After organizing the principal of the school, after mobilizing the atmosphere, Cheng Yuan continued to talk. "Before coming to the lecture, I have been thinking about it. This is the first time I have given a speech to myself. What should I say and what?"

Cheng Yuan's words instantly aroused the curiosity of the students present, and the leaders sitting in the front row also showed a smile.

"Lao Ping, this child is quite capable of controlling the atmosphere. A few words put everyone's attention on himself." Governor Feng Youde said to the provincial party committee secretary with a smile.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Quan Ping smiled slightly and said with emotion: "This child is incredible!"

Quan Ping's words made Feng Youde empathy, and such a achievement at such a young age is definitely an envy to countless people!

Moreover, what happened to the young man just now, he adjusted his mentality so quickly, this is the most admirable. "No wonder such achievements can be achieved. This courage alone is far beyond the same age!"

On the stage, Cheng Yuan continued to speak.

"I thought about it for a long time." Cheng Yuan paused for a while, then looked at the students who were under pressure from the audience, and said seriously, "I thought about it for thirty minutes."

Cheng Yuan's words once again caused a laugh.

Everyone thought Cheng Yuan would say it for several days, but I didn't expect it to be only 30 minutes, but while laughing, they also found that their past guesses and views on Cheng Yuan were so different. Cheng Yuan does not have the arrogance and indifference of those geniuses.

He was funny, humorous, and approachable, not much different from them.

Cheng Yuan didn't know what was going on in the hearts of the people. He saw that everyone was listening to him seriously. He stretched out three fingers, with a solemn expression on his face. "In these thirty minutes, my mind flashed ten times. A speech plan, but none of them is satisfactory. "

Cheng Yuan's words immediately upset all the students.

"Is there such an exaggeration, there are ten plans in thirty minutes! Even if you look at other people's speeches, you can only look at two or three." One exaggerated.

But this man just finished calling. Someone immediately vowed: "Please, take your mind, are you showing off your lower limit of IQ? Just thinking about the method of speech, I can think about a dozen in thirty minutes, but there is no specific content. . "

"I'm going!" Hearing the man's spit, the man who had screamed before immediately raised his middle finger. Make a look of contempt. "You are ashamed!"

The audience was noisy for a while, and soon it quieted down.

Cheng Yuan said with a smile: "Some people may feel exaggerated, and some people say they can do the same, but this is not the key, the key is how I want to give you a speech!"

"I believe the people present are eighteen years old. This number represents the age when we must be responsible for what we do. So this lecture is not just my task. It is also me. Responsibility."

Having said the word responsibility. Everyone's heart is astonished! At the same time, there was admiration in Cheng Yuan's eyes, no matter what Cheng Yuan said is true or false, this attitude is worthy of admiration, not for anything else, because he has such achievements now!

His identity and achievements made him not laugh or ridicule when he said the words "responsibility".

Everyone listened quietly, they wanted to know how Cheng Yuan was preparing to fulfill his responsibility!

Cheng Yuan glanced around the audience and said loudly: "Standing here now. My responsibility is to let everyone understand certain things or the truth through my speech." Cheng Yuan's voice was heavy and reached to In everyone's ears, let them all be in peace.

"However, although I really want to tell you what responsibility is, I think this topic has been talked by countless experts and professors. I would say that there is suspicion of irrigation, so today I will not be ugly. After all, with those experts and professors By comparison, what I am talking nonsense here will definitely be wrong for my children. "

While everyone was listening to Cheng Yuan's views on responsibility, they heard Cheng Yuan's words turn so quickly that all of them had the urge to hit others!

Don't you say, what does that serious look just mean, obviously a joke!

If you do n’t want to be far away, you will have a lot of feelings. When these people can't help but curse in their hearts, Cheng Yuan suddenly said, "I think everyone present is actually having a problem in their hearts, and that is how you are Cheng Yuan. Successful, in such a short time, to a height that some people can't reach for hundreds of lives? "

"How do you think about making a robot that looks like nothing? Making an intelligent robot is something that many people want to do, but dare not do."

Cheng Yuan's words suddenly went into the hearts of everyone, so many of them came to this opening speech, wasn't it just to understand Cheng Yuan's experience and his legendary rise?

Everyone raised their ears and stretched their necks intently to listen carefully. They wanted to know how geniuses were different from themselves.

Seeing everyone looking up to himself, Cheng Yuan nodded with satisfaction, stretched out a finger, and asked softly, "I just want to say, what are you going to do?"

Everyone was puzzled, what are we going to do, isn't it just going to school? What else can you do besides going to school?

