Future Technology Powerhouse

Chapter 256: National voice

Regardless of the dull reporter outside, Zhang Zhi left.

The reporter stopped by the security guard also shouted loudly.

"Zhang Zhang, wait a minute. I'll ask another question."

"Ms. Li Lingqiu, please talk about the action combination announced today, why can it produce a magical effect."

"Mr. Zhang, if the European and American countries impose sanctions on your company, how does Xingyu Technology respond?"

The reporter saw that Zhang Zhi didn't pay attention to them at all, and left the company's door for a long time before leaving Xingyu Technology.

Zhang Zhi replied to the company that he was encountering Qu Xiaoyan after work.

He said to Qu Xiaoyan: "Sister Qu, our Xingyu Technology gate is now blocked by a group of journalists, you should change your car and leave."

"It's okay, they won't find me. The news value of me is not as high as yours. I often answer their questions in the virtual world." Qu Xiaoyan answered easily.

Li Lingqiu asked with concern: "Sister Qu, what about the employees of our company, they have not been affected by this incident."

"Ling Qiu, you can rest assured. They are completely okay. I have held a high-level meeting of the company. Let them appease the employees they manage. The employees on vacation, I also use the virtual world to pass. Their emotions are very stable."

Qu Xiaoyan smiled and looked at them at Li Lingqiu. She sighed that Li Lingqiu had a feeling of suffering and loss in company management. It's really not suitable for managing companies.

She left the company when she finished, and Zhang Zhi and they returned home.

When Li Lingqiu arrived at home, she said boringly: "After strengthening the physique, when I climbed the Great Wall, I had no previous feeling. It was not interesting at all."

Zhang Zhikan said to Li Lingqiu: "Then let's play a virtual game for a while, and now NP adds character and wisdom, they already have some feelings of people. The playability is higher."

Li Lingqiu shook his head and said, "I am a bit tired of playing this game, why haven't the game companies developed new games yet."

Zhang Zhiwenyan said: "Originally it has been developed, after the evolution of Xinglan. The game that was originally developed has been delayed again, and it is necessary to reset the character. It is not possible for a group of people to use the same template."

Zhang Zhi suddenly said: "Ling Qiu, how about we compose some songs, your heart hints that the songs are quite fun."

Zhang Zhi and Li Lingqiu entered the virtual world and began to compose music. Zhang Zhi is mainly enlightening Li Lingqiu, they are all writing cheerful songs.

In the middle of the night, they looked tired, but very happy to withdraw from the virtual world.

Xing Lan, who was playing alone in the living room, said: "Big scoundrel, the United States began to target our company, and it will still try you."

There is no expression of fear on Zhang Zhi's face. He calmly logs in the virtual world again to check. He has long known that this day will not be too late.

The United States is now a sick tiger, but as long as it threatens the interests of capitalists. It moves sooner or later.

President Trump said a big truth when he was running for president.

"Politicians are a dog of capitalists."

Zhang Zhi thinks this is one of Trump's two famous quotes.

Another sentence is, "The founders of Washington and the United States are both big slave owners."

This big truth completely broke the history of American self-beautification. How many known lies are broken.

The most concentrated Chinese language textbook compilation group of the leading party. Huaxia people have studied textbooks that beautify the United States since elementary school.

Zhang Zhi remembers the Chinese textbooks in his elementary school. Foreigners are kind and Huaxia people are ugly. I didn't know until I grew up. Most of the above things are fictitious.

Zhang Zhi looked at the news report and it was the first report of the New York Times.

The U.S. government placed Xingyu Technology on the sanctions list for reasons of manufacturing anti-human weapons and banned it

----- This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Of goods enter the US market. Except for medical products.

The US Department of Justice will also sue Xingyu Technology, an artificial organ that causes mental disorder in 32 Americans after use. The Ministry of Justice requires that the legal person of Xingyu Technology must go to the United States for trial.

After Zhang Zhi finished reading, he quit the virtual world.

He saw Li Lingqiu sitting beside him, looking worried.

Zhang Zhiman said carelessly: "It's okay, this will not affect our company."

Looking at Li Lingqiu's disbelief, he continued to add: "Our products are only good for longevity medicines bought in the United States. Artificial organs now have their own factories."

"Quantum phones and robots, because the United States does not have quantum network coverage, their experience is not good at all. Most products are still smuggled in the past."

Zhang Zhi finally said aloud: "We have no interest in the United States at all. This time the US capital consortium restricts us from entering the US market. They are already afraid of us and want us to compromise."

When Li Lingqiu heard Zhang Zhi finished, she carefully recalled that Xingyu Technology really has no products in the United States.

Quantum mobile phones can use signal adapters in the United States to access the Internet using traditional networks. They can't afford the traffic.

The fixed network occupies a lot of broadband resources, and operators will certainly limit it. Using a network connection, the effect is like watching a 3D movie on a black and white TV.

Zhang Zhi no longer considered this matter. Also tried Xingyu Technology, how the United States implemented it. Come to China? Ha ha.

Zhang Zhi hugged Li Lingqiu, there was nothing wrong with it, and it made people happier than multiplying future generations. This is the instinct implanted into human genes.

The next day, Zhang Zhi and they became busy. The company's main research envy is flying cars.

According to the technical difficulties reported by Xiao Wenhuai, Zhang Zhi entered the science and technology library. Solve their technical problems.

All the technical difficulties reported by scientists, as long as Zhang Zhi thinks it is urgently needed, he will spend money on technology.

Zhang Zhi saw that his account ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ only had five yuan left. He showed a bitter smile.

He can only wait for the science and technology library to have activities again, this time he must get more funds.

Qu Xiaoyan walked into Zhang Zhi's office, she told Zhang Zhi. Today's Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference has official answers from the state to armed robots.

Zhang Zhi nodded. He said he knew that there was no unexpected look.

China's diplomatic thinking can be seen from the disputed areas.

The poor put aside disputes and develop together. Dazi has been mine since ancient times.

Zhang Zhi went to the virtual world and watched the press conference.

Kang Lu, the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, presided over the issue.

A British reporter asked: "The use of robots in Pakistan violates the UN conventions. How does China think about this issue and whether to abandon the development of robots."

Kang Lu calmly replied: "You should remember that there is no such convention in the United Nations. We will not abandon robot research and development. The use of Bafang is their internal affairs, and we will not interfere."

An American reporter asked, "What is China's view of the US Department of Justice's intention to sue Xingyu Technology?"

Kang Lu replied solemnly: "Xingyu Technology is an enterprise in China. Huaxia does not accept the long-arm jurisdiction of the United States. If there are legal issues, please file a lawsuit at the Yanjing Intermediate People's Court."

Zhang Zhi saw this, he smiled happily. Citizens are happy only when the country has confidence.

Qu Xiaoyan came in again and said to Zhang Zhi: "The Ministry of Education invites us to go to Huaxia University on October 7 to participate in a new education method exhibition. This is a system that we and the Ministry of Education jointly developed."

Zhang Zhi nodded and said, "I will definitely go by then. Education is the most important to the country."

After he finished speaking, he went back to work.

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