Chapter 214 Famous Scene! Send your father to death with your own hands, father and son filial piety!!

Ultraman Universe.

Land of Light.

The father of Ott flashed with amazement in his eyes, and looked at Ultraman G&D in the picture with some surprise.

“Wait……… That is, that is the power of the King of Otter!? ”

Sensing the amazing power in the video, the father of Ott suddenly felt outrageous, the old man of the king of Ott actually helped Beria’s son with his own hands?

Could it be that in the eyes of the King of Ott, G&D is worth very much?

He is not an Ultraman who has never opened the hanging, when the Amperaians invaded the Land of Light, he also relied on the opening and hanging to defeat the other party.

Of course, that battle also led to the departure of his best friend Beria.


He opened it because the Kingdom of Light itself has such a ~ Excalibur.

But this J&D was personally opened by the old man of the king of Ott, and this comparison came out, and the father of Ott felt a little sad.

Obviously I first………

“Father of Ott, we are back, this is Ultraman Digga.”

The original Ultraman came behind the father of Ultra and looked at this burly Ultraman with two large horns and a cloak.

“This is the leader of our country of light, the father of Ott.”

Mengbius and Dagu introduced that the other party was new to the country and was not familiar with life, and Mengbius, who had a good relationship with Dagu, naturally became a guide.

No way, in terms of the age of the human body, the two of them are the closest, and it is impossible to let the first generation of old men be guides.

“Hello, Ultraman Diga, and welcome to our Land of Light.”

The father of Ott came to his senses, looked at the legendary super-ancient giant, and nodded.

“Hello, father of Ott.”

Dagu also nodded and stretched out his hand to shake hands.


When Deja stretched out his hand, the father of Ultra and Ultraman Tyro subconsciously took a step back to protect the horns on their heads.

Severn: “…”

Jack: “…”

Ace: “…”

In the first generation, Monbius and other Ultra warriors were all silent.


The father of Ott came to his senses almost instantly, and very calmly stretched out his hand to hold the other party’s outstretched hand, as if nothing had happened just now.

This calmness (cheekiness) also surprised Dagu.

Ultra’s mother looked at Ultraman Tyro with disgust, and they watched the video of the Horn Demon and seemed to be a little nervous.

And Tyro Ultraman was obviously not as cheeky as his own father, and he coughed softly twice in embarrassment and politeness.

In fact, when he was on Earth, he also asked Dagu why he liked broken horns.

But Dagu’s answer left him a little speechless.

Because I was unhappy to see the monster’s horns, I felt that it was a weakness, so I broke it.

Therefore, Tai Luo is also a little worried that if one day Dagu looks at his horn unpleasantly, it will be broken, so he has the act of subconsciously protecting the corner just now.

And Ott’s father is like an elder, it seems that he is not at all who has just come out of the embarrassment, and he chatted with Dagu without a ride.

Until the father of Ott learned that Dagu came this time to help the Kingdom of Light maintain peace in the universe, he looked surprised.

“This is good!”

The father of Ultra nodded with satisfaction, gave to each other, and repaid each other, this Digga Ultraman’s human body is very good.

Then, the father of Ott waved and called Monbius and said to Dagu: “I heard that you have a better relationship with Mengbius, so let Monbius take you to visit the Land of Light.” ”

Dagu was a little confused.

To tell the truth, it must be false to come to the Land of Light and not want to visit, but isn’t the Land of Light in crisis now?

Is it really good to let yourself come to help with a leisurely visit?

“It’s okay, you can visit first, now the crisis has not yet arrived.”

The father of Ott seemed to realize Dega’s concerns, waved his hand and said.

Then, he once again set his sights on the video, he wanted to see if Ultraman Jed, who was opened by the old man of the king of Ott, could really solve his father Beria.

The video continues.

G&D and his four forms of G&D rushed towards the extremely evil Beria.

This is a righteous group fight, which caught the extremely evil Beria by surprise for a while.

The extremely evil Beria was beaten with great anger, he stared at his son deadly, he never expected that he had only disappeared for more than ten years.

His own son actually ‘learned badly’!!

If you don’t learn, you have to learn the group of miscellaneous Ultramen in the Land of Light to play righteous group fights!

This……… Is it fair!? It’s not fair!! Is this the strong!? This is also not strong!!!

I, Beria, do not recognize the victory of the group fight as a victory!!!

