Game of Thrones: Wrath of the Sleeping Dragon

Chapter 394: Devastated after the war

"We won, didn't we?"


The blizzard seemed to leave with the footsteps of the Legion of the Dead, and after a night of fierce fighting, the sky finally gradually brightened.

The brilliant sun tore the darkness through the clouds, and sprinkled on the silent battlefield on the banks of the Green Fork River.

The king of the Seven Kingdoms, Robert Baratheon, was lying on the ground burned by the dragon flame and was unwilling to get up, and the Duke of Winterfell Ed Stark, who was covered with embarrassment beside him, was also lying on the ground. .

And not far away.

The distinguished Duke of Longshi Island, Stannis Baratheon, the brother of His Majesty the King, was carrying a slashed-edged sword, and frowned as he watched the medic bandaging the wound on his hand.

The four fingers of his left hand were chewed off by a ghoul in a recent battle.

If you look closely, you can see the blue veins on Stannis' forehead, but Stannis is like a stone, clenching his teeth without saying a word.

The military doctor who bandaged his wound also admired the adult's amazing willpower.

The guardian of the West Territory, Tywin Lannister, was also embarrassed. The lion's armor was covered with blood, and the cloak of gold thread was torn.

The Duke of Kaiyan City staggered and stood there, and then was supported by the family knight, panting slightly, it was rare for a pair of eyes to appear blank.

"My Lord Duke."

Afterwards, the Duke of Kaiyan City still maintained his demeanor and climbed onto the horse with the help of the family knight.

When the war was at its height not long ago, Edmund Tuuli, the heir of the Riverland, who was lying on the battlefield pretending to be dead in the chaos, discovered that the war was over.

Then Edmund wiped a few hands of blood on his face, seized the opportunity that no one noticed, and quickly got up. The soldiers who searched for him wept with joy.

The surviving descendants of the Frey family also found their ancestors who committed suicide by jumping ice on the frozen Green Fork River, but at this moment the body of Old Frey was completely cold.

The mourning of the filial sons and grandchildren of the Frey family suddenly sounded on the surface of the Green Fork River.

Perhaps it was because the freezing on the river was not strong enough, or it was because the night king led the army of the dead to retreat for a short time, causing the temperature in Twin River City to rise slightly.

The frozen surface of the Green Fork River had some looseness. In addition to the prosperity of the Frey family, there were a lot of people gathered on the ice. There was a sudden ice rupture accident without any warning.

These weeping filial sons and grandchildren of the Frey family even fell into the cold river with the corpses of their ancestors.

Sudden accidents once again made the Green Fork River bank jumped again and again, and people reached out to rescue the members of the Frey family who fell into the water.

But it is a pity that because of the vast water surface of the Green Fork River and the severe ice breakage, boats were temporarily rescued and many people were rescued. However, in the end, more than a dozen people were still caught in the river along with the corpses of the ancestors of the Frey family. Washed away and disappeared without a trace.

On the banks of the Green Fork River, the Frey family's cries became louder, even more sincere.

After the victory of the war, there are still many messy things.

The Duke of Winterfell shook his head slightly when he heard the king's words.

"Don't be happy too early."

"This is just a short victory, Robert."

Ed Stark was lying on the ground, his voice a little weak.

"Alien ghosts will make a comeback."

The Legion of the Dead was only repelled briefly, perhaps to accumulate more strength, or there may be other purposes, but Ed did not think that the ghost would give up and stop at the neck.

"A short victory is also a victory."

And Robert lay on the ground and took a few breaths, then sat up from the ground and patted the dust on his body, looking very optimistic.

And at this moment.

A dragon roar suddenly came from the horizon, and a huge figure opened its wings and appeared in everyone's field of vision. Veselis, who went to chase the undead army, finally returned.


The dragon roared, and a huge black shadow enveloped the ground, and then Bellerion fell from the sky and landed in front of Robert Baratheon.


The dragon landed on the ground and made a huge noise, and the billowing air wave spread to the distance.

Robert Baratheon and Ed, who were sitting on the ground, were choked by the smoke and dust, and the coalition soldiers in the distance were also affected.

"What does the prince want to do?"

Some nobles who were loyal to Robert Baratheon became nervous when they saw this scene, such as his lost two Royal Forest Guards, but they didn't dare to come close, after all, the big guy was still there.

However, more coalition soldiers chose to sit on the ground with their own weapons, sitting on the ground with their own weapons, and did not even stand up. Without the orders of their lord, they would not stand up to help.

" Viselis."

Taiwen Lannister, who was assisted and sat on horseback, looked into the distance, sitting on the back of the dragon, with the extraordinary young dragon knight.

But he couldn't see Visiris's cheeks too far away.

In the center of the storm, the two most severely affected people were choked and coughed constantly.



Robert spit out the dust in embarrassment, and Ed Stark didn't get any better.

Then when the dust drifted away, they could see the behemoth in front of them clearly, and Bellerion's scarlet eyes were looking coldly at the two little guys below.

It knows that they have an enemy with Viselis, it doesn't know why Viselis prevented him from killing them, otherwise Bellerion would have eaten both of them in one bite when they just fell.

However, at this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from the top of the two people below.

"Master Robert Baratheon of Wind's Breath."

"And Master Ed Stark in Winterfell."

Veselis sat high on the dragon's back, wearing the sword of stars around his waist. He was wearing a Valyrian steel helmet. He couldn't see his face clearly, but the voice came from under the armor. There was not much calmness. .

"I heard of the two big names a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be like this the first time I met."

Although Veselis' words sounded ironic, their tone did not have such a meaning, on the contrary, they seemed very calm.

He did admire the names of two people for a long time, but he didn't expect to meet under such circumstances in this capacity.

"Introduce yourself."

Then, before the two of them could speak, Veserys untied the belt of the dragon riding gear on his body.

Then stood up from the dragon's back, the silver armor gleaming in the sun, this is definitely what countless knights dream of.

"My name is Viserys Targaryen."

Then the young dragon knight jumped off the dragon's back easily and fell heavily on the ground.


The dust around it flew layer by layer, and the people in it slowly stood up.

He glanced over the two people in front of him, and then his voice calmed down.

"They are here to kill you."


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