Cheng Yuan didn't open, watching the two of them worried, shook his head helplessly, and asked, "Do you have any plans?"

Cheng Yuan didn't believe those people had no plans.

The people who can arrange for him are definitely those who can cope with various situations. When they find something wrong, they should start planning.

Yang Qiaoyuan groaned: "Although there is a plan, this plan is more risky because we don't know their specific action plan. They may start operations on the plane or before they get on the plane."

"No matter what they are going to do, talk about your plans." Cheng Yuan waved his hands and looked at Yang Qiaoyuan, who was digressing, speechlessly.

"Our plan is to wipe them out in the car heading for the plane, but this plan may require you to come forward, so the risk factor is ..." Yang Qiaoyuan looked worriedly at Cheng Yuan.

"Use me as a bait?" Without Yang Qiaoyuan's specific explanation, Cheng Yuan guessed the key to their plan.

After all, if you want the other party to get on the car honestly, you must have the goal of Cheng Yuan to attract them, otherwise everything is uncertain.

"Then let me." Cheng Yuan responded directly.

This is not Cheng Yuan's own death, but that he has full self-confidence. Although he did not bring Chen Yu to Inner Mongolia this time, it is precisely because of him that this plan can be smoother.

After all, if Cheng Yuan takes the bodyguard, the other party will definitely be more vigilant!

"Absolutely no way!" Fang Jing shouted quickly at the moment when Cheng Yuan was supposed to answer. She looked at Cheng Yuan eagerly: "Boss, you can't take risks. If there is a case, have you thought about the consequences?"

"In case?" Cheng Yuan smiled confidently, nothing would happen!

Seeing Cheng Yuan's self-confidence, Yang Qiaoyuan didn't stay for a while, but after getting back to his heart, he felt even heavier.

Cheng Yuan is so confident. Totally trust their ability!

At the moment, he immediately stepped forward and assured him solemnly, "You can rest assured that we will definitely guarantee your personal safety from the slightest threat!"

Looking at Yang Qiaoyuan's serious look, Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes. "Not threatened in the least? I'm already threatened."

"Er." Yang Qiaoyuan's serious look was immediately broken by Cheng Yuan's words that did not fit the atmosphere. He smiled bitterly: "Relax, we will guarantee that you will not be hurt a little!"

"It's almost the same!" Cheng Yuan grinned, and then asked, "When will it start?"

Yang Qiaoyuan took a look at his watch and said, "Before boarding. There will be twenty minutes. At that time, we will specially arrange a group of people to take the shuttle bus with them, and you will also be inside!"

Yang Qiaoyuan's expression was slightly dignified. After all, what should be done must not be careless. In his eyes, Cheng Yuan's life is more precious than those protection personnel!

Although it is hurtful to say such things, it is the case. Although the old saying says ‘there is no earth, everyone will turn the same’, but China ’s absence of Cheng Yuan is definitely a huge loss.

Because of their backwardness, they have endured various international pressures and endured unbridled publicity and threats from neighboring countries.

Now finally see the hope of transcendence. They will never let this hope be threatened in any way!

"Well, wait a minute." Cheng Yuan nodded, and then began to think about who was going to pay attention to himself this time.

Are you going to tie yourself up, or are you going to kill yourself more directly?

Not far away without any worries, this is not a guarantee built on Yang Qiaoyuan, but his self-confidence in himself.

Although he has not undergone rigorous training, his body has become unusual after using gene fortifiers, but daily exercise also makes him very strong in controlling his body.

It was time since the last distress at the University of Science and Technology. He was able to avoid the opponent's bullets when he was very nervous. Although it was only a pistol bullet, it was also very incredible!

Who dares to say that I can clearly see the trajectory of the bullet and then move to avoid it?

Those soldiers who have undergone strict training only rely on their instincts to make evasive actions the moment they hear the gunshot.

As for seeing bullets. That's definitely joking!

It is also with this experience that Cheng Yuan was very confident in this plan.

However, he is fine, but Fang Jing is different. She is an ordinary person, but her expression is colder at most.

"Colonel Yang, prepare protective measures for Fang Jing!" Cheng Yuan pointed to Fang Jing. Road to Yang Qiaoyuan.

"You don't need it?" Yang Qiaoyuan froze for a moment.

Cheng Yuan drew a corner of his mouth and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Why don't I need it? You treat me like iron?"

"Well, I hear you say that, I think you don't need it anymore." Yang Qiaoyuan smiled awkwardly, and then contacted people outside.

Soon, two people came in with their backpacks.

"Colonel, this is a close-fitting bulletproof vest."

The two placed their backpacks on the ground and took out two very thin black vests after opening.

