Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 680:

High-level conditions do not allow Chinese youth to remain immobile.

Many people live in China for the sake of a house. There are even many people who have worked for their entire lives without even having a house.

A house plus 500,000!

Such a reward should not be tolerated by them! Isn't life just for a house? If you take a bit of courage, you will have less stress in the second half of your life!

Besides, the news also said that as long as you participate, you will be given these rewards, rather than waiting for you to finish playing.

As a result, they became even more excited.

And once a person has a certain idea, it will be easy to be impulsive, especially the person oppressed by the pressure of life, it is easier to do something hot for life.

Faced with such an attractive reward, everyone who has a little bit of hard work has the urge to participate!

Besides, this time the reward is still supervised by the technology crystallization company, and it should not do any kind of procrastination.

Think of it this way, more people decide to sign up.

However, some people are enthusiastically waiting for specific information on the draft, but others are worried. Those who desperately want to participate in this conscription are basically healthy.

But there are still some people who are different, different from person to person, let alone billions of people. Many very thin or very fat people, although equally tempted, they lack confidence in themselves.

After all, these two types of people generally have some low self-esteem.

But no matter what, the news of the conscription caused a great uproar throughout Huaxia. Not only that, in the foreign positions that are still in the final resistance abroad, everyone heard tears in tears after hearing the decision of Huaxia.

During this period of time, they were living in a state of insecurity, even if the intelligent machine suddenly stopped the offensive during this time, but they were very nervous every day, especially uncomfortable.

Now that Huaxia, the world's well-deserved overlord, finally shouted the slogan of regaining lost ground, how could they not be excited?

Although they also understand that there must be a period of time between the slogan shouting and the official counterattack, it is at least better than nothing.

At least with this slogan and position, it also shows that I have hope for living. If there is no slogan, do you still have a future?


Regardless of how the refugees abroad are excited, after the news ends, detailed information on the draft will be promulgated and widely circulated through the Internet.

In the face of this conscription, the purpose is also very clear. Everyone, whether they want to participate or not, can't help watching it carefully.

There are many things to note about conscription. This conscription is a large-scale conscription for the whole country. The procedure is the same as the normal procedure, except that the age range has been expanded and some conditions have been relaxed.

Most of the items are the same, but a very special item has been added.

"Every individual and family that has just registered as a Chinese citizen this year must pick a suitable age to respond to the call."

When this matter was seen, it became the focus of the draft!

As long as people with poor understanding ability can understand a little from this article, that is, the main target of this draft is those foreigners who have just become Chinese citizens!

Such a message, for most people who want to join the army, is both happy and worried. This time, the conditions for joining the army are so good. How can outsiders get a share of it?

A small number of people suddenly relaxed. Since they mainly face foreigners, there are hundreds of millions of foreigners behind them. It seems that they can not join the army!

When you look at this matter with a different mindset, your mind is naturally different.

For Cheng Yuan, in the eyes of some Chinese people, this issue is specifically for those refugees who come in from abroad to be their substitutes.

But from another perspective, from the perspective of the refugees, this is a counterattack. They fled to China and not only lost their homeland, but also lost their dignity.

If you can return to your country and build your new home, everything will come back.

Therefore, Nanyang Province is arguably the hottest for this Chinese recruitment.

On the next day, the recruitment sites set up in various parts of Nanyang Province were overcrowded, and many people began to wait in line early.

Mo Sheng is also a member of the Changlong team. Since coming to Huaxia, he has seen how different China is. Before he stayed in his country, he could only understand China through the news media.

But such understanding is definitely not objective. After all, the news media have their own views and opinions.

Therefore, when he set foot on the airship headed for Huaxia, he was also confused in his heart.

When he came to Huaxia by airship, it appeared that the place he was being arranged was not the well-known city of Huaxia, but the land that Huaxia had just occupied-Nanyang Province!

Although a little disappointed, Mo Sheng knew that at least it was safe here, and there was no need to worry about food!

Under the official arrangement of Huaxia, Mo Sheng has done a lot of work after coming to Nanyang Province, including construction work on the construction site, and also because he understands the Chinese language and guides people as a translator.

And in these months, he also realized the strength of Huaxia.

The high-rise building was built in an overnight with an unknown technology. Although he did not see the intelligent robots used in daily life throughout China, he occasionally saw those large intelligent robots used in war. Cities hovered past.

The heavy footsteps were the same as the cymbals, and he has not forgotten yet, when he first saw those large robots, he was shocked and excited.

At this time, he was standing in the conscript, he was not trying to recover the lost land and rebuild his homeland. He just wanted to take a closer look at Huaxia's powerful intelligent robots.

Moreover, he mentioned in the news that the hostess said that ‘be smart at using intelligence’.

This made him feel that this conscription was not ordinary.

Furthermore, in Nanyang Province, although their housing is arranged by the government, the ownership of those houses is not their own.

Every month they have to pay a portion of the funds from their work to pay the rent ~ ~ but the monthly salary is not a lot.

After paying the rent, it is difficult to eat good food with the remaining money.

No matter whether it is Mo Sheng today or former Morris, he is not a passive person facing biochemistry, he is a person who likes to change.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have set foot on Huaxia's airship here.

However, it is not enough to say a few words if he wants to change. He has been thinking about this problem for a while.

Unexpectedly, he hadn't figured out a way. Huaxia made such a call. After careful analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, Mo Sheng resolutely chose to enter the army.

Whether it's for the benefit of being close at hand, or for that little wish in my heart. (To be continued.)

: Visiting the website () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the point of view of the author's rushing black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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