Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 693:

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened.

By the time of work, the traffic flow of the main traffic routes in the city has gradually increased, and neon lights and holographic billboards have been illuminated.

The lights of all colors converge, giving Anhe a touch of splendor.

Around 7.30pm, Jianguo Hotel, the most famous five-star hotel in Anhe City, was already full of various cars.

There are millions of luxury cars, and there are low-key models, but the ordinary license plate is not ordinary.

The security guard on duty at the entrance of the hotel has already been reminded by the manager, knowing that there is a very high-quality banquet tonight, and all the big people are coming!

So at this time, they had already gotten their spirits, their eyes were bright and clear, their bodies were quite straight, and they looked forward without squinting.

At this moment, a fiery red car slowly opened up from a distance, and the sharp-eyed doorman immediately met the car diligently when he saw the car.

The car stopped steadily at the hotel entrance, and two women in evening dresses came out from the car. The dresses were not **** and exposed, but they were dignified and elegant, completely covering the bodies of the two women.

"Sister, did you say that Cheng Yuan is here?" Cheng Yueming came down from the driver's seat and smiled at Cheng Yueying who got down from the passenger seat.

"How do I know, just call and ask." Cheng Yueying smiled slightly, and then the two walked toward the hotel holding hands.

The two did not lower their voices deliberately when they heard them. The security guards and the waiters around were all eyes bright when they lifted up, and they couldn't help looking at the two more.

After all, few of the people present did not listen to the name of the process far away.

Although it is not clear what the relationship between the two women and Cheng Yuan is, this does not hinder their attitude towards the two women.

Just as the two walked into the hotel lobby, a man in leather shoes and two women welcomed the spring breeze and welcomed him. Let me take you to the banquet hall. "

As the lobby manager of Jianguo Hotel, after learning that the government was going to put the banquet in their hotel, he laboriously collected information and photos of many characters.

I'm afraid of missing a big man!

After seeing Cheng Yueying and Cheng Yueming, he immediately came to the spirit. These two are the two most honorable identities he has encountered so far.

Although the two did not have any particularly outstanding achievements, their identity made the lobby manager dare not neglect.

"You are?" Cheng Yueming looked at Wang Tao in doubt.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Wang Tao, the lobby manager of the hotel. Are you here for the banquet tonight?" Although Wang Tao knew the identities of the two in front of him, he didn't naturally say that before the other side spoke. It would be stupid to explode the other's name.

Cheng Yueming nodded.

"That way, let me take you to the banquet hall." Wang Tao smiled, and then said to the two female receptionists: "You two are here to meet other guests, I will take these two ladies to the banquet hall first."

"Okay, manager." The two receptionists took a curious look at Cheng Yueming and Cheng Yueying who were almost the same as their age, and said respectfully.

"Well." Wang Tao nodded, and then personally took Cheng Yueming and Cheng Yueying to the banquet hall.

After they left, a female receptionist looked enviously at the two sisters leaving with Wang Tao's respectful companionship, "Xiao Zhen, who do you say these two are, the manager must accompany them in person."

"How do I know that those who can come to this banquet are not ordinary in status, let's do it well. If something goes wrong, the work will definitely be gone. You also know how difficult it is to find a job now." Xiaozhen Qiu Glancing his lips, his eyes turned outside.

Not long after the three Cheng Yuemings left, another car slowly stopped at the door. This was an Audi coupe. The pearl-black body radiated a bright light under the lights, which was very eye-catching.

A young man in a suit got out of the car, handed the key to the doorman, and walked into the lobby lightly.

The two female receptionists greeted her immediately. Xiaozhen immediately said, "Sir, are you attending the banquet tonight?" She said she still winked at the other party intentionally or unintentionally.

Her appearance would have been cursed by her companions if she had been in the past, but now she has turned a blind eye to it.

After all, the times have changed, the emergence of intelligent machinery has changed too much, and many financial companies that were originally wealthy have become empty overnight.

Those well-known entrepreneurs also became poor in an instant.

People who can still drive luxury cars today are basically in the industry, and the people in front of them are still so young. If they can get in touch with each other, they can't refuse.

"Yes, my name is Lu Jian. This is my invitation. Where is the banquet held?" Lu Jian glanced at the two female receptionists lightly, and did not worry about the other party's problems. Asked casually.

After all, 90% of the people who can come here tonight are going to a banquet. If they are staying outside, they will definitely bring a lot of luggage.

It's easy to tell.

follow me. Xiao Zhen didn't care about Lu Jian's complexion, still said with a smile, and then led Lu Jian first.

Lu Jian heard the words and kept up calmly.

Xiaozhen walked in front of her. She was voluptuous in a cheongsam, and with intentional twisting, it was even more attractive.

However, all her movements were done in vain, because although Lu Jian who followed her was looking straight ahead, if she looked closely, she would find that his pupils were at a loss, and it was obvious that her mind had broken down.

