From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 574 A successful experiment requires the cooperation of many people

It's the first day of the Easter holiday with sunny weather and a slight breeze.

In the room at No. 6 Privet Drive, Lupine was wearing his own robe, lying on the sofa, playing games absentmindedly, always feeling that something was wrong.

At this moment, Sirius was called down to the basement to study potions together. He originally wanted to go there to help, but was coaxed out by William and Mr. Belby with a look of disgust - yes, he could be sure that it was a look of disgust. gaze.

And there are facts as evidence. After he was kicked out of the underground laboratory, William took out a bottle of magic potion in front of him and waved his wand with Mr. Belby to clean the laboratory with the magic potion...

If it weren't for the fact that he could get snacks and other things to share from William from time to time, his inferior self-esteem almost felt that he was being squeezed out - of course, Lu Ping himself couldn't admit that he was a glass-hearted person.

"What are you doing, studying potions? When did that guy Padfoot become good at potions?"

He thought with a little anger.

He admitted that after the Animagus transformation, Padfoot and the others were far ahead in terms of transfiguration.

He also admitted that in the class that was still called Defense Against the Dark Arts, Padfoot was the one who shined.

But in a course like potions - it can only be said that the two of them will not cook up poison.

'Throwing myself here...'

He thought angrily, but he still felt something was wrong - but there was no time to think about it now. What on earth was Padfoot studying?


"Very good, the blood, hair, sweat, and saliva have all been collected!"

Belby nodded towards Sirius and smiled from the bottom of his heart - ordinary wizards were easy to handle samples, but this one was different now. There were only seven Animagus registered in the 20th century, even if they were added There are only nine people, including the one in front of me and Rita Skeeter who is still squatting in Azkaban, and it is almost the end of the century!

Even if he is a top potion master who studies wolfsbane potion, it is not feasible to get these people to fully cooperate with the samples sent over. After all, there are too few Animagus.

"Please, Mr. Black, please perform an Animagus transformation. We also need to collect some Animagus transformed raw materials!"

He looked at Sirius sincerely, expecting him to cooperate as always.

Sirius, who looked helpless, just felt tired and didn't want to talk at the moment - he originally came over excitedly to perfect the potion together, but unexpectedly, they were not studying the potion, but him...

But he also said that he would fully cooperate with this matter, and the result was directly related to Lu Ping, which really made him unable to refuse.

With a little despair, he completed his Animagus transformation unhappy for the first time in his life.

"good, very good!"

Mr. Bellby stared at Sirius with wide eyes and a look of surprise on his face, and then took out a knife and various glass bottles.

This attitude of wanting to take him apart was so frightening that Sirius subconsciously cast a look at William for help, only to find that William was already washing and drying the container with a spring of clean water.

"First the hair, then the hair on the torso, then get some spit and blood."

Mr. Belby completed a series of sampling activities very expertly, and then looked at Sirius expectantly, "Please, Mr. Black, can you start running? We still need some sweat!"

"Mr. Belby..."

William suddenly stopped him with words, which made Sirius relax for a while.

Then, William's voice, which was not mixed with emotion, rang out, "The dog's sweat glands are on the tongue, and there are also some on the soles of the feet. They are all easily contaminated..."

? ? ?

"It doesn't matter. Mixing it together may create a more magical effect!"

Although he felt something was not right in his heart, Sirius still completed all the tests hesitantly.

"Okay, I've collected it here..."

William looked at Sirius with a look of joy and said, "Let's go back to our original form first, Mr. Black..."

He and Belby divided and packaged the collected samples, took out the previous potion again in front of Sirius, and began to clean up the entire laboratory environment.

"Please, can you call Professor Lupine in?"

"Of course, I wish for it!"

Since there was no risk, Sirius was determined to become the biggest risk to his brothers, so he happily ran out and called Lupine in.

When he saw Lupine's happy expression after seeing William and the others disinfecting, he hummed happily, lay down on the sofa in the living room, and took over the handle that Lupine hadn't heated much.

"I always feel like I've forgotten something - but it doesn't matter, Moony Face must have never imagined that his good colleague would be so cruel to him..."


"The sampling is all over..."

William finished the work again and spoke to Mr. Belby in a low voice while inhaling the head-soaking spell.

"Actually, it's still a little bit worse, but considering the user's psychology, let's forget it..."

Mr. Bellby shook his head, opened the container containing Lupin's hair, and then took out a portion and distributed it to William and himself. "I have studied werewolves for many years. Because of that special curse, their hair actually has a faint trace of it." There is a curse that is not contagious.”

"Is there still such a thing?"

William raised his head and glanced at Mr. Belby. He had never heard or seen such an idea.

"Yes, but it is probably my own unique discovery - after all, there are not many wizards willing to study werewolves."

He spread his hands, and the dragon leather gloves reflected a beautiful light under the light, "But I secretly concealed this discovery - they have suffered enough discrimination. If it hadn't been for that Umbridge who revealed her identity before Some of the preferential treatment bills passed will be even worse."

"Yes, that was one of the few bright spots in her evil-ridden life."

William nodded, "We use magic potions to extract those cursed attributes as detection potions?"

"Of course, that is very effective - if possible, please follow your method, Professor William, I have long wanted to see it."

"With great pleasure."

William smiled and used his own unique method to process the materials - this was the communication activity between pharmacists that he dreamed of. How could we chat with someone like Adams who had the biased view that he was not a pharmacist if he didn't know Felixir?

Hogwarts does have a real potion master, but such an exchange is even more unimaginable - Adams just laughed at it, and then he was still able to get high-quality herbs. William, the potion master at Hogwarts, is really There is no way to determine whether the other party intends to poison...

