Chapter 118: Those Who Foresee the Power Tell Each Other Qi God is the true son of destiny??!!

“My name is Xiangbu Ming, feel free, call me a small life ~~”

The tanned-skinned Sangbu wrote his name on the podium and spoke.

“Hobbies are divination and manicure.”

Hearing Xiangbu’s words, many girls in the class were suddenly in an uproar and showed excited expressions.

After all, they are all people of the same age, and many girls of their age are also very interested in divination.

Yumehara Zhiyu suddenly showed a surprised smile and said loudly: “Eh!!! Do you like divination!? I would also like!! ”

Xiang Buming obviously did not expect that there were actually people in the class who liked divination, and he was immediately overjoyed and said, “Really!?” Divination is fun, isn’t it~ What’s your name? ”

Yumehara Zhiyu responded happily: “My name is Yumehara Zhiyu, next time I’ll take you to visit the nearby very accurate divination house~”

Hearing Yumehara Zhiyu’s words, Sangbu Ming chuckled and thanked her, but then she smiled and refused: “Ahahaha, thank you, but it doesn’t mean this Oh Zhiyu baby.” ”

With that, he unzipped his backpack, as if he was going to take something out of it.

And Yumehara Zhiyu looked at Xiangbu with a confused face, and pointed to himself suspiciously: “Zhiyu baby……… Do you mean me?? ”

Sobu opened her backpack and revealed a crystal ball inlaid with various jewelry inside, and then she took out the crystal ball and playfully said to Yumehara Chiyu and other girls: “I am a soothsayer ~~”

With these words, the picture of the camera suddenly turned………

“Eh~ the new transfer students are so popular.”

In the picture, Kaito instantly stood at Saiki Nanxiong’s desk, looking at the life of the girls not far away with some envy, and sighed.

Ran Tangli also nodded in agreement, he hugged his hands to his chest, looking at the Xiangbu life surrounded by the group, a little stunned.

After all, the previous transfer students, whether it was the former Chaos Gu Xu Yalian or the son of the Caihu Group, were not so popular.

So as soon as this phenomenon appeared, the boys around were a little surprised.

“Shall I also go divination?”

As Ran Tangli spoke, he looked at Qi Munanxiong, who was sitting quietly in his seat.

“I’m not interested at all.”

Kaito instantly answered.

Qi Mu Nanxiong, on the other hand, glanced at Hai Fujing Moment with an expressionless face, and said telepathically: “Well……… Even so, I really have no interest, forget it, as long as this guy doesn’t have anything to do with himself. ”

The camera slowly shifted from the front of Qi Mu Nanxiong, and the figure of Xiangbu appeared in the picture.

“What does Zhiyu baby want to divination?”

At this time, when he was in between classes, he divined the girls who surrounded the class.

Of course, her first choice of divination candidate was naturally Yumehara Chiyo, who had previously shared her interests and hobbies.

“Eh……… That……… Then let’s take a look at the fortune of learning~”

Yumehara said.

But her twisted posture doesn’t look like she wants to divinate and learn fortune, after all, whoever divines and learns fortune will be shy and red!

In the picture, the voice of Yumehara Zhiyu, which was echoed by Qi Munan’s ambition, also confirmed that this person’s mouth was wrong.

【Love! Fate!! I’m going to divinate love luck!!! 】

And Xiangbu Ming naturally saw through Yumehara Zhiyu’s careful thinking at a glance, laughed and waved his hand to debunk: “Don’t pretend, what you want to ask is actually a man~~”

Mengyuan Zhiyu was stunned, she was stunned, and looked at Xiangbu with a frightened face: “You, you, you, you!!! How would you know!!! ”

Looking at Mengyuan Zhiyu’s suddenly shocked face, Qi Munanxiong on the side was a little speechless.

This girl’s mind is really an unexpected good guess.

And on this side of the camera, Sangdiu has already begun her divination.

I saw that she got a water head out of nowhere, and then took out a can of ink and an eraser.

Everyone was confused by this strange operation, and Yumehara Zhiyu asked even more curiously: “Bucket, ink, eraser, what are you doing here?” ”

And the divination that began to divinate changed his normal state and became extremely serious and shouted: “Shut up!” ”

For a time, all the girls were shocked by the serious appearance of Xiangbu Order, and subconsciously left a vacant space for her.

Then, in front of everyone’s eyes, after pouring the ink into the bucket, he picked up the bucket and began to pick it up.

That bold gesture didn’t look like an act a girl would do at all!

