Military Construction Department.

Wang Hao was wearing a protective suit and walked into an extremely hot area.

I saw a big man with a beard and a sturdy figure, with his hands attached to a huge iron pillar, and he raised it horizontally.

The iron pillar stretched forward for more than 20 meters.

The front section of the iron pillar is a cylindrical iron block similar to a hill.

These two parts make up a huge hammer!


The big man roared angrily, his sweaty arms and back muscles bulged violently!

Boom! !

The hammer fell and hit a lid!


A circle of fiery red energy swept through.

This circle of energy swept across the entire ten underground floors in an instant.

The ground, the walls, and other things were instantly burned red.

Even wearing a thermally insulated protective suit, Wang Hao still felt a small amount of amazing heat transmitted through the protective suit.

"Minister Fan!"

Wang Hao called quickly.


The middle-aged man who was slowly lifting the giant hammer turned his head and looked towards Wang Hao.

"Minister Ran asks you to sign!"

Wang Hao raised his hand, revealing the document covered with a protective bag.

Fan Lichong winked at a big man next to him.

The big man immediately understood, walked to Wang Hao, and took out a seal.

Then, the big man will take the document and stamp it.

"and many more!"

Wang Hao called quickly.

"Minister Fan, you'd better take a look at this document!"

Fan Li, who had already lifted the giant hammer to the highest point, replied without turning his head this time:

"Isn't it a backup plan for Plan 7, what's there to see?"

Wang Hao was stunned.

In front of Ran Tianxu's office, Wang Hao was a little stunned with the documents signed by the four ministers in his hand.

Wang Hao felt that he seemed to understand something, but he also felt that he had not fully understood it.

Finally, Wang Hao knocked on the door.

"Come in."

After getting permission, Wang Hao entered the office.

"Minister, the other three have signed."

Wang Hao put down the document.

"Well, go get ready, I'll take these little guys into the burrow right away."

Ran Tianxu took the document and instructed.

"Yes!" Wang Hao exited the office and closed the door.

In the office, Ran Tianxu saw the signed document in his hand, with a faint smile on his face.

Project No. 7 refers to the seventh secret realm space found on the fifth floor of the burrow, the extremely cold layer.

This secret realm space has the same characteristics as the Tianjia secret realm space-the older people are, the stronger their strength is suppressed.

Moreover, compared to the secret realm of Tianjia, the suppression of strength is much more terrifying.

As long as the awakening bloodline exceeds one year, people below the real dragon level will be instantly suppressed into the strength of a warrior!

And in the No. 7 secret realm space, the weakest alien beast also has the strength of a war king.

According to the detectors put in, there is a complete core of space in the No. 7 secret realm space!

The core of space, after refining and absorption, can increase the fit to the power of space.

And the power of space is the key to breaking through to the real dragon realm and beyond!

After discovering Space No. 7, Ran Tianxu discussed with the Minister of Intelligence for a long time, and jointly formulated a No. 7 plan.

According to the internal situation of the No. 7 Secret Realm space, the bloodline must be awakened within one year, and the strength must reach the seventh level of the Battle Emperor to ensure safety.

The fifth level of the Battle Emperor can barely support it, but in some emergencies, it is very likely to die.

For this opportunity, the military has been recruiting top talents all over the country.

After so many years of preparation, only this year did Ran Tianxu see a little hope.

As a result, unexpectedly, the beast tide of Jiusheng Mountain, the four generals of Zhenguo and the real dragon masters under their command lost contact.

Before losing contact, Yu Jiang predicted in advance that the crisis would come three months later.

Under all kinds of things, the No. 7 plan is facing premature death.

Chapter 314 If you vigorously add martial arts... (fourth more!)

However, Ran Tianxu considered this possibility as early as when he first formulated this plan.

So, he also prepared a backup plan that he thought he would never use.

The military has explored hundreds of secret spaces, large and small, and invested a lot of manpower and material resources to study the secrets.

Among them is the research on the convenience of age restrictions in the uncharted space.

At first, it was generally believed that Rifts were determined by bone age.

However, there have been people who have delayed the awakening of their blood vessels due to illness, and they are not restricted from entering the secret space.

The bone age theory was overturned.

After that, a more popular and more convincing theory appeared in the scientific community - the theory of the soul!

Scientists who hold this view believe that the awakening of the blood vessels brings energetic changes to the soul.

After the bloodline is awakened, living in the earth, the soul will continuously absorb the energy of the earth.

If the energy is absorbed too much, the soul will be assimilated to a certain extent, and in the burrow, it will be repelled to a corresponding degree.

And some special secret realm spaces are even more strongly against this kind of rejection.

After the emergence of this theory, a large number of scientists have verified the accuracy of this theory through experiments.

However, the soul, illusory, is only equivalent to a conceptual thing.

Therefore, these experiments that become evidence basically still focus on energy and the physical body.

Since the bloodline is awakened, the soul absorbs the energy of the earth and will be rejected by the burrow.

What about awakening in the burrow from the beginning?

Experiments have shown that if you wake up in the burrow from the beginning, you will not be rejected by the burrow!

Most secret spaces will not be excluded.

But, the earth will repel!

Anyway, a lot of all kinds of weird experiments have been experienced in the middle.

Every experiment that can overturn this theory has been tried.

To this day, there are still people who are questioning it.

However, there are still no examples to disprove this doctrine.

And it was a military scientist who proposed this theory!

This scientist not only came up with this theory, but also developed a way to temporarily deceive the secret realm!

As long as a special medicine is injected into the blood, the burrow will not be suppressed for a short time.

Of course, this drug also has strong side effects:

When the effect of the medicine ends, if you have not left the secret space, the suppression of the secret space will instantly increase tenfold!

At that time, what the secret realm space brought was not simply the suppression of strength.

But in an instant, it will crush people into flesh!

Moreover, the effect time is only one minute!

Everyone, after using the medicine ten times continuously, will be completely immune, which means that the medicine will be completely ineffective.

In other words, if Ran Tianxu and the others enter the secret space, they will only have ten minutes!

This time is naturally not enough.

According to Ran Tianxu's backup plan, they will take the way of solitaire.

One person used the potion and escorted the other three to the location of the core of space.

After ten minutes are over, this person will be killed by ten times the sudden suppression of the secret realm space.

Of the remaining three, one of them used the potion to **** the other two.

The four of them added up for a total of forty minutes!

If it is replaced with a potion with a slightly lower strength, even if there is no danger in the middle, it will be too late to hurry.

After careful calculation, Ran Tianxu found that only the four old guys could hope to take out the core of space within forty minutes, and then go back the same way and leave the space.

However, even if it is successful, three of them will surely die!

The death of the four ministers, in exchange for a space core, in exchange for several masters in the real dragon realm or above in the future, is completely worth it!


Ran Tianxu let out a long sigh of relief, stood up, and walked out.

Dai Lun and the others have gathered below.

The fifth underground floor of the headquarters building, the entrance to the burrow.

Everyone was surprised to see Ran Tianxu and three other ministers coming.

"This time, we four old guys will train you specially!"

Ran Tianxu said jokingly.

"By the way, what about Mo Tian? I heard that kid is also a body major."

Fan Li was wearing an army green T-shirt, and his well-developed muscles were about to burst the T-shirt.

The combat pants on the lower body were also held tightly by the muscles.

"It's still in the practice space, and it won't end until tomorrow."

Ran Tianxu explained.

"Okay, if you have something to say, go to the burrow and say it, don't delay here."

Ran Tianxu said.

Afterwards, Ran Tianxu led the crowd into the entrance of the burrow.

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