Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 191 Return to Hong Kong

Cullen is a secret agent installed by the Iron Throne in Miracle Port. He has taken root here as a free citizen since the construction of Miracle Port.

For him, life in Miracle Harbor is his dream life, with a stable job, a stable income, and a wife who loves him and is pregnant.

But he knew very well that none of this was true. As long as King's Landing moved their fingers, his good life would disappear completely, so he needed to provide useful information to King's Landing from time to time.

A month ago, he should have been able to satisfy the King's Landing side by providing some information about the Chamber of Commerce at the Miracle Port Pier, but that is no longer possible. The information related to Linde is what the King's Landing side is most concerned about. , if others got the information about Linde but he didn't, then he would be out of luck.

So, when he learned that Linde had subdued the sea dragon and was on his way back to Miracle Port, he used his identity as a fisherman to fish and stayed outside Miracle Port for several days. The exclusive messenger crow is placed so that when the news of Linde's return to Miracle Port is confirmed, the news can be conveyed as soon as possible.

However, after waiting for several days, all he saw were ships from various chambers of commerce and no warships from the Miracle Fleet. This made Karen wonder whether the news of Lind's return to Miracle Port was true.

"Wait one more day and then go back." Karen looked at the little food and fresh water left on the boat, sighed, and said to himself.

As time passed, the dark clouds gradually accumulating in the sky made him a little worried. With his many years of experience, it would rain in this sea area in a while. He just didn't know whether it would be heavy rain like a storm or a temporary light rain.

Things turned out just as Karen imagined. It started to rain, and along with the rain came strong winds and lightning.

Karen had already furled the sails and pulled up the anchor. He sat in the middle of the boat, tied his body to the boat, held the barrel in his hand, and was ready to go out at any time. Ladle water.

Encountering a storm on the sea is not a big deal to Karen. As long as his small fishing boat is not torn apart by the storm, then he will be fine.

Although Karen is not a devout believer, he still pretends to be a devout believer for the sake of his mission, and goes to the Miracle Temple to pray every day. Over time, he also develops the habit of praying to the Seven Gods when something unexpected happens. It was like he was praying to the blacksmith now, praying that the ship nails and glue used to fix the planks could withstand the ravages of wind and rain.

As he prayed, a familiar whale song penetrated the storm, penetrated his prayer book, and reached his ears.

Before coming to Miraculous Port, he was a whaler on the Lancer in King's Landing, so he was very familiar with whale songs. From the song alone, he could tell that it was a red right whale that inhabits the Dorne Sea.

This kind of red right whale will spend the winter in the warm Dorne Sea. In summer, it will swim north to the Shivering Sea to give birth to offspring until it returns again in the following winter.

In the Dorne Sea, the right whale is a symbol of good luck. If a fisherman encounters a red right whale, he will catch a lot of fish on this day. If a merchant ship encounters a red right whale, his voyage will be very smooth.

Although Karen didn't believe in these things, he was still happy to meet the red right whale, because he knew very well that the red right whale would never appear on the sea in such a big storm, they would only appear in the calm deep sea. , waiting for the storm to pass, and the appearance of the red right whale now may mean that this sudden storm will not last too long, nor will it be too big.

Just when Karen was fortunate to encounter a red right whale, a huge whale with a clear view of the back of the red right whale swam across the sea in front of the fishing boat, followed closely by fourteen or five others, several of which were shaking while swimming. The tail movement almost capsized Karen's fishing boat.

"Something's wrong! Why do right whales swim in groups?" After seeing so many right whales swimming together, Karen not only didn't feel excited, but looked confused.

Because as far as he knows, unless it is the great north-south migration, red right whales rarely appear in groups. Most of them just live in their own sea areas. They will not gather until the head whales send out their migrating whale songs. together.

What makes Karen even more confused is that his current location is close to the coastline, and it is also the westernmost end of the Dorne Sea. The water here is not very deep, and it is not suitable for red right whales to live here at all. Now there are so many red right whales appearing at the same time. This is definitely not a normal situation.

