The short javelin roared and ripped through the air.

The powerful armor-piercing javelin equipped by the cavalry regiment was originally a powerful weapon used to deal with strong cavalry.

Hundreds of short javelins rushed forward and threw a high-throw arc, and instantly plunged into their riding formation.




Four short javelins pierced deeply into the body of a blood-stained cavalry soldier beside Varg Hoot.

The cavalry's face was full of fear, and he only had time to roar, then he died of anger, and fell straight from the horse.

The same scene continued to be staged among the cavalry of the warrior regiment. The sudden injury made these cavalrymen who were deeply immersed in the joy of killing a little chill.

The head of the warrior regiment, Wag Hoot, looked at all this angrily and urged his subordinates to step up their defenses. "Damn, don't entangle here, and urge the horses to rush out of their formation."

"Keep the spear straight, and the Warriors will advance for me."

As he shouted, he immediately pulled the reins of the horse, and at this moment he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

I dare not let my cavalry continue to stand still.

It is wise to rush out of the enemy formation as soon as possible, or to quickly break away from the entanglement, and then launch a second charge.

Vag Hort just ordered that a knight on his left with a long sword in his hand slashed to death a soldier of the cavalry regiment who was entangled in death, instigated the horse under his crotch to come to him with difficulty, and issued a sharp hoarseness to him. Shouting: "Captain, these people are crazy, they are rushing forward desperately, our war horses can't rush past."

Wag Holt turned his head to look at the person, and found that this person was a clown from a blood theater. An uneasy premonition continued to rise in his mind. He glanced ahead, and in the dark night, the soldiers in the north did not light a torch.

This made even if he looked far away, he could only see some dazed figures with no end in sight.

The unknown darkness is always full of variables.

He cursed secretly and shouted: "Damn. If you can't rush, then withdraw and reorganize the charge."

However, his voice just fell.

The rain of arrows in the sky densely shrouded the east and west positions of his cavalry regiment, and Wag Hoot's long-term worries finally came true.

A burst of armor-piercing crossbow arrows shot flat on the left and right sides of his cavalry regiment from the open area.

The two wings of the cavalry of the warrior regiment who were severely attacked, in order to avoid the deadly armor-piercing crossbows, the cavalry on the two wings subconsciously moved towards the center.

However, this sudden move seriously squeezed the little space left in the center of the Warriors' Cavalry Array.

The gap between the horses under the cavalry's crotch began to shrink.

Gradually, the cavalry of the Warriors found that their warhorses were too close to each other, and they had lost the space to turn their direction.

Stand on top of a dune.

Duncan's face gradually calmed down, and a fierce light began to flash in his eyes.

Behind him, the infantry regiment composed of the heavily armored cavalry regiment and the armored cavalry regiment began to set up a bonfire, and took out the torches and slowly lit it.

The fire light illuminated the dark Gripen Legion position.

Countless torches were held high, and Duncan's resolute cheeks were rendered flushed red.

His knight's sword was raised again, and he shouted angrily and excitedly: "Counterattack!"



As soon as he finished speaking, footsteps sounded behind him. The cavalry regiment soldiers with long-handled weapons, who were already ready, strode forward, and also echoed the shouting counterattack. The sound was uniform and pierced the sky.

An infantry line of six hundred cavalry formed three platoons.

All of them held sharp spears and began to trot, and the pace became faster and wider as time passed.

With endless killing intent in their eyes, they gradually approached the edge of the cavalry of the warrior regiment that was crowding together at the moment.

The spear in his hand has been put down horizontally, and the spear head is aimed straight ahead, straight at the cavalry who are urging the formation to spread out with difficulty.

The infantry phalanx formed by heavy cavalry is in front. The sharp conical lances in their hands have excellent armor-piercing effect.

Full of lethality.

Although it was charging on foot, the cavalry captains of the Gripen Legion still shouted, "Cavalry regiment, charge!"

"Long live the North!"

"Long live the lord! Kill!"


puff puff!

With a lance with a pointed head, it can easily pierce the abdomen and chest of the front row cavalry of the stunned warrior regiment, and the lance and spear can easily pierce the fur of the enemy.

Poke the unlucky guys who are crowded together and unable to dodge into a hornet's nest.

The cavalry sitting high on the war horse looked up in horror at the sudden appearance of a cavalry weapon in front of them, but the legion that charged on foot rushed in, and the next moment, they were stabbed with a chill.

The huge power of the lance, even in the infantry charge stance, is equally powerful.

The cavalrymen of the warrior regiment who fell to the ground were wide-eyed and twitched convulsively. Later, they were ruthlessly trampled into mud by the panicked horses.

This round of counterattacks added nearly 200 casualties to the cavalry of the enemy warrior regiment, but this was not enough to ease the hatred of the soldiers of the Gripen Legion.

The brave soldiers quickly pulled out the spears and lances in the enemy's body, and searched for murder again in the chaotic battlefield.


The infantry stabbed with spears.

The three-row formation is like a dense forest of spears. Although there is no in-situ defense, the spearheads pierce in a continuous scale, but they can charge forward with the spear, but they are like a simplified version of the knight's charge.

It seems that he is aware of the desperate situation of death and no life, even if his heart is increased because of the fear of his comrades in Holt, the head of the Warriors, has a crazy expression on his face at this moment. hi color.

He grinned for a while, then ordered the cavalry to stop disengaging.

"Don't turn around—"

"Lao Zicao their ancestors. Fight!"

"Joker. Timon of Dorne. Pug, nicknamed "Piggy". Yigo, from the Dothraki. Tog Ghos, from Iban. "Three Toes", Rorger, Fang. For Lao Tzu kill!"

A heavy smashing sound sounded, and the warrior group began to counterattack. For a time, the two sides launched a desperate fight.

There are constantly corpses, pierced through the chest, or smashed directly to the ground.

In this **** area, the corpses under the feet of both sides fell one by one.

Casualties were severe.

It wasn't until this moment that Duncan determined that the Jedi counterattack was effective, at least there was no need to worry that the enemy's cavalry could almost defeat the enemy's position.

At this moment, Lynn of Ruby Beach slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

He could be sure that this group of cavalry soldiers from the Magic Mountain Legion had been trapped on the floor.

However, Lin En finally clearly felt that on this continent, the combat power of these famous mercenary groups was extraordinary.

Lynn saw with his own eyes the warhorse with the banner of the Warriors Regiment, and was stabbed by two spears at the same time, and the warhorse fell to the ground.

At the same time, the members of the surrounding blood troupe of the Warriors also seemed to know that the head of the group was stabbed.

However, the infantrymen of the Gripen Legion, wearing different armors of the Knights of Armor, rushed in that direction frantically.

It is estimated that it will not take much time before Wag Holt is finished.

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