Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 667:

Although he was excited, Cheng Yuan had not forgotten everything. He calmed down and asked calmly, "You said that you were captured by other civilizations in the solar system, so why did you meet in the solar system?"

This question is a key one. Cheng Yuan doesn't know how big the universe is. But compared to the billions of stars in the universe, the small solar system is not as good as sand.

How could the sphere and other alien civilizations so happened to be encountered in the solar system, and the sphere itself was captured!


The sphere was silent and did not continue to answer.

Cheng Yuan frowned, his tone changed, and Shen said, "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

For such a change in the sphere, Cheng Yuanxin suddenly had a bad feeling.

After a long while, the sphere answered: "We came to the solar system to destroy the birth of one of the planets, but we just met halfway."

The answer from the sphere made Cheng Yuan startled, he suddenly woke up, looked at the sphere a little, "You mean, Mars could have born the same life as Earth, but you destroyed it? By virtue of you and another civilization?"

Cheng Yuan couldn't believe his eyes. With the sphere in front of him, could he destroy the life of a planet? This is almost an international joke.

He couldn't see any means or weapon to threaten the entire planet with this white ball!

Although he thought so, he didn't say it, and quietly waited for Bai Qiu's own answer.

White Sphere quickly replied: "Of course not me. At that time, we sent two fleets and met them after suffering heavy casualties after eliminating the fire star civilization."

White Ball's answer made Cheng Yuan slightly acceptable, but he soon did not understand, "Why are you destroying the fire extinguisher civilization? Or, do you still intend to destroy the earth civilization?"

Cheng Yuan's tone became awkward. If the answer of the white sphere was ok, he would destroy it without hesitation, and then let Zero scan and analyze everything inside it!

Then get what you want!

"I don't know!" White sphere's answer was ambiguous.

Cheng Yuan's brow was thick, and he said coldly, "Why don't you know?"

"No relevant orders were received."

Cheng Yuan froze, and he quickly reacted. The intelligence of this white sphere is always a program developed by intelligent civilization. To be straightforward, it is not even zero!

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan changed a question, "So, you should always know, why should your civilization destroy the Martian civilization of the solar system?"

"I don't know, I just take orders."

The answer of the sphere is immutable. Such an answer makes Cheng Yuan very dissatisfied. Because the other party is similar to artificial intelligence, it is impossible for Cheng Yuan to say that the so-called polygraph is used to judge the authenticity of the opponent's words.

But this will not be an obstacle to Cheng Yuan. He sighed, "So, the Martian civilization has been completely destroyed by you?"

Cheng Yuan doesn't care if there is a civilization on Mars, after all, this is completely out of touch with him.

He just wanted to judge what kind of attitude the sphere treats the earth.

The signal inside the observation room itself has been shielded, but Cheng Yuan does not think that the isolation means of the earth can block the signal of alien civilization.

He was a little worried, and maybe he brought back a big trouble this time.

After all, if he doesn't take this sphere out of Phobos, maybe it will stay there forever, asleep.

But now it's activated!

Cheng Yuan did not know if the sphere would send any special signal to their own civilization, but he was still worried.

After all, the other person said that he was a civilization destroyer!

Although the sphere has been in the solar system for 16 million years, even if humans have evolved to this extent, it can be traced back to one million years ago, which is 16 times earlier than the appearance of human ancestors!

According to the sphere, Mars had intelligent civilization at that time and was destroyed by them!

What makes Cheng Yuan most incredible is that thousands of years have passed and it even has start-up energy. This is simply incredible to Cheng Yuan!

Cheng Yuan was skeptical at this time, wouldn't there be a scorpion in it?

In addition to speculating on the energy of the sphere itself, Cheng Yuan also has a question. They destroyed the civilization born on Mars 16 million years ago, but ten years have passed. Does their own civilization still exist?

Cheng Yuan is not clear. He feels that if he wants to know more, he needs to study this sphere in depth.

After pondering for a moment, he asked, "What's going on with your identification process?"

The sphere said: "Earthly 16 million years ago, after I was captured, I automatically entered a closed state. The first restart was 1.2 million years ago. At that time, there was no intelligent life in the entire spacecraft. .Because I can't crack the control program of the spacecraft, I can only send signals to the local area. Unfortunately, there is no response. "

"The most important point to test whether civilization is strong is time. It has already passed 1.6 million cosmic years. I send signals to the Centaur galaxy every 1,000 cosmic years, but there is no feedback ~ www. ~ so after one million universe years, I automatically restarted the default program. "

Cheng Yuan frowned slightly and asked, "What is the default program?"

"Reset everything, and when the current carbon-based intelligent life is found, give it all to maintain or renew civilization," the sphere replied.

Cheng Yuan hesitated, he was surprised that the alien civilization was so generous?

"As long as you meet the intelligent creatures, will you give the other party the advanced technology you know?" He said incredibly as he understood.

The sphere replied without hesitation: "Yes."

Cheng Yuan suddenly silently, according to his custom here, there are advanced technology to be rigorous, and even if he can't get it, he can't let others get it.

Even if this technology is in the hands, it can't be passed on to outsiders, it's cheap for others!

This is in great conflict with the ideas he has always recognized. He is a little disbelieved, "Can you give me your core, and you know how to use it, you are similar to the advanced artificial intelligence of our planet now, I want to get the core information. "

Whether the other party is lying or not, as long as he has the core information, he can understand everything.

"Yes." The sphere still had no hesitation, and agreed quickly. At the same time, I saw the cylinder inside it moved up and down again, exposing the precise instrument structure inside, and then a virtual black, rectangular black strip the size of chewing gum.

"This is your core?" Cheng Yuan picked up this small explosion.

"Yes, it contains 16 million years ago. The cutting-edge technology of our civilization is, of course, some of the key technologies." The sphere returned.

"This way," Cheng Yuan handed the black bar to zero and said to the sphere, "Then let's talk later." (To be continued.)

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