Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 575:

Although Cheng Yuan is not in contravention of selling this stuff, it also depends on the price the other party can pay.

If the price is lower than his psychological bottom line, there is naturally nothing to talk about, after all, he still has 'risk' in selling this stuff.

If the above knows that he sold this thing to foreign forces, although he will not treat him, he will definitely find someone to talk to him.

And Cheng Yuan didn't want to make the relationship too rigid because of such things, which is not a good thing for both parties.

Cheng Yuan looked at Adan, waiting for his answer.

At the same time, Adan's heart was very complicated. On the one hand, Cheng Yuan's weapons will definitely not be easily sold to other countries, so they must come up with something that makes Cheng Yuan's heart move.

Money has become the least valuable thing.

Because they know Cheng Yuan's capital very well, Cheng Yuan's company property is not ten times the gap or a hundred or even a thousand times the gap over Syria!

Cheng Yuan has hundreds of billions of dollars of current assets, and his inherent assets make it impossible to assess specific values.

Therefore, they did not consider it directly in terms of money. After all, the money in one country is not as many as Cheng Yuan. It is too ridiculous to have money in front of him.

After excluding money transactions, he could only barter. This was also discussed by the government before he came.

But what is used to exchange with Cheng Yuan? They discussed for a long time, and ultimately they could only exchange resources with Cheng Yuan. Syria's geographical location is superior, with rich mineral resources, such as oil, phosphate, natural gas, rock salt, and asphalt.

These are the chips that can be used for trading.

It was just that they did not understand the specific needs of Cheng Yuan, so Adan came.

"We are willing to pay three mines, one oil field, and two natural gas wells as payment," Adan said.

Cheng Yuan glanced at him, and did not immediately comment, but calmly turned on the holographic screen in front of Adan, and then asked Zero to inquire about what Adan said.

Seeing Cheng Yuan's actions, Adan looked nervous. He knew the situation in his own country. Now under the oppression of the United States, the opposition forces have snatched away most of the resources and minerals, and the resources they control are very scarce.

Can Cheng Yuan see those things?

Perhaps these conditions are a huge wealth for ordinary people, but not so much for Cheng Yuan.

After looking at the results of the zero query, Cheng Yuan shook his head in disappointment: "Sorry, Mr. Adan, I can't agree to your request."

After waiting for Adan to speak, Cheng Yuan continued: "I think you should understand my situation in detail before you come to me. The amount of minerals that my technology crystallization company mines from space every day is so huge that you ca n’t Imagine! "

Cheng Yuan took a deep look at Adan, and then signaled Chen Yu to get in the car.

When Chen Yu saw this, he nodded his head slightly, and then returned to the co-pilot seat. Tension started the car at this time and passed by.

Adan looked dumbly at Cheng Yuan, leaving a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth. For the very important mineral resources in China, it is not worth mentioning in Cheng Yuan's eyes.

He didn't even have the qualifications to trade, which made him so complicated. If the transaction subject changed from person to person, it would not be possible for Adan to be so inferior.

After all, as a minister of a country's special department, he has real power, and such an identity rarely makes this gesture to others.

But Cheng Cheng is different. He has advanced technology. Anyone who faces it is psychologically short!

After all, the technology that Cheng Yuan masters is not only civilian technology, but more military technology, whether it is helping Huaxia to develop a large intelligent robot or a guard robot just sitting next to him.

These are extremely sophisticated weapons!

Although Adan does not know the specific combat effectiveness of these robots, he believes that if Cheng Yuanken sends a team of robots, it will definitely sweep the Syrian opposition forces.

If Cheng Yuan is willing to help them and stand on their side, then it is definitely good news for the Syrian authorities.

Cheng Yuan itself is a kind of deterrence. Without his support, Yankees would not dare to point their fingers at them, let alone conduct so-called military operations in front of Cheng Yuan!

Regarding the assault on Cheng Yuan and the meteorite rain attack on the United States, which of the top executives in various countries is not clear about the messiness? Cheng Yuan said that he would take revenge on the other side that day. As a result, a meteorite rain came to the United States.

This coincidence is too much!

But none of them would preach it. After all, how many people would believe it even if they said it? And how can Cheng Yuan be talked out?

In addition to moral condemnation, Cheng Yuan will have nothing to do!

The Huaxia government is not a fool. It is impossible to target the genius of its own country because of things that are not important to the country.

Maybe under the circumstances of the backward force, they will do something under pressure.

But now, who dares to talk about force with China?

