Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 685:

Although there are some concerns about the unknown civilization, Cheng Yuan will not be afraid of the other person because of a name. If it really reaches the level of war, Cheng Yuan doesn't mind directly letting zero-to-all efforts to produce intelligent robots to join the battlefield. Use zero. network

For outsiders, perhaps intelligent robots are the strongest. After all, their existence can directly reverse the form of a battlefield.

But again, intelligent robots are also the most unstable.

After all, it is intelligent. If the intelligent internal program is breached and tampered by the other party, then the weapon in your own hands will likely become your own butcher knife.

This is a double-edged sword!

Cheng Yuan does not know what the situation of alien civilization is, but he knows the pros and cons of intelligent robots. After all, he is the true creator of intelligent robots.

And the shortcomings of artificial intelligence have been shown on the earth, and it is still very scary.

However, Cheng Yuan didn't worry too much about the disadvantages, because zero is his biggest reliance, and there is no fear that his own intelligent robot will be tampered with by outsiders.

It is with this confidence that Cheng Yuan is not too afraid.

After all, intelligent robots, which are lifeless and fearless war weapons, have a great lethality to any civilization.

As long as you can ensure that the core does not fail, it is absolutely continuous.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan felt relieved. He asked with a bit of excitement and a little hesitant: "Does the ship's internal data include routes?"

Cheng Yuan didn't know how his voice changed when he asked this sentence, but he knew very well that his heart was beating like a bang.

Because there are no related routes in it, this relationship is absolutely significant!

Ordinary people may not understand what the route represents, and feel that they are completely out of touch with their own lives, and naturally they will not react too much.

But a brand new air route is definitely more important than gold for the country and for those who do trade!

It is very likely that a brand-new route can make a third-rate enterprise become a large international group.

Even if the exhibition of earth information construction is fast, a brand new HNA route or flight route is undoubtedly a very valuable precious thing.

If Cheng Yuan can obtain a brand-new cosmic route, it will definitely make Cheng Yuan truly free from any inherent country or organization.

In the past, when Cheng Yuan watched some science fiction movies, it was revealed that some companies in the movie could control the fate of many countries.

For such a company, Cheng Yuan feels quite bizarre. Perhaps it is the inherent concept of being a Chinese person. It feels that this situation is too far-fetched.

After all, there are really such companies in Huaxia. Nineteen and ninety-nine percent are state-owned, and the private sector can never exist.

Even now, technology crystallization companies dare not say that they can control the fate of countless countries, nor can they compete with China.

The problem here is not simply the difference between the strengths of the two sides. If only the strength is discussed, Cheng Yuan dares to pat his chest and guarantee that if he orders it, he will definitely destroy any country on the earth in the shortest time.

But even so, what is the real situation?

Cheng Yuan still has to show the attitude of the low Huaxia official. After all, he lives in this land, and his family, parents and relatives live in this land, this country.

Unless he doesn't do anything like that without going crazy, otherwise, he still needs to be honest and low-key.

However, being a low-key person has also become a constraint for Cheng Yuan. He needs a low-key person, and he cannot show his strength vigorously.

Because the faster he shows, it is a threat to the high-level.

Contradiction with the high-level, this is what Cheng Yuan is reluctant to see, but it is impossible for him to restrict the exhibition. After all, some things cannot be changed with his will. It is like a snowball without encountering it. Before the obstacle, it will only get bigger and will not stop.

It is precisely this way that Cheng Yuan quietly transformed Mars during this time by using intelligent machinery. The transformation of Mars is considered to be the first step for Cheng Yuan to take a high show.

Such a situation, Cheng Yuan can only sigh secretly, but also makes him feel strange, after all, the situation at the Chinese exhibition and the foreign exhibition seems to be the opposite.

In foreign countries, if you exhibit high-tech companies, then 99% of them will be swallowed up by the capitalists and will not give you a chance to gain a foothold.

This is not only the greed of the capitalists, but also the national issue.

In China, because of the demand for technology, Cheng Yuan could steadily develop into a behemoth as long as he had an umbrella in the early days.

But to this extent, if Cheng Yuan is abroad, then he can definitely rely on his own power to control foreign governments.

But in Huaxia, Cheng Yuan can only do things honestly and low-key.

When Cheng Yuan was thinking wildly, Zero replied calmly: "Sir, I have a cosmic map in the spaceship's data center. According to the text translation, this map may be the route map we need."

While answering, Zero displayed the universe map in front of Cheng Yuan.

The expansion of the universe map and the hologram presented in time are not the same. I do n’t know if it can be processed. Cheng Yuan only saw a flash of light suddenly appearing in front of his eyes ~ ~ Just like the stars, then, before Cheng Yuan asked what was going on, he suddenly gave off a dazzling light!

Cheng Yuan opened his eyes immediately, and he saw the muslin-like ribbons floating slowly from the flashing inferiority at that moment.

A ribbon coiled around the nebula and wrapped around Cheng Yuan. The color on the top of his head became slightly dim, but when the nebula with gold, red and a little purple illuminated the surrounding.

A misty starry sky appeared in front of him, the stars twinkled above his head, and the planets that had never been seen hung beside him silently.

Cheng Yuan looked at this star chart with great wonder. He stood in the center of the star chart and looked around, his eyes were full of curiosity and surprise.

"Zero, you can make it." Cheng Yuan said with emotion.

"Sorry, sir. This star map is not only for me, but for the spacecraft itself. The holographic technology is obviously a very common alcohol technique in space civilization." Zero explained one sentence.

Cheng Yuan didn't say much. After the initial exclamation, Cheng Yuan's brows quickly frowned: "Zero, is there something missing in this star map?"

"Coordinates, sir. There is no big difference between a star map without coordinates and a picture taken by our space telescope."

"What about the coordinates?" Cheng Yuan hurried.

As soon as the voice fell, Cheng Yuan saw a complex long string of characters appearing in front of him on the star chart. The characters were very weird, and Cheng Yuan didn't understand it at all.

"Zero, what are these?" Cheng Yuan looked at these ghost-character-like strings a little bit speechlessly.

"At the moment, the centaur galaxy civilization's own measurement symbols have not been summarized, so they can only be replaced with the original symbols." (To be continued.)

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