However, no matter how angry Beria was in his heart, he still couldn’t change the fact that he fell in the group fight after the opening of this Ao King.

“You bastards!!!”

The extremely evil Beria looked at the sons in front of him, his own son was not filial at all! Actually united to resist beating Dad!!

The G&D didn’t intend to beep with the extremely evil Beliado, and they took a fighting stance again.

Extremely evil Beria angrily waved his ultimate battle instrument, he wanted these sons to know what your father still loves after all!!!

Seeing this, Asakura Riku immediately shouted, “Here—we—go!” ”

Asakura Riku’s words are like a switch to turn on a big move.

The right hand of the solid burning form of G&D burned into flames.

Buster Impact Ray!!!!

Emperor Venerable Form J&D raised the King Holy Sword in his hand, and the golden brilliant light lit up!

Venerable Emperor is super destructive of light!!!!

G&D’s primitive form was covered in red-black lightning, and his hands were in the form of a ‘ten’ cross shockwave!!!!

Sublime form G&D hands shine emerald green! Hands in an ‘L’ shape burst the light forcefully!!!

The cross smashing form of G&D is full of blue, the light is dazzling, and the hands are ‘ten’!!

Atomos Shockwave!!!

Five extremely destructive rays of light rushed towards the extremely evil Beria.

In the air, five rays of light fused together, forming a huge impact light with colorful colors, and almost instantly came to the face of the extremely evil Beria.

Extremely evil Beria’s face changed, and without hesitation, he waved the ultimate battle instrument in his hand to block.


The power of light is too strong!

Extremely evil Beria looked in horror at the ultimate battle instrument that began to crack!

How can it be!!!

How could the power of this light be so powerful that the ultimate battle instrument cracked!?

That’s impossible!!!! But, it is!

There are more and more rifts on the ultimate battle, and it is clear that the power of the light it bears has exceeded the power threshold it can withstand!!!


The ultimate battle instrument is smashed!

The impact light instantly bombarded the body of the extremely evil Beria, constantly eroding the dark energy of his body!

That’s the ultimate darkness…

At this time, it collided with the most brilliant light!

This is a battle between the Father and the Son, and a battle between darkness and light!

The extremely evil Beria’s body began to crumble, and the power of the two dark lords he fused had become more and more unstable………

The power of darkness is constantly being consumed in the power of light! Soon!

With a loud bang! The light is gone!

And the dark power of the extremely evil Beria also turned into endless fragments and shattered with that light!

The extreme evil Beria returned to Beria’s state.

“How can it be…”

Beria looked at his son opposite in amazement, obviously he couldn’t believe that he would be beaten back to his original form by his own son………

Losing the power of the fusion of the two dark lords, Beria looked a little weak, and he raised his head to look at the life he had created on the opposite side

That should have been his right hand man……… No, that should have been he got more

Tonic to strengthen great strength!!! But………

It’s such a tonic, but it shattered its own strength!! He’s angry!!!

He was furious!!! By what!

This guy who was created by himself, but he was able to defeat himself!!! On what grounds!!!

“You bastard!!!!”

The unacceptable Beria looked at Ultraman G&D, he was full of resentment! He knew very well that it was not Ultraman J&D who defeated him, but the damned King of Ultra!!!

If it weren’t for him!! If it weren’t for him!!

He Beria could never lose!!!

And Ultraman G&D saw his embarrassed father and made up his mind.

“It’s now!”

He resolutely rushed towards Beria, dodged the attack of the weak Beria, and hugged the other party’s waist.

The next moment, he soared into the air and rushed into the dimensional rift with Beria in his arms.

Battlefield……… Transferred to the dimensional rift.

The camera turns.

Everyone who watched the video saw everything in the dimensional rift.

Ruined buildings, rubble flying everywhere, and miscellaneous unnamed wreckage.

This is the dimensional rift, constantly absorbing everything, and constantly exiling everything.

Ultraman Belia and Ultraman G&D stood on a stone slab respectively, and they quietly looked at their son (father) opposite

The next moment………

The spatial turbulence made the distance between the two stone slabs suddenly close.

And G&D and Beria also shot at the same time, and their power converged on the right hand and collided directly!

Fighting in this erratic spatial turbulence is very dangerous!

Because it is very likely to disturb those unstable spatial turbulences, and the terrifying space power will tear you apart in an instant!!


Asakura Riku, who already had consciousness in his heart, still resolutely launched an attack on Beria.

The screen turns.

