Game Starts with the Scarecrow

Chapter 167 Strange Door Lock (4K)

Next, Mo Fan used [Phaseless Illusory Jade].

[System Prompt: You will use the Phaseless Phantom Jade to copy the item, please put in the item you want to copy____]

A prompt box popped up in front of Mo Fan, and Mo Fan put [Scarecrow Seed] on it.

[System prompt: You will consume 100,000 spiritual sources to copy the "Scarecrow Seed", are you sure? 】


"-100,000 spiritual sources!"

With a burst of light flashing, Mo Fan found that the scarecrow's seeds became abnormally emerald green, and then split into two.

[System prompt: Congratulations to your successful copying of the scarecrow seed, you have obtained the scarecrow seed*2]

Mo Fan immediately checked the scarecrow seeds he had just obtained, and he was relieved to find that the attributes were exactly the same as the original ones.

"Haha, it can really be copied!"

Next, Mo Fan frantically copied [Scarecrow Seed] without wasting a second.

There are more and more scarecrow seeds on him.





When Mo Fan copied 30,000 scarecrow seeds, he stopped copying.

There were a total of 36,347 copies of Wuxiang Magic Jade, and it took him more than an hour to use 30,000 times.

There are 6347 times left, which he intends to save as a backup, and if he encounters something he wants to copy in the future, he can also use it.

Mo Fan rested for a while, then ran out excitedly.

Now that the seeds are ready, we need a piece of land to cultivate.

Mo Fan walked around around Lu Xiaofeng, but found that there was no good place.

There are many hills and complex terrain, which is not suitable for planting.

After returning to the residence, Mo Fan suddenly thought of someone, and he immediately clicked a summon button on the property panel.

[System prompt: You will summon your exclusive pharmacist Dong Xinhui, are you sure? 】


Because he was anxious about the scarecrow seeds, Mo Fan clicked OK without thinking.

As the air fluctuated in front of him, a figure gradually appeared in front of him.

Mo Fan looked at the scene in front of him, dumbfounded!


Dong Xinhui exclaimed, her cheeks flushed instantly.

Dong Xinhui appeared in front of Mo Fan naked, with a white mist on her body.

She was taking a bath and was summoned by Mo Fan!

"Young master, you still watch!"

Dong Xinhui snorted softly, used the exclusive teleportation, and disappeared in front of Mo Fan.

Looking at the empty room and the water stains on the ground, Mo Fan swallowed and slapped himself hard.

He couldn't help crying out in pain.

"What did you say before?"

"Seems to be……"

"What a coincidence!"

Mo Fan couldn't help but think of the scene where Dong Xinhui was summoned before, and he was filled with emotion.

After about ten minutes, Mo Fan sent Dong Xinhui a message:

"Done yet?"


After seeing the reply, Mo Fan called again.

Following the fluctuations in the air, Dong Xinhui appeared in front of him.

After some dressing up, Dong Xinhui looks like a lotus flower, very moving.

"Young master, didn't I tell you last time, send me a message before calling me, why do you..."

Dong Xinhui pouted her small mouth, looking extremely angry.

"I... I was just thinking about..."

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing Mo Fan hesitating, Dong Xinhui immediately interrupted, seeming to be even more angry.

"Hey~ It's not that I made a new batch of seeds. I thought you were a pharmacist, so I wanted to ask you how to grow them. I was anxious at the time, and I summoned you here without thinking about it. Who knew... who knew that you were taking a bath ..."

Mo Fan explained, looking very innocent.

"You also said, son, if you... do this again in the future, I won't be your exclusive pharmacist!"

After speaking, Dong Xinhui turned her head away.

"Okay, don't be angry, I will definitely pay attention in the future, and I will send you a message before calling you!"

Mo Fan promised in a firm tone.

He didn't expect this little beauty to react so strongly.

I don't know if there is any repentance in the exclusive pharmacist contract I signed with her, and I can't find it now.

If what Dong Xinhui said is true, the loss will be great.

Therefore, Mo Fan's attitude had to be relaxed.

After hearing what Mo Fan said, Dong Xinhui's complexion improved slightly, and then she asked Mo Fan:

"My lord, what did you summon me for?"

Hearing Dong Xinhui's question, Mo Fan quickly took out the scarecrow seeds:

"Where do you think this seed can be planted?"

Dong Xinhui took the seeds from Mo Fan's hands, her brows were frowned, as if she was thinking about something.

