Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1042: preliminary result

"what happened?"

After the storm calmed down, all Jingling looked at each other.

Outside the window, the dust in the sky began to fall from the sky, like a rainstorm.

"Perhaps we should ask the manager what he should know." A Jingling murmured.

His voice is a little lacking in confidence, but in the quiet restaurant, it still appears very clear.

But his words were ignored or even echoed.

Because they know their original identity very well, even if humans release them from the cage, it will only make them less depressed.

"I knew I should go to another planet with other people." Another Jingling said.

When humans released the entire Red Star prisoner from the heavy armor, they chose to take some of them to another planet.

But there is still a part of it still left in Akastar.

After all, although the red star is barren, it is a relatively good mineral planet.

Naturally, this planet cannot be easily abandoned.

"Now it's too late to say anything. I think we should go back and have a good rest, and then wait for the sand in the sky to clear up, and then see what happened."

This proposal was quickly adopted by many Jingling.

When the beam of light disappeared, the sky was clean. They rarely watch the beautiful starry sky that they haven't seen for a while.

But this beautiful scenery was quickly swallowed by the dust rising from the sky, and now all they could do was wait for the dust to fall.

Many Jingling began to go back to rest one by one.

But they didn't know that everything they said and did was under Cheng Yuan's monitoring.

Not only were they observing their words and deeds, even Cheng Yuan also dispatched nano-detection devices to be arranged around the entire living area.

He wants to observe the changes of these crystals in detail!

At the same time, some subtle changes have begun to take place in the small building where the creatures are placed.

Unlike the relatively large cats, dogs, cattle and sheep, mice that are genetically closer to humans have changed.

Although there is nothing on the outside, it can be found through spectral analysis that the energy response in these mice has improved a lot after the impact.

They appear more active now!

"Zero, control the working robot for preliminary inspection." This discovery made Cheng Yuan frowned slightly.

I don't know if this change is good or bad, but he needs to understand it clearly no matter what it is.

After all, angel genes are not only magical, but also very dangerous!

Even if these mice don't know how to use them, they still need to mention the room.

In case of a biological mutation or something, that would not be a good thing.

"Okay." Ling put aside his work on the Death Star a bit, and focused his attention on the Red Star.

He was also very curious about the first elemental energy injection experiment.

This elemental energy comes from another dimension of the universe, and he is very curious about what kind of chemical reactions this energy will produce in the biological body of their universe.

Controlling the new machine body, Zero came to the room where the mouse was placed.

In this room, all the mice are placed in a transparent observation box.

At this time, these little white mice appeared to be very active, but nothing seemed to be manic or chaotic.

The electronic eyes of the robot's body looked at the mouse in the observation box, and analyzed: "Vital signs are active, and there is no tendency to attack."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and slowly grabbed a little white mouse running in the box.

"Performance is the same as usual. The intensity of struggle has not increased. It can be analyzed that there is no change in strength. Maybe the time is too short to produce effective changes. It is recommended to increase the observation time."

After looking at the mouse in his hand for a while, Zero asked again: "Is it necessary to conduct an in-depth inspection?"

From the appearance, these little white mice have no special changes for the time being. As for the changes in the cells in the body, more in-depth observation and research are needed.

Without hesitation, Cheng Yuan nodded and said: "Yes, extract some cell fragments for observation."

He did not order an autopsy. After all, an autopsy is not a panacea. It may be needed later, but it is not in a hurry for now.

Nodding at zero, the manipulator's palm turned slightly to reveal a sharp scalpel, and then cut off one ear of the mouse, collecting some hair and a tail.

He simply treated the wound for the mouse, and put it back in the box, and then took these samples to start further observation.

"There is no special change in the cell, and the elemental energy begins to live in the cell as previously analyzed."

Through Zero's eyes, Cheng Yuan could clearly see the changes in the cells of the mice.

"It seems that these elemental energies have given the cells stronger power." Cheng Yuan observed carefully for a while.

He found that this seemed to be no different from the original gene enhancement.

It's just that the angel's genes not only strengthen the cell, but also stay in the cell.

And this energy trapped in the cells involves the release of "magic".

As for how to guide this energy.

This requires him to make a special guide tool.

For now, the experiment was initially successful.

"Waiting for a while to see the changes of other animals. And the changes of those Jinglings." Cheng Yuan turned his eyes to those Jinglings who had gone back to rest.

To be honest, adding these crystal spirits to the experimental plan was purely a temporary intention.

After all, Jingling is also a humanoid, although the genetic structure of the body may be different from humans.

But at least they are also higher intelligent beings.

Perhaps elemental energy can also undergo special changes in them.

In addition, Cheng Yuan had to admit that Jingling's life level was indeed higher than that of human beings.

Whether it is their civilization or their own physical life.

This all shows that they are stronger and better than human beings.

As I said before, genes themselves have an upper limit. Once this upper limit is exceeded, either collapse or death will occur.

This kind of mutation allows genes to adapt to this kind of change that exceeds the upper limit, but this kind of change is uncontrollable.

It may be a good thing or a bad thing.

What Cheng Yuan has to do is to turn this uncontrollable change into controllable! And also use the angel's elemental energy.

After all, this is the result of civilization in another dimension of the universe.


At the same time that Cheng Yuan was experimenting on Red Star, angels gathered in the sky above Ainu Star.

This time they are not discussing Zerg but intelligent mechanical life.

"They took our genes out, but unfortunately I can't follow the past, the wall is still in front of us."

The voice of the angel of death was helpless, with a wave of vicissitudes and fatigue.

"Didn't this method have been tried on the Zerg race? They have all created a batch of disgusting reptiles. I hope those mechanical beings won't do this." Yan Angel shrugged.

"It seems that I still need to go outside the Death Star and ask what those mechanical beings are looking for. Maybe there will be good news and it may not be certain." Yan Angel left the conference hall after speaking.

As he left, the other angels also left.

The angel of death who stayed alone, after the many angels had left, slowly raised his head slowly, and a cold light flashed in his obscure eyes.

"Perhaps, you can try that method..."

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