The South China Sea originally had constant disputes, but now? Who would dare to talk with China about territorial waters?

Once they preached, there was no benefit other than disgusting Cheng Yuan. Instead, they pretended not to know and made the event a natural disaster.

Everyone still maintains the previous relationship. Although indifferent, they will not become hostile.

As for the dead and wounded, for the high-level people, if there is a place that must be sacrificed, these people are the part of the sacrifice.

Although this is cruel, it is a reality.

Cheng Yuan's car left Adan's sight, and Adan returned from his thoughts. He smiled bitterly and was about to return to the car.

He will not leave because of Cheng Yuan's refusal. This is only the first contact. He has to find another opportunity to talk with Cheng Yuan.

However, he had just returned to the car, but suddenly found that he didn't know when there were many Chinese soldiers. The soldiers looked at them coldly, and the muzzle in their hands aimed at them.

When Adan saw this scene, he sighed suddenly, "It looks like we are going back to China earlier."

Although he also knew a little about the importance of the process in Huaxia, and he also knew a little about the protection of Chengyuan, he did not expect that Huaxia would respond so quickly!

Through the window, he looked at the flat and wide cypress pavement around him, and the evergreen trees on the road made a sound of soft leaf friction in the cold wind.

A jealous flashed in Adan's eyes: "It's an enviable country, stability and peace."

"Boss, are we going to flee?" One of Adan's men asked.

Adan shook his head: "Escape? No, we are entering the country normally, without making any harmful actions. Even if Huaxia suspects it, it will only send us back to China."

After the Huaxia soldiers appeared, Adan did not consider running away or breaking through. After all, this is not a movie. In the face of so many guns, he dare to guarantee that these people will have some slight changes and will definitely be shot into a horse honeycomb.

As for the statement that there is body protection, seizing the opportunity can still escape, Adan can only say that it is ridiculous, in this circumstance.

With a little movement on your own, the other party will definitely burst the tire for the first time.


The window was knocked, and Adan opened the door calmly, arranged his clothes, and walked out calmly.

"Adan Brad?" A middle-aged officer said coldly.

Adan smiled and nodded: "Yes, this sir."

"When you came to Huaxia, what was the purpose of approaching Mr. Cheng?" The officer bluntly said that although he did not have any interrogation skills, he did not need any skills in such cases.

If the other party does not answer honestly, they will be taken away and handed over to a special interrogation department.

"Talking about business, but the business hasn't been completed." Adan looked at the middle-aged officer and replied honestly, but suddenly he moved when he answered.

"Sir, can you contact your boss, I think we can negotiate a very important business!"

Cheng Yuan naturally knew that after he left, Adan was taken away by the military, but there was no fluctuation in his heart, anyway, he had nothing to do with him.

What Huaxia will do to them is not Cheng Yuan's business either.

Encountered such an episode did not affect Cheng Yuan's mood. When he returned home, he called his parents and Guo Xiaolian's family.

Then asked about the child ’s name ~ ~ Father Cheng Hong smiled and said, "I thought you wouldn't ask this question, what about the name and your mother, I think it's you two It is more appropriate. We will not blend. "

Guo Xiaolian's parents nodded in agreement, apparently they have reached an agreement.

Cheng Yuan scratched his head and looked at Guo Xiaolian.

"Xiao Lian, did you think?"

Guo Xiaolian gave him a white look. "You're a father, let's talk first."

"This ... I haven't figured it out yet. I'll think about it and tell you when I think about it." Cheng Yuan was a little speechless, and the family's decision caught him by surprise.

I was still thinking about consulting my parents, but it turned out to be such a result.

Cheng Yuan thought hard about his child's name. On the other hand, after the electronic palace entered the sights of various countries, it once again cast a shadow on the hearts of the top countries.

If they deal with intelligent robots, they can still have some feasible policies, but in the face of things like the electronic palace flying faster than imaginary, they can do nothing about it.

In particular, the weapon power of the electronic palace, their efficient and rapid energy gathering speed and range, made them very afraid.

Such weapons cannot be resisted at all!

This is their only thought after reading it.

The only thing that made them feel lucky was that in the following days, the agents they arranged in Huaxia did not get the cooperation between Cheng Yuan and Huaxia for the Electronic Palace.

This made them greatly relieved.

After all, if this thing is in the hands of Huaxia and in the hands of individuals, it is definitely two completely different meanings.

However, even if they do not dare to care about it, after all, Cheng Yuan's style of behavior, they have a very detailed understanding. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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