The capital of China, Zhongnanhai.

No. 1 and the other eight people appear here together. In the quaint room, the lights are bright and the entire room is fully illuminated, but the nine people in the room are looking heavy.

The news from the Academy of Sciences was really horrifying.

The plan is that Huaxia has worked hard for years, and spent huge resources and money to make itself one of the participating countries.

They can't relax about the concerns there.

The personnel who were dispatched to participate in the plan in the past are all strictly screened. Basically, these people have a guaranteed character.

No information theft is possible!

The most important thing is that Huaxia's participation in this program, in addition to sharing the results of the ITER program to the end, will not let Huaxia lag behind the world. They are more focused on learning and training.

It was for such a purpose to support France in establishing a site in the country.

In fact, their route was very successful, and at the same time that the ITER project was settled in France, it also brought them great benefits.

Since participating in this program, they have been constantly changing researchers in order to train more useful talents for national personnel.

If this plan continues, they believe they will gain even more.

They will never do such a thing as killing chickens and eggs.

"Did you say that someone was deliberately aiming at us?" Said an old man with a frown on his face, his face calm.

No. 1 heard the words, nodded, and confirmed: "President Liu has contacted the people over there. They said they did not do such a thing. Someone intentionally framed them!"

"Intentionally !? Everyone in the base knows our style of doing things. Each batch of researchers stays there for a maximum of three years and will change back. What's the use of doing this? Do they want us to change a batch in advance People past? "Someone couldn't figure it out, and expressed his doubts.

"What if they are not targeting those researchers?" No. 1 suddenly said.

After everyone heard it, they were suddenly shocked. The old man sitting on the right hand of No. 1 was suddenly surprised: "Is it against us?"

Say this sentence. Everyone felt their hearts sink.

If it is directed at Huaxia. Then the situation is bad.

"They're doing this to kick us out of the plan?" An uncertain voice suddenly sounded, his voice full of worry.

No. 1 shook his head and sighed: "It depends on the response of those people. If this incident is only targeted by individual people, then it does not matter to us, but ..."

With that said. No. 1 didn't dare to go on. If he continued to talk, he really didn't know what to think.

Will they unite?

Although I thought of this possibility. But number one is not sure, after all, iter plan. The United States and Russia cannot agree in the first place.

In addition, several of them have good diplomatic relations with Huaxia. They should not hate Huaxia for this project.

After all, although the ITER plan is important, there is no way to succeed!

It is aimed at Huaxia for such an unfinished technology. This approach is too naive!

Although No. 1 felt impossible, this approach was inconsistent with the overall situation.

but. Sometimes things are unexpected.

It is precisely because the ITER plan is important, but it is not the most critical thing. That's why some people have a vague blow to China from this aspect.

Because they also have their own considerations.

Even if they talked about Huaxia kicking out this plan, it was Huaxia that lost it, and Huaxia would not be able to turn its back on all the participating countries for this plan.

Therefore, under the intentional control of some people, this plan was unanimously adopted after being proposed.

If they put it in the past, they will also consider whether they will be in conflict with Huaxia in some aspects, but since Huaxia suddenly jumped out of a technology crystallization company, they have not considered that much.

The top technology of the technology crystallization company suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone, which made them have a very huge sense of crisis.

Regarding what Huaxia did at ITER, they could still open one eye and close one eye, but now they can't.

You are all so developed, and you are learning new technology and new technology from us everywhere. No one wants to change such things.

It's like a billionaire suddenly appears in a newly-established new company. Billionaires have to take a certain share of money when they just give money, and the boss of the new company not only has to give money, but also has people, strength and technology.

This is very unpleasant at first. The billionaire is not satisfied. Sending someone to learn their technology.

If they had all learned it, wouldn't he drink the northwest wind after that?

The two sides had their own plans, and while the first nine people were still meeting to discuss the matter, another message came to their ears.

The ITER plan participating countries including the European Union, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the United States have jointly decided to kick Huaxia out of the ITER plan, and this decision is implemented immediately, and Huaxia needs to obey unconditionally!

As soon as this news came out, it not only shocked the entire upper level of China, but also shocked the entire world!

