Game of Gods

Chapter 555: Bloodbath (11)

One thing Yuan Chenfei didn't say is that besides using the various alien races to contain the goblin empire, Huaxia also has another important purpose, which is to take this opportunity to establish enough alliances.

Using the goblin empire as a bait, all ethnic groups launched an all-round cooperation.

While fulfilling the legal conditions of Weidi, you can also take the opportunity to make friends with a group of foreign races, and even take the opportunity to establish an ally relationship. Otherwise, it would be too slow to rely on Yuan Chenfei to deter them one by one.

Because of this, when Yuan Chenfei was massacring in the elf fortress, special envoys from all walks of life in Huaxia were also sent out like a stream of water, and took the initiative to contact the various alien races.

If in the past, the special envoy of the D-ball human race was not in the eyes of the major alien races at all, he might have been killed without even seeing him.

However, as Yuan Chenfei became famous again and again, the all-knowledge clan, the three-eyed clan, and the mission of hunting and killing, at the same time as the prestige was established, the human race also had the capital to negotiate.

Of course, since the alliance is not protected by the gods and there is no contract, Huaxia also pays great attention to choosing the negotiating partner when negotiating.

For those who are ferocious, Huaxia doesn't expect them to keep their promises, so they gave up at the beginning.

But for some targets with some credibility, try to win and win them over.

As the dominant party, Huaxia set the main target of wooing the foreign races located in the territory of Huaxia.

There are more than 1,000 guards in the goblin empire, and about 200 aliens have gates to other worlds in China.

After removing more than 30 brutal races without the slightest reputation at all, the remaining more than 170 alien races are the targets of the Lord's wooing.

As for those whose gates of other worlds are not within the territory of their own country, they can also be wooed, but the methods used and the conditions given will be different.

So when the heads of state were still arguing in meetings in the capital, in fact, the negotiations between Huaxia and the foreign races were the first to bear fruit. Every day, alien races agree to form alliances and reach strategic cooperation. And the nods of these alien races, in turn, put pressure on other countries-the big conditions have been negotiated, but there are still many details that need to be adjusted. For example, the number of troops sent, logistical support, compensation for casualties, distribution of spoils, and so on.

At the same time, Huaxia's follow-up troops have also entered the goblin world and came to Guacheng.

When Yuan Chenfei started killing in the Elf Fortress, Guacheng had actually fought another ambush.

The scale of the ambush this time was relatively small. A troop of 30,000 goblins came for reinforcements. Somehow, they didn't receive the news that the airship battalion had been annihilated, and rushed straight into the pocket array formed by the Fourth Army. inside. However, the powerful strength of the goblins was also revealed at this time. The Fourth Army just couldn't suppress the opponent, and was almost broken by the opponent.

But at that moment, the second group army came over and cooperated with the fourth group army to completely annihilate this goblin army.

At this time, a day had not passed, but the goblin empire also began to realize that something was wrong.

The killing in two directions in a row, the destruction of the elf fortress, and the successive attacks on Guacheng have already foreshadowed something.

But because of the characteristics of civilization, the goblins are far behind the D-ball humans in terms of strategic planning ability.

Brennan didn't realize that he was about to face a situation of enemies on all sides. Instead, he thought that a weak new player race would be courting death for attacking the goblins, so he directly mobilized an army of one million to prepare for the attack. However, although the mobilization efficiency of the professional army in the age of the gods is much higher, it still takes time to mobilize up to a million people.

During this time, Yuan Chenfei has slaughtered another city.

This time it is Naga Weidi.

The Naga tribe is also considered to be a moderately strong tribe, and their overall strength is not weaker than that of the goblin tribe. However, like the Huashen tribe, they are not interested in the land of the goblin tribe—they are sea tribe, and they mainly live in the sea. On this island, the goblins don't have much to gain here, so they don't bother wasting their troops here.

But there are advantages not to take advantage of the bastard.

Since someone is willing to help them, it is always good to have one less sinking ground and one more guarding ground.

Because the occupied area is an island, there are not many goblins in the Naga Guard, only 50,000. So when the Naga tribe arrived, they were once again in a state of bargain hunting. But Yuan Chenfei doesn't care about this. Anyway, with Naga's living habits, even if they have a guard in Goblin, they won't be too interested in the resources here.

After finishing this place, Yuan Chenfei went back to Guacheng to replenish some ammunition, and then went to the next guard without stopping.

This time it's the dwarf guard.

It was Isolde's suggestion to go to the Dwarf Guard. The elves and the dwarves are allies, and the mineral resources of the goblins are also coveted by the dwarves. They really want the Dwarf Guard, but they can't get it.

So they were also the first to agree to form an alliance with the human race-before Yuan Chenfei arrived, the human race and the dwarf race had reached a strategic agreement.

So this attack is no longer Yuan Chenfei's one-man show. When he came here, those reckless and impulsive dwarves had already started to attack. Guns are roaring everywhere, and mechas are flying.

When Yuan Chenfei arrived, there were not many goblins in the high tower area.