After Mo Fan saw it, he continued:

"Or do you want to see what kind of plant is suitable?"

"Young master, where did you come from?"

Dong Xinhui looked at Mo Fan and asked.

This is the first time she has seen such a heaven-defying seed.

Mo Fan had no choice but to briefly describe the origin of the scarecrow seeds.

After Dong Xinhui learned about the origin of the seeds, she was very surprised:

"Young master, are you trying to build a scarecrow army?"

"That's right, I just don't know how to cultivate these seeds now. You are a pharmacist, so I will ask you."

Mo Fan nodded again and again, and replied affirmatively.

"Since this is the case, the only option is to look for the ancient books in my family."

Dong Xinhui muttered softly, then turned to Mo Fan and said:

"My lord, it's a good thing you didn't just find a place to throw the seeds down. This time, you found the right person."

"Come with me!"

Mo Fan followed Dong Xinhui to the courtyard outside Maple Leaf City - Xinhui Courtyard.

He still clearly remembered that the scene where he met Dong Xinhui in front of this courtyard seemed to have happened yesterday.

And Dong Xinhui walked in unconsciously.

After entering the house, she said to Mo Fan:

"My lord, sit down wherever you want, I'll go and find that ancient book."

"I'll go find it with you!"

Mo Fan looked at the situation in the room and suggested.

"Then... well~_~"

Dong Xinhui hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Then Mo Fan followed her to the innermost room in the courtyard.

Dong Xinhui took out a key and prepared to unlock it.

However, it was discovered that the door lock had rusted at some point and could not be opened at all.

After Mo Fan saw it, he couldn't help asking:

"How long has it been since you came to this room?"

"I haven't been in since my father left..."

Dong Xinhui sighed and put away the key in her hand:

"It's been five or six years, and it looks like it's going to be violently unlocked!"

"Okay, back off, I'll come!"

Mo Fan waved his hand, and then took out his hastily hoe.

Aim at the door lock, and smash it down with a hoe!


There was a loud noise, sparks flew everywhere, and the door lock was split in half by the hoe and fell off the door knocker.

"Young master, your strength is really great!"

Dong Xinhui praised Mo Fan, and then went to open the door.

And Mo Fan looked at the door lock with some surprise.

He thought that to open this door lock, with his strength of more than 50 million yuan, he could easily open it.

Who knew that he had used all his strength just now!

He glanced at Dong Xinhui who entered the room, and went to pick up the door lock that he had broken.

【Damaged door lock (special only)】

[The door lock made of a kind of extraterrestrial meteorite lost some functions because it was destroyed]

After seeing the attributes of this door lock, Mo Fan was even more surprised.

This door lock was actually made of extraterrestrial meteorites.

It stands to reason that such a door lock is not only extremely strong, but also highly resistant to corrosion, so it is not easy to rust.

And the top is rusty!


It's so abnormal!

Did Dong Xinhui also hide some secret from herself?

But it doesn't look like...

Mo Fan shook his head slowly, put the door lock away, and entered the house.

There are various shelves in the room.

There are books, some bottles and cans, and various weapons and equipment.

It seems that there are a lot of things, but they are neatly arranged, but they are all covered with thick dust.

Dong Xinhui was looking for books inside.

Mo Fan glanced back and forth among these shelves, but found nothing special.

He had no choice but to go to the bookshelf where Dong Xinhui was and rummaged through it.

Most of these books are medical books.

Mo Fan is not interested in these things.

"found it!"

Dong Xinhui shouted in surprise.

Then she blew on the dust on the book, and a lot of dust was raised immediately, causing her to cough twice.

Mo Fan clearly saw the name of the book.

【Vientiane Medicine】

This should be a medical book.

"Dong Xinhui, is there the answer I want in this medical book?"

"My lord, this Vientiane Medical Classic contains everything and can be traced back to ancient times. It is not only a medical book, but also an ancient encyclopedia."

Dong Xinhui explained while turning the pages of the book.

"I see!"

Mo Fan was suddenly curious about this book.

After a while, Dong Xinhui frowned and smiled at Mo Fan:

"Young master, I found it!"

As he spoke, he handed over the Vientiane Medical Classic.

After Mo Fan took it, he looked at the contents of the book and was immediately amazed.

