Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1084: New discovery

"Gentlemen, you are now free."

The intelligent robot controlled the large spacecraft to land above the square, and the huge loudspeakers spread the sounds to every corner of the square. All the prisoners looked up at the huge battleship that blocked the sun above them, revealing an inexplicable look in their eyes. (Starter, domain name (remember _3

Because the shape of the battleship in front of them looks so different from that of their empire!

Although science and technology are constantly progressing, the overall characteristics of a civilization are difficult to change, even if there is a change, the change is minimal.

But the other person spoke the language of their crystal spirit, which made them feel very strange.

Of course, the other person said that they were free, which did not resonate much with them, because they had heard similar words before they were put in moving cages.

There was also a voice at the time saying that they were free, and the result was to move from prison to mine star.

Zero does not care what these prisoners are thinking, as long as they can obey and arrange honest work. He continued: "You have faded the heavy shell and ushered in a new life. Of course, in the new life you no longer bear the heavy 'burden' to enjoy the sun and enjoy the food!"

但是 "However, you will be free from gravity and work in space for a long time, where you will face a more brutal test of survival!"

A word of zero makes all the crystal spirits in the square uproar!

Hammond is also wrong. Although he feels that the new boss will not free these prisoners for no reason, there will be other arrangements, but he did not expect to let these prisoners perform space missions!

Compared to space missions, mining inside the planet can be said to be very safe!

After all, the universe is quite dangerous, although their level of civilization is high. But the high level of civilization does not mean that you can survive in space!

They are also flesh and blood. Once an accident occurs in space, there is really no chance to run!

"Forget it, these guys die when they die. They are **** anyway. Being alive is their luck." Hammond glanced at the prisoners below, then ignored them.

He is more concerned about his next whereabouts. Since these prisoners are going to work in outer space, do they still need to stay here?

This is an issue worth considering.

To be honest, Hammond doesn't want to go to work in space.

Although their crystal spirit can be said to be quite adaptable to long-distance interstellar travel, no one would like to stay in the universe at all times.

This is like driving across provinces. No one likes to stay in the car all the time. There is always the idea of ​​getting out of the car.

Especially this car looks very unsafe!

Don't you listen to what I just said, a more brutal test of survival! In short, this sentence is that this work does not have too high security!

This makes Hammond very embarrassed.

While these prisoners are still digesting information, he quickly found intelligent robots.

"Excuse me, what should I do now?" In the face of intelligent robots, he behaved very respectfully. Although he did not directly face humans, he knew that they must be humans to control them.

"You?" Zero glanced at Hammond and said blankly: "Continue to manage this planet. Although the ore may not continue to be mined, you need to plant some plants on this planet. These plants can give this A dead planet brings some change. "

矿 Although the environment of this quarry is not good, it is always hundreds of times better than Mars before the transformation.

After finishing zero, he ordered two intelligent robots to lift a box of vegetation seeds and put them in front of Hammond.

This move made Hammond confused and surprised.

I was puzzled by the seeds that the other party had given him. To my surprise, I was still able to stay on the planet.

Although he wanted to know exactly what these seeds would plant, looking at the expressionless intelligent robot, Hammond thought about it or closed his mouth and stopped asking.

"I know, I will take good care of this planet."

He nodded and said, "I'll leave it here. I'll leave with some prisoners first."

For about an hour, the giant warship took all the prisoners away and flew directly into the close space orbit outside the red planet.

Uh ...

On Mars, Cheng Yuan watched everything happening through the remote lens, he didn't say anything.

Space operations are a difficult task in themselves, and working in a gravity-free environment for a long time is a heavy burden for any non-space creature itself.

But this has nothing to do with him. Instead, he feels that he is kind. After all, if these prisoners continue to do so, they will slowly die on the red planet.

Even the ugly armor in his eyes will be buried by the sand with his death and then digested.

They went to work in space and, without mentioning the armor on them, they could enjoy a variety of relatively delicious food and sunshine.

The only danger is just to deal with unexpected situations that may occur.

程 In Cheng Yuan's opinion, the probability of this happening is extremely small. As long as there is no special cosmic disaster in the space around the red planet, almost no error will occur in the entire construction project. 33 novel updates fastest computer side: https: //

Even with delays.

Let these prisoners go up, the only role is to prevent!

As for how to control these prisoners, this is more cruel.

商 After discussing with Zero, Cheng Yuan chose the most direct and simple way: brainwashing.

This method not only instills a lot of relevant technical information for prisoners ~ ~, but also changes their memory to a certain extent.

Cheng Chengyuan did not clear all their memories, but only added some information to their memories.

If emptied, these prisoners will be abolished, and he doesn't want to teach them basic survival skills from scratch.

He only needs these prisoners to obey orders absolutely!

"Zero, the follow-up work is entrusted to you." Cheng Yuan whispered.

"Okay, are you going to continue the experiment? You have already performed it no less than thirty times during this time. The main pipeline of the super-light particle accelerator has been worn and monitored. This is not good news. I need to rebuild an accelerator for you. . "Asked after zero answer.

He also looked at Cheng Yuan anxiously. Cheng Yuan's performance made him feel impatient?

那就 "Then rebuild, we must master the unknown element!" Cheng Yuan turned and stared at Zero with a burning gaze. Facing this intelligent life that was nine points similar to his appearance, Cheng Yuan didn't hide anything. 33 novel debuts

Because zero is part of him, a derivative of his thoughts!

Seeing Cheng Yuan so serious, Ling Ling stopped, "Did you find anything?"

Cheng Cheng took a deep breath, raised his hand to open the holographic screen, and a clear picture appeared.

"This is an image we found in the Zerg internal data. The big guy at the time was real and it was in this universe!"


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