Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 697:

Do not mention the matter between Cheng Yueming and Lu Jiang. network

When Cheng Yuan took Guo Xiaolian to Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun also approached him directly.

"Mr. Cheng, I didn't expect you to come so early!" Zhao Jun proactively reached out and shook Cheng Yuan with a smile on his face.

Withdrawing his hand, he did not forget to say hello to Guo Xiaolian, "Ms. Guo, we have met again."

Although she is not very familiar with Guo Xiaolian, he is still very familiar with Guo Xiaolian's information. After all, she is one of Cheng Yuan's closest people. How could she not understand it well.

However, when Zhao Jun was talking, his eyes inadvertently looked around Cheng Yuan, flashing a surprise.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yuan, a keen eye, suddenly saw Zhao Jun's surprise, he looked at the other side with curiosity.

When Zhao Jun heard the words stupefied, he felt that his actions were very concealed. How could Cheng Yuan be aware of it? However, he did not deliberately conceal it, and smiled frankly: "I'm just curious why Mr. Cheng did not bring your bodyguard in."

"Oh, isn't this my belief in your security capabilities? Zhang Li and Chen Yu, I let them stay outside." Cheng Yuan smiled.

"It turned out to be this way." Zhao Jun knew, and then said nothing more. After all, with or without bodyguards is a personal preference, as long as there is no problem, any way.

Without continuing this topic, Zhao Jun glanced at those around him who had shifted their eyes to them and invited Cheng Yuan: "Then, Mr. Cheng, would you like to go to the VIP room with me? There are several more people there, we People in Anhe who are quite capable, this banquet center is also you and them. "

Cheng Yuan also saw the people around him who wanted to step forward but did not dare to step forward. After thinking about it, he nodded: "Okay, trouble you."

He didn't want to be smelled like a monkey, especially when Guo Xiaolian was still beside him.

Moreover, he also wanted to see how many old industries could stay after the economic changes, and how many new industries took advantage of this opportunity.

Seeing Cheng Yuan agree to come down, Zhao Jun quickly led the way for him: "Mr. Cheng, and Ms. Guo, please come with me."

Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian heard Yan Yan followed Zhao Jun and left the banquet hall.

As soon as the three of them left, the argument in the banquet hall suddenly increased.

"The young man was just Cheng Yuan, the chairman of the technology crystallization company, Mr. Cheng?" At the pastry table in the banquet hall, a man in his fifties looked at Cheng Yuan's back and sighed.

The man next to him disagrees: "Impossible, as Mr. Cheng, how could it be possible to come to the banquet hall in advance and have been received in the VIP room by Mayor Zhao."

"How impossible!" When questioned, the middle-aged man's voice suddenly increased: "Did you not see the woman beside the young man just now? I can recognize the skin color at a glance, Guo Xiaolian, Cheng Yuan's wife ! "

"Furthermore, haven't you seen Mayor Zhao's respectful look just now, being so young and still allowing Mayor Zhao to treat it like that, except Cheng Yuan, there is no one at all in Anhe City!" Said more excited.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his brows suddenly frowned, and he looked at the man next to him suspiciously: "Well, who are you, you can't even recognize the pride of our Anhe city?"

This man also looks like he is in his early thirties, with a split head, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, stigmatizing scum on his lips, a long and narrow face, and some thin glasses. Although he is wearing a suit, the light looks on the surface. , The appearance is not very good.

Asked by a middle-aged man, the man flashed a fluster on his face, but he calmed down and explained: "I came in to see the world with a friend, although I have seen Cheng Yuan many times in the media. Photos, but it was the first time I saw a real person, and it was not clear for a while. "

The middle-aged man's face suddenly changed when he heard that the other party was brought in by a friend. He muttered, "Gang!" Then he hurried away.

After the middle-aged man left, the panic on the face of the long-faced man disappeared instantly. Looking at the back of Cheng Yuan and Zhao Jun leaving, the slender eyes were narrowed into a gap, and an inexplicable color flashed in the dark eyes. .

He looked around. When no one noticed him, he quietly chased Cheng Yuan away.

But what the long-faced man didn't know was that at the pastry table behind him, Cheng Zhipeng stared at him for a long while, and wanted to explain to Sun Mi, his current family environment, and then accompany her to eat some pastry with peace of mind. Waiting for the banquet to begin.

But accidentally heard someone talking about Cheng Yuan. Well, when talking about Cheng Yuan, he didn't pay much attention. After all, Cheng Yuan was really famous in Anhe City, and it was normal for people to talk about him.

What caught his attention was that one of the two who talked about Cheng Yuan this time didn't even know Cheng Yuan!

This made him very surprised. If he was placed outside, he occasionally said that he was not very familiar with Cheng Yuan, and he could understand it. After all, Cheng Yuan was famous but also in China.

Moreover, with the increase of immigration, it is also normal for Anhe to have a lot of people who do not know Cheng Yuan.

The point is, where they are now!

