Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 607:

Ending the call on the first, Cheng Yuan looked serious.

"Zero, let's continue to let go ... can you?" Cheng Yuan didn't know why he had a kind of worry. Although he didn't know where this worry came from, he always felt that if he didn't take another shot, it might cause company He has incalculable consequences.

"Sir, you need to consider it yourself. Now that smart machines have established their own main buildings in various countries, and according to our satellite observations, the country has completely become the world of smart machines, and there are no human traces there."

Although Zero's answer was light, Cheng Yuan was silent because the meaning of Zero was clear, and the tens of millions of people in the country must have been wiped out.

Coupled with the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea and other countries, the total number of deaths and injuries has exceeded hundreds of millions!

This is a very horrific number. Since the outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis, only one week has passed, and the total human population has been reduced by a few tenths!

If it continues, the number of casualties will continue to increase. After all, the approach before Huaxia has made it clear that no support will be given to those who are 'ununited'.

As a result, the number of casualties will increase.

Now Cheng Yuan is thinking whether he should continue to wait for his 'time' or stop the crisis.

Of course, Cheng Yuan's words and deeds did not conceal Guo Xiaolian. When Cheng Yuan got up and might answer the phone, Guo Xiaolian also dressed and walked out. She also saw the conversation between Cheng Yuan and No. 1 in her eyes.

After all, the two talents were not asleep just after lying down.

At this moment, watching her beloved frown, Guo Xiaolian carefully sat down beside Cheng Yuan, "Is it a difficult choice?"

"On the one hand is his own plan, and on the other hand is a living life." Guo Xiaolian didn't just say ‘human life is greater than heaven’.

It is not her indifference or her inhumanity.

Maybe some people can say ‘human life is greater than heaven’ in righteousness, but how many are there? I'm afraid there aren't even one in ten million!

Saying such a word, 99% of them went for a certain benefit!

Let's not talk about things in reality, let's talk about the actions of the protagonists of the last-day virgins in the novels on the Internet. In the lost world, the protagonists have adventures and capabilities.

Began to lead the team to survive in the last days, then in order for the protagonist to have the ability to save people, then all kinds of distress, all kinds of adventures.

Regardless of the author's own arrangements, judging from a personal perspective, is the protagonist such a way to forcefully show his strong strength in the entire survival team and then consolidate his position in the team?

Xiao Xiao escapes, the beauty dedicates, isn't this a gain?

Looking back on the reality again, when the Central China Earthquake occurred in the middle of the year, someone went to the disaster area to rescue the disaster and won the reputation of the whole country. He was engaged in charity.

But now he was picked out and said that he had dug out a large amount of scrap metal for resale in the disaster area and made hundreds of millions.

Can you criticize him for such behavior?

Worse, he made a fortune through disaster. But things are two-sided. He saved many people while getting rich, which is also an indisputable fact!

But in any case, isn't his purpose driven by interest alone?

[Benefit] These two words are not derogatory terms. Everyone is fighting for the benefit. It has nothing to do with good and evil. It is only that some people do whatever they can for the benefit.

Cheng Yuan glanced at Guo Xiaolian, then nodded, bitterly: "It's really difficult to choose, but it's not a matter of life."

"After all, everything has a reason, even if the emergence of intelligent machinery is my reason, but if they didn't start the artificial intelligence plan, there would not be so many things, and everything is not profitable? "

Cheng Yuan shrugged and sighed, "You don't know, how happy they were when they successfully produced artificial intelligence, how proud they were to overcome the difficulties with the help of artificial intelligence, and now it is also necessary to They bear the results themselves. "

Guo Xiaolian heard that, thinking of everything that happened in the past few months, she quite agreed. But at the same time she looked at Cheng Yuan curiously: "Since it's not because of this, what are you embarrassing?"

Cheng Yuan explained: "I am embarrassed that if I try to stop it now, will it be misunderstood and swept the global intelligent machinery crisis and it will be resolved as soon as I do it. How can outsiders not doubt it?"

"Don't look at the fact that under the threat of intelligent machinery, some people haven't stood up, but once the threat of intelligent machinery is lifted, they will definitely stand up and stand on the so-called moral high ground and blame you!"