Looking at the doubts of the underground students, Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and continued: "We might as well discuss how you were admitted to Huaxia University of Science and Technology. You can enter this university to show that you are very good at studying. Your parents are You encouraged you to pursue excellence when you were very young. When you choose this university and choose your favorite department, you already have a vague goal in mind.

"So look back, do you remember your goals as a kid?"

"Maybe you want to be a doctor when you are ten years old, even if you don't know what a doctor means at all; maybe you want to be an engineer, and at that time you have no idea what an engineer does. As we age, we Their goals are constantly changing, and the outside world deeply affects everyone present! "

"Then please tell me, who else is present who still adheres to this childhood dream and is admitted to this well-known Huaxia University of Science and Technology with such a purpose? If yes, please raise your right hand! "

When Cheng Yuan said this sentence, he also considered the psychological problems of the masses. Huaxia has had the virtue of "humbleness" since ancient times, but at the same time, more people will hide their inner thoughts and they will pursue At the same time of their goals, they are working hard in obscurity. Won't tell anyone.

They are afraid that if they are unsuccessful, they will only become the laughingstock of others, so they hide deeply.

And it is undoubtedly more difficult to raise his right hand in the eyes of thousands of people, so Cheng Yuan opened his mouth and encouraged: "Please don't be shy. Don't be timid, prove that your childhood dream was great, this is not shameful It means that you are a person with ideals and pursuits. You don't need to care about the eyes and opinions of others. "

Cheng Yuanhua seems to have played a role. Among the thousands of students, Miao Miao personally raised his right hand.

Cheng Yuan smiled when he saw someone raising his hand. He congratulated him, "Thank you very much for your cooperation. You are working steadfastly towards your goals, and so is I. You are already on the road to success. Half. "

Cheng Yuan's words immediately excited and excited those dozens of courageous people who raised their hands. It's been exciting for them to get Cheng Yuan's compliment for months!

"So. I have what I have today, and I do n’t just have my own goals. I do n’t just focus on one point. I want to be a physicist. I will focus on it. Then you What you know and what you want to know are bounded by this! "

Cheng Yuan said very seriously: "Really, everything you know is just your specialty."

After a pause, Cheng Yuan continued: "The problem with specialization is that it can only make you an expert, and cuts off your connection with anything else in the world, not only. It also cuts off your connection with other potentials of your own. Maybe you choose Become a physicist, but you also have amazing talents in computers, but you have never paid much attention to it. "

"I say that, some people may refute. Concentration is often the cornerstone of success, and too much distraction to learn other things will make people always mediocre!"

"I want to say, yes!"

Cheng Yuan's affirmation made the students below all bewildered and attentive. What does it mean to be scattered again?

Cheng Yuan ignored the doubts of the crowd and said, "Human energy is limited, and you can't make people go deep into the knowledge outside of your major without even learning your major. That really makes people mediocre!"

"However, after I have completed and learned my basic courses, why isn't this a chance to get in touch with new knowledge. Four years of college is not to let you learn all the knowledge of the entire university, and you will have a corresponding one each semester. The goal is that while you are accomplishing your goal, you are more exposed to other knowledge. This will make your vision and knowledge area wider and your thinking and ideas more flexible! "

"2 + 2 = 4, the power of 2 is also equal to four, all we have to do is think in other words!"

With a sigh of relief, Cheng Yuan looked at the underground students thoughtfully and slowed his tone, saying, "And I did it this way. My favorite thing when I was a kid was to make some weird things myself. I Always learn something else after completing your studies. "

"However, many people have to ask, now that they may have completed the primary school, why not go to the middle school course. Isn't it easier and better than others to go to junior high school?"

Cheng Yuan shook his head ~ ~ with a smile: "My answer is, why should I study in advance? When I was 11 years old, my task was to learn and master the sixth grade curriculum. I didn't need to do it for me 12 years old. At the end, Cheng Yuan concluded: "What I want to express is, don't put pressure on yourself, it will only make you more tired and confused."

After a pause, Cheng Yuan waited for many students to digest it. Then he continued: "The last point is that success requires more than the foundation and accumulation of knowledge. The most important point is that you need courage and a courage to dare to let go. ! "

"Failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you will never dare to do it! Why should you be afraid of failure, or the ridicule and ridicule of others? Or are you weak?" Cheng Yuan asked this question softly.

"Think, classmates, we are only eighteen years old, and life is just beginning. What are we afraid of? We have capital to come back!" Cheng Yuan pointed to his head, "Knowledge is capital!"

"We have time to come back!" Cheng Yuan pointed to his body again. Loudly: "What's wrong with being young?"

In a word, the flame in everyone's hearts was instantly lit, that was youth, that was beating, that was active! (To be continued.)

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