The ITER plan is a plan related to the new energy field in the future. These participating countries have been cooperating for so many years, and they suddenly have such news. Can they not be surprised?

If other countries were shocked after this news came out, they were followed by gloats, after all, China has become so popular recently!

First, the emergence of smart robot big white, so that all countries can only watch Huaxia make a lot of money, and then Huaxia suddenly took out a lot of high-quality graphene for export trade.

Even in the statistics of interested people, the price of ordinary graphene has dropped slightly by a few percentage points due to the large sales of Huaxia.

However, the price of those multi-layer large-size high-quality graphene has soared.

Because this kind of graphene can only be sold in large quantities by Huaxia, it is impossible to buy other places! Can such a business be booming?

Finally, it is the recent news on the Internet that large robots have appeared in Huaxia!

Photos of Z1's large robots can still be seen online, and when interviewed with Cheng Yuan afterwards, the young big genius did not deny the existence of Z1 robots.

One thing after another constantly stirred the nerves of various countries, and the rapid development of discovery left them with no bottom. Now that they have finally seen Huaxia eating crickets, they are naturally happy!

While outsiders are gloating, the people of this country are filled with indignation. They did not target the participating countries of ITER. Instead, they scolded experts who stole information!

Because they don't know the specifics of the matter, they can only judge the authenticity and process of the matter based on online reports, so most people think that this situation occurs when these experts steal things.

A well-known netizen commented below: "Experts, bricks! Science and technology want to progress is understandable. Ever since the Eight-Power Allied Forces opened the whip door with guns, we have understood the truth. We will be beaten if we fall behind!

Since the founding of Huaxia, our countless ancestors have worked hard for the rise of Huaxia, and they have gone to great lengths to go to the ocean. Go abroad to learn advanced technology and then bring it home.

This sentence is easy to say. But at the time, who could imagine how a Chinese would be treated abroad? Even so, our ancestors didn't do these sneaky things.

But now. Our technology has begun to catch up, but there are always people who want to take shortcuts. Is it harder to carry out research on a down-to-earth basis?

expert! Brick home!

Some people do research with peace of mind, and we call them experts because they respect them in a certain field. but. No matter where it is, there will always be one or two black sheep.

They do not know how to raise their knowledge level with peace of mind. Every day they are thinking about how to get the results of others into their own hands!

These people are bricks!

This time, it is these brick houses that have brought us such a great loss!

Although it is not clear how much China Huaxia has invested in the ITER program over the years, it is definitely a lot of money! Now all of this money is gone! "

The words of righteousness were instantly upheld by countless netizens.

"Clever, these brick homes are not harmful, they are not harmful at home, they have to go abroad to shame them!"

"Brick house!"

"They were arrested as soon as they were stolen. This level of technology is too poor. Can they not be used abroad at home?"

"Which one is upstairs? Solving?"


A series of satirical remarks spread throughout Huaxia instantly, although some people can think that things are not as simple as reported.

After all, in such multi-national cooperation projects, few people will basically do this kind of thing, and even if it is done, there will definitely be an extremely rigorous and thorough plan.

It is impossible to get caught as soon as you get your hands.

After all, these people go out, but they represent Huaxia's face! They wouldn't be so stupid even if they were stupid.

However, these people only account for a small part of the speech, and they can't afford a few waves at all. Even if they appear, they will be besieged by a large number of 'justice' people.

Although 80% of these siege people are out of anger ~ ~, they always occupy the majority.

After the news appeared on the Internet, Cheng Yuan, who was still observing two patients in the nursing home, also learned the news from Fang Jing.

"Boss, is this what the Kramer company said?" Fang Jing's face was serious, and such things had a great impact on Huaxia.

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and nodded, "Yeah, this is what Rockefeller said."

Seeing Cheng Yuan even laughed, Fang Jing instinctively frowned Liu Mei.

Sensing the change in Fang Jing's face, Cheng Yuan asked, "Do you know why I didn't report this plan?"

"Why?" Fang Jing was curious.

"After the storm, this is the time for the rainbow to appear!" The smile on Cheng Yuan's face grew brighter. (To be continued.)

PS: Sorry, something has been delayed recently. The ant will make up for these two days as soon as possible. Enable new URL

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