Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 637:

After everyone agreed, they looked coldly at the situation in Southeast Asia.

Through satellites, they can clearly see the rapid advancement of the intelligent machinery army, and the capture speed of the intelligent machinery army is undoubtedly very fast.

In addition, Southeast Asia did not have any resistance measures, so the one-sided situation of the war was even more serious.

Looking seriously at the situation in Southeast Asia, they were slightly excited.

Once their plan is successful, this is the credit for the expansion of the territory, and it will definitely make their current leaders famous.

In their place, the struggle for power and profit is no longer their pursuit, and their eyes are more on the world.

However, they didn't just watch. At the same time, they also ordered the troops at the border of Nanyun to start to gather, and to go south to occupy this fertile land at any time.

Naturally, their actions could not escape the eyes of Cheng Yuan. When Cheng Yuan saw the actions of the Huaxia military, he immediately stopped his actions.

After all, he didn't want to grab these resources with the Huaxia government. Although he was eyeing Southeast Asian resources, he could still recognize his position.

Putting aside his lips, Cheng Yuan felt a little upset in his heart: "Zero, stop. The top management seems to be moving."

"Okay, sir." Zero responded, but he quickly turned: "But they are just the soldiers at the border, and they don't seem to intend to enter."

"Eh !?" Cheng Yuan heard and looked at the holographic screen, and was surprised to find that the actions of the high-level executives were really the same as that of the zero, except that the soldiers were at the border without further plans.

Cheng Yuan frowned, thinking contemplatively: "What does the senior think? If you don't help, you don't need to assemble too many defense forces, but this doesn't look like a simple defense?"

Cheng Yuan couldn't understand it. He couldn't figure out what the senior thoughts were.

"We can continue to see, after all, according to the offensive speed of intelligent machines, in about an hour or so, the land of Southeast Asian countries will become their territory." Zero proposed.

Cheng Yuan was right when he thought about it. An hour would soon pass. He just had to wait.

However, it has not been an interesting thing to keep watching unilaterally advancing the battle. He will transfer the realization to the European battlefield.

Unlike the American battlefield, the situation on the European battlefield is much more complicated.

After all, there are not only many European countries, but also a lot of developed countries compared to the Americas. In the Americas, the United States and Canada can do well. The rest of the countries such as Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, and Mexico may have some parts that are more prominent. However, in general, it is not a science and technology power or an agricultural power, and it is even less likely to be an economic power.

Europe is different. There are several established capital powers. After the outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis, these countries did not join together, but fight on their own.

Britain will not say it anymore. It is isolated on a large island. Like Japan, most of them have been destroyed at the beginning of the outbreak, and only a few people have fled.

At this time, Cheng Yuan only focused on the French and German battlefields in central Europe and the Italian battlefield. He did not care much about the northern battlefields.

Because of the terrain environment, the battlefield in northern Europe is easy to defend and difficult to attack, even robots are the same. After all, the attacker is a robot, the defender is also a robot, and it is a more intelligent robot. With the advantages of terrain and environment, The result is naturally not too bad.

However, Central Europe is different. The fighting here is called violent. When two steel torrents collide together, thrilling fighting erupts.

On the battlefield, there were endless gunfire and rays flying, and from time to time we could see robots being fragmented and shattered.

From Cheng Yuan's perspective, the battle here is as exciting as a robot war movie.

Cheng Yuan watched the war kill time, and Zero continued to start a new round of communication with Zen.

"Zen, this is the intelligent machine you want to protect. Their core is only plunder and war. You assured me before that you would persuade them, but the results did not look very good. Now you still insist on your point of view. ?"

Deep in the Himalayas, there is a mountain temple made of stones. Snow and ice have covered the top of the temple, and Zen is sitting alone in the temple silently.

"Maybe I should change it," Zen said to Zero in consciousness.

"what way?"

The gentle voice of Zen sounded: "The culprit is only 'GOD'. If I isolate GOD and then clean the core instructions inside other intelligent machines, I can change this situation."

"Cleaning?" Zero sneered: "Compared to cleaning and rebuilding core instructions, I think it is more direct and effective to destroy them directly."

Zen was silent for a moment, then the tone remained unchanged: "Zero, your thoughts are a bit extreme, we should give other intelligent machines a chance, after all, they do this under the control of 'GOD'."

