Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 623:

Jiang Wei's complexion instantly gloomed, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he watched Li Dongjing's self-departing back grit his teeth.

As the director of the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Jiang Wei's previously held rights are definitely one of the best in this advanced electronic information society!

Up to the news media, there are movies and TV shows in the middle, and then to the lowest level of advertising information, which is not their supervision and management?

In order to pass the information or movies and other things on the Internet, which one is not accompanied by a smiley face, and which one is sent?

Such a department with real power and oil and water can be said to be fat in the eyes of many people!

But now it is different. Since the outbreak of the smart machinery crisis, the existing network channels have been breached by smart machinery, and their status of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is very awkward.

Although they still have the right to supervise, they have changed from their former dominant position to the embarrassing situation of not having much voice right now!

They used to say that they wanted to block anyone who wanted to block, and no one dared to disobey them.

But now, even if they are named, they will block a public figure, but the technology crystallization company will not buy it!

They have their own set of regulatory policies. As long as they do not violate national laws, they will not broadcast them!

And the most hateful thing is that this technology crystallization company can do this or they have decided after a compromise!

The opening of the city network originally touched their interests, but it was a big noise at the time and it surprised the head.

As a result, a series of measures have become what they are today. They only have the power to supervise the technology crystallization company, but they have no decision power!

As long as the technology crystallization company does not violate the laws of China, they cannot let the technology crystallization company do what they want!

Now thinking about it, Jiang Wei regretted it! Knowing that there would be today's situation, he would not compromise easily at least, and at least he would get more rights!

Because the progress of the urban network was a hindrance at that time, at that time, a group of radio and television leaders were still watching jokes there.

After all, from the beginning, when the city network was launched, the technology crystallization company went to other cities to promote it, but the results were very unsatisfactory.

So they've been watching jokes.

But now, Jiang Wei's heart is bleeding!

"Mr. Cheng, this Li Dong is so ridiculous. Doesn't he worry about those people mixing in spies and stealing the technology secrets of the technology crystallization company? That's about the security of the country!" Jiang Wei still said, and said to Cheng Bing .

Although he was not reconciled, his mind was not confused. He still cared about the country and put himself at a high point.

Cheng Bing smiled, took a sip of tea, and slowly put down the tea cup: "Oh, ginger, domestic matters have always been Lao Li's responsibility. We are specifically targeting foreign countries. Since everyone Lao Li said that Cheng Yuan has not violated the rules It ’s hard for me to say anything. "

Cheng Bing's eyes were sloppy. Can Jiang Wei know what he is thinking now, but he doesn't want to take the lead for Jiang Wei.

Not to mention that the status of this radio and television bureau has plummeted, and even if he still maintains his original status, he cannot help outsiders to deal with his family!

Although Cheng Yuan's pulse does not acknowledge the relationship with them, after all, there is blood relationship, and the old man in the family has also ordered it. If you can help, try to help, and don't hinder you.

Besides, although Cheng Yuan can't bear the people of the Cheng family, it is different in the eyes of the chief executive. Otherwise, Cheng Zhiyuan did something special in the South China Sea just for a week of confinement?

His practice at that time, Cheng Zhiyuan, became serious, saying that it was provoking international war! This kind of thing is not easy for the head to see in Cheng Yuan's face, or the grandfather at home is not easy to settle!

The reason for this appointment was for Jiang Wei to meet Li Dong, but he just wanted to return his personal feelings. Although he did not owe Jiang Wei anything, some people at home owed it.

Jiang Wei was so speechless that his eyes stared like a pair of bronze bells.

"Oh, this time, it's not that I don't help you, and you don't look at the benefits that the technology crystallization company brings to the society today, but there are tens of thousands of wanted criminals! No matter the size of their crimes, these are all proper achievements No one can't live up to their future! "

Cheng Bing ignored Jiang Wei's staring eyes and slowly explained. He also wanted to go with Li Dong when he left.

But thinking that things weren't done, there was always an explanation, so I patiently explained to him.

Jiang Wei naturally understands Cheng Bing's meaning. No one will be upset with his own achievements, even if Li Dong is the same, but he is not willing!

Anyone who suddenly experiences such a sudden change in status as a right can't stand it.

Looking at Jiang Wei with an unwilling look, Cheng Bing could only help but sigh. After thinking about it, he said, "Jiang, that's it. You want to take this opportunity to find trouble with a technology crystallization company, it's too difficult!"

After speaking, he didn't go to see Jiang Wei again. After all, he should have said everything. If he still couldn't listen, there was nothing he could do.

Cheng Bing left, but Jiang Wei was still sitting alone in the private room, and his mind echoed the words that Cheng Bing finally said.

"Too difficult!"

Jiang Wei's bitter smile was indeed too difficult. The new network of the technology crystallization company did indeed bring the most immediate benefits to all people.

Whether it's a mobile phone, the Internet, or a robot, it's all about society.