To be honest, his career has been smooth since boarding the Cheng Yuan aircraft carrier, although he is only a co-production plant of Lan Yin mobile phone, a technology crystal company.

But even so, he made a lot of money. Especially after the intelligent crisis swept the world, his factory was expanded again and again through technology crystallization.

He has provided tens of thousands of posts in the city, and it can be said that Lu Jian is also a prominent figure in the city.

Not only in Anhe, but even in the Lu family, his Lu Jian's right to speak is also a trivial matter. I thought he was an object of exclusion in the family at first, and he could be said to be rushed to Anhe.

As a result, he did not expect that his unloved family child broke into such a foundation in Anhe City, and when the intelligent crisis broke out and the entire family was in crisis, he alone was not only affected, but also his career. Booming.

After his career was successful, Lu Jian immediately brought his mother to Anhe City. After all, their mother and son were not to be seen at the Lu family, and he didn't want his mother to be blinded by others there.

Of course, Lu Jian does not mean that he developed a ruthless relationship with Lu Jiaen directly and stopped communicating. Although he was unhappy with some people in the Lu family, it did not mean that he could ignore anyone in the Lu family.

After all, he was able to come to Anhe City and he was also taken care of by some elders. Similarly, his starting capital was also provided by the elders.

He did not forget all these, so when the intelligent crisis had a great impact, he used his ability to keep the Lu family secure.

Today the family is at peace, but he is still depressed, the reason is simple, that is, the distance between him and the goddess in his heart is getting farther and farther.

At the thought that because of his hesitation, he did not dare to make too much contact with Cheng Yueming, which led to the current result. Lu Jian could not wait to hit the wall.

At the beginning, he had a good conversation with Cheng Yueming at the entrance of the hotel. At that time, Cheng Yueming's identity was not revealed. What a good chance to get closer?

"Ah!" Lu Jian sighed heavily in his heart.

After Lu Jian followed Xiaozhen blankly, his companions also received the newcomer at this time.

"This lady, how do you get to the banquet hall?" Cheng Zhipeng looked at the waiter in front of him with a smile. He thought he was wearing a relatively plain woman holding his arms. The two stood close together, but the woman looked A little nervous.

Although one hand was holding Cheng Zhipeng, the other hand was pulling the skirt from time to time.

When she heard Cheng Zhipeng's inquiries, she didn't dare to carelessly, and quickly put on a smile, and said softly, "Sir, if you want to go to the banquet hall, please follow me."

Cheng Zhipeng is different from Lu Jian just now. Lu Jian is single, so they can 'make fun' appropriately, but the one in front of her and the partner next to her are naturally afraid of any wrongdoing.

"Xiaomei, let's go." Cheng Zhipeng calmly said to the female companion next to her.

. Sun Mei responded nervously, and quickly raised her heels to catch up.

Seeing Sun Mei's performance, Cheng Zhipeng twitched his mouth. Although speechless, the smile on his face was more gentle.

"Don't be nervous, I will introduce you to my sister and my cousin later, they are easy-going." Cheng Zhipeng comforted Sun Mei with a few words.

"Oh, okay." Sun Mei stuttered, and her arms stiffened.

Feeling his girlfriend's condition, Cheng Zhipeng reluctantly scratched his head and continued to comfort: "Don't be nervous, relax!"

"Okay! I see." Sun Mei clenched her mouth and replied dryly.

Seeing this, Cheng Zhipeng also knew that talking and comforting was useless, and Sun Mei could only adapt slowly.

Following the waiter, the two came to the door of the banquet hall, and Cheng Zhipeng handed the invitation to the door security guard.

When the security guard saw the name of the invitation, he said respectfully to Cheng Zhipeng: "Mr. Cheng, please come in." He said he stood in front of the security gate and gave way to the VIP passage next to him.

Cheng Zhipeng had prepared for the security check before and unloaded his watch. As a result, the security move made him suddenly hesitate, and then he smiled awkwardly, and then pulled Sun Mei into the banquet hall.

The security move also caused many people in the banquet hall to fly unconsciously ~ ~ They frowned after seeing Cheng Zhipeng, because they found that the young man did not know them at all, but they were safe. Their attitude made them afraid to underestimate Cheng Zhipeng.

Because before, when they came in, they were all checked by the security!

Of course, except for the two women who just came in a while ago.

Cheng Zhipeng also stayed in the biopharmaceutical company for a short time. Facing the eyes of these people, he calmly walked with Sun Meichao's two familiar figures.

When they entered the banquet hall, Cheng Yuan, Guo Xiaolian, and Zheng Jia had just arrived at Jianguo Hotel, and the distinguished black Rolls-Royce docked slowly at the entrance of the hotel.

When they saw this car, everyone immediately became highly concentrated, because they all knew that the only Rolls-Royce in Anhe City was the car of the chairman of the technology crystal company!

When they saw the car, they knew that Cheng Yuan was here! (To be continued ...) () "The Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the viewpoint of the author's rushing black ants. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing healthy green Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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