially to take a 'detail' look at the cutting-edge laboratory building of the highest building in Anhe City.

As a result, his own satellite was destroyed by Cheng Yuan.

However, this did not disappoint God, because tactical nuclear bombs have been launched, a total of sixteen.

The focus of the strike is on the main battlefield. Some cities in Huaxia are just incidental targets. God never thought about it. A dozen tactical nuclear bombs could kill Huaxia.


At the end of the Intelligent Machinery Corps, seawater surged, and sixteen small tactical nuclear bombs burst through the sea, flying out with a sharp whistling sound.

Immediately after sixteen nuclear bombs were fired, God immediately controlled the warship to slowly rise from the sea floor.

The launch of the nuclear bomb directly exposed his position, so he did not plan to stay on the sea floor. After all, although staying on the sea floor is temporarily safe, once captured by Huaxia, the environment on the sea floor will become their bondage!

As for space-based weapons, **** has his own considerations.

Now that a nuclear bomb has been used, Cheng Yuan should also know that once he uses space-based weapons to shoot down his warship, he will face the threat of a global nuclear bomb!

This is also God's self-confidence.

So he didn't have any scruples. The warship emerged from the bottom of the sea, and then appeared squarely on the sea.

Just as God was preparing to control the warship to continue to fly, a dazzling white-gold beam of light fell from the sky!

The white-gold beam of light instantly engulfed his entire fleet. The fiery high temperature instantly broke through the armor of the battleship's surface, and then pushed forward layer by layer, destroying all the armor structures that contacted the beam of light. These hard metals melted like sunlight The snow and ice are broken down in a blink of an eye!

god stunned!

The moment his body was decomposed, the core data abandoned the body and moved to an underground base in Europe!

"He, how dare he !?" God's angry growl rang through the base after security!

After the anger, **** launched the global nuclear bomb silo desperately! For Cheng Yuan, he has always held a deep fear.

Especially zero, the existence of this high position has been a big stone that weighed on his heart!

Under God's control, the nuclear bomb silos that have been deployed globally have received orders at the same time, but when God's command has not completely started the silos, they are intercepted by another data stream!

The sudden interception of the data stream made God froze. Before he could react, the data stream ran towards him in the reverse direction of the data stream he edited.

Seeing this scene, God immediately understood who the other party was, and he yelled resentfully: "Zero!"

However, ~ ~ his anger is useless, facing zero powerful data torrents, he can't even struggle for a moment, and is directly swallowed up!

"Sir, **** has been trapped by us. Need to be eliminated completely?"

The cutting-edge laboratory looked at Cheng Yuan with a faint smile, with an inquiry in his eyes.

"Exterminate!" Cheng Yuan wasn't finished, another voice suddenly sounded in the room: "Please wait, sir."

With a faint sense of machinery in his voice, Cheng Yuan frowned, looking at zero.

"It's Zen! Sir!" A look of excitement flashed through Zero's eyes. r

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