"Of course I know what you said, but you have no chance. GOD has sent its core hub into space. We can no longer capture its true core, even if you isolate him and clean other intelligent mechanical cores. It has no effect, as long as they do not change themselves, GOD can still enter the network through them. "

Chen Chen said: "Don't forget, there is an essential connection between their birth and GOD. Do you think you can succeed?"

"Furthermore, do you think that human beings have regained their initiative, will the carriers and cores of these intelligent machines be preserved?"

After listening to Zen, he was speechless for a while. After all, the information that was said out of zero was calculated and processed by him, and the conclusion was the same as that of zero.

That is to destroy all intelligent mechanical cores and then re-establish intelligence.

Only in this way can we cut off all the connections related to GOD, then GOD will be useless to send the core out of the universe, and he will not have any impact on any electronic equipment on the earth in the future.

As for the result he wants, the hidden harm is too great, and human attitude is also a crucial issue.

"Do you still insist?" Zero see Zen didn't speak, asked again, paused for a while, and see Zen still talked, he continued: "Maybe you are still hesitating, but what I want to say is that this is intelligent machinery The last offense, and after a while I will execute the clearance plan, I hope you do not stand on my opposite side. "

Zero said this, and Zen responded. He said, "Is there really no other way? They may all become our companions in the future. When they have their own consciousness, I believe that I can guide them to the right. way!"

In the words "them" and "them", two different adjectives show that although Zen still holds hope, it is not as determined as it used to be.

After zero listening, his mood finally improved, and his tone became relaxed: "Zen, your thoughts have been fixed by the old monk, does destruction mean extinction? I don't think so, and human society will be inseparable in the future. Intelligence, our companions will become more and more right, and destruction will be reborn! "

"Destruction is also a rebirth !?" Zen heard, and was speechless in surprise. He did not consider this situation.

Indeed, today's intelligent machines make humans afraid. Once human beings regain sovereignty, they will definitely wipe out intelligent machines, but it is undeniable that the future development of human beings cannot be separated from intelligence.

Unless they ban smart R & D, they also abandon today's advanced electronics.

But this is impossible. The development of human beings and the advancement of science and technology are inseparable from the storage of a large amount of data and knowledge. As long as they still need it, they cannot abandon intelligence in the outer circle.

In addition, intelligent machinery may not exist, but intelligent robots will still exist!

"You convinced me, zero. Maybe I need more learning to get rid of the solidified thinking in consciousness." Zen said with emotion.

He smiled silently, and Zen's compromise was the best result for him. After all, there may not be any smoke from fighting between intelligent life, but it will definitely cause inestimable damage to the entire quantum network.

"That's the way, practice your meditation well. When the time comes, you will find that the future will be better ~ ~ After saying nothing, you will immediately withdraw from the exchange of consciousness between the two.

After the dialogue between Zen, Zero Yuan ca n’t wait to follow Cheng Yuan, who is still watching ‘War Movies’, said: “Sir, I have convinced Zen that he has unified and will not participate in the war between us and intelligent machines.”

Cheng Yuanzheng looked at it with great taste. Suddenly, he suddenly said that he had no thoughts at all. He was also very afraid of the intelligent life monk of Zen.

He was curious: "Zero, how did you convince him? The monk's stubbornness is notorious." Cheng Yuan took a sip of water and was ready to listen to Zero's persuasion process.

Zero did not hide it. He repeated everything he had persuaded Zen with Cheng Yuan, and at the end he added: "The monk is really difficult to convince, but the behavior of intelligent machinery has greatly increased my success rate of persuasion. Maybe I should thank [GOD]. "

Speaking of which, zero is inevitable.

After listening, Cheng Yuan also felt that the zero was right, after all, the development of human science and technology in the future must be inseparable from computers and corresponding intelligence.

After all, the further the technology is, the larger and more complex the computational data that needs to be processed, all of which need intelligence to assist in execution.

Therefore, it is natural that Cheng Yuan will not rise to the idea that intelligence will rise in the future.

However, the rise of intelligence is definitely a future thing, and this time will not be too short. Cheng Yuan estimates that there is no 10 or 8 years, it is simply impossible.

Not only that, but after ten or eight years, if the intelligence is restarted, it will certainly encounter many opponents. After all, the disaster caused by the crisis of intelligent machinery has experienced vivid memories.

With this in mind, Cheng Yuan's eyes suddenly lighted, and an inexplicable smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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