Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 632:

Looking at Yang Qiaoyuan hurried away, Cheng Yuan was speechless, sitting idly on the sand and waiting for about ten minutes, then he saw Yang Qiaoyuan look awkward and return.

"Ah, I was so anxious just now, I almost forgot, which technical guide are you going to let me go with me?" Yang Qiaoyuan was anxious to find a slit to enter at this time.

If it hadn't been for a long time in the desert in the northwest, at this time his skin color was much darker, otherwise his flushed face would not have made Cheng Yuan a joke?

Cheng Yuan shouted, "I thought you didn't need it."

"Hehe." Yang Qiaoyuan laughed and said, "How can you tell me, I'm anxious to go back, after all, what you said just made me creepy. I didn't expect the military's artificial intelligence to be so big. problem!"

Yang Qiaoyuan looked at Cheng Yuan with anxiety.

"Alright!" Cheng Yuan waved his hand silently, comforting: "Don't scare yourself, okay, as I said just now, no one in your military's artificial intelligence and intelligent machinery can do anything, the meaning is very clear, both parties No one can control what the other party does! "

Cheng Yuan stared straight at Yang Qiaoyuan: "You, you know what I mean?"

"Uh." Yang Qiaoyuan scratched his head, and his thick eyebrows frowned. "You mean, they are evenly matched, right?"

Cheng Yuan shrugged: "Almost."

"It turned out to be like this, let's say it earlier. I was scared of perspiration just now." Yang Qiaoyuan was relieved, and his embarrassed look eased a little.

"I didn't scare you, you scared yourself." Cheng Yuan muttered.

Yang Qiaoyuan didn't hear the murmur in Cheng Yuan's mouth, while he relaxed, he asked: "Yes, since no one can help others, why can't the core of the quantum network enter the artificial intelligence?"

Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes: "The reason why you are not allowed to give the core of the quantum network to the military's artificial intelligence, I just told you why."

Yang Qiaoyuan nodded and continued watching Cheng Yuan, waiting for the following.

"However, although neither party can get the control of the other, the information between them is not obscured. You can easily get their technology, and they can also get your technology easily! You can ask you for your responsibility this time. Are the people managing artificial intelligence the rapid growth of artificial intelligence recently? "

Cheng Yuan's explanation brightened Yang Qiaoyuan's eyes. If it really is the same as Cheng Yuan said, isn't that an explanation, they can also use this method to obtain some advanced technology in intelligent machinery?

He is very clear that after occupying various countries, these intelligent machines will use the top technology data of these countries for their own use, but they contain a lot of advanced technologies that they are extremely envious.

He immediately nodded: "Okay, I'll go back and ask. By the way, who are you going to let me follow?"

Cheng Yuan raised his hand a little in front of him, a holographic window appeared, then the light flashed, and a character profile was presented in front of Yang Qiaoyuan.

"This is ..." Yang Qiaoyuan looked at the profile of the character in front of him, looked at Cheng Yuan with a shock, and couldn't agree: "Are you sure this person?"

Cheng Yuan glanced at him: "Yes, this is the person. Don't look at the young people, she is the first genius to crack the streamlined code!"

Yang Qiaoyuan's mouth twitched a bit, and then a little embarrassed, "It really is a master of folks, since you have said so, then she."

"By the way, when will she go with me?" Yang Qiaoyuan asked, he wanted to go back as soon as possible, although Cheng Yuan said very indifferently.

But he still was not at ease, after all, the military's artificial intelligence at this stage can be said to be the core of the entire Chinese military's electronic system.

But now Cheng Yuan said that their electronic core and the biggest enemy intelligent machinery turned out to be such a purely transparent situation.

This made him as a soldier unacceptable!

Cheng Yuan naturally understood why Yang Qiaoyuan was so anxious, he laughed: "Just now."

"Then arrange it quickly." Yang Qiaoyuan nodded heavily.

Cheng Yuan did not make nonsense, and directly contacted Liu Changfeng. Liu Changfeng has been with him for a long time, and her talent is very high. A lot of computer-related knowledge and technology are basically used at a fast speed, including the latest quantum network technology.

So this time Cheng Yuan decided to use Liu Changfeng as a guide to help the Huaxia military install a quantum network.

The state-of-the-art laboratory is on the 122th floor. This floor is an independent laboratory dedicated to the company's senior talents.

And everyone on this floor is Liu Changfeng.

Because cutting-edge laboratory buildings have so much space, valuable scientific researchers naturally have independent space for the company.

In the technology crystallization company, the company's executive executives were arranged in the original building, although this arrangement made many high-level dissatisfaction.

After all, how could they have no idea living in an advanced building like a cutting-edge laboratory?

