Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 641:

Early the next morning, Cheng Yuan had just arrived at the company and saw Zhao Jun had arrived. Fan ▽ eggplant net ▽ △ `-````-

"Mayor Zhao, is it so early today ...?" Cheng Yuan saw Zhao Jun, and he was very puzzled. Didn't he say yes yesterday, why did he come again today?

Seeing Cheng Yuan bewilderingly looking at himself, Zhao Jun smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, what happened to that quantum network base station."

Although Zhao Jun was calm on the surface, he felt anxious in his heart. After all, the urgency above was tight, and he was not good at urging Cheng Yuan, so he could only come in and ask ‘Ask’.

"Oh, this thing, it was built yesterday. I'll help you to see the situation of the loudspeaker." Cheng Yuan didn't deliberately delay anything.

After all, no matter what kind of mentality Huaxia executives hold, it is undeniable that this matter is a good thing.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan has no reason to do anything in this matter.

In front of Zhao Jun, Cheng Yuan asked Zero: "Zero, how many speakers are there?"

When I saw Cheng Yuan opening his mouth, a face similar to Cheng Yuan suddenly appeared in front of him, with a smile on his face, and replied, "Sir, according to your orders, there are already 10,000."

The emergence of zero abruptness, if put in the past, Zhao Jun will still be very stunned and shocked, but with the popularity of urban networks and long-term use, he has no wonder about such things.

Who in Anhe City does not have a Lanyin mobile phone now? Anyone with a Lan Yin mobile phone can also call out the private intelligence in their mobile phone at any time. Fan △ Eggplant Novel Network `` `-``-`-`

Although the image displayed by ordinary people's intelligence is just a pure blue data face, even so, many people have been amazed.

However, when he heard that there were 10,000 loudspeakers, there was a slight hesitation in his look. "Mr. Cheng, are there a few 10,000? High-level executives are planning to convene exiles in countries all over the world. Chinese people ... "

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly. "Mayor Zhao, you don't have to worry. Ten thousand loudspeakers are absolutely enough. After all, those countries that have not been invaded by intelligent machinery are very easy to convene, and those places that have already been occupied, you How many people do you think will survive? "

Looking at Zhao Jun who was thinking and thinking, Cheng Yuan said hurriedly: "Even if it is not enough, I can continue to make it according to your requirements as quickly as possible, and it will definitely not delay your time."

Cheng Yuan's firm tone made Zhao Jun unable to find any provocative place for a while. He thought for a while, then nodded heavily, "then come as you wish."

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and patted Zhao Jun's arm. "Mayor Zhao, you can wait for the result with peace of mind, this will not go wrong."

Cheng Yuan's old-fashioned gesture of consolation made Zhao Jun feel a little bit of crying and laughing for a moment. Looking at Cheng Yuan's still immature face, he didn't know what to say. △△ ○ Tomato △ Novel ▽ Net--```--``--`

Although he can be regarded as a young and powerful person, he is still in his thirties. As a result, Cheng Yuan, a young man in his early twenties, has completely grasped the initiative of discourse.

This made him extremely shameless.

"Okay, then trouble Mr. Cheng, I will report the results." Zhao Jun did not want to stay with Cheng Yuan at this time.

With Cheng Yuan, he always felt that he was short and short, which made him a little unwilling.

But he also knows how special Cheng Yuan's status is at this time, so even if he is unwilling, he can only laugh a bitterly and take it.

Cheng Yuan nodded. "Well, then you leave, don't give it away."

Cheng Yuan waved his hand, and then brought Chen Yu and Zhang Li into the company.

Cheng Yuan never delays his work. Zhao Jun is also an efficient man. He soon reported the situation on Cheng Yuan's side, and sent hundreds of airships to Anhe City as soon as possible. .

At the same time, Huaxia officials also posted this matter to the official website through the quantum network.

Because of the unity of the quantum network, once this news is released, there is no need for various media to propagate it. The total control intelligence of the quantum network directly sends this news to all users. ☆ Tomato ○ Novel Network-

It was a good thing to send troops to rescue overseas Chinese in distress, but when the people learned about it, they formed two stark views.

Those who agree will naturally praise the high-level practices of Huaxia. After all, even overseas Chinese, it is still Huaxia's blood that it is a good thing to be able to send troops to pick them up.

This is the point of view of the people at this time in the sense of justice.

And other people are naturally opposed. Although Huaxia is now the only safe country in the world, even if many small and backward countries have not encountered the invasion of intelligent machinery, this does not mean that they are safe.

