Game of the World Tree

Chapter 331 Thank you, Lord Chosen!

early morning.

The sun is like wisps of golden fine sand, passing through the layers of branches and leaves, and sprinkles mottledly on the grass among the forests.

The water vapor exhaled by the trees is shrouded in mist, and floats softly in the air like a white gauze, refracting the golden sunlight even more hazy.

Occasionally, there are beautiful birdsong from afar, accompanied by the faint ding-dong of spring water, adding a touch of vitality to the quiet and beautiful forest of elves.

The Transformers were just walking through the woods.

He was wearing his newly exchanged polished golden legendary black iron median armor, carrying the herbs he had just picked on his back, and hopping on and off according to the small map in the system navigation.

As a child who grew up in a big city, Transformers liked the natural and pleasant scenery in the forest of elves, and the unique fragrance of the forest, mixed with various flowers, plants and pine trees...

It was a light, invigorating smell, the exact opposite of the lingering exhaust in a big city.

Every time I go to the forest to do a task, listen to the leisurely and cheerful tune of the game system, look at the green scenery in the forest, and breathe the fresh air that is far from reality, Transforming Ji Gang feels that his soul has been completely healed. Relax and sublimate...

At this moment, he will forget all the troubles of reality, and his mood will be unprecedentedly calm.

"It's spring..."

Looking at the blossoming wild flowers on the grass and the beautiful butterflies fluttering and playing among the flowers, Transformer Ji Gang unconsciously brought a smile on his face.

Spring is coming.

It has been half a month since the last hidden mission against the invasion of the mercenary group.

As usual, the players successfully completed the hidden mission this time, annihilating all the incoming mercenaries...

No, to be more precise, in the middle of the battle, those mercenaries were already polluted by strange forces.

Later, the players were fighting with the despairing scale monsters that the mercenaries turned into...

Of course, the task was not all smooth sailing.

The disappearance of Merrell midway caused the players to faintly fall into chaos.

However, for some unknown reason, the mercenaries who turned into monsters suddenly became terrified, allowing the players to find an opportunity.

They called on Xiao Zhengtai Ai Er and God's Favored Zero to help them to destroy those monsters one by one...

Later, Transformer Jigang learned through some first test players who knew the inside story that it should be the goddess who defeated the evil dragon god they were trying to calculate, and all the subsequent changes occurred.

After that mission, Transformer Ji Gang, like many players, gained a lot of experience and contribution, and seized a wealth of equipment...

By now, he has reached level 30, and he is only one step away from the top of Black Iron.

Glancing at his own experience points that are about to be full, Transforming Ji Gang feels even more happy.

He hummed the same brisk little tune as the background music, and quickened the pace under his feet.

The shoes under his feet shone slightly, and Transformer Ji Gang used the [Acceleration] special effect that came with the shoes.

His body became lighter, and he shuttled through the forest quickly.

The trees on both sides dodged behind him, the wind whistling in his ears, and the scenery in his field of vision gradually became familiar.

Transformers just lit up:


He quickened the pace under his feet again, jumped, and continued to move forward rapidly.

There were faint voices coming from the front, and in the gap between the trees, the steeple of the church could already be seen.

The Transformers just started to slow down and changed from galloping to walking.

Passing around a few towering ancient trees, the line of sight suddenly became clear.

What comes into view is a beautiful city made of white boulders.

The architectural style of the city is ancient elf-style, with exquisite and intricate carvings, while green grass and flowers adorn every corner of the city, making the whole city seem to be immersed in a green ocean, full of vigor and vitality.

This is Jade Lengcui, the once holy city of the elves, and now the new home.

The elves in silk gowns came and went between the cities, working hard.

Their faces were filled with happy smiles, and their eyes were full of hope for a better future. It was completely unimaginable that a few months ago, they were all numb and desperate.

From time to time, you can also see tall figures in gorgeous armor, carrying big swords or swords, or wearing gorgeous robes and holding cool staffs, shuttling between cities.

They are also elves, and they look like warriors and wizards of the elves.

It's just that if you look closely, you will find that in addition to the style of clothing that is biased towards combat and generally cool, their walking movements are also a bit strange.

There are always people who can't help but jump a few steps and jump a few times, and use magic such as [Acceleration] [gallop] to rush to the road, and there are even people who simply don't take the usual path and choose the rough and sad places to walk...

Some of them hurried through the city, some chatted and laughed around the elves in long gowns, and some set up stalls on the streets, eagerly selling something...

Looking around, it was very lively.

The Transformers just took a deep breath and walked into the city.

Along the way, he saw his elf stop from time to time, smiled at him, bowed slightly, and drew a tree-shaped symbol on his chest.

The Transformers will also smile in return.

A burst of cheerful giggles came, and several lively and lovely young elves appeared in Transform Ji Gang's field of vision.

They were scoffing and frolicking, some running in front and some chasing behind.

The children in the front are wearing homemade mercenary paper armor, while the children in the back are dressed as cute elf warriors, wielding wooden knife toys.

From time to time, a sweet and sweet voice can be heard in the distance:

"Stop the evil mercenary! I am the brave Chosen Lord! Come and fight me!"

Hearing their crisp voices, the corners of Transform Ji Gang's mouth couldn't help but lift up.

To become a legend in a story, that's probably what it means, right?

His eyes softened, and he even forgot for a moment that this was a game, and the pace under his feet unconsciously slowed down.

Suddenly, the young elf at the front didn't notice the stone under his feet, stumbled and fell directly to the ground...

Transforming Ji Gang frowned slightly, subconsciously used the [Acceleration] special effect, rushed up instantly, and held the opponent firmly.

The running young elf was taken aback.

When he raised his head and saw who was supporting him, his big watery eyes instantly filled with small stars:

"Ah! It's Lord Chosen! Thank you Lord Chosen!"

His voice was filled with adoration and yearning.

"Walk carefully."

Transformers just said lightly.

It's just that the words are spoken, and even he is surprised that his voice is so gentle.


Looking at those cute little faces, looking at those big eyes that are pure and unsullied, who would unconsciously soften up?

"Okay! Lord Chosen!"

The young elves giggled, bowed to the Transformers, and awkwardly drew a tree symbol on their chests.

"Go ahead and play."

The Transformers just said gently.

The little guys nodded, and then ran away chattering.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, a smile flashed across the Transformers Ji Gang's eyes.

he thinks……

I am afraid that I will not be able to quit the game of Elf Kingdom for the rest of my life.

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