Everyone was stunned, but Sang Bu Ming did not squint, did not care about the eyes of the people around him, after picking the bucket several times, put the bucket down, and immediately began to sharpen the eraser with a knife.

Finally, solemnly place the erased dust in the bucket.

And then………

Everyone was stunned to see the life of Xiang Bu who was kneeling on the ground holding a bucket, and fell into deep thought.

Naruto World.

“Divination……… How can this kind of thing really be useful… ~||…”

Tsunade looked at the video speechlessly, with a disdainful expression on her face, she remembered that she had wandered around the ninja world all these years, and it seemed that the existence of a country would also divination.

But Tsunade has always been unimpressed by this mysterious thing, and she doesn’t think divination can really change anything, or even whether it is accurate.

In her eyes, divination is just used to deceive some ignorant people.

Well, like the witch who said that in a few years there will be a catastrophe of extinction.

Mute is sitting on the sofa next to him curiously watching the fate in the video

Although she doesn’t believe in these things, she is also a young man in her twenties now, and she is still curious about such unseen things.

However, after hearing Tsunade’s words, she instantly thought of one thing in her mind, and hurriedly said: “Tsunade-sama, I remember, what you said seems to be when we were in the country of ghosts, and the witches of the country of ghosts used to do divination. ”

“Ah~ you said that woman……… Leave her alone, how could this kind of thing be real. ”

Tsunade’s face turned red and he said drunk.

“Hmm……… Well, Tsunade-sama, you drink less. ”

Shizune sighed, drinking with Jiraiya-sama and not having fun, but after returning he drank more than a dozen bottles, which made Shizune very helpless.

“You know, you know! Wordy dead, keep watching the video! Let’s see what tricks this little guy can come up with. ”

in the video picture.

Sangbu suddenly laughed, raised his head and looked at Yumehara Zhiyu and said, “Fate is worth 2%, it’s funny.” ”

When Yumehara Zhiyu heard Xiangbu’s words, he looked at each other with a shocked face, and the whole person said as if he had received some major blow: “What do you know!?” ”

Xiang Bu Ming said in a good voice: “All in all, it’s better for you to give up your current object.” ”

Hearing Xiangbu’s words, Yumehara Zhiyu said very angrily: “What!!” Totally unbelievable!! ”

But the next second, she was stunned by the next sentence of Xiangbian’s order.

“Knowing the peach blossom luck of the baby is very bad, right? The men I’ve met so far don’t have a good thing, right? Spending lavishly, with a lot of shortcomings. ”

Every word was like a sharp knife, fiercely piercing Yumehara Zhiyu’s heart, until finally, she burst into tears, shouted that I didn’t believe it, and ran out of the classroom crying.

Qi Mu Nanxiong was speechless on the side.

It’s all shaking like that and I don’t believe it………

However, soon Qi Mu Nanxiong set his sights on the divination life that was ready to divinate the next person.

“However, this woman does have real skills, and at the moment of divination, I sensed that countless keywords related to Yumehara-san appeared in the other party’s mind.”

“This woman didn’t talk nonsense, sure enough, this guy is a capable person!”

“Although I don’t know what the ability is……… But…”

Qi Mu Nanxiong looked at that Xiangbu life, and vaguely felt uneasy: “Trouble, will she find out my identity!?” ”

Suddenly, a familiar voice appeared from the video footage.

Then, the pure perverted figure of Bird Beam Zero Tai appeared in the picture

“May I do divination?” I want you to divinate anyway, that is my fate with you, hello, I am the bird bunch of the next class. ”

Tori Shu Zero Tai held a rose in his hand that he didn’t know where to pick it, and said with a smile that he thought was very handsome.

“0%, disgusting, who are you?”

Xiang Buming glanced at the Queen Mother Bird Bunch, instantly blackened his face, and said with great disdain.

“Well……… I’m sorry…”

Suddenly, Bird Bunch Zero Tai seemed to be hit hard and fell into self-isolation.

“That!! I have something to ask! ”

Suddenly, a girl walked up behind Sang Bu and asked very nervously.

“Huh? And what is it this time? ”

Sangbu turned around and looked at the visitor curiously.

“Father!! Can you find my missing father!? ”

Hearing the other party’s request, Sang Bu Ming frowned and asked, “What’s your name?” ”

“Eyes are good!”

Xiangbu Ming nodded: “OK.” Xiao Qianqian, I’ll help you find your father. ”

Saying that, she took a strange pose, which made countless people watching the video a little puzzled and shocked, because the other party’s posture was really a bit of a witch with a god.

In the video, everyone is quiet, quietly watching the action of Xiangburi

I saw that in the next second, she moved!

