Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 663:

Out of the laboratory, Cheng Yuan took the suspended elevator to the next floor, while Zero followed him. Zhang Li and Chen Yu also wanted to follow, and the process stopped them.

After all, the body that Zero wants to build must be the most perfect in his own mind. In this way, he may have to create a body that is similar to human beings.

Therefore, it is better not to let Chen Yu and Zhang Li know about this matter.

The layout of the manufacturing room is different from the laboratory above. The above laboratory will more often become Cheng Yuan's personal leisure space. There is not only a luxurious personal laboratory, but also many supporting entertainment facilities, such as home theater. Entertainment tools, full surround speakers, etc.

And with the progress of technology, Cheng Yuan is getting easier and easier. Today, unless necessary, in many cases, he operates directly outside through holographic technology, and then manufactures some conceptual products directly in the manufacturing room.

The laboratory on the top floor is more like a leisure office space, while the manufacturing room where Cheng Yuan is located at this time is a small precision processing plant.

The first thing that caught my eye was a silver-white metal channel with a length of twenty meters. The walls, floor and top of the channel all showed a metallic texture.

This channel is very bright, and even though all the light sources are built into the wall, it still feels very bright.

However, this channel is not just as simple as light, it is also a road to death. Many rigorous defense measures were installed inside the entire passage.

If the identity has not been verified, walk in and risk nothing.

Of course, this is to say, not to mention the high-end laboratory building, the entrance of the entire manufacturing room is like this, there is no suspension elevator, who can sneak up?

The existence of suspended elevators has also prevented some people from getting lost. Because each floor of the cutting-edge laboratory has certain permissions, after entering the elevator, the intelligence in the elevator will automatically scan the identity of the internal staff, and according to the identity, it will automatically provide the number of layers to choose.

It can be said that without permission, outsiders will not come at all, and even the entrance will not appear.

But even so, these protection measures will need to be set, because they are not afraid of 10,000, just in case. It is better to take precautions in advance than to make up for it afterwards.

Through the passage smoothly, Cheng Yuan came to the round metal gate at the end of the passage. As soon as he stood still, the door opened automatically when Cheng Yuan opened.

The back of the gate also appeared in Cheng Yuan's eyes.

Here, it is not like he imagined, there are pipelines everywhere like factories.

Here, Cheng Yuan saw sheets of pure metal countertops, about two meters long and eighty centimeters wide. Each table has a minimum of three robotic arms and a maximum of eight robotic arms work on it.

There is a space of about three meters between these countertops, and there are two slightly narrower running tables next to the main countertop with metal parts.

Cheng Yuan saw a lot of technology products he got from the crystals on these platforms, and he shared these technologies with Zero.

Although he did not deliberately order zero to make these, Cheng Yuan was somewhat surprised to see the behavior of zero.

He didn't want to say it, but some technologies came into his mind in a series. He only picked the main things every time, and he didn't take a closer look.

I did not expect that the zero will be restored one by one in the manufacturing room!

Cheng Yuan walked with joy between these metal countertops. Suddenly, he stepped forward and hurried to a metal countertop.

When Cheng Yuan approached, his eyes were still staring at the objects under the work of four metal arms on the table.

A black round headband was placed on the table. The style of the headband was very familiar. It was exactly what he considered at the time, the nerve control device.

Flexible control of external devices through neural induction!

"Zero, even this thing can be made. I remember that it needs very rare metal. Did we collect enough?" Cheng Yuan sighed around the metal table.

"Yes, since the scale of the expansion of our universe, the collection of rare metals in the universe has become faster."

"So it's done?" Cheng Yuan pointed at the neural controller.

Glancing at the black headband on the counter, shook his head, "Not yet, the bee colony control program is being compiled internally."

"Oh!" Cheng Yuan groaned. "Is it going to be the same as in the movie, then it really needs such a program. However, can it directly control large machinery and equipment?" Cheng Yuan said when he said "large machinery and equipment" Slightly excited.

Zero pause, seems to be calculating.

After a short while, he replied, "Yes, but the control of large equipment may not be as good as intelligent control using only a neural controller."

Cheng Yuan frowned, his expression of excitement stagnated, and he wondered, "Why?"

When he first saw the neural controller, he immediately thought that if he used this kind of thing to directly control a large robot or battleship, he would fly and fight in the universe.

Especially robots such as arm commanders, where they hit, which feels exciting to think about!

