Chapter 174: The Heavens Are Stunned! Too good at pretending! About how the wasp elegantly expelled!!

“Why is it always that guy in the limelight!!!

“It’s really annoying!!!”

Sora glanced at Sakamoto indignantly, he wanted to attract attention in his heart, and the feeling of his eyes being focused on him fascinated him.

But no matter what he did in the class, he couldn’t be noticeable.

Just because there is a king in the class who is eye-catching in every move!! It was this guy who took away his own attention!!!

This made Sera’s heart very unhappy.

“Look at me not to destroy you!”

People who attract attention are always easy to hate, and Sera is one of the ~ who hates Sakamoto.

The camera turns.

Class hours.

“Does anyone know what went on in this era?”

The old man who taught history looked around and saw Sakamoto, who raised his hand to answer the question, and said with a relieved smile on his face: “Okay, Sakamoto-san, please answer.” ”

Sakamoto in the picture stands up gracefully, raises his hand to hold his glasses, and says: “The unpleasant Great Shioheihachiro Uprising of 1837. ”

Hearing Sakamoto’s answer, the old man teacher who taught history nodded with satisfaction and said approvingly: “Easy to understand the clever memory, what an exemplary answer!” ”

Sakamoto, who was praised by his teacher, was very calm and wanted to sit down.

At this time, Sera, who had already been watching, took advantage of the moment when Sakamoto sat down and reached out to take away the chair under the other party.

Swish! The chair was taken away.

This kind of behavior, so that the unsuspecting person sits down directly, will inevitably fall on a person on his back, and may even lead to paralysis. (Friends who are still studying must not learn, this joke has serious consequences)

And in the eyes of the people of the heavens and all realms, Sakamoto is naturally the one who will fall and eat without any defense.


The king is pretending to be forced at any time!!! He sat down!!!


He sat on the air!!!! Many people in the heavens and all realms were shocked!

The people in the class in the picture are also confused when they see this scene!!

Sakamoto sat on the air with Jiro’s legs crossed and one foot on the ground!!!

At this moment, everyone couldn’t help but exclaim!!

Even Se Liang looked at this silent pretending to force the king with a shocked face, and froze in place.

His brain is like paste at this time!

A thunder slammed into his brain!!

“How is it possible!!! How can this guy not fall!!! ”

Se Ryo looked at Sakamoto deadly, he was expecting Sakamoto to fall like a dog eating, but he did not expect such an end!!!

Let him pretend to succeed!!! Cut!

Accurate!! The camera switches again.

This time, it’s physical education class!

Everyone played dodgeball in groups!!

Sera, on the other hand, is divided into Sakamoto’s opponent team.

Sera was excited!

He couldn’t wait to smash Sakamoto’s body with a dodgeball, watching him embarrassed out!!

Dodgeball begins!

Just as Se Conscience thought in his heart, after receiving the ball, he frantically smashed towards Sakamoto alone!

At this moment, Sera directly ignored the others on the other side, as if there was only one enemy left in this field.

As long as you hit him, you can win!!! Sera growled and threw out dodgeball!! Swish!!

The dodgeball directly grazed Sakamoto’s body and flew to the rear!


Sera’s eyes widened and he looked at Sakamoto in disbelief.

His goal was clearly a must!!!

That ball smashed towards Sakamoto’s chest!!! But………

Sera looked at Sakamoto who was bending down to dodge the attack on the opposite side, his face full of anger!!

Why was this guy able to dodge like this!!!

Listening to the exclamations of the girls outside the venue, Sera was very unhappy, in his opinion, these voices should belong to him!!!


Dissatisfaction exploded in Sera’s heart, and he unleashed a fierce and indiscriminate attack on Sakamoto!

As long as he receives the ball, he will not hesitate to smash it towards Sakamoto!! I see only you without him!!!!

But……… One goal!! One goal!! Another goal!!!

Sera looked at Sakamoto, who flipped over with one hand and easily dodged his own attack, with a desperate expression on his face.

This guy………

Is it impossible to defeat!?

“Bastard, I still didn’t shoot him with a shot today.”

In the picture, Sera at halftime walked to the drinking area with an unhappy face, listening to his muttered words, and everyone watching the video was a little stunned.

Good fellow, isn’t it the first time this guy is like this?

Fura walked over to the faucet of the drinking fountain and stomped on the switch.


The raging water washed his face directly.

“Ahem, cough…”

Sera choked on water and coughed.