Just when Karen was confused, a huge mouth emerged from the bottom of the sea, and instantly swallowed a huge red right whale that was about the same size as a large merchant ship. Then two sharp claws stretched out from the sea. After catching two red right whales of similar size, the rest of the red right whales all fled in panic. Several red right whales fled in the wrong direction, towards the shoals on the coastline, and stranded on a shoal.

"Dragon! Sea dragon!" Karen also saw the full picture of the big mouth clearly at this time. It was a huge dragon head. Behind the dragon head was a slender neck. He could vaguely see the body of the dragon floating under the sea. Two The dragon claws with broken wings were very powerful. After catching two red right whales, no matter how hard the red right whales struggled, they could not break free from the grasp of the dragon claws.

Then he saw the dragon's neck expand and expand, and a bulge in the shape of a red right whale squeezed and squirmed along the neck, and was quickly swallowed into the belly.

Immediately afterwards, the two red right whales caught by the dragon were also swallowed whole by it into its belly.

Just when Karen was stunned by the sight in front of her, Iron Island-style longships emerged from the rain and fog in the distance. These ships seemed to turn a blind eye to the giant dragon in front of them and moved towards the dragon. Sail past.

The giant dragon turned to look at the long ship, roared at the largest long ship at the front of the fleet, and then dived into the water again.

Karen also looked at the long ship for the first time. Although it was in the heavy rain, he still saw the person standing on the bow, and recognized it from the pair of obvious big swords on his waist. His identity was revealed to be the Lord of Summer Hall, the Chosen One Lynde Terra, whom he had been waiting for these days.

"The rumors are true, he really conquered the sea dragon!" Karen was extremely shocked, and he didn't come back to his senses until the last ship in the fleet passed by.

After he came to his senses, he immediately took out the paper and pen he had prepared, and quickly wrote down what he saw. Then he took out the letter crow, stuffed the letter into the mail box at its feet, grabbed it and lifted it into the air. Throw it away and let it fly back to the crow's nest in King's Landing.

However, before the messenger crow could fly high into the sky, a huge mouth rushed out of the sea and swallowed it. Then a tail was thrown out from under the fishing boat where Karen was, directly smashing the fishing boat, and Karen was also tailed. The force hit him and turned into a ball of blood in the air.

Although Karen thought his actions were very secretive and would not be noticed, what he didn't know was that he was not the first spy disguised as a fishing boat like him that Lind had encountered.

Along the way, Linde had already encountered more than a dozen similar fishing boats. At first, Linde was very patient and caught a spy for interrogation. However, because there were too many of them on the way, he simply The job of dealing with these spies was left to Glutton.

The glutton carried out his orders very well and eliminated all the disguised fishermen who were identified by Lind as spies.

Moreover, without Linde's instructions for a specific solution, it did not adopt the simplest and most direct method of swallowing the fishing boat. Instead, it used the dragon's claws or tail to directly smash the spies into pieces.

This is obviously because its mind has formed the same rule as Linde that humans should try not to eat.

Linde had no intention of preventing the news of his return from spreading. In fact, it was impossible to conceal such news. He just wanted to find a way to get rid of the restless spies.

As the fleet approached Miracle Port, Linde encountered more and more ships, all of which belonged to large and small chambers of commerce from all over the world.

At this moment, Lind no longer stood on the bow of the Nightcrawler, but moved to the top of Gluttony, and let Gluttony float on the sea, showing its huge body.

All the ships that witnessed this scene raised the flags of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce members to the highest masts and blew their horns.

For a time, the sounds of horns, large and small, were heard one after another on the sea, spreading towards the Miracle Port. When Lind rode the Glutton to the Miracle Port, the bells of the Miracle Temple, the bells of the Great Lighthouse and All the bells in the city rang, and the horns of all the ships on the docks sounded.

The pier was full of people, the rooftops were full of people, and all the boats were crowded. Everyone was looking forward to Linde, who was riding on Glutton's head. Therefore, Linde did not let Gluttony It landed directly at the military port pier, but made a circle in front of the Miracle Port pier, accepted everyone's cheers, and then returned to the closed military port pier.

Linde got off the dragon's head and asked the glutton to return to the sea and find a suitable place to build a dragon's nest in the nearby sea.

"Everyone, you have worked hard during this time." After watching the glutton sink into the sea, Linde turned to the officials of Miracle Port who were still immersed in shock and said.

