Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 739: Shady (middle)

Nina sighed and said: "I know Mr. Yu is very good, but he can't help one can help me..."

Then she told about what happened in the days since Hohensalzburg's departure.

That day, Yu Yue and others defeated Serena Williams and his men, and Nina called the police to take them away.

When I arrived at the Zhongou branch of the Ouzouli World Supervision Administration in Vienna, Austria, everything was done step by step in accordance with the procedures, thinking that justice would be done and crimes would be punished, but the situation was unexpectedly reversed.

First, a senior leader from the Supervisory Bureau came to take over the interrogation of Serena Williams, and transferred Nina from the Central Gull Division on the grounds of "another task."

Nina felt wrong and raised objections, saying that she had to do the interrogation work because she had a number of evidence of Serena Williams in her hands.

But the senior leader used his rank to force him to refuse to let Nina participate in the interrogation.

Nina couldn't help it. After all, she was just a senior inspector, and the other party was a senior inspector. There was a gap of three levels in the middle.

However, when the senior inspector asked Nina to surrender all the evidence, Nina resisted again.

As a result, Nina herself was taken away by the internal investigation team of the Supervision Bureau. The reason was that Nina was complained that she did not comply with the procedures and style in handling the case, and ordered her to be suspended for investigation and handed over all the case-handling materials. .

Two days later, the Supervisory Bureau gave Nina a direct expulsion and disqualification of supervisors on the grounds of serious violations of discipline and regulations.

Nina was shocked.

She filed a complaint, but the result was useless, and her uniform, credentials and equipment were all confiscated.

Then she was even more shocked to learn that Serena Williams had been released long ago. Nothing was found, and no convictions were made. She was only fined hundreds of thousands in the name of damaging cultural relics and historical sites.

Nina's heart was cold, and she began to doubt life. She was struggling whether she should fight for reasons or stay silent and stay out of the matter.

However, even if she wanted to stay out of the matter, she had no chance. Someone kidnapped her.

Although those people insisted that they were an underground society, Nina knew that Serena Williams must be instigating them behind them. This was his revenge.

Nina dared not call the police because she could no longer trust the police.

She couldn't resist. Although she was an alchemist and an intermediate magician level, she had guns and hired master fighters.

Then he was arrested and sold to the famous red-light district Reeperbahn Street in Hamburg.

After that, everyone will know...

After Jiang Rou listened, everyone was stupid: "Ah, why is it so dark?"

This is simply a litter of officials and bandits, a family of snakes and rats, and anger!

All this sucks, all this!

Nina smiled bitterly and said: "I also want to know how this happens... At first I thought I had joined an organization that had ideals and beliefs, fighting for fairness and justice, and worked hard for it, and then slowly saw some things, After recognizing some of the truth, I became more and more disappointed. I also became mediocre and timid, and now I am completely desperate..."

Jiang Rou asked sympathetically, "Hey, what do you do now, run away or else?"

Nina shook her head: "I can't escape, they forced me to sign a deed disguised as an IOU, and... they also took some videos and photos..."

Jiang Rou thought to herself, some videos and photos are probably shameful videos and photos, right?

Nina continued: "And where can I escape? The entire Ouzhou is the sphere of influence of the blood clan, Serena Williams can catch me back with a touch of his mouth, and then be punished more cruelly and abnormally... So I I just said that no one can help me..."

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