A boy passing by gloated: “That faucet is still being repaired…”


When Sera heard the boy’s words, he saw the four words forbidden on the drinking fountain, and his mood became even more unpleasant.

But the next moment………

There was a chatter behind him, and Sera looked slightly sideways to see Sakamoto walking towards the drinker.

At this moment, a method that could make Sakamoto out of his face once again appeared in Sera’s heart!

Without hesitation, he tore off the warning words on the drinking fountain and hid in the bushes aside.

Sera couldn’t wait to see Sakamoto drenched in a soup chicken by that broken drinking fountain!!!

The next moment………

Sakamoto arrived at the water dispenser, raised his foot and stepped on the switch!

“Huh……… Deserve!! ”

And then……… In the picture………

Water from the drinking fountain sprays out!!! Sakamoto was instantly drenched in soup!

But……… Sera was confused!

He watched as Sakamoto ruffled his hair, and the water from the water dispenser rushed straight into the sky, and then fell down.


This is a beauty out of the bath!???

Se Liang wanted to scold the girl, is this special!!! It’s outrageous!!!

Why am I choking and coughing.

To this forced king, choking water does not exist, but becomes a beauty out of the bath!?

This! No! Public!!! Flat!!!!

Sakamoto calmly released the switch, and the water stopped.

Sakamoto ruffled his hair, gently shook the water stains on it, and carefully wiped his hair with a towel, revealing a charming smile.

“Enjoy it first ~~~”

What kind of sensation does a handsome guy’s smile make? Look at the girls.

The screams seemed to shake the entire stadium.

The camera changes again.

This time, it was the old man’s class.

“Then this set of exercise B will be solved separately, and it will end at half past three.”

The teacher was assigning homework, but Sera was not in any mood to attend the lesson.

“Damn… Stealing chickens doesn’t eat rice……… What exactly do you need to do to surpass Sakamoto!? ”

Sera was upset, he really wanted to be noticeable!!! That’s when.

Buzz buzz buzz ~~~~~

A wasp flew directly into the classroom, which made the people in the class immediately panic and hunt.

“!!!!!!Ahh There are wasps!!! ”

A girl was the first to spot the wasp flying into the classroom, and the girl seemed to be very afraid of this insect, and immediately turned pale with fright and screamed.


Hearing the girl’s words, the rest of the students also panicked and looked overhead.

“Nasty, who’s going to kick it out!!!

Hearing the exclamations of his classmates, Sera came to his senses and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“Good chance!! If I could handsomely drive that wasp away…”

Senra said, and looked towards the place that the girl said………

And then………

“So big!!!!”

Sera’s courage disappeared in an instant!

Because that wasp is really too big!!!

“It’s a tiger bee!!! It’s real!! Let’s run!!! ”

A student who knew this bee species shouted, and hurriedly fled towards the outside of the classroom.

This person is actually a bad boy A-chan!?

Good fellow, what a shame on the face of a bad boy!!!

But this is not to blame them, after all, the tiger bee may die if it stings people and does not deal with them in time!!

So these young people who have no power to bind chickens are seeing this “terrible.” ”

“Creatures will naturally be frightened and flee.”


The students who were close to the door of the classroom almost subconsciously ran towards the speed outside the classroom, and many people who watched were a little stunned.

And then……… Bang!!

I don’t know which girl ran out of the classroom and closed the door with her backhand!!

Ah Chan happened to come to the door at this time, he looked at the locked door, and suddenly slammed the door angrily and roared: “Hey!!! You girls!! It’s too much!! ”

And then………

That big tiger bee flew directly towards the three of A-chan!!

“Ahh!!!h That guy is eyeing us!!! ”

The three of them were so frightened that they squatted directly on the ground.

That’s when. Crash!!!

A black coat fell to the ground.

Who is it!?

“Hurry up and take off your school uniform!!!!”

Is that history teacher!!!

He was wearing only a vest on his upper body at this time, and his thin body looked like he could be knocked down with a punch.


All the students who did not run out looked blankly at the teacher on the podium.

“Wasps attack black moving objects!! I was once stung by a wasp, and although I barely survived, there was no next time!!! If you want to save your life, hurry up and leave your shame behind!!! ”

The teacher roared loudly!! But………

The people of the heavens and all realms were stunned………

They looked blankly at the history teacher in the picture……… You old man take it off!!

At least I have a vest on my body!!!

You’re so shy of a snakeskin stick and hammer!!!! Two!

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