Chapter 95: Occupy the Wall

Composed of seven islands in Ironman Bay, located in the west of Westeros, the Iron Islands are a place that has been recorded in history since the Age of Heroes.

Before the Dragon King Aegon conquered Westeros, it was an independent country, and its supreme ruler was the "King of the Iron Islands", also known as the "Iron King".

Subjects of the Iron Kingdom, the ironmen used to call themselves "Iron Seeds".

Due to the harsh natural conditions of the Iron Islands, the land is barren, and they cannot be self-sufficient at all. Therefore, the Iron Seeds have always made a living by looting and are proud of it. They call this way of life "ancient way", which is equivalent to the Nordic Vikings in the Middle Ages. pirate.

This kind of survival law with a strong pirate color is most obvious in the Greyjoy family's language - "strong is better than hard work".

In general, the Iron Islands, which worship the sea, practice a primitive and cruel way of life. At the same time, like all sea peoples, they have an extraordinary desire for freedom, which is also the deep-seated reason for the frequent rebellions of the Iron Islands.

Accustomed to seeing the vast power of nature in the sea, Iron Seed's understanding of life and death has a very poetic side.

Just like now,

Lynn's incomparably brave army launched an attack immediately after the city gate collapsed, but was still blocked outside the west gate of Twin River City.

The fortress built by the ironmen soldiers immediately with their flesh and blood prevented the light cavalry's intention to enter the city first.

Since he was the first to squeeze into the city wall, hand-to-hand combat in a small space was the only option.

After half an hour, the corpses were piled up in layers as high as a hill.

The soldiers on both sides could only step on the corpse pile from both ends and continue to pile up.

The crossbowmen of the Tiger Ben regiment kept climbing along the corpse to the highest point, shooting randomly at the densely packed ironmen soldiers below, and then quickly retreated.

The gap is too small, and there are too many people on both sides.

Can't climb up more people at once.

The spearmen and spearmen on both sides withstood the gap, forming a stalemate on both sides.

This is still the relatively wide West Gate of the Twin Rivers.

In the collapsed hole not far from the catapult, the battle was even more stalemate and tragic.

The war has reached this point, and there are no more tactics to speak of. With the strong will and the determination to die, the two sides will start a swan song of life and death.

Lynn has more troops and better weapons, but the Iron Islands people are on the defensive side and have a certain geographical advantage, and they have captured many residents of the Twins City. At first, these people were only labor and hard labor and were driven out. To prepare to block the gap with gravel and sandbags and build a defense line.

However, Lynn's light cavalry came too fast, and there were sword and shield soldiers on the city wall attacking the ironmen archers. Before they could carry more gravel, they were pushed to the front of the defense line by Greyjoy soldiers and used them as Flesh line of defense.

Most of the corpses blocked at the bottom of the city gates and gaps were actually innocent civilians.

The tenacity of the enemy was beyond Lynn's expectations. There are very few deserters in this world. If there are, the generals of the army will be the first to announce their retreat or surrender. Soldiers have no right to raise the white flag on their own initiative.

Because it's a loss of honor, in most battles in history, people who become captives usually don't have a good end.

Therefore, the end of the battle is often very tragic.

Finally, a voice rang in the ears of Lynn, who was supervising the battle.

"Look, my lord, the sword and shield soldiers have taken down the city wall!"

When Lin En heard the words, he raised his eyes and looked at it. After a while, his expression loosened. As long as he could completely control the city wall, it would be easy.

Rodat's commander under the city wall couldn't crowd the crossbowmen on the corpse mountain at the city gate and shouted, "Both the crossbowmen and archers climb from the ladder to the city wall, hurry up!"

As long as you occupy the city wall, all the enemies are stacked together. As long as you can control the city wall, your crossbowmen can directly shoot the opponent's backup from a commanding height.

Then the soldiers on the opposite side who stood up to the gap would not be able to make up for the defense smoothly.

The dawn of victory is coming, Lynn thought.


The Ironborn knights and foot soldiers gathered behind the city gate saw their leader Victarion Greyjoy retreat from the city wall.

This is located in the west of Westeros mainland and consists of seven islands in Ironman Bay. It has been recorded in history since the Age of Heroes. Before Aegon the Dragon conquered Westeros, the Iron Islands were an independent nation, and the supreme ruler was the "King of the Iron Islands", also known as the "Iron Kings".

The inhabitants of the Iron Islands call themselves "Iron Seeds", equivalent to the medieval Vikings.

Because the iron archipelago has harsh natural conditions and the land is barren, it is impossible to be self-sufficient at all, so the iron species have always made a living by looting and are proud of it. They call this way of life "ancient way". Females of the Iron Islands can also raid like males and even become captains.

This kind of survival law with a strong pirate color is most obvious in the Greyjoy family's language - "strong is better than hard work".

In general, the Iron Islands, which worship the sea, practice a primitive and cruel way of life. At the same time, like all sea peoples, they have an extraordinary desire for freedom, which is also the deep-seated reason for the frequent rebellions of the Iron Islands. Accustomed to seeing the vast power of nature in the sea, Iron Seed's understanding of life and death has a very poetic side.

The ironmen did have a deep understanding of life and death. For example, now, Lynn's incomparably brave army was blocked outside the west gate of the Twin River City. The fortress built by the ironmen soldiers with flesh and blood was piled up like a hill. high.

The corpses were stacked on top of each other, and the people at both ends stepped on the corpses and continued to pile up.

The crossbowmen of the Tiger Ben regiment kept climbing along the corpse to the highest point, shooting randomly at the densely packed ironmen soldiers below, and then quickly retreated.

The gap is too small, and there are too many people on both sides.

The spearmen and spearmen on both sides withstood the gap, forming a stalemate on both sides.