Seeing these two thin bullet-proof vests, although Cheng Yuan didn't believe much in its protective ability, it was better than nothing. After all, as long as it can withstand the impact of the bullet and prevent the bullet from penetrating the skin and entering the body, some pain is nothing. .

"Put on." Cheng Yuandang stepped forward and picked up a large one.

"Do you really want to do this?" Fang Jing looked at Cheng Yuan with a natural look, and could not express his concerns.

Cheng Yuan smiled casually: "Some things have to be faced, aren't they? If we hurt outsiders because of our actions, then the sin would be great."

"Of course, I am not a saint. I like to care about the lives of others, but at least I cannot let the situation expand. At that time, Qianfu's feelings will be uncomfortable and have a great impact on the company."

Cheng Yuan knew very well that Yang Qiaoyuan was concerned about the problem at the beginning. Outsiders wouldn't care what happened to you at that time. To treat others' lives as nothing in order to survive, such an approach would definitely cause controversy.

As reported by the media, a woman who encounters jealousy, in the case of being unable to resist and calling for help, took the initiative to come up with a 'small skin ring' in order to protect her own safety.

In the end, this method was scolded by the dog's blood! Scolded her to be cheap, shameless and so on.

Perhaps in their eyes, in such a situation, they should fight like a virgin martyr! But as long as sensible people know, once you desperately fight against you, a weak woman can withstand a strong man?

Don't say a resistance at that time, you may even lose your life!

Endured at least life is still!

Compared with living life, there is a comparison of which is more important.

However, those people like it this way. If the real thing happened to them, then some people watched it.

And this time it is the same. If it is about himself, no matter what he does, there will always be people who stand out and criticize Cheng Yuan.

Fang Jing was silent, and she knew this too. Seeing that Cheng Yuan had already made up his mind, he could only take the bullet-proof vest silently and walked to the nearby studio.

"Well, what are you going to do?" When Fang Jing went to wear a bulletproof vest, Cheng Yuan took off his jacket and put the vest on his body.

"When boarding time arrives, the people we arrange around will crowd them to forcibly board our designated bus." Yang Qiaoyuan said here, with a weird smile in his mouth.

This smile is weird.

When hearing about Yang Qiaoyuan's method, Cheng Yuan couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Does this work?"

Yang Qiaoyuan said weirdly: "Why not, we have a lot of people in China, and it is normal for some people to be crowded. Because of their appearance, the general waiting hall outside is now full."

Yang Qiaoyuan's explanation left Cheng Yuan speechless.


"Jensen, aren't there too many people? Not so many just now." Looking at the noisy terminal, the black Batty frowned and was a little dissatisfied.

Jason patted Batty's shoulder and thought it was normal: "This is not an exaggeration. You haven't been in China for a long time. I don't know when the festival is over, you may not even have a bag now!"

Batty finds it difficult to say: "No, doesn't Huaxia official have a reasonable management plan?"

"Reasonable?" Jensen shook his head and said with a bit of emotion: "In the presence of a large number of people, the word 'reasonable' is a bit inappropriate."

"But generally speaking, even if there are many Chinese people, it is impossible to gather so many people in one breath. I remember that this situation would not be possible unless it is their festival." Batty still has some complaints.

Batty's words frowned slightly, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to the Asian man on the side, "Zhang, go and ask."

"Good!" The Asian man, who had been closing his eyes, got up, tidy up his clothes and walked towards the crowd.

Five or six minutes later, Zhang returned. He said blandly, "These people are going to the south to participate in a kind of party event similar to the World Garden Fair."

"What is it about?" Jensen raised an eyebrow.

"It seems to be flowers and plants. You know that many people in Huaxia like these weird things ~ ~ But many people go for fun." Zhang scratched his head and said casually.

Batty smashed the backpack under her butt, and said indignantly, "These people are really full and they are all right, aren't they just flowers and grass, is it worth making a fuss?"

Jensen looked at the indignant Batty speechlessly and poked out: "Is that someone else who has cultivated sentiment, okay, do you think everyone has muscles in your head like you?"

A word from Jensen made the whole team laugh, and the behavior of several people seemed like colleagues waiting for the plane in the eyes of the surrounding people, saying something interesting to each other, very common.

"Passengers, please note that flight AHXXX to Anhe is about to arrive ..."

When he heard the flight, Jensen smiled sternly, "It's started!"

At the same time, in the VIP room, Cheng Yuan also said to Yang Qiaoyuan: "Let's go, I hope everything goes well, I don't feel how smooth every trip!" (To be continued.) () "The Gate of Science and Technology" It only represents the point of view of the black ants who ran wildly. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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