After carefully mixing the extracted potion, William immersed Lupin's hair in the potion, and then began to visit Mr. Belby's potion production - this is a matter of course in exchange activities, and you can't guess the trick. Only then will you be ridiculed by your peers.

'The more gorgeous formula costs a lot more, but the effect is real. It is about 10% more precise than mine. This is an amazing change...'

While observing and learning, William subconsciously speculated.

"Wow, what a match!"

Belby also made a sound of admiration, "The cost has been reduced by more than half, but the performance has hardly changed!"

The two complimented each other for a while, and then realized that there was no need at all, so they started to deal with Lupine's hair in batches - Professor Lupine, who took care of his hair very neatly on a daily basis, was shaved bald today, such a huge sacrifice. It's not something that can be wasted casually.

Their next experiment will require the use of a large number of reaction potions, trying various potions and the materials obtained from Sirius to suppress the curse. Although there is a Wolfsbane potion as a base, it is still a huge project. .

"By the way," William suddenly remembered something after taking care of his half of hair, "I almost forgot to remind them, I have to go out!"

He opened the door to the laboratory, walked quickly to the living room, and coughed softly at the two Gryffindor graduates who were laughing at each other in the distance, so as to preserve each other's dignity.

"Ah, Professor William!"

Sirius stood up with a stern look on his head with a missing strand of hair, "Is there anything else you need?"

He couldn't be happier at the moment - Lupine almost had his hair shaved off, and he tried to use a wand to help him grow it, but he kept stopping him and insisted on laughing at him to the end.

Everyone is being treated as research subjects, but you actually had your head shaved!

Ha ha ha ha!

"I almost forgot something important just now. Professor Lupin, have you used magic to help your hair grow?"

"I just did a little bit..."

"Ah..." William slapped his hair bubble spell, "Shave all your hair clean and let it grow naturally. The magic can easily affect the results of the experiment."

? ? ?

Lu Ping almost wondered if he had offended the office director, but seeing that William didn't look like he was joking, he could only reluctantly promise to do it.


Sirius smiled happily on the side.

"By the way, and you, Mr. Black," William turned to look at Sirius, "You haven't used magic yet, have you?"


Sirius smiled - it could be covered by changing his hairstyle, it wouldn't be a big problem.

"Great." William nodded, "We need to do an activity comparison experiment, so we will continue to use hair in the future. Please be sure not to apply magic to the hair."

"Get it?"

Sirius' voice was trembling.

"Yes, take it. For comparison, keep part of it for use and take part of it on the same day. You will use it every day. So don't use magic care products in the near future, let alone use magic to grow hair. Please."

"That's it for now, I have to go back and deal with the potion."

After William instructed the two of them, he returned to the outer layer of the laboratory and began to re-sterilize himself before entering the experimental area and starting the experiment again.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The usually unsmiling Lupine looked at his good brother Padfoot and couldn't suppress the joy from his heart no matter what. Although he felt a little guilty for his friend's contribution, but - sorry, Padfoot, I will continue to use this. too…


"Laugh, laugh..."

Sirius looked at Lupine angrily, leaned on the sofa, and turned around to look at the mirror - he still had thick hair in the mirror, but in the next few days, God knows what kind of disaster he would be in...


He suddenly remembered something and looked at Lu Ping with a little panic in his eyes.

"Harry is still at the Weasley's!"

"God, we forgot!"

Lupine finally realized something was wrong - Harry was not there!

The two were a little anxious, but looked at the mirror again.

"Wait, Padfoot..."

Lupine's sense of responsibility over his years as a wanderer's brain emerged, "Are we really fit to let Harry see what he is now?"

One is the godfather and the other is a professor. If Harry could see their hair, it would really...

"But we always have to go out!"

"It doesn't matter. We can use magic to recover after the Easter holiday. If it doesn't work these days, just put on a wig and try..."

"that's all!"

Sirius nodded and made this decision happily, "I'm going to write to the Weasley family and ask them to take care of Harry for a while."


"I don't know when Sirius will pick me up - do you want to go to Privet Drive?"

In the Burrow, Harry was talking to Ron about the video game console in the living room. He had been envious of it when Dudley had it. Now that he has one at home, he also has less homework this holiday...

"Game console?"

Ron hesitated and immediately agreed - after all, the opening of the box yesterday was made into a song by his two brothers. This family really couldn't stay any longer...

This is also an important reason why Harry stayed in Ron's room and did not go out.

"But, didn't you say that Professor Luping is also there?"

On William's side, Ron had been in confinement and learned some interesting curses, but on Lupin's side, he was still a little scared.

"Don't worry, we can play together in the living room!"

Harry said confidently, and then heard the sound of an owl.

"It's Sirius' owl!"

Harry pointed happily, "It looks like he will be here in the afternoon!"

A quarter of an hour later, there was a gentle knock on Ron's door, and Harry tried to suppress his joy - he also liked the Burrow, but he couldn't wait to see Sirius.

"Harry, Ron," Mrs. Weasley's voice sounded, "can I come in?"

"Of course, Mom (Mrs.)!"

The door opened after the sound, and Mrs. Weasley looked at Harry and the others gently, "I just received a letter from Sirius. He told me that because some of their professors were on an interesting expedition, he entrusted me to take care of them. You for a while.”

"Wow, that's great, Harry!"

Ron pulled Harry excitedly. Harry was stunned for a moment and smiled - he also liked the Burrow very much. Although he didn't know what Sirius and the others were busy with during this time, he could still do it here. Very cool!

However, an unclear song came from outside the door, "...and then the box suddenly opened!"


Ps: (Please give me a monthly ticket, Gu...)

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