After hearing Linde's words, everyone came back to their senses and quickly used the best words they could think of to express the hard work they and others had endured during this period, which was more than mentioning the dangers Linde had encountered.

Faced with this answer full of superb flattery skills, Linde couldn't help but smile. He had no intention of paying attention to these officials and directly asked most of the officials of Miracle Port to go back to work, leaving only Wise Rowan, the general manager of Miracle Port. , Commander of the garrison, Scar Eye, Executive Director of the Miracle Chamber of Mitte, Gorman Celtija, Daisy Mormont, chief and deputy commander of the female battalion of the garrison, and Obaya Sand, senior officials of Miracle Port.

After leading everyone to the office of the commander of the Miracle Fleet at the pier, Linde asked them to wait for a while, then he freshened up and changed his clothes. After all, he had not washed himself for more than two months and the odor on his body was very strong. .

After freshening up, Linde came to the office and listened to the officials of Miracle Port reporting one by one on what had happened in Miracle Port recently and what needed to be dealt with.

Although Baelor Blacktys had already reported to Linde the general situation of the territory, the contents of those reports were too simple, just a rough outline, without more specific content.

Now the officials at Miracle Port are reporting much more detailed information, especially Daisy Mormont and Obaya Sand, two frontline officers who participated in the unified battle at the southwest end of the Crimson Mountains. They reported the entire war in great detail. the process of.

Although what I heard from Baelor Blacktys was that the process of this battle was extremely smooth, in fact the entire battle still had some twists and turns. For example, in such an environment, the cavalry was basically abolished, and all infantry were used. As the main force, the savage tribes were very familiar with the surrounding environment and were good at attacking the weak points of the legion. The early battles were very ugly and many people were killed or injured.

Fortunately, Nymeria later transferred Glory and the stone giant. Glory discovered the hidden enemy traces. The stone giant in bronze armor attacked and destroyed the defenses of the savage tribe, which put the war on track.

Although this battle was Linde's first since he established the standing army of the Miracle Legion, and it ended with a great victory, the reports from Daisy and Obaya also revealed many problems with this army. , need to be corrected step by step.

However, now we can correct a big problem, that is, the Miracle Corps does not have a fixed corps leader.

Linde's original idea was to build the Miracle Corps into a military department similar to a standing army training camp. There would be no senior officers, only low-level officers such as captains. When the Miracle Corps was needed to participate in battle, one would be directly transferred. A team of people joins a certain knight officer to fight. This can avoid the problem of a single military power being too powerful.

But now it seems that military power has indeed been effectively suppressed, but there are also problems with combat power. This combat power is not the combat power of a single soldier, but the combat power formed by the overall command.

The knight officers who were given temporary command of these Miracle Corps armies had never learned how to command these armies in combat, which ultimately led to chaotic coordination and fighting with others as unorganized as fighting in the countryside.

So after listening to Daisy's report just now, Linde had the idea to normalize and regularize the Miracle Corps. The first step in regularization was to select a suitable regiment leader for the Corps.

So Linde looked at Daisy and asked, "Daisy, are you interested in becoming the first commander of the Miracle Corps?"

After Linde's words fell, everyone couldn't help but look at Daisy, and Daisy couldn't help but be stunned, but there were also complicated emotions on her face.

Although the Miracle Corps is now considered by everyone to be the weakest force among all Linde's military departments, it still has a standing force of 5,000 people, and its weapons and equipment are also the best standard weapons. It can become The commander of such an army is definitely the dream position of any war-hungry knight.

For Daisy, however, the position came a bit late.

Daisy sighed and said: "My lord, I cannot accept your appointment, and I am afraid I need to resign from my current position to you."

Linde was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why?"

Daisy sighed and said: "My cousin Jorah Mormont was a slave trader and was sentenced to death by Duke Eddard. He had already escaped with his wife before Duke Eddard went to Bear Island to pronounce the sentence. He was also stripped of his title."

Lind frowned and said, "Shouldn't your mother, Mrs. Meiji, inherit the title of Bear Island in order?"

Daisy looked depressed and said: "Mother, she plans to give up her title and hopes that I will go back and take over."

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