Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 629:

Rocarlos, who is making Cheng Yuan complain, is also complaining in his heart about the efficiency of the Chinese government.

He came to seek support, but now he is negotiating with ambassadors from other countries, while the Chinese government is waiting for the results.

This naturally made him criticize, but he had to accept the result, the situation is stronger than others, he can only do things according to Huaxia rules.

While caring with others, Rocarlos was also anxious, after all, he didn't forget the construction of the quantum network.

Hundreds of top talents in various industries have been handed over, but because of the problem of support, he was afraid that Cheng Yuan and others would be impatient, and then directly gave construction to other countries in advance.

Although the person who sent Huaxia from the United States was not just him, but Huaxia is now updating its communications. There is no so-called SIM phone card. You can only rely on your personal identity to log in to the city network before you can use a new phone.

However, they are Americans, not Huaxia people, and are not registered in Huaxia, so they cannot handle city networks at all.

As for temporary visitors, they could not handle it because of the war. When they could contact Cheng Yuan, they still depended on the relationship between the Chinese government.

Otherwise, they would never see Cheng Yuan's face.

This is also the case now. It is only Cheng Yuan who can see Cheng Yuan in the entire American team. Others have no way at all.

At this time, he was very self-blame, he should explain the construction address before leaving, but he thinks that the entire responsibility is not on himself, and the technology crystal company also has to bear some responsibilities.

After all, if the technology crystal company showed something that was too shocking, and what he did was incredible, how could he forget such an important thing because of the shock.

However, complaining now does not help, no matter what, he has to talk about the support quickly, and then go to Cheng Yuan.

And he also understood that the private transaction between him and Cheng Yuan could not let outsiders know. After all, the female CEO who crystallized the technology had reminded herself before leaving that the specific details of the Chinese government could not be known.

Thinking of this, he could not help but sigh again, and then continued to talk with the ambassadors of various countries.

It was not only Rocarlos who was present, but other countries were equally anxious. After all, everyone was the affected area, so after three days of argument, they also gradually reached a consensus.

Although some places are more severely attacked by intelligent machinery and some are lighter, Huaxia's support forces are just such a fixed number, so they can only choose to distribute evenly under the circumstances of dispute.

After all, they are not stupid. If they continue to quarrel, if they don't add one day, their own country will be dangerous. They can't risk continuing to argue.

Therefore, after reaching a consensus, these ambassadors submitted their unanimous opinions to the head of the Huaxia Chief Executive.

When the chief saw the comments on the table, he couldn't help laughing, and said to the secretary Xiao Zhang, "Since they agreed, then send the support directly after signing the agreement."

Xiao Zhang also had a slight smile on his face. Everything that happened recently seemed almost a dream to him. It was like the feeling of the nations in ancient times that made him feel a deep feeling from the bottom of his heart. Of pride.

This is our Huaxia, this is our land, this is also our country!

After he heard what the chief said, he should have been in a hurry.

When the ambassadors of the countries saw the agreement issued by the Huaxia government, they looked at each other, and signed a painful agreement with the technology crystallization company a few days ago. I did not expect that there would be another one here when I came back to the Huaxia government!

But at this time, none of them raised any objection, but just silently looked at the contents of the agreement. Soon these ambassadors read the agreement and signed the name without any hesitation.

Now they just don't agree. Unlike the technology crystallization company, the technology crystallization company is even better. He is just a private company, so they dare to argue and argue.

But facing the Chinese government, they can only acquiesce!

After all, if you refuse, many people will definitely be willing to take over his support.

Looking at the ambassadors' signature names without protest, Xiao Zhang, who was in charge of the matter, looked at these people in surprise.

He was also ready to talk to each other, but the results were completely different from his expectations.

"But it's okay and saves you trouble." Xiao Zhang thought so, and his smile was even stronger.

"Now that everyone agrees, we will send support forces now, and you can return to our country with our airship. Of course, if you have any more things to do, you can also stay a little longer." Xiao Zhang laughed.

And Xiao Zhang's words brightened the eyes of many ambassadors present at the scene, and they immediately became mindset. After all, Xiao Zhang clearly stated to them that they could stay in Huaxia!

Now except the Huaxia region, the world is not very peaceful. It is too dangerous to return home, but it is safe in Huaxia! Taking into account their own lives, some people were excited.

After all, the follow-up matters of the support forces can be left to their deputies, and they can stay in China!