This is still the relatively wide west gate of the Twin Rivers City. Not far from the collapsed opening that was smashed by the trebuchet, the battle was even more stalemate and tragic.

At this point in the war, there are no more tactics to speak of. The two sides fought in close quarters with one breath and the determination to die.

Lynn has more troops and better weapons, but the Iron Islands people are on the defensive side and have a certain geographical advantage, and they have captured many residents of the Twins City. At first, these people were only labor and hard labor and were driven out. To prepare to block the gap with gravel and sandbags and build a defense line.

However, Lynn's light cavalry came too fast, and there were sword and shield soldiers on the city wall to harass the ironmen archers. Before they could carry more rubble, Victarion used them as a blood line of defense.

Most of the corpses blocked at the bottom of the city gates and gaps were actually innocent civilians.

The tenacity of the enemy was beyond Lynn's expectations. There are very few deserters in this world. If there are, the generals of the army will be the first to announce retreat or surrender. Nothing ends well.

Therefore, the end of the battle is often very tragic.

Finally, a voice rang in the ears of Lynn, who was supervising the battle.

"Look, my lord, the sword and shield soldiers have taken down the city wall!"

Lynn looked relieved, as long as he could completely control the city wall, it would be easy.

Rodat's commander under the city wall couldn't crowd the crossbowmen on the corpse mountain at the city gate and shouted, "Both the crossbowmen and archers climb from the ladder to the city wall, hurry up!"

As long as you occupy the city wall, all the enemies are stacked together. As long as you can control the city wall, your crossbowmen can directly shoot the opponent's backup from a commanding height.

Then the soldiers on the opposite side who stood up to the gap would not be able to make up for the defense smoothly.

The dawn of victory is coming, Lynn thought.


The Ironborn knights and foot soldiers gathered behind the city gate saw their leader Victarion Greyjoy retreat from the city wall.

In order to protect him, Victarion's herald was stabbed to death on the spot by a team of sword and shield soldiers on the city wall.

He could only run down the city wall himself to convey his order.

Victarion appeared in front of the soldiers and shouted angrily.

"Damn it, why are you still standing here? The cavalry all got off their horses and went to the city wall."

Several nearby squads heard Commander Victarion's order, and although they didn't understand why they did it, they still ran up the winding stone stairs quickly.

More people still gathered behind the allies at the city gate, affected by the roaring voices ahead.

Except for the tragic howls of the death of the enemy or allies, they couldn't hear anything, and they didn't have time to look forward to it.

Under the guard of his squire, Victarion struggled to push away the ironmen soldiers crowded in the narrow space.

The soldiers were crowded together, and it was really difficult to advance in the crowd.

He drew out an old long-handled two-handed sword and danced in a wide arc.

A dazed squad stared ahead, a dent in the cuirass of the squad with a focused eye was struck by a sword, and Commander Victarion's roar came from his ear, "Get out of the way, motherfucker, get out of the way! "

Broke again. The young ironman captain was startled when he saw Victarion rushing towards him.

He reacted and clumsily gave way to the side.

In fact, the battle didn't last long. Victarion's 1,000 soldiers didn't suffer very serious losses. About 200 people died in the battle, and now the corpses blocked the path of the massive influx of Lynn's army.

Therefore, fewer and fewer people need to sacrifice.

Victarion believes that there is no need for such infantry to be crowded here.

On the city wall, one hundred and five archers are being forced to stand against Lynn's Tiger Ben regiment's sword and shield soldiers.

If the city wall is completely lost and is attacked from front and back, his army will not be able to hold the city gate defense line, that is the real disaster.

Victarion smashed a few of his men with his shoulder, and climbed up to a stone sculpture platform at the central intersection inside the West City Gate.

The head of the stone sculpture has been lost, and it is not clear which sage was engraved on the stone sculpture and worshipped by the residents of the Twins City.

However, the stone pier is still intact, and standing on it will be a good place to issue orders or give speeches.

All his soldiers in the back row could see Victarion who was a day higher in the line.

Victarion looked down at the ironmen army below, his eyes swept across the crowd, and then he pointed at the squad leaders of the surrounding infantry, and yelled at them: "Don't block here, you all go to the city wall, **** it. Don't you know how to look up?"

City wall? What wall?

Why did the infantry go to the city Is there still an enemy army there?

The ironmen soldiers heard the commander's roar and orders, and subconsciously looked up at the city wall above.

on the city wall,

A sword and shield soldier stabbed an ironman archer in the abdomen with a one-handed sword.

Archer's pupils dilated, he dropped the bow and arrow in his hand, and stretched out his hand to try to pull out the sword pierced into his spleen.


The Sword and Shield Soldier slapped his face with a shield from his backhand again.

The archer's eyes flashed with gold stars for a while, the corners of his mouth staggered with blood stains, and he took a few steps back.

Soon, the archer felt that the one-handed sword in his abdomen was quickly pulled away. He only felt that his whole body was weak and weak, and before he could limp and sit down, he was severely kicked in the chest.

Like a kite with a broken rope, he turned his head towards the wall behind him and fell down.

From the tens of meters high city wall, a loud bang came to the ground.

There were corpses smashed into the city wall constantly, and all the ironmen soldiers understood what was going on without Victarion's reminder.

There are enemy troops on the wall.

The panicked ironmen soldiers began to run and climb up the stone stairs.

They were as fast as they could, but still one step too late.

The first group of ironmen infantry who supported the city wall just stepped on the corridor of the city wall.

He soon found a crossbow arrow flashing a deadly light, aimed at them.

The well-equipped crossbowmen of the Tiger Ben regiment climbed the city wall one after another from the cloud ladder, and announced the death of the ironmen infantry who arrived a step late.

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