Guo Xiaolian frowned gently, Cheng Yuan's worries did happen, and Guo Xiaolian was not a fool. She also understood that Cheng Yuan's worry was that these clown jumping clowns would definitely use this horrific death toll as their weapon to attack others.

And these people's approach is nothing more than taking advantage of this big incident to increase their own fame, or get something further.

"Will you come as planned?" Guo Xiaolian said, but then she suddenly reacted and looked at Cheng Yuan with a little surprise: "Will it not be, you are embarrassed that the intelligent machinery is developing too fast and beyond your control ? "

Cheng Yuan nodded silently, this is where he was embarrassed. If in accordance with his previous plan, when human beings are most at risk, he will stand up, ostensibly leading the army of intelligent robots to crush intelligent machinery.

In fact, it is indeed a strong artificial intelligence that uses zero powerful strength to directly destroy intelligent machinery!

In this way, there will be no unwarranted accusations.

However, the problem now is that the development of intelligent machinery has faintly surprised him. If it continues, the final result may be greatly different.

After talking to Guo Xiaolian about the thoughts in his heart, Cheng Yuan sighed long and lay on his back on the sofa.

After listening to Cheng Yuan's plan, Guo Xiaolian had no solution for a while. Of course, she also thought that Cheng Yuan would now lead the army of intelligent robots but crush the intelligent machinery.

The problem is, this approach will only cause more people to question before experiencing real despair! As for why this happens, as Guo Xiaolian had guessed before, some people always jump out at such moments ...

Knowing this kind of thing, it depends on the situation!

Disasters passed too quickly. Without the painstaking experience, most people would not know how to be grateful. Only after experiencing real disasters and despair will they remember those who are good to themselves and those who saved themselves from the whirlpool!

After all, for the so-called good-heartedness, are there few people who have been bitten back to help others?

Although Guo Xiaolian also believes that most people will thank Cheng Yuan, the reality is often cruel, but the idiom of three people becoming tigers is the wisdom of the ancients.

Up to now, the network environment is even more vividly displayed. How many people who do good deeds have been offended by some interest groups and have been led by public opinion to become the target of criticism by the entire population?


Of course, some people will say that flies do not sting without eggs, and there is no wind without waves! If you haven't done anything wrong, why are they targeting you?

Such far-fetched words will only make people feel ridiculous. At that time, the Native Americans of the Americas were very primitive and natural. Their ‘egg shells’ were not sewn, right?

But in the end?

With the development of Europe's great voyages, this continent was discovered, and then they faced slaughter.

Do they have this 'egg shell' sewn?

Not the word 'interest'?

"Then you can guarantee the final stability?" Guo Xiaolian, who thought for a long time, sighed and asked Cheng Yuan, who was lying on the sofa, who was fascinated.

Cheng Yuan blinked his eyes, propped himself up, and watched Guo Xiaolian admit: "Of course, I wouldn't have such a plan ~ ~ Then come as planned, is n’t the unknown future interesting? , Don't you want to see what intelligent machinery will look like in the end? "

Upon hearing Cheng Yuan, it seemed quite reasonable, and finally nodded: "Let's continue ..."


Without the tangled Cheng Yuan, naturally step by step. At the same time, the intelligent machinery that tangled Cheng Yuan ushered in another great development.

After occupying multiple places around the world, they began to gather all available resources, and took advantage of satellite information collection to start a new round of learning, imitation and improvement!

The products of Sci-tech Crystal have become their first learning objects, whether it is a transport ship flying in the universe, or the anti-gravity technology that has been reported before.

Both have become the direction of the next development of intelligent machinery.

At the same time, in order to ensure their own safety, intelligent machines have also begun to develop in the direction of the universe. Unlike Cheng Yuan, he has to sneak up to do something ahead.

Smart machines can come straight and bright!

Because of the need to develop new technologies, the offensive of intelligent machines against the world has also slowed down. Although sporadic fighting broke out in each place, compared to the beginning, it can only be regarded as a witch.

And behaviors like intelligent machinery are naturally assured, after all military regions in developed countries in the world are occupied or destroyed.

Humans cannot organize effective offensive counterattacks in a short time, which also gives them enough time for their second development.

At the same time, Huaxia also began to completely change the network environment, and the entire information channel of Huaxia was firmly grasped by the technology crystallization company!

During this time, Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian also returned to Anhe City from Hongnong. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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