Picked up a pencil, quickly pressed the button to pull out the refill, scraped the lead foam with the knife, raised it in his hand and raised it around, and slapped his backhand on the white shirt of the bird bunch Zero Tai who was watching from the side.

Bird Beam Zero Too: “!!!??? ”

Sang Bu Ming carefully examined the pencil lead powder on the back of the bird bunch Zero and said, “In Puerto Rico.” ”

“Huh? Wave……… Where??? ”

Mu Liang Qianli looked at Sakubu with a surprised look and asked.

“Next to the Dominican Republic, well……… Today’s state is not very good, so that’s all I can know. ”

Sakumi said regretfully to Meliang Qianli.

Hearing the other party’s words, Mu Liang Qianli waved his hand with a satisfied face: “It’s okay, thank you!” I’ll look for!!! ”

With that, Meliang turned around and ran out of the classroom.

Qi Mu Nanxiong was silent, he was very curious about how Mu Liang Qianli would find it………

But what surprised him even more was the new transfer student, this terrifying ability surprised even him, a superpower with super multiple superpowers.

[Does this woman actually have the ability to find people? ] Looking for someone who has no clues, even I can’t do this, what kind of secret does her ritual have? 】

Qi Mu Nanxiong frowned, he was not used to this situation of not being able to control the situation.

And the doubts in Qi Munan’s heart were quickly asked by other female classmates for answers.

“I want to ask, what the hell were you doing?”

The girls were very curious to look at the diviner, after all, it was rare to have a soothsayer close in front of them, which was undoubtedly a huge attraction for girls.

“Ah~ that’s done casually.”

Sangdivination’s answer was somewhat unexpected, after all, everyone thought that it was a preparation ceremony before divination.

“I’m just doing something that inspires, just take a look at the crystal ball.”

Along with the words of the fate, the camera gives a big close-up of the crystal ball full of jewelry.

Then, Xiang’s next sentence left everyone, including those watching the video, a little speechless.

“But the crystal ball is decorated so much that it becomes difficult to see.”

At this moment, everyone was silent, and they all wanted to ask Xiangbu about the fate of Xiangbu, since it was difficult to see because there were too many jewelry, why didn’t she remove these decorations?

Qi Mu Nanxiong, on the other hand, looked at that Xiangbu with an expressionless face and frowned

“All in all, you must be careful not to have anything to do with that ceremony.”

As soon as Qi Munanxiong finished speaking, the corners of the mouths of all the people watching the video twitched slightly.

They also don’t know if Qi Munanxiong’s mouth has been opened, generally speaking, as long as he finishes saying this, he will definitely have something to do in the end.

Sure enough, in the next second, Na Xiangbu was lying on the table, and said helplessly: “I don’t know why, I always feel that my state today is very bad.” ”

The female classmates around looked at each other worriedly and asked with concern: “Are you unwell?” ”

“It’s not~”

Xiang Bu Ming sighed, with a sad face: “I can see the person’s aura, the aura is, I can know that person’s vitality, luck and potential at a glance, but now I don’t know why I can’t see anything.” ”

Hearing these words, Qi Mu Nanxiong couldn’t help but open his mouth wide for a while.

[And this ability, it’s dangerous just to be seen by her………]

At this time, a girl asked curiously: “Then why did you transfer to our school?” ”

Hearing these words, Xiang Bu, who had just looked decadent and sleepy, immediately became mental, her face was ruddy, and she said very excitedly: “Want to know!?” ”

Then without waiting for others to answer, she played with her hair with a shy face and said, “Actually, I divined myself before, and he seems to be in this school.” ”

Saying that, she couldn’t help but lower her head shyly.


When the girls in the class heard Xiangbu’s words, they all seemed to smell the smell of melon, and they all showed curious eyes.

“Hey, hey, hey……… It’s my true destiny~”

Hearing the words of the fate, the girls immediately boiled, after all, how could a girl of their age refuse the temptation of such a thing as the true son of heaven?

Qi Munanxiong on the side breathed a sigh of relief and constantly comforted himself

[If you just rely on your aura, you won’t necessarily know my identity, in short…] Just don’t get involved. 】

“Then what is the clue of your true destiny?”

“Is it from our class?”

On one side is the self-comforting Qi Munanxiong, and on the other side of the camera are the girls who are asking about their lives.

“Ah~ the clue is that the pink hair, although I don’t know why, seems to be very talented, and the initials of the name are S· K research. ”

Qi Mu Nanxiong: “……… Ha?? ”

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