Unlike other ambassadors with different ideas, Rocarlos immediately arranged for the deputy to take over the support after the agreement was finalized, and then flew to Anhe City.


On the top floor of the cutting-edge laboratory, Cheng Yuan and Zero are discussing the details of the Mars transformation plan. Although the main tone has been set before.

But there are still many things that cannot be determined in isolation in detail.

For example, the problem of finding meteorites. Although it was said at the beginning that the number of asteroid traps should be increased, this is not enough.

After all, there is not much time left, and the requirements for meteorites to hit Mars are more stringent, which greatly increases the difficulty.

In consideration of this situation, it is planned to add some small propellers to help the meteorite increase its impact force. Increasing the falling speed of the meteorite will also bring certain effects.

In this way, he can have a wider range of choices, and he and Cheng Yuan are now discussing the issue of the propeller.

Cheng Yuan did not oppose the increase of thrusters. He was more concerned about the zero-calculated data.

"Zero, you can just follow the thruster problem. I want to ask, according to your plan, how many meteorites do we need, and what are the volume of these meteorites?"

Answering Zero: "According to the calculation, we need to arrange 1.33 million meteorites with a diameter between the shortest 20 meters and the longest 150 meters."

"These meteorites need to have an uninterrupted impact on the surface of Mars for 73 days from different angles, and we need to adjust the size of the meteorite according to the changes on the surface of Mars."

"So, in order to ensure continuity, we need to prepare in advance the required meteorite and arrange it around Mars."

As soon as Zero finished speaking, Cheng Yuan couldn't help but say, "Seventy-three days? It's almost three months, we have only half a month!"

"Sir, we can delay the recovery time of global outer space equipment, which will not have much impact." Zero said.

Cheng Yuan showed a thoughtful look, stroked his chin, and nodded softly: "This will work, anyway, we will initially cover the quantum network first. As for satellites, we can slow down."

"That's right." Cheng Yuan frowned suddenly. "According to your calculations, millions of meteorites have come down. Are you sure you won't crash Mars?"

Zero immediately replied: "Sir, please rest assured that my calculations will not be wrong. According to the rock data analysis we collected on Mars, Mars can withstand such continuous impacts, and in order to ensure that Mars will not deviate from orbit due to excessive impacts, That ’s why a full range of collisions is specially arranged! ”

Stopped, Zero seemed to be digesting at a distance, and then continued: "Every impact is carefully calculated and will not allow Mars to affect the gravitational system of the entire solar system."

Cheng Yuan nodded a little at ease: "As long as there is no impact, but if millions of meteorites come down, will the total volume of Mars increase by one circle?"

"There will be some increase, but it will not increase much." Zero replied solemnly.

"Let ’s get started, continue to increase the number of catchers, and then divide a part to build the thrusters. You need to increase the calculated amount by 5% to build, after all, it ’s better to be more ~ ​​ ~ It's useless at the critical time! "Cheng Yuan Shen said.

"I see. By that time, I will arrange all the meteorite in the orbit of Mars." Zero return, and then said, "Sir, we need more basic materials, we need to add ten factories in space, So the overall plan needs to be delayed by about ten days. "

"Uh ..." Cheng Yuan twitched his mouth and waved his hand: "Ten days, ten days, anyway, no more than three months."

Although I have long known that this plan will not be so simple, but when it was done, Cheng Yuan couldn't help but sigh. Although such a large plan, it is just a simple sentence to add ten factories, but Cheng Yuan Understand that these factories will continue to produce what they need 24 hours a day.

After all, Zero also said just now that the technology needed to arrange meteorites in the orbit of Mars is not simple.

After all, the meteorite is arranged. They are not static in the universe, and some slight collisions will still occur. Collisions will definitely cause losses and chaos, so it needs a lot of control.

As for how zero will solve this problem, Cheng Yuan actually has a solution in his mind, which is to use the magnetic field!

Although there are quite a lot of force fields in Cheng Yuan's technology, the only thing that can be used in this case is the magnetic field.

The interaction between magnetic fields is used to ensure the stability of these meteorite orbits. This is the only technology Cheng Yuan can think of and the only technology that can be realized at present.

And Zero naturally chooses this way.

Later, Cheng Yuan asked again, "Are there any questions?"

"Of course, sir, there are still many details of the transformation plan that need to be solved by us." (To be continued.) Hao Ruoshu, Book Friends Home! Unique URL:

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