Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 634:

But the more so, Yang Qiaoyuan's heart became hotter. The reputation of the fortifier in the army, especially in the special department he was staying in, was really thundering.

He has been known to have fortifiers from the beginning, but at first he always thought that Cheng Yuan's fortifiers only improved the human body and made them stronger.

But when he really understood the strength of the fortifier, it was undeniable that he was also excited.

However, the management of fortifiers is very strict. The amount of output of the technology crystallization company is basically taken away.

If it hadn't been for the theft, maybe everything for the fortifier now belongs to the military! But now, the fortifier is still produced independently by the technology crystallization company.

After all, there can be the first spy inside the military, there must be deeper hidden, so even if Cheng Yuan is willing to give it now, the military is afraid to accept it!

In the past, although Yang Qiaoyuan also wanted to try to use it by himself, he never had a chance. Later, he was sent to the southwest desert, and there was no hope.

At this point, Cheng Yuan personally invited him to visit the company. He naturally did not want to miss it. Who knows if there is any shop in this village?

"That ..." Yang Qiaoyuan's eyebrows were twisted into a ball, with some embarrassment, and he looked at Cheng Yuan with difficulty and hope: "Cheng Yuan, can I try this enhancer?"

Speaking of this sentence, he felt as if he had exhausted his energy, his limbs were a little soft, and his heart was beating fast.

Cheng Yuan glanced at Yang Qiaoyuan in surprise. He had been paying attention to Yang Qiaoyuan who had a slight change in his appearance before. His performance made Cheng Yuan understand that Yang Qiaoyuan must have something to ask for, but it was not this thing?

Looking at Yang Qiaoyuan's dark face with Xi Yi's eyes, Cheng Yuan smiled slightly: "Of course, we are friends!"

Cheng Yuan's promise without hesitation made Yang Qiaoyuan not surprised, but hesitated. He was surprised: "Cheng Yuan, this won't make you embarrassed?"

"No!" Cheng Yuan laughed. "This is just a trivial matter. If you want to try the effect, try it. It won't say anything. After all, our fortifiers have been updated."

After entering with Yang Qiaoyuan, Cheng Yuan called an ordinary researcher and instructed: "Thank you, Wang Xi, come here."

The researcher naturally knew Cheng Yuan, and he respectfully said, "Okay, Mr. Cheng."

After the researcher walked away, Cheng Yuan and Yang Qiaoyuan wandered around. The new biological laboratory was more than one piece of work environment and basic equipment compared with the original biological research institute.

The entire laboratory is illuminated by transparent white light, and the white ground is dust-free, and people can see the reflection on it.

Various advanced intelligent instruments and intelligent robotic arms are everywhere, and the most famous holographic screen is also distributed in various places, making all tasks very simple.

Yang Qiaoyuan was watching Huaxia Research Institute in his heart while watching, and he had to say something in his heart.

However, these comparisons only occupy a small part of his heart. What he is most looking forward to now is when Cheng Yuan will be able to use his fortifier.

He didn't wait much. After he and Cheng Yuan waited less than three minutes, he saw that the researcher who had just been called by Cheng Yuan came to his side with a young man in his early twenties.

Seeing Wang Xi, Yang Qiaoyuan was slightly surprised. After all, when Wang Xi came over, he was surrounded by many people. From this point, he could see Wang Xi's position in the Institute of Biology.

"Wang Xi, how is your new fortifier researched?" Cheng Yuan ignored the thoughts of Yang Qiaoyuan beside him. He saw Wang Xi with a smile on his face.

Wang Xi took a closer look at Yang Qiaoyuan and then replied: "There is already a finished product. After preliminary tests, although the strengthening effect is not as good as the strengthening -1 type, the side effects have been eliminated."

Cheng Yuan raised a brow and asked, "How much has the effect weakened?"

"Almost a third, but the effect of No. 2 fortifier is very average and will not vary from person to person." Wang Xi said.

With a raised mouth, Cheng Yuan pointed at Yang Qiaoyuan next to him and said, "Okay, regardless of the strengthening effect, give him an injection."

After hearing this sentence, Wang Xi took a serious look at Yang Qiaoyuan, and then nodded, "No problem, I'll get someone to give him an injection."

Obviously, Wang Xi has regarded Yang Qiaoyuan as an experimenter brought by Cheng Yuan.

However, Wang Xi's eyes were ignored by Yang Qiaoyuan directly. Although listening to Cheng Yuan and Wang Xi's meaning, he did not inject himself with the kind of fortifier he expected, but even then he was satisfied.

After all, according to regulations, he could not rely on the relationship to ask Cheng Yuan to make such a request without the above approval, because when he first contacted Cheng Yuan, it represented a dialogue between the country and Cheng Yuan.

If he personally asks Cheng Yuan to make a request, it will consume the human relationship between the country and Cheng Yuan anyway. If he knows this way, the punishment will never run away!

Therefore, at this time Cheng Yuan injected himself with another fortifier, and he naturally had no opinion. Because from this point of view, Cheng Yuan's behavior this time is not in the face of the country behind him, but purely his personal relationship.

