Full-time Master: Buy Excellent Era at the Start

Chapter 159 Who Can Stop Excellent Era

Unlike the crushing rounds of the previous two games, this match against 301 was a serious quality round.

In the first half of the game, Excellent Era still played the individual competition with three all-stars, and then the rookies took over the group arena. Although 301 could have guessed it, they still used the group arena as a breakthrough.

Since the second round, Chen Xing has been regarded as a research object for a long time. Compared to head-to-head with the three All-Stars, the group arena is more likely.

It's a pity that the group arena lineup composed of Chen Xing and Qiu Fei seemed to be as stable as a strong team, and 301's main force went all out without scoring a single point.

In the fifth round of the match, because of the important event such as Tiny Herb's home game against Samsara, the TV station did not choose to broadcast this match.

However, the number of viewers of Excellent Era's game on the Internet remained high. When the game was 5-0 in the middle of the game, the number of viewers soared, and even the ratings of the TV broadcast showed a slight drop.

This is also something that makes the TV station feel very helpless. If Excellent Era's game is broadcast this time, maybe the ratings will not necessarily be lower than this one?

After all, in this game, there was suspense about whether Excellent Era could continue the 10-0 myth.

In the following team competition, although they were not favored, 301 also showed a very high level of tactical quality, fighting against Excellent Era with all their might.

And this time, Excellent Era didn't make any strange moves, but just used perfect tactics to cooperate with the frontal pull, and won the game steadily.

When Excellent Era really swept 301, apart from the fans who were still excited, all the onlookers and other team's opponents were in a mess.

Even without scoring a point, Excellent Era is too scary...

What's even more frightening is that Excellent Era is also making progress little by little during this sweeping journey. The team's integration is further improved, and the growth of newcomers is becoming more and more obvious.

Especially Chen Xing, today's match against Yang Cong in the group arena gave them a lot of surprises, or "shocks".

The opponents are a little crazy, what about the rookie wall? Why isn't this guy's rookie wall here yet?

Who can stop Excellent Era from continuing to sweep?

Such a thought popped into everyone's minds.

Then, by coincidence, their eyes focused on Excellent Era's opponent in the next match.


Howl, who ranked ninth in the regular season last season.

Wind Howl has also undergone a big change this season. He has lured Tang Hao and Xiao Shiqin with exorbitant transfer fees. Fang Rui, a total of three All-Star players.

This kind of configuration can be said to be quite luxurious, coupled with a master tactician, Wind Howl's strength this season has also been reflected in the five rounds of competition.

After defeating the wealthy Tyranny and the Void, a veteran team, they swept Heavenly Sword and scored 9 points against Linhai. In the just-concluded fifth round of the regular season, they swept again.

This kind of score allowed Wind Howl to advance one place in the standings, ranking fourth, and his performance was already quite good.

Before the start of the previous season, many people have been discussing who is stronger, Excellent Era or Wind Howl.

It's just that now that Excellent Era is in the limelight, the whistling sound seems a little weaker.

Now that the two teams were finally going to have a formal dialogue in the sixth round, the debates about Excellent Era and Wind Howl became overwhelming.

The e-sports weekly report did not express any clear-cut views, but in the news every Monday, it summed up the situation of each team in this round of competition step by step, and introduced the situation of each team in the next round of competition.

Speaking of which, in the just-concluded fifth round of the regular season, there were four 10-0 sweeps, but among them, only Excellent Era had the highest gold content, so it received the most attention.

As the debate progressed, another media outlet, E-Sports Times, took advantage of the heat and wrote an article predicting the outcome of the match between Excellent Era and Wind Howl. The writer was Ruan Cheng.

Ruan Cheng is a reporter from the e-sports era, and he can be regarded as a senior writer of Glory. He can be regarded as a professional. He stated clearly from the beginning that at present, the strength of a team can not only be determined by the ranking of points.

This is actually something that everyone knows well.

At least, even if Excellent Era still ranks first after five rounds, it still can't shake Samsara's position in many people's minds.

You know, Samsara has already faced two giants, but the points are still quite strong, and the gold content is far greater than Excellent Era.

Of course, the main comparison right now is Excellent Era and Wind Howl.

Ruan Cheng pointed out that although Excellent Era is in the limelight, it is unavoidable that they have not yet faced the real test. Just like what Li Yibo said in the second round, the real test Excellent Era faces is still in the tenth round. round after.

But currently, Wind Howl has already defeated Tyranny head-on. From a certain point of view, Wind Howl already has the strength to compete with the giants.

Although Excellent Era is a wealthy family, don't forget that this is a title bestowed on the basis of the team's own experience, and those honors were all obtained in the past.

The performance of Excellent Era in the past few seasons did not have any giants' strength. This season's team renewal seems to be reborn from nirvana, but whether it is fake or real, it depends on the strength of the game.

Having said so much, Ruan Cheng officially began to conduct a positive analysis of the lineups of the two sides.

The first is of course the comparison of strength on paper.

The first ones are Tang Hao and Lin Jingyan.

Tang Hao himself came here to replace Lin Jingyan, needless to say whether his strength is high or low, not to mention that Lin Jingyan's strength itself is declining, even if the individual competition is not expensive, no matter how much he maintains his performance in the future, he will only be unable to keep up. , which is a problem that cannot be ignored.

Excellent Era actually has a player with all-star strength -1.

As for Zhang Jiale and Zhao Yang, Ruan Cheng said that these two players seem to be in the limelight recently, and they look about the same as Fang Rui and Xiao Shiqin, but the age of these two All-Star players Also already too big.

And considering that Zhang Jiale has not encountered any strong opponents in the individual competition so far, plus the debuff of one year's retirement, the average strength is the same, but the explosive power is not enough, so it is not optimistic.

Finally Ruan Chengcai mentioned Qiu Fei and Chen Xing.

However, Ruan Cheng didn't comment positively on the two of them. Instead, he changed the topic and mentioned Xiao Shiqin, Wind Howl's current tactician.

Xiao Shiqin's pen and ink only began to increase at this time.

Ruan Cheng exaggerated the importance of tactics. Among well-matched teams, tactics are the decisive factor in the outcome. Between weak and strong teams, tactics can turn decay into magic.

He said that just because Wu Xiaoguang had Xiao Shiqin, it was enough to make Excellent Era's newcomers play around.

The two rookies of Excellent Era are still too immature, and only when they encounter real setbacks will they truly recognize the gap.

At this time, Ruan Cheng had already shown obvious inclinations, and he did not hesitate to express that he was optimistic about Wind Howl.

"Actually, Xiao Shiqin's joining is the strongest supplement for Wind Howl. As one of the four Glory tacticians, the gold content of this title is much higher than that of 'All-Star Player'."

"It is undeniable that the development of Glory is indeed getting better and better, and there are more and more powerful newcomers, but the momentary limelight does not mean anything. I believe that Xiao Shiqin, a master tactician, will be able to make enough responses. , leading Wind Howl to victory."

"So here's a piece of advice, young people, don't be too arrogant."

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