Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 368:

"Da da da……"

Tension quickly moved in the dark sewer, the whole person flashed like a ghost at night, startled three or two mice and cockroaches.

According to Frostwolf's instructions, the tension quickly stopped at a three-fork in the sewer.

He took out the frost wolf and glanced at the indicated route. The red route ended here, but in front of him were three martyrs leading to an unknown direction.

Zhang Li looked up at the top of his head, and there was no exit to the top of his head. There was a hint of doubt in Zhang Li's eyes: "Frost Wolf, what's the matter?"

"Commander, behind the wall on your left is the other's sewage channel. You need to break the wall in front of you." Frostwolf said, zooming in on the image on the phone and clearly marking the exact location.

The tension was a little depressing. "Isn't there an entrance that can directly penetrate into it?" He said in his mouth, and he still took a few steps backwards according to the instructions of Frostwolf to find the corresponding direction.

"Sorry, if you want to enter directly from the entrance, you need to go to the sea twenty-five kilometers away, and their chemical fertilizer is directly discharged to the sea bottom, which is one of the reasons why mutant sea creatures often appear along the coast of the country. "

"Okay." When Zhang Li heard it, he immediately dispelled the fire. When he found the place, he didn't feel disgusted. He reached out and touched the greasy and sticky wall. "Is this right? How thick is this wall?"

"According to the scan analysis, the wall of the martyrdom is twenty-five centimeters, but the place you are facing now is another place where Taisho Pharmaceutical has opened up changes. It is only eleven centimeters thick."

"Okay!" It sounded only eleven centimeters, and tension was relieved. Without seeing him, he clenched his fist and slammed a punch, slamming it on the mucus-filled wall.

"Hmm ..."

The huge impact sounded suddenly, spread far away in the martyrdom, and the sound suddenly made the original quiet martyrdom like a frying pan. The sound of Soso was accompanied by the low-pitched worm rattle.

A punch hit the wall, and Tension Fist didn't even tremble. He glanced at the dark stain on his fist in surprise. He stretched his fingers in excitement.

"It's all right, and it looks like I'm very resilient."

There was a basketball-sized hole in the wall in front of him. The inside of the cave was dark and there was a nasty smell.

The smell was strong, worse than the sewer taste he was waiting for. And the smell is very spicy, even the tension feels a little uncomfortable, and I wink a lot. This just feels a little better.

Zhang Li stood in front of the cave, feeling that he could almost adapt to this weird smell. Then tension stretched out his hand to lay on the edge of the cave, and then pulled the surrounding masonry with a force.

Under his immense power, these concrete masonry walls were as loose as sand. He easily expanded the basketball-sized hole to an irregular circle with a diameter of more than one meter.

"Frostwolf, what's the route inside." Tension didn't go in immediately. Instead, he asked his intelligence first.

Frostwolf did not answer, but presented a new roadmap directly in front of tension.

Seeing the road map in front of him, Tension got into it with ease.

Taisho Pharmaceutical's secret laboratory waste discharge channel is not large. It is round and has a diameter of almost 80 centimeters, only enough to accommodate one person.

As soon as he went in, tension felt more sullen and burrowed directly into his nose, notifying that his brows were wrinkled involuntarily, and his eyes were curled into a gap.

"I'm going, what a **** is this, uncomfortable!" Tension closed his mouth tightly, cursed secretly in his heart, and then simmered in the stack of discarded reagent bottles, glass dishes, and some yellow-green-green Forward.


Taisho Pharmaceutical, three floors underground.

Dr. Takagi was surrounded by a group of equally nervous researchers.

After watching the experimental images, they were full of fanaticism about the bottle of brilliant blue gene enhancer.

This kind of thing that can change the human body and break through the limits of the human body is definitely a weapon!

If you build an army with this kind of thing, it is definitely a nightmare for any country.

Such a powerful soldier is dropped directly behind the enemy or inside the enemy country, and the effect is trembling.

Under the auspices of Dr. Takagi, everyone started the first round of research on gene fortifiers.

Carefully took one milliliter of the gene enhancer from the glass reagent bottle and placed it on glassware. Dr. Takagi couldn't wait to put it under a high-power microscope and observe it.

When this group of experts gathered carefully to study the gene fortifier, no one found that the dense data stream suddenly flashed on the computer screen with the mobile disk inserted.

"The program hacked and the content copy started ..."