Therefore, after the outbreak of the smart crisis, land and housing within Huaxia became even more tense, especially when everyone in the coastal areas was in danger of self-crisis, and a large number of people moved to the hinterland of Huaxia.

The emergence of this kind of situation will naturally bring greater economic pressure to people who are not already wealthy, especially the depreciation of the Chinese currency and the skyrocketing prices.

Although Huaxia officials have implemented strict price controls, some things are still rising.

The most obvious thing is to count the food.

The original price of four yuan a pound of cabbage has increased to more than nine yuan, let alone other fruits. Even the most important grain rice has risen by three yuan.

If more people enter Huaxia, wouldn't it lead to higher prices?

Therefore, most people who are worried in their hearts naturally do not want this behavior of high-level Chinese executives. In their eyes, those who are chic abroad let them die abroad. Anyway, the foreign farts are fragrant and they like it. Just let them bury there, don't go back and grab resources from them. ◇ Tomato Novel Network`

Both sides held their own opinions and fought on the Internet. Only a few people silently watched this moment's argument covering China.

This part of the people is very clear, since the high-level Huaxia announced this, then this matter must be done, and will not stop because of some people's opinions.

Instead of scolding there, it's better to think about how the next days are going to be, and it is impossible for senior management to do such a thing just for the sake of justice.

As the saying goes, it is not profitable but they are certainly not unusual.

However, no matter what is happening on the Internet, the things to do are still to be done, and soon someone will take away 10,000 amplifiers from Cheng Yuan.

An hour later, a new piece of news came into the public's sight. Huaxia's senior management dispatched 163 airships with a capacity of 500,000 tons to receive overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese. In addition, over 10,000 intelligent robot troops were dispatched for protection along the way.

As soon as this news was announced, the scolding battle on the Internet immediately stopped a lot. Except for some stubborn people who still scolded, many people stopped this behavior.

After all, no matter how scolded, the attention set above won't change. What they have to do now is to watch it change!


In France, in the only two defense bases, just after relying on Huaxia's intelligent robot army to repel the army of intelligent machinery, the high-level inside the defense base was supported by Huaxia's quantum equipment.

After resuming communication, they learned that it was extremely heavy and oppressive. In France, only two defense bases were alive, and the other four bases were completely occupied by intelligent machinery.

The significance of this news is that 80% of the people in the other four bases are in danger. They could only express silence in this regard.

After all, people can't be resurrected from death, and these living people will continue to survive the crisis of intelligent machines.

But when they hadn't shaken off the shadow of most people's death, another news made them very disturbed in the newly restored communication.

That is, Huaxia has sent new troops here. Naturally, the purpose is not to rescue, but to send Chinese and overseas Chinese back!

As soon as they received the news, they immediately felt bad.

Huaxia is now the only country that can guarantee security. This is a country that everyone in the entire base wants to go to.

However, the upcoming Huaxia will not only accept Chinese people. This will definitely cause dissatisfaction among others in the base.

In the unlikely event of a riot, this is not good news for the entire defense base.

"Creek, what to do, the people from Huaxia will be here in two hours. We must think of a way before this! The defense base must not be messy!" A horse-faced man with grey hair was excited. The man sitting opposite shouted.

Opposite the man with a horse face, there was an old man with a thin body. The old man's face was wrinkled and his bloodshot eyes showed endless exhaustion. The whole man looked very old and weak.

But this old and weak old man is the highest person in charge of the entire defense base.

Crick's tired voice sounded: "Ben, don't get excited. All we can do now is wait for the people in China to come, and then ask them if they can accommodate and let more people leave this hopeless land."


Ben Wenyan ~ ~ What else do you want to say, but Crick shook his head gently before he spoke and sighed: "Ben, you should know clearly, we are not qualified to ask Huaxia to do something . "

Ben breathed a suffocation, and he was naturally clear. At this point, he was not qualified to talk to Huaxia. Now the intelligent robot troops standing outside the base to protect the base ’s security are all exchanged for advanced domestic technology and minerals. of!

"Can we really do this?" Ben bowed his head intently.

Crick slowly closed his eyes. "We have no choice ..."

The two-hour time was a blink of an eye for many people, and soon the airship and protection troops sent by Huaxia landed in France's first defensive base.

After receiving the news, Crick and Ben came to the ground for the first time. As soon as they came out, they saw the slow-falling giant in the sky, and their breath trembled.

Ben looked at the airship in the sky with a little excitement, and secretly said: "Such a large airship is enough to hold people in the entire base!" (To be continued.)

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