Game of Gods

Chapter 602: Chapter 612: Legend (Part 1)

Song Jingyang lit himself a cigarette out of boredom, took a deep puff, shook his head, and pinched it out helplessly.

Before the gods come down, smoking is a treat.

With the intake of that puff of smoke, nicotine enters the body, affects the human nervous system, and produces a pleasant feeling of comfort throughout the body, thus giving birth to physical beauty and dependence.

After the gods came, people's bodies were greatly strengthened, people's resistance was improved, and even the anesthesia effect of smoke on people no longer existed.

Now if you want to anesthetize, you can only use high doses of heroin, and the effect is not very good.

However, what disappears is the physical addiction, not the psychological addiction.

The psychological dependence made Song Jingyang come to a few from time to time, but it didn't feel the same as before.

"Hey, there are some things that you can't get back if you lose them." Song Jingyang shook his head while pinching his cigarette butt, leaned on the railing of the Meteorite War Fort, and looked down.

Because the main force has already arrived, the follow-up heavy fire force is not so anxious now.

Everyone is still marching in an orderly manner, at a steady pace.

As a unit "abandoned" by the commander-in-chief, Song Jingyang was already desperate that he could still participate in the battle.

Now he only hopes that the battle in Baijin City will not be resolved so quickly, so that when the battle fort and artillery troops arrive, they can still fire a few shots, at least to prove that his visit was not in vain.

At this moment, a soldier ran over: "Report to the commander, we found a troop approaching us in the rear."

"Are there any troops?" Song Jingyang was stunned: "What kind of troops? Human race? Goblin race? Or other races?"

"Human troops, they seem to be being pursued."

"Are you being pursued?" Song Jingyang froze for a moment, "Do you know which army it is?"

"It's not clear yet, our people have already contacted in the past."

Song Jingyang took out the communicator, and after a while, Song Jingyang heard an anxious voice: "Commander Song?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"I'm Dachang, formerly from the Fourth Special Division, now Li Dachang of the task force!"

"Dachang?" Song Jingyang cheered up: "How is the situation over there?"

"Damn, don't mention it, the Qingkong tribe joined the battle and helped those goblins strengthen the Qingkong Gate. The gate was not destroyed, and they all rushed over!" Li Dachang said angrily: "I also used space interference, I can't contact you !"

Song Jingyang was quite calm when he arrived: "Is that so? How many are there?"

"Too many, probably no less than 500,000 to 800,000." Li Dachang replied hastily.

Hearing this number, Song Jingyang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay, I'll let the soldiers deploy their positions and prepare for the battle. You lead the troops and go around from the side."

Li Dachang still didn't understand the situation, and asked while fleeing: "Isn't the main force already gone? How many people are there on your side? Can you do it?"

"Not many, there are only half a million people left, basically alchemists, mages and some gunmen who must be kept."

"That's not enough! The troop strength is about the same, and the professional level is too different. And the Qingkong tribe has also come. Those guys have natural levels, which are much stronger than those goblins. They are talented in space and ability, so they are difficult to deal with." Li Dachang In a hurry: "Run quickly, we will stay and block them!"

Song Jingyang smiled evilly: "There are only 500,000 people, but there are 200,000 artillery pieces and 100,000 tanks, is that enough?"

Li Dachang was stunned, and then shouted: "Haha, enough, enough! How could it not be enough! Fuck it!"

Song Jingyang laughed loudly: "That's it! Jin Xi, inform everyone that there is work to be done. All troops stop immediately and prepare to fight. The enemy is coming from the rear!"


Following Song Jingyang's order, the three Meteor Forts stopped advancing at the same time, and countless artillery positions were set up on the spot. The professionals who had been moving forward moved back one after another and began to deploy front-line defenses.

The efficiency of the professionals was extremely high. When most of the positions were deployed, Li Dachang and the others had already appeared in front of them.

They were running fast, and behind them was a large group of goblins and Qingkong people who were covering up and killing them. It seemed that they wanted to chase Li Dachang and the others all the way to the main force.

But they were doomed not to have this chance.

The heavy armored troops of the main force, who thought they had no chance to fight, had long held back their anger. At this moment, seeing a large number of troops approaching ahead, Song Jingyang ordered loudly: "Everyone is there, ready to fire! Let them go!"

Boom boom boom sounded.

The hundreds of thousands of artillery that were originally intended to be used in the city of worshiping gold failed to be used on the main target, but at this moment they inadvertently completed a siege to aid.

What is the concept of launching two hundred thousand artillery pieces?

Basically, the power equivalent released by a simultaneous bombardment is close to the power of a small nuclear bomb explosion.

Since the artillery matrix is ​​a divergent attack, there is no core area of ​​high power, but there is no diminishing effect. Basically, a salvo, even within a radius of hundreds of square kilometers, is the smoke and shock waves generated by the explosion.

Even if it is a mountain, it can be razed under the fire of thousands of guns.

Not to mention that there are many powerful new weapons among them.

A large amount of ammunition poured on the land ahead, roaring like thunder, and the flashing flames and bursting flesh and blood made the goblins and the Qingkong tribe tremble.

The Qingkong tribe is good at space, but their space direction is mainly in space reinforcement, disturbance, etc. Only a few geniuses can use space to transfer attacks.

But they face too many attacks.

When a warrior of the Qingkong tribe waved his hand, a void appeared in front of him.