Zero reminded him, and Cheng Yuan was still asleep while holding Guo Xiaolian, without any notice.

At five o'clock in the morning, with a series of intensive analysis, Dr. Takagi frowned with his team one by one, looking at the analysis data sheet in front of him, with an incredible look in his eyes.

In their mind, gene fortifiers are so powerful that there should be a lot of precious things in the ingredients, but the results were unexpected.

Among the ingredients analyzed, they are all very common Chinese medicinal herbs!

If the gene fortifier is analyzed in other countries, it may really be said to be magical, because the use of Chinese medicinal materials in foreign countries is much better than the situation of asking a few questions a few decades ago, but it is still rare. .

But the country is different. They are very close to Huaxia and deeply influenced by Chinese culture. They are no strangers to Chinese medicine.

So when they saw that almost all of them were genetic enhancers configured with Chinese medicine ingredients, they couldn't believe it.

And what makes them feel the most headache is that many of the ingredients in the analysis are mixed. They can't judge specifically which kinds of Chinese medicine materials are contained in it, even how much the distribution ratio is!

"Dr. Takagi, it may seem that we want to replicate this gene fortifier." One of the researchers looked ugly at the dense entries on the analysis table. There are at least hundreds of Chinese medicine ingredients!

As soon as his words were spoken, he immediately caused dissatisfaction with Dr. Takagi. He hummed: "Ikeda, as a scientific researcher, do you want to give up so easily? If everyone Like you, you want to give up when you encounter difficulties. Can our technology improve? "

After a pause, Dr. Takagi continued to reprimand: "As scientific researchers, what we have to do is to meet difficulties and challenges. If we give up lightly, it is a cowardly act. I do n’t want to hear similar words, otherwise you Get out of my team! "

"Hi!" Ikeda quickly bowed his head and kept bowing, while his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were full of fear.

People working here usually say that once they are kicked out, he can't help but think of a chill when thinking about it, thinking that he may be helped by colleagues around him, and then put on the stretcher to advance the horror room Here, his legs straightened.

Seeing that Ikeda was sloppy, Dr. Takagi nodded with satisfaction, and his fear made him very satisfied.

"Okay, let's go ahead and send someone who has analyzed all the Chinese medicines that may be needed, and we need to work hard!" Dr. Takagi said with pride.

For him, the finished product is in his hands, will he still be stumped by the formula?

At the same time, Tensui finally climbed to the end of the martyr. In front of him was a martyr with a steep **** and a steep slope. The martyr was very wide, much wider than where he was now, and it was the same in height.

Tension stood under the **** and looked up carefully at the tight-fitting baffle at the end of the slope.

"Frostwolf, what's going on outside?" Tension pointed to the baffle.

Frostwolf immediately replied: "Commander, according to the monitor, there is no one outside, you can go out as soon as possible."

"Okay." Tension nodded, crawled out of the gangway, and quickly got up, took a few large steps under his feet, instantly climbed to the top of the slope, then lifted the baffle directly with both hands and poked his head out.

This is a slightly dimly lit room. In front of him is a white wooden door with glass. On the left side of the door, several carts with trash cans are neatly parked. Next to the carts are some cleaning tools. .

On the right, there are several hooks on the wall, and there are also several sets of white cleaning work clothes hanging on the hooks.

Seeing these sets of clothes, Zhang Li's eyes lightened slightly. He was worried about how his dirty clothes would mix in this experimental base ~ ~ I didn't expect to send a pillow just after falling asleep. .

Quickly came out of the gangway, talked about taking off the stinky windbreaker and throwing it into the trash bin, followed by pants and shoes. After handling his original clothes, he took a light blue from the wall. Colored long-sleeve clean clothes, matching pants, and a pair of white shoes.

After putting on these clothes, he put on a pair of masks, and finally put on a white coat. After finishing the look in the mirror, he nodded with satisfaction.

Suddenly, tension found that there was a switch on the wall where the clothes could be pulled up and down.

"Frostwolf, what is this?" Tension did not move, but asked curiously about his intelligence.

"Commander, this is the wind propeller of the garbage discharge channel, which can blow strong wind and blow the garbage inside into the sea at a stretch." Frostwolf replied.

"Fuck, this thing is okay." Tension pulled his lips away, then looked carefully at his outfit, found that there weren't too many flaws, took out disinfectant water and sprayed himself a few times, then opened the door outward Go on. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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