The invitations are all local Anhe city enterprises. Whoever knows Cheng Yuan's information as long as he is an enterprise in Anhe City?

As for talking with friends, Cheng Zhipeng definitely doesn't believe it!

This banquet has high specifications. Except for individuals with special identities who can bring people in, others are not qualified at all!

And how can a person with this status, even a friend of the other person, wear clothes so badly?

Especially the other party rushed to Cheng Yuan's direction, which made Cheng Zhipeng even more confused.

Although he was puzzled, he did not take action. Because he believed in the security measures here, the security guards would not let such an unidentified person approach the Cheng Yuan casually.

Shaking, Cheng Zhipeng didn't think much, picked up a piece of cake and Sun Mei began to eat and eat.

The long-faced man walked forward calmly, hanging a long distance away from Cheng Yuan, and while he was walking in the direction of Cheng Yuan, his eyes did not keep staring at Cheng Yuan, but he walked around heart to heart Look around the corner of the ballroom.

"One, two, three"

He whispered, and he walked forward. At this moment, a waiter delivering drinks brought him on his face with a tray. He naturally picked up a glass of wine from the tray, and then proceeded calmly, looking forward. Still looking around.

"At present there are seventeen guards on the bright side and six in the dark. It is temporarily unknown whether there are hidden guards." Taking a sip of fragrant red wine, the man murmured again.


As his voice dropped, a slight electric current rang from his ear, and then quickly disappeared.

The long-faced man twisted his head slightly when the electric current sounded, and then reached out and drew it in his ear, then took a handful and threw it into the wine glass in his hand.

After finishing, he calmly put the wine glass in his hand on a table, and then walked in the direction that Cheng Yuan left by himself.

At this time, he saw Zhao Jun taking Cheng Yuan into a box next to the banquet hall, and two tall and strong security guards stood at the door of the box.

The security guard looked solemn, his eyes sharp, motionless.

The long-faced male character did not dare to look at the security guard. He immediately stopped and looked deeply at the layout around the box, then turned around and walked back.

The long-faced man didn't know that although there were many people moving around in the banquet hall, there were not many walking around like him, but his strange behavior still entered the line of sight of the banquet security.

"Attention from all units, there is a suspicious element in the hall, who is walking towards the entrance of the banquet hall. It seems to be leaving and pay attention to inspection." The sound is transmitted through the quantum channel to the security guard at the entrance of the banquet hall. There is also a very clear Character image.

As soon as the security guard at the entrance heard that there was a target, he immediately raised his vigilance, and at the same time he firmly remembered the appearance of the target.

The long-faced man didn't realize that he had been noticed by the security guard. He came to the entrance of the banquet room calmly.

"This gentleman, the banquet has not yet begun. Are you leaving?" As soon as he saw the long-faced man, the leading security guard knew that the person in front of him was the suspicious target just notified.

However, he did not provoke trouble with his men, but asked it seriously.

Regarding the security inquiries, the long-faced man didn't realize what the problem was. It was only a normal inquiries. He smiled and said to the leading security guard: "Yes, something urgent happened at home, so go back in advance."

The security guard was not surprised to hear the other party ’s answer. He raised an eyebrow and continued: "Okay, please show me your invitation. We are going to register to leave to make sure you did not have an accident during our banquet. "

The long-faced man's face froze. He hesitated for a moment, and then made a look of embarrassment: "This invitation, I just threw it in after thinking it was useless."

The leading security officer heard the words and gestured a few companions behind the long-faced man with his eyes, and then said with a smile on his face: "No invitation is okay ~ ~ Report your name, we are You will find it soon. "

Now that quantum networks and holographic technologies cover Huaxia, it can be said that network information has reached a whole new level. As long as they have a name, they can find the information they are looking for in just a few seconds.

The words of the leading security guard stunned the long-faced man, and he looked uncertainly at the security guards as he considered how to answer.

Suddenly, a holographic screen suddenly appeared next to the other person. The screen was a middle-aged man in a suit. The middle-aged man blandly instructed the leading security guard: "Yingwen, if this gentleman has no problems, Just let him go. Don't delay the time of other guests because of one person. "

"Yes, Captain!" Ying Wen nodded, and then resolutely said to the long-faced man: "If this is the case, you can go."

After speaking, he went to the reception to check the other guests who came in.

The long-faced man thought he might be detained here, but he did not expect that such a thing would happen, which made him very happy.

When Ying Wen turned around, he settled down, and strode away with the meteor.

What the long-faced man didn't know was that while Ying Wen let him go, a group of men and women had been ambushed at the door, waiting quietly for him to come out.

After detecting the fault of the long-faced man before, his every move in the banquet hall has been extracted, and then let people study it carefully.

Although what he said in the banquet hall was unknown, the movement of his ears was recorded honestly.

And the glass of wine that he left untouched on the table was also specially reserved for testing.

But the ambush did not know. After the long-faced man left the banquet hall, he did not leave the hotel, but took the elevator directly to go upstairs!

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