All the shells fell in this hollow area and dissipated automatically.

However, the shells in the air fell like a torrential rain, and the warrior found that when he opened the foreign space, he was no longer qualified to close it.

He tried his best to maintain it, but finally he couldn't hold it anymore.

With the weakening of his strength, the foreign space disappeared, and a shock wave lifted him up the next moment, and even before he landed, more shock waves rushed to him one after another. Even in the face of such a fierce shock wave, the strengthened body still tenaciously resisted, the shield shone with light, the armor was weakened powerfully, and hundreds of shells failed to do anything to him. But one hundred is not enough, just one thousand, and one thousand is not enough, then ten thousand!

The shells fell endlessly, and the strong Qingkong tribe finally uttered a cry of despair in the face of the seemingly endless rain of shells, and then an electromagnetic rail gun flew by at low altitude, grazed his body, and knocked him down. His body was instantly torn in half, followed by a round of bullets that completely submerged him...

There were also some powerful aliens who escaped the range of the artillery bombardment by chance, but they were greeted by the usual minefield and a large number of tanks.

There has been no change in the tactics of the Terran position, or the only thing that has changed is the magnitude—the qualitative change from quantitative change. This battle once again taught everyone a lesson, and let those alien races know that they used to use the word "quantity firepower" What a poor imagination.

Affected by this battle, perhaps those alien races with stronger technology will make breakthroughs in firepower development in the future.

However, this also brings about a problem on the other hand, that is, it is inevitable to ignore traditions, such as the cultivation of the strong.

So do the gods like it?

Judging from the serious injuries to top powerhouses in the past, the gods may not like it.

However, this is the price of free growth after getting rid of shackles. The rise of various foreign cultures, whether you like it or not, will eventually form your own unique civilization.

From this point of view, the gods should like it.

Song Jingyang was not interested in considering the preferences of the gods, he was just venting his firepower to his heart's content, expressing his displeasure at not being able to participate in the Battle of Worshiping the Golden City in time.

When massive artillery fire flattened the ground, those Goblin and Qingkong professionals finally despaired.

Morale collapsed at this moment, and they scattered in all directions.

But they are destined not to escape for long, because the other three task forces have also returned, and because of the birth of a change...


Jinshui River.

If there is anyone who is more eager to worship Jincheng than Du Huaijun, it probably belongs to Gaowei Zhang Tiejun and the others.

Compared with the battle between Baijin City and Tianchangyuan, the battle on Gaowei Zhang Tiejun's side is obviously much worse.

A large number of goblins continue to attack. Although they have the advantage of the river, the coalition army, which is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength, is essentially being suppressed and beaten.

With the help of the river along the way, the coalition army stubbornly resisted the attack of the goblins, but the offensive on both sides of the bank was like a tide, and one ship after another sank under the attack of the goblin army.

When the morale of the goblins in Jinbai City and Tianchangyuan collapsed, they hadn't heard the news of Brennan's death, and they didn't know that Jinbai City was in danger.

So they rushed excitedly, chased, surrounded, and attacked, using the corpses of the human race as a stepping stone for their future exploits.

They attacked frantically, rushing forward against the artillery fire.

Magic mechs and airships were dispatched in turn, and even space fighters appeared to attack from time to time.

On the "Shock" cruiser, Galway stood above the bridge, with shells whistling overhead, bullets intersecting with arrow rain.

"All the airships have been wiped out, the fighter planes are gone, and even thirteen space fighter planes have been lost..." The old general looked at the battle damage and looked to the other side.

A large number of goblins are still coming for reinforcements, as if there is no end.

Battleships were constantly on fire and exploding ahead, and the river was full of fallen professionals.

Some of them were killed by goblin attacks before they got on the boat, some of them just got on the boat, the boat exploded, in exchange for more professionals entering the water, and some of them were brought to the shore by the waves and shock waves Nearby, countless goblins were being hunted down.

Those combat goblins stood on the shore, shouting frantically, expressing their inner rage to their heart's content.

Battleships turned into fireballs one after another, and in just a few hours, the coalition forces were completely defeated.

How long can they last?

Even the old general had no idea.

"Du Huaijun and the others haven't arrived at the city of worship?" Gao Wei asked.

"We arrived 30 minutes ago and are attacking the city." Qu Wei replied.

"Thirty minutes." Gao Wei sighed.

The city of Baijin is so big and there are so many defensive measures, even if the professional combat efficiency is high, it will be good if it can be taken down within a day.

one day!

How long can the Union Army last?

The old general didn't know.

He only knew that for the coalition army, it was basically impossible to survive a day, and even if they did survive, not many people would survive.

The old general couldn't help but said leisurely: "Get ready to die for the country."

"Dedicate your life for the country?" Qu Wei asked strangely: "We can't even survive for half an hour, can we?"

"Half an hour?" Old General Gao was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Commander Du said that if you give him another half an hour, you should be able to win Baijin City."

Gao Wei laughed: "Du Huaijun lost his mind and went crazy? He wanted to take down the city of worshiping gold in an hour? How is this possible? Let him stop talking big, I am already ready to die for the country and the whole army."

At this moment, Mystra's voice suddenly sounded:

"The city of worshiping gold fell, and the goblin empire fell. From now on, all goblins will lose their status as professionals and their corresponding strength."

"Congratulations, you have completed a legend."

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