Asakura’s figure appeared in the picture.

And opposite him, it was Beria!

Beria aimed at Asakura Riku, suddenly threw out his fist, and punched Asakura Riku in the face.

Asakura Riku was knocked away in pain, and it seemed that he had not returned the subject.


A picture flashed.

It was a red and silver Ultra warrior standing in front of an object emitting a brilliant light.

“Is this his memory?”

This flashing picture was not only seen by the people of the heavens and all realms, but also seen by Asakura Riku in the video.

Then, another picture flashed.

This time, on a deserted planet, the red and silver Ultra warrior knelt on the ground, and in front of him, a scarlet ominous figure floated in the sky in front of him.

Riku Asakura watched, fought back, and punched Beria in the face.

Then he heard Beria’s voice.

“Power!!! I want power!!! ”

“I’m going to surpass the guys who look down on me!!”

This is Beria’s voice, and the picture flashes again.

The red-and-silver Ultra warrior reached out and touched the brilliant glowing object.

In the next moment, his body was burned, and he fell to his knees in pain and wailed.

Asakura Riku is still being beaten, and he will fight back, but his counterattack is a little weak.

Another punch hit Asakura Riku in the abdomen, and he saw another picture.

The red-and-silver Ultra warrior raised his head and looked at the scarlet ominous figure floating in the sky.

Bang! Another punch!

Asakura Riku saw the follow-up………

The ominous figure rushed directly into the body of the red and silver Ultra warrior and the Ultra warrior began to struggle, looking ten times painful.

The power of darkness began to wash the light from his body, and finally became full of dark aura.

Dark Beria is born!!

This is the moment when Beria was born……… Asakura Riku was silent.

He felt Beria’s anger and sadness.

Then he saw more fragments of memories about Beria.

After being possessed by the Rebrondorians, Beria obviously increased his strength and constantly began to fight, erasing one opponent after another.

“I have been fully resurrected!!! Then it’s time to take revenge on the Land of Light!!! ”

Beria stood on the top of the mountain, domineeringly announcing to his subordinates below that he was going to start a war.

Fragments of memory disappeared.

And Beria also shook off Asakura’s hand.

He once again threw his fist at Asakura.

Asakura Riku dodged this punch directly, grabbed Beria’s wrist, and then pulled and hugged his father tightly.

Beria kept struggling, but Asakura Riku was dead.

“You are constantly being reborn with a deep hatred in your heart…”

Asakura’s tone was full of distress for his father, and he found that he seemed to understand his father somewhat.

And hearing Asakura’s words, Beria stopped struggling, and his body began to emit a scarlet dark aura.


The figure of the Rebrondorian drilled out of Beria’s body.

The moment the Rebrondorians appeared, they were torn to pieces by the turbulence of space.

And Beria’s appearance also changed back to the appearance of the giant of light between red and silver.

He’s tired………

The weak paralysis slumped in G&D’s arms.

Asakura Riku looked at Beria in his arms and slowly let him go, while Beria struggled to stand, looking at Asakura Riku in front of him with complicated eyes.

“You must be tired, just let it all end.”

Asakura’s eyes were full of distress, he really felt that his father was too tired to live…

The screen turns.

Within dimensional space.

Beria separates again after playing with G&D!

“Don’t say it as if you understand everything!!!

Dark Beria roared at G&D, and then released his own light! The black-red light rushed towards G&D with a chilling dark power.

Not to be outdone, G&D directly unleashed his special moves.

“Cross Blaster!!!!”

The two Ultramen are now close to the limit, and whether the fight can win depends entirely on which of the two sides has stronger willpower.

It is clear that G&D won.

His strong desire to free his father triggered the characteristic that the Giant of Light is idealistic.

The power of his cross shock wave suddenly increased, quickly breaking through Beria’s light and bombarding Beria’s body.

“Short!!!! Morality!!!!! ”

Beria roared loudly, he was full of unwillingly turned into dust and swallowed by the spatial turbulence in the dimensional rift………

“Farewell… Father…”

J&D looked at Beria who had completely dissipated with complicated eyes, and said in a sad tone.


His father……… Destroyed by his own hands………

Beria will not appear again, because all he has been shattered and carried out of nowhere by the turbulence of space.

J&D looked at the entrance of the gradually shrinking dimensional rift and rushed towards the entrance.


G&D managed to rush out before the entrance closed and returned to the city again.

This is the end of the video………

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