However, Cheng Yuan's regulations stopped them directly. The cutting-edge laboratory is the company's scientific research building. People without technology cannot enter this building to work!

As for the company's president, Zheng Jia, although she is not a scientific researcher, she is the first person under Cheng Yuan. Her identity is different from that of ordinary seniors, so she also has an office in a cutting-edge laboratory.

After spending almost a year at a technology crystallization company, Liu Changfeng not only learned a lot, he was also one year older.

At this time, Liu Changfeng came out more beautiful, a black and beautiful black long straight down to the waist along the shoulders.

One year has made her taller, reaching 1.78 meters!

Such a figure is almost taller than most boys of the same age. Although she has also become more beautiful, she is a true goddess of iceberg in school.

Ordinary boys simply do not dare to approach from the height difference between the two sides. Even if a small number of people are taller than Liu Changfeng, they dare not come forward to talk.

Previously, because of his academic relationship, Liu Changfeng basically spent half of his time in school and half of his time in the company. Now that it is time for a holiday, she lives directly at the company.

For Liu Changfeng, it is more meaningful to explore his unknown knowledge than to go shopping.

Probably because of this mentality, she continued to improve. Even Odom, who took her at first, had to express her feelings for Liu Changfeng's efforts and progress.

When the quantum network was just started, Liu Changfeng began to contact this knowledge. With her own efforts and some technical data, she launched a new set of quantum network security defenses in a very short time. system.

Because of her performance, Cheng Yuan directly assigned the 122-level laboratory to Liu Changfeng and let her arrange and arrange her own independent laboratory.

Her independent laboratory was transformed into a warm home, and the space near the floor-to-ceiling windows was transformed into a home for her.

A large bed was placed near the floor-to-ceiling window. The bed was covered with pink quilts and sheets, and there were a few giant dolls on the bed.

Not far from the bed, there is a coffee table and a set of plush chairs, and the ground is covered with a thin gray carpet.

The overall style is simple and warm.

The rest of the place was transformed into her own open laboratory with smart robotic arms, smart robots, and a bunch of high-tech electronic equipment and tools.

This style of transformation was learned from Cheng Yuan. As an idol, she naturally has an imitative psychology.

When she met Cheng Yuan for the first time, Cheng Yuan's highly advanced and integrated laboratory was deeply imprinted in her heart.

So after getting her own independent space, she couldn't wait to transform herself in this style.

For her transformation behavior, Cheng Yuan naturally wouldn't bother. For him, the place is for you, and you can do whatever you want.

In his mind, a comfortable working environment can bring better inspiration and a more focused work attitude.

At this moment, Liu Changfeng was tapping on the holographic keyboard on the desktop with both hands, while staring intently at the code falling like a waterfall on the holographic screen in front of him.

Liu Changfeng's nose bridge has a pair of thin gold wire glasses. The lenses are made of a special material in order to reduce eye fatigue.

Although after having a holographic window, there is no hidden danger that staring at the 'screen' for a long time will cause vision loss.

But looking at a place for a long time, the eyes are also fatigued.

Now she is designing a quantum chip for mobile phones. Although the company's computers have all been transformed into quantum computers, mobile smart terminals still use old hardware equipment.

Even Lan Yin ’s mobile phone has been changed to a quantum data signal, but it ’s just that a quantum information receiver is added inside the phone ~ ~ the phone ’s built-in storage has not changed much, which made her realize To some of these problems, because when the quantum network began to spread, she realized that with the popularity of the quantum network, the amount of data on the network will increase to hundreds of times or even thousands of times used today!

In this way, the storage of the old hardware equipment cannot meet the needs of the quantum network at all, so the new hardware equipment must keep up!

With this idea, she directly found Cheng Yuan, and put forward her thoughts and ideas for future mobile smart terminals.

Cheng Yuan did not disappoint her, she simply agreed with her research, and she also fully supported herself. This makes Liu Changfeng very happy. After all, his idea has been recognized by the idol. Can it be unhappy?

So, recently, she has been trying to design a quantum chip in her laboratory. Of course, in order to design such a chip, she has to involve more knowledge in the field.

At the same time, in the design of quantum chips, she is also referring to the relevant technical knowledge given to her. After all, the company already has mature chip design knowledge on the computer side, so she must make good use of it.


When Liu Changfeng devoted herself to work, her personal intelligence suddenly sounded: "Changfeng, Brother Cheng is looking for you!"

Liu Changfeng froze, then left the keyboard with both hands, took off his glasses and said, "On."

As soon as she spoke, a new holographic window appeared next to the main screen. Liu Changfeng saw Cheng Yuan and asked curiously, "Brother Cheng, is there anything wrong?"

Cheng Yuan nodded and smiled: "I will give you a task to help the Chinese military install a quantum network, and then provide them with some technical guidance, okay?"

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