Cheng Yuan also had the same meaning. He agreed very freely, but he also understood that even if he agreed, he could not inject No. 1 fortifier into Yang Qiaoyuan. After all, injecting No. 1 fortifier, it was regarded as a personal relationship, but it was not I think so.

He didn't want to punish Yang Qiaoyuan for such a small request.

After all, the human heart is flesh-grown. After a long time of contact, there will naturally be so many human feelings. And he didn't ask Yang Qiaoyuan for help before.

So naturally he was willing to help.

"Please follow me and prepare a room for you. You will change clothes and I will give you an injection." Wang Xi gestured to Yang Qiaoyuan, then turned to lead the way.

Yang Qiaoyuan heard the words, and quickly kept up, but his heart was extremely excited. Although in this era of robot war, the individual qualities of human beings do not seem to be so prominent, but the overall strength of the individual will still bring sufficient security for himself.

Even if something happens in the future, you can rely on your strength to avoid losses as much as possible.

Wang Xi took Yang Qiaoyuan to an observation room. The layout of the observation room was simple. There was nothing around it. There was only a white mechanical lounge chair in the middle.

Wang Xi threw him a set of blue lab clothes, and said lightly, "Take off, put on, and wait for the injection after a while, if you don't want to wear clothes."

Wang Xi's lack of thought left Yang Qiaoyuan scratching his head, but he went to the dressing room to change his clothes.

When he came out, Wang Xi was standing next to the deck chair. At this time, Yang Qiaoyuan looked at the deck chair. The deck chair was white, with soft lines, about one meter and two meters wide. It was made of an unknown synthetic fiber material. It feels a bit frosted.

But what attracted Yang Qiaoyuan the most was that there was no fixed bracket under this mechanical recliner, but the volley was suspended there.

The height of the suspension was about his waist.

"Lie down." Wang Xi's indifferent voice sounded again, urging.

Yang Qiaoyuan returned to God, and responded quickly: "Okay, okay!"

Yang Qiaoyuan lay down. The recliner underneath was very comfortable, although its shape resembled a chair, but Yang Qiaoyuan felt that this was more like an advanced high-tech bed.

When he was thinking about it, Wang Xi had taken out the No. 2 fortifier, which was packed in a silver-white metal syringe with a thick little finger and a length of about ten centimeters.

Seeing Wang Xi's move, Yang Qiaoyuan subconsciously looked at the fortifier in his hands. After seeing the shape of the syringe, he was very curious.

After all, the syringe in Wang Xi's hand does not have a needle. How is this injected?

But Wang Xi didn't care about Yang Qiaoyuan's gaze. He moved quickly on the hand, exposing Yang Qiaoyuan's head, exposing the aorta on his neck, and then politely aimed at the aorta.


A brief and clear mechanical prompt sounded. Yang Qiaoyuan only felt that something was stuck at the neck, and it was stinging, and then a cold liquid entered the body along the stinging point.

When he returned to God, he found that Wang Xi had put the syringe in his hand into the pocket of his coat, and then looked at him silently.

That kind of look was indifferent and seemed to have no feelings, so I looked at myself so quietly.

"This ... OK ...?" When he was about to ask, there was a slight burning sensation in his body. The burning sensation started from his chest.

At the same time, he felt his heart beat even harder.

Just when he started to react, Wang Xi calmly reached out and opened a holographic window. Inside the window was a virtual picture of the human body, which clearly showed various data.

Wang Xi looked at the holographic window and didn't speak ~ ~ Yang Qiaoyuan stared directly. He couldn't understand the specific meaning of the data, but the only thing he could understand was his heart rate.

Hmm ... reached 270 ...

Seeing this number, Yang Qiaoyuan was suddenly shocked, his eyes widened immediately, some incredible.

This, this is not right. If it is so fast, I should not be able to bear the coma at this time, even if there is no coma, at such a fast speed, there is no pain in my heart?

Not only did he not feel pain, but he felt very comfortable all over!

How is this going?

His mind was blank, and he didn't know how long it was, and after he felt that kind of warmth disappeared, he only reacted.

He looked blankly at Wang Xi: "It's over?"

Wang Xi closed the holographic window at will and nodded faintly, "Well, it's over."

"I succeeded in strengthening?" Yang Qiaoyuan asked unbelievably.

"Well, it succeeded, but you still have to wash first, and then experience the difference." Wang Xi was still calm, and after leaving a sentence, he left with his own consideration.

As Wang Xi said, Yang Qiaoyuan suddenly realized that he was experiencing an unpleasant stench, just like the pungent question in a biogas tank.

He got up in an instant and went into the bathroom.

After he entered, Cheng Yuan and Wang Xi were talking outside. Cheng Yuan patted Wang Xi's shoulder with satisfaction: "Yes, your No. 2 fortifier has great potential, much stronger than No. 1! But its effect needs to be further strengthened!"

"Continuing research, I would like to know how much human potential is in the body!" Wang Xi's eyes radiated a fiery enthusiasm.

"How big is the potential of the human body?" Cheng Yuan smiled mysteriously and said, "You can't imagine, keep working hard!" (To be continued.) U

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