【How to Plant Universal Seeds】

[The omnipotent seed is bred from the essence of heaven and earth, which is very rare, and its planting method should follow the law of mutual generation and mutual restraint of all things...】

[What kind of creature is sealed in the universal seed, it is planted near that creature, which has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort...】

[The method of planting and cultivating universal seeds...]


This book explains in great detail how to use universal seeds and how to cultivate them.

There are many places that Mo Fan hadn't thought of before, but there are detailed explanations here, which surprised him very much.

"My son, how is it?"

Hearing Dong Xinhui's question, Mo Fan nodded repeatedly:

"That's right, if it wasn't for this ancient book, I really don't know that cultivating a universal seed requires so much attention..."

"According to the above, my universal seed has been sealed as a scarecrow seed by me. If you want to plant it, you need to go to the scarecrow refresh point in Novice Village..."

Mo Fan took out the scarecrow seeds while looking at the instructions.

"My lord, please give me these scarecrow seeds, Guan Siruo and I will plant them for you."

Dong Xinhui suggested, looking at Mo Fan expectantly.

Such a rare seed is very rare, and she wants to plant it herself to increase her pharmacist level.

"Okay, of course!"

Mo Fan also happened to have this idea. After all, it would take a lot of time to get 30,000 scarecrow seeds by himself.

After speaking, Mo Fan handed over the 30,000 seeds on his body to Dong Xinhui.

Then he remembered something and asked:

"By the way, why didn't I see Guan Siruo when I came here?"

"She should go out to collect herbs. She has been practicing the level of collecting herbs for the past few days... Speaking of which, you have helped me a lot. This helper is amazing!"

"Oh? Does she have any outstanding talents?"

Mo Fan asked curiously, his impression of Guan Siruo was still in the picture of Lu Xiaofeng, a beautiful farmer's pharmacist.

"That's right, Si Ruo is very tenacious, she works very hard, and wants to completely surpass me in planting medicine, collecting medicine and refining medicine, so she usually does some unimportant things, and I feel a lot easier... "

When Dong Xinhui said this, a woman's voice came from outside, it was Guan Siruo.

The two of them came to the front hall.

Guan Siruo greeted Mo Fan in surprise.

And Mo Fan looked at Guan Siruo in front of him in surprise.

At this time, Guan Siruo completely lost the ordinary feeling of a peasant girl, and was lively and lively, as if exuding a kind of fairy air all over her body.

She was completely different from Guan Siruo when he first met.

"Peak Master, is there something important for you to come here?"

Guan Siruo asked charmingly.

"Well, I've already told Dong Xinhui..."

Mo Fan replied, then looked at Dong Xinhui:

"I'm going back first, if you need anything, please contact me in time."

"Okay, son, I'll see you off..."

Back at Lu Xiaofeng's residence, Mo Fan took out the contents of the backpack.

It was the broken door lock.

After careful observation, nothing special was found.

It seems to be an ordinary meteorite lock.

You can use your perception to perceive it carefully, as if it is not so ordinary.

Mo Fan gently wiped the rust on the door lock with a piece of cloth.

After a few minutes, the rust on the door lock was gradually wiped off, revealing the delicate pattern inside.

Looking at these patterns, Mo Fan's heart was shocked.

He's sure.

He has seen these patterns before!

Quickly searching the memories in his mind, Mo Fan was still puzzled.

After a while, I couldn't find the source of these delicate patterns.

"What's going on? Why can't I remember..."

"Where did you see it?"


Mo Fan scratched the hair on his dog's head, pressed his temple with his index finger, and didn't think about it for a long time.

Just when he was about to give up, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

A picture appeared in his mind.

Row after row of stone statues are neatly arranged in an underground stone hall, and one of the stone statues happens to have this pattern on it.

This is the land of demonization, the underground stone palace where the evil spirits are located.

I've been to that place with Mohan Tongyuan before.

It's just that I glanced at those stone statues at the time, and my impression was not very deep, so I didn't think of them for a long time.

And when Mo Fan continued to recall and think, the picture in his mind became more and more clear...

If you observe carefully, you will find that this stone statue, which also has exquisite patterns, looks like a cat but not a cat, like a mink but not a mink...

"How can it be?!!!"

"Impossible, it's not like this, I must be remembering wrong!!!"

After knowing the result, Mo Fan was so shocked that the door lock in his hand fell to the ground.

It was too much for him to accept.

Because his grandma Shu Manning, after transforming into a virtual poisonous beast, is like this!

How can a real character be connected with an item in the game?




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