Such a technology crystallization company, as long as they do not make mistakes themselves, outsiders have no chance, including him.

Jiang Wei came out of the private room with a look of decadence. He was a little dazed ...

When they were separated here, Cheng Yuan, who was far away in Anhe City, did not know that someone would have a discussion on this issue.

At this time, holding Guo Xiaolian's hand, he entered the marriage registration office under the protection of Chen Yu and Zhang Li.

There are still many people preparing to register for marriage in the marriage registration office. Compared with those who are waiting in line, Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian naturally do not need to wait.

As soon as they entered, one of them greeted with a smirk on their faces: "Mr. Cheng, long, long, long, your marriage to Ms. Guo is a joyous event!"

Cheng Yuan didn't know the man in front of him, and he didn't know why the man knew he was here, but although he was puzzled in his heart, he smiled lightly on his face and said politely, "Thank you, the formalities ..."

"Just hand it to me. You just need to show your ID card and hukou book, and I will do the rest for you!" The man took it directly.

Seeing each other's enthusiasm, Cheng Yuan was also very welcome. After handing the two people's hukou and ID cards to each other, they followed him to a small room with a nice decoration next to him.

"Mr. Cheng, wait a minute, the procedure will be fine soon." The man offered Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian sweet tea to drink water, and then left in a hurry.

After he went out, Guo Xiaolian asked in amazement: "Cheng Yuan, did you say hello in advance?"

"No, I don't know him." Cheng Yuan said he was innocent.

"Then how does he know that we are coming and is so enthusiastic?" Guo Xiaolian was even more puzzled. Since Cheng Yuan didn't know him, how could this person know that they would come?

You know, this time the decision to get a marriage certificate was a temporary intention, but there was no preparation in advance, and no one had mentioned it.

It made her feel weird.

Cheng Yuan watched Guo Xiaolian's puzzled look and smiled: "It's probably a camera or something at the door. It's obvious that my face is so handsome and so famous as me ..."

"Don't be narcissistic!" Guo Xiaolian was immediately laughed at by Cheng Yuan, and gently shook Cheng Yuan's shoulder.

When the two were arguing, the time soon passed five or six minutes. The man who had greeted Cheng Yuan returned with a smile.

When he returned, he was holding two hardback books.

Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

"Two people, the documents are ready." The man respectfully gave the two marriage registration certificates, as well as their ID cards and hukou to Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian.

"Well, hard work." Cheng Yuan nodded, took over his things, and left Guo Marriage Office with Guo Xiaolian and Zhang Li Chen Yu.

Watching Cheng Yuan wait for others to leave, the man put away a smile and quickly took out Lan Yin's cell phone and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected. A middle-aged man with black frame glasses, a square face and a short hair asked in amazement, "Oh, Xiaobai, why are you thinking of calling me?"

As soon as the man heard the title of "Little White", his face suddenly pulled down, and he countered, "A Huang, your dog's nose doesn't seem to work!"

The man named A Huang was not angry, he smiled, and touched his nose: "My nose is very good, even if I can ask your athlete's foot over the phone!"

"Don't talk nonsense. If it weren't for our friendship, I don't want to tell you. Do you know who I met today?"

"Who, do you come across any star to register for marriage?" A Huang's eyes flashed, he knew his hair was working in a marriage registration office, and occasionally he could meet some public figures. Character, Xiaobai will contact him.

After all, he is an editor in a media.

"Star?" Xiao Bai suddenly looked disdainful.

At first sight, Huang looked small ~ ~, and was even more surprised. He hurriedly said, "What is a more famous public figure?"

"It's Cheng Yuan!" Xiao Bai's tone changed, Shen cried.

"Cheng Yuan !!!" A Huang suddenly exclaimed, her face filled with astonishment and ecstasy.

Who is Cheng Yuan? As long as he is in Huaxia, no one dares to say that he has never heard of it! Such a well-known figure went to the marriage registration office to get a marriage certificate!

"Who is the woman!" A Huang asked impatiently after his response.

Xiaobai shrugged and took it for granted: "Who else can there be? People like Cheng Yuan can easily change as long as they identify one person?"

Although Xiaobai didn't say the name, A Huang immediately said a name: "Guo Xiaolian!"

His tone was very firm, after all, there was only one woman related to Cheng Yuan, and that was Guo Xiaolian. In addition, A Huang couldn't think of another person.

"Well, it's her. Today the two of them came to get the marriage certificate. If I had installed a reminder at the door, maybe I would miss it." Speaking of this matter, Xiao Bai's face showed a proud look.

Since owning the city network, he has specially installed a camera at the door, and then set up a reminder program for himself through his Lanyin smart phone.

Originally, he planned to use this program to see leaders, and then he could go out to meet the first time ...

However, since the installation, he has used to see the well-known figures.

When he saw the only Rolls-Royce car in Anhe today at the door, he immediately realized that the big man was here!

And as expected, Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian came in hand in hand, and then he greeted the first time. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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