So he stopped being polite and started attacking directly.

The only pity is that the energy tower has already deployed heavy troops, and it is useless to sneak in and bomb it. There is no demon cannon here, and even the Cyclops has been pushed onto the battlefield, and there is no chance to gather them.

So Yuan Chenfei is also simple and clear, just kill all the way.

Although Yuan Chenfei's attack was fierce, he was alone, not as good as the entire dwarf army, so his relative contribution was much less.

Therefore, Yuan Chenfei didn't care about the issue of 50 kilometers and 100 kilometers. He personally agreed to expand the free zone of the dwarves to 100 kilometers, but the request was to provide some high-level alchemy blueprints, materials and equipment to Han Feiyu.

This belongs to the generosity of the country to satisfy personal selfishness, but no one will care about this kind of selfishness. As the biggest beneficiary, Han Feiyu directly harvested a batch of top alchemy formations, and he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

Yuan Chenfei also got a very high-quality battle armor, which was refined by the dwarves themselves. It is a semi-system product. In terms of characteristics, it is almost catching up with the light spirit battle armor. Next target.

His current style of doing things is very regular, one hour of fighting, one hour of rest, one hour of traveling and planning.

Always make sure you have a few thousand attack buffs on you.

This also makes his hands really bloody now, and the goblin souls in his hands have already broken through the sky.

During this long killing, Yuan Chenfei's heart became harder and harder, and his killing hands became more and more stable.

When he saw the goblins falling under his sword one by one, he was already numb.

Han Feiyu's points harvest has broken through the 100,000 mark.

In addition, he liberated two batches of Cyclops successively, and sent them all to the rear to join the main force. Using the collected materials, two more demon altars were made.

But because the main force didn't keep up, these demons ran away without a trace after they were free.

Han Feiyu didn't care either - the demon warlocks in the rear had been escorted up and were preparing to build a super large demon base.

However, the high-level construction site is not planned to be placed in Guacheng, which is too close to the Gate of the Earth, so construction will not be held for the time being.

Three days later, the Huaxia Army in Guacheng had reached 500,000 people. After eliminating three waves of goblins who came to help them, the goblins finally fell silent.

The Huaxia Army is finally about to take the initiative to attack.

Starting from Guacheng, the Huaxia Army marched towards Ziyan City. As the name suggests, Ziyan City is rich in a kind of purple ore, which can be used to extract rare metals.

However, the purpose of the Huaxia Army's advance was not for this, but because it was located on the route leading to the goblin capital.

If they want to advance all the way to the goblin country, they must take Ziyan City.

At this time, Ziyan City has already taken precautions, and the goblin tribes transferred from various places gather here, the number is as high as 500,000, and the million-dollar army recruited by Brennan has also been on the road-the transmission cost is too high, or Use the airship.

On the fourth day of the mission, the Huaxia Army officially arrived at Ziyan City.

Five hundred thousand against half a million.

The number of people is equal, the professional level of the goblins is higher, and the Chinese army has better firepower and equipment.

The two sides became a stalemate for a while.

The standoff didn't drag on for long.

Because the top management of Huaxia finally reached a comprehensive agreement with various countries, and at the same time, the first batch of newly recruited freelancers, numbering 200,000, also began to enter the goblin world.

However, they did not cooperate with the main force to attack, but took the opportunity to attack other nearby cities. Due to the deployment of troops for rescue, the nearby cities were slightly empty of troops, and a large number of freelancers rushed over, taking the small town with only a few thousand troops by force of numbers.

The main force resisting the army, freelancers take advantage of it, but for the Huaxia government, this is also happy to see the results. No matter what they do, they are sharing the pressure for themselves. And according to the agreement, whoever takes over the place will manage it—just pay the taxes.

At this time, the war has not really started, and the troops of various countries are being deployed, and the previous soft fruit is even more eager to eat.

The Terran army is increasing its troops, and the goblin side is also increasing its troops.

The battle in Ziyan City has not yet started, but the two sides have successively increased their troops by hundreds of thousands. This time, the Huaxia Army is no longer fighting alone, and troops from the United States, Britain and other countries have also appeared one after another.

On the sixth day of the goblin mission, the confrontation force in Ziyan City finally exceeded one million.

The goblin side had 1.5 million, and the army of one million dispatched finally arrived, while the Huaxia side had only one million.

Among them, the average level of the goblin army is 80, and the average level of the joint army is only 48, a difference of 32 levels between the two sides.

As the attacking side, the level of the party is insufficient, and the strength of the troops is actually lower than that of the opponent regardless of the quality and quantity.

This seems a little speechless.

It was also in this situation that the goblins brazenly launched an active attack.

A large number of goblins rushed out of Ziyan City, and they rushed towards the human army screaming.

As a race that has fought for many years, the goblins naturally have battle formation tactics, but compared to the human race, they are obviously far behind.

With an order, thousands of cannons fired at the artillery position behind the Terran army, and countless rockets shot into the sky, setting off a bloody storm on this land.

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