From Becoming the Master of Monsters

Chapter 750 I am a teacher at Devil’s High School

"Uncle, uncle, look over there, that building is so tall. There are no such tall buildings in Kyoto.

And over there, have you seen why so many people gathered there holding signs? Are they holding some kind of festival?

Na na na, uncle, how about we go to the festival too? "

On the magnetic tram, the little loli Kunou hugged one of Yuto's arms, looking out the window at the rapidly reversing scenery, always asking Yuto to look at this and that with surprise.

That's right, what Kyoto Youkai General Yasaka asked Yuto to do was to let Yuto take his daughter Kunou out with him.

According to Yasaka, Kunou has been growing up in Kyoto almost since she was a child, and as a princess of the monster world, she has been surrounded by stars in the Kyoto area since she was a child.

But this won't work. Sooner or later, Kunou will take over Yasaka's burden and shoulder the important responsibility of protecting the residents and monsters of Kyoto.

If you don't know that there are dangers outside, it will definitely not work to be a stupid heir.

But he wanted to let Kunou come out for training, but Yasaka was still worried about his daughter.

He has many things to do, and he cannot leave Kyoto at will. There are so many monsters in the outside world, and ordinary monster subordinates cannot protect the safety of Kunou at all.

So Yasaka has always had the idea of ​​letting Kokonoe go out to see the world, but he has never been able to implement it.

But now, Yasaka has recognized a foster brother, and his strength is beyond comparison. She happens to be out for something at the moment, so it should be no problem to have a little follower.

"Kuzhong, I've told you many times, don't call me uncle. In fact, in terms of age, I'm not much older than you..."

In fact, since Yuuto and the others left Kyoto, Yuuto couldn't remember how many times he had corrected the little Lolita's name for him.

However, every time Jiuzhong verbally agreed that it was okay, but soon he became "uncle" again.

"Yuto-sama is Mother's adopted brother, so he is Kunou's uncle. Isn't he called Kunou right?

Rather than that unimportant thing, uncle, we might as well go to the festival! "

After hearing Kunou's straight answer, Yuto sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to ask Kunou Loli to change her name, and looked at where Kunou pointed.

"That's not a festival. It's probably some kind of fan meeting that the celebrity is holding. Those people holding signs must be ardent fans."

Kunou: "My uncle has obviously been sealed for so long, but he is very fashionable outside and has integrated with modern society so quickly. I thought he didn't know."

Yudou: "Oh, don't you know that there are such things as computers and mobile phones now?

As long as you think about it, you can quickly learn a lot of necessary knowledge. "

Looking at the blond loli with a cunning expression in front of him, Yuto knew that he had been tricked.

Although Kunoe has been living in Kyoto, he is not isolated from society. He obviously knows that they were holding an event just now, not a festival.

He deliberately called it a festival, probably because he wanted to go there and join in the fun, or he originally planned to tease Yuuto in order to get revenge.

You must know that when he first heard Yasaka's request, Yuto refused almost without thinking.

After all, with a small oil bottle, his movements would be restricted, and it would seriously affect his ability to pick up girls.

The request was rejected, and Yasaka originally wanted to give up, but after learning that she actually had the opportunity to leave Kyoto and play outside, Yasaka was willing to let go of this great opportunity.

So after Ichiban cried, made trouble, and hanged himself, Yasaka had no choice but to come and request again, and looking at the tearful Loli, Yuto felt soft for a moment and agreed.

Kuoh Private Academy, this is the place Yasaka's intelligence mentioned.

For ordinary people, it may be a secret, but for the youkai forces that have made their permanent residence in the human world, they know that the people behind Kuou Academy are actually demons from the demon world.

Of course, although there are demons in Kuoh Academy, most people are still ordinary students.

I will choose to do this, on the one hand, to hide my identity, and on the other hand, it is also for business.

Yes, you heard it right, even demons, although their lifespan is extremely long and their power is far beyond that of humans, they still need to work.

After the war between the three forces, the leaders of the three major forces also recognized the reality, that is, whether angels, fallen angels or demons, if they want to survive for a long time, human beings are indispensable existence.

This is also the reason why the three parties have agreed not to act recklessly in the human world.

Because if more humans die, it will directly affect the survival of their three parties.

The devil's so-called business is actually to help humans realize some wishes by distributing magic circle leaflets in order to collect rewards.

The so-called wish is not the imagined deal with the devil.

The demons in this world seem to be quite disciplined, or in other words, the demons at Kuou Academy have their own bottom line.

They fulfill other people's wishes without requiring important things such as the other person's soul or lifespan. In contrast, the wishes they can realize also have a certain bottom line.

For example, if you wish to curse others or take someone's life, the demons at Kuou Academy will not accept it.

Their wishes come true, including services such as playing games, chatting, and even having their homework written for them.

"There are demons here and there, they are just cheap hourly labor."

Looking at the business scope and remuneration conditions on the flyer, Jiuchong Loli immediately complained.

Her mother Yasaka had always told her before that the three-party war was so tragic and how dangerous the Demon King was.

But now, from the perspective of Kokonoe Loli, demons are obviously just that, and they are obviously not as good as Kyoto monsters.

Kokonoe Loli's complaints were actually Yuuto's own thoughts. They were a group of demons, but they were so full of integrity that Yuuto was unable to complain.

However, all demons are like this, and only the demons near Kuou Academy are like this. Because Yuuto has not officially come into contact with them, he cannot objectively evaluate them now.

According to the information given by Yasaka, the demons here should be teachers and students of Kuoh Academy. Since they want to contact each other without causing chaos, the best way is to sneak into Kuoh Academy.

After calling Yasaka in Kyoto, Yuto received two urgent express letters almost the next day.

The letter contained two detailed identity forms, among which Kunoe was a transfer student from Kyoto Elementary School.

Yuto is a trainee teacher from a high school in Kyoto. He once studied abroad in China and is a knowledgeable returnee...

"What's going on, Yasaka? Didn't you just agree to give me the status of a transfer student?"

What the hell is the setting of the returning academic master? I am such a bad student, what will I do if I become a gangster? "

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