But as soon as this idea came out, he poured himself a basin of cold water, which made Cheng Yuan slightly unhappy.

Seeing Cheng Yuan ’s change of attitude, from zero to nothing, he explained calmly: “Although the use of neural control equipment can make mechanical equipment more flexible, the purpose of the controller we developed is also the same. However, the human Nerve strength is also a certain threshold. Exceeding this threshold may cause mental illness. "

"Mental illness?" Cheng Yuan froze, then felt a little funny, "What do you mean? Is it too crazy to use more?"

"No." Zero shook his head.

Cheng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Since it won't become crazy, what effect will it have?"

Zero didn't even think, and replied cautiously: "No, the lunatic you said is just one of the consequences, madness, irritability, irritability, bloodthirsty! These are the consequences of controlling large mechanical equipment."

"And this is only according to the standards of intelligent robots. If it is larger, such as the ultra-large robot developed by Huaxia, it may directly cause the user's nerves to collapse and become vegetative."

As soon as Cheng Yuan heard it, he froze, "Why is this so, it's just neural control!"

"Sir, I don't think so." Zero said, "The human brain is very mysterious, and there are so many secrets involved. This situation often happens in today's society."

"You talk about it?" Cheng Yuan suddenly felt as if he understood what zero was about to say.

Nodding nodded and said, "This situation is light and heavy. Like many people, because of factors such as work pressure, external survival pressure, family pressure, etc., make some unreasonable venting behaviors. These are unbearable nerves. A mysterious element secreted from the brain that pulls people into action. "

Zero made Cheng Yuan stop saying anything. He glanced at the nerve controller still in production, shook his head, and sighed: "Forget it, just look at your new body."

He smiled and said, "Okay, please follow me."

Under the guidance of zero, Cheng Yuan turned around in a separate area, which was separated by glass walls on all sides, with transparent rectangular glass containers placed horizontally.

As soon as Cheng Yuan came here, he couldn't help but twitched, "Uh ..."

"What's wrong, if you don't feel comfortable, you can take it slowly." Seeing Cheng Yuan's appearance, Zero looked at him immediately and said worriedly.

It's not that he underestimated Cheng Yuan, but that the situation here is really not acceptable to ordinary people.

Because in these glass containers, there are individual human organs!

There are palms, thighs, body, head, eyes, internal organs and other things.

A small part has been completed, but many are still in production, such as the eyeball and the brain, which is only halfway at this time. Now I can still see a lot of black fine particles intertwined into a line, and the line is pushed into a ball, and then A little bit of patchwork.

People who haven't really seen these things many times will definitely not adapt right away.

And Cheng Yuan obviously belongs to people who haven't seen much.

After all, he didn't study medicine ...

Even modern soldiers, few people see this thing and don't feel it, because there are not many wars nowadays, unless they are expatriate soldiers or mercenary organizations and the like, those who add blood to the blade all year round will not respond.

Cheng Yuan coughed slightly, took a deep breath, and then observed it carefully.

The body created by Zero for himself is entirely made of mechanical nanoworms. Cheng Yuan knows that mechanical nanoworms have the function of repairing cells and even rebuilding.

However, it is used to make its own body. In this way, this body is considered a semi-mechanical creature, and it can be regarded as meeting the zero requirements.

Not very curious, this body is made, can it really hold the core of zero?

Cheng Yuan took a closer look and still didn't find anything ~ ~ Just when he was about to ask about zero, he suddenly found that these things made by mechanical nanoworms in front of him, whether it was the palm or the eyeball, were just external structures The aggregation was adjusted.

In essence, whether it is the eyeball, the palm or the body, they are not real flesh and blood bodies. They are just characteristics of flesh and blood bodies, but they are far more than flesh and blood bodies.

For example, this body also bleeds. The skin, like humans, also has body temperature and heartbeat. But the difference is that this body's blood will not flow out, and the moment it leaks out of the skin, it will automatically return to the inside of the body.

Mechanical nanoworms repair all wounds at once!

Not only that, he can make his skin harder than steel with only a few thoughts, as long as he slightly changes the molecular structure of the mechanical nanoworm.

This made him think of one thing, the villain robot in Terminator. However, Zero's body is stronger than the villain robot in Terminator. I don't know how many times. (To be continued.) () "The Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the views of the author's wild black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing healthy and green Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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