From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 561 Going further and further on the road to crime

"I thought someone must have lost his mind between the two of us."

"That must not be me, sir."

William adjusted his wizard robes and tried to look like a middle-aged wizard. Next to him was Dumbledore, who was completely unrecognizable.

The two of them were walking on the path next to Knockturn Alley. They were so sneaky that they didn't look like good people.

That's right - sneaky, although this word does not match Dumbledore at all, but the two of them are indeed sneaky, both in their actions and in what they are going to do.

"Let me confirm again, Professor William."

Dumbledore waved his wand casually, and after confirming that no living creature could hear their conversation, he finally said, "You mean, we have to sneak into the Ministry of Magic, and there is a high probability that we will search the Auror's office?"

"Not only... we will also attack the Aurors, feed them Veritaserum, and pretend that this is a daring and reckless move by Death Eaters."

William nodded and said something that even the prisoners in Azkaban would not dare to say.

This is why this operation was kept strictly confidential, and even Professor Moody was not told.

They spent two weeks re-investigating the Death Eater families and searching various places where things were hidden, but in the end they still found nothing - this was the necessary guarantee to confirm that the last Horcrux was not in the UK.

After learning that there were only a few Horcruxes, William analyzed the location of the Horcruxes - the gold cup and diary were in the hands of the most trusted Death Eater, the ring was hidden in his grandfather's house, and the locket was in his childhood home. The diadem was hidden in Hogwarts in the cave he loved when he was young, so the remaining Horcruxes were either in the hands of his most trusted Death Eaters, or in a place he thought was sufficiently commemorative.

William checked the Dark Lord's resume, and so far, the only place that was sufficiently memorable was probably the place where the Dark Lord decided to lose his nose and stop being a human being, and other than that, the thing was probably in the hands of a Death Eater.

The place where the dangerous human transformation was completed is still under investigation, and there is a rough idea, but as for the Death Eaters - after all the places were checked, William noticed that there was no such thing as one Death Eater left. was investigated.

Umbridge, Voldemort's favorite Death Eater, the Dark Lord's follower hidden deepest in the wizarding world, was killed after the Azkaban prison break.

If it had been anyone else, Dumbledore would have only needed to say hello - unfortunately, this was not possible.

What Fudge fears most is that his subordinates collect dirty information about him. When Umbridge, the former Deputy Minister of Magic, says that she has nothing in her hand, few normal wizards would believe it.

Dumbledore checked Umbridge's belongings - William knew Fudge's reaction to this without even thinking about it.

To be honest, if Fudge doesn't faint when he hears this news, it means he has done less evil...

In order not to destroy the current good situation against the Dark Lord, the investigation must be conducted, but it must be done secretly.

“But do we really want to buy it again?”

"Not only that, I will also use the time turner to pull out a few false identities, and then use English with a bit of an American accent to buy things for this operation. This way, I can divert the trouble to the maximum extent."

William even uneasily re-examined the place Dumbledore had inspected - the beetle that destroyed his office left a really bad impression on him.

"Even the galleons used for this purchase were just obtained at Gringotts in the United States some time ago. In order to prevent them from being recorded, these things were packaged and smuggled to the UK."

As he spoke, he took out the time turner, which had obviously weakened in power, and then pulled out a few figures and began to use transformation to disguise them, and then looked at Dumbledore with pleading eyes.

It was probably because William was staring at him that he finally remembered what to do. Dumbledore waved his wand and perfected the details of the transformation - the summoned phantoms now looked flawless.

'Every time I see it, it feels like art...'

William nodded slightly and walked in front of the team, while Dumbledore was wrapped in a shadow and became one of the wizards who followed.

"Then, let's start..."


Borgin-Bock's Store, the largest black shop in Knockturn Alley.

The blackness here does not mean that it is too greedy - it is true that the boss here is extremely black-hearted, but this blackness is the blackness of black magic.

Yes, this is an open store selling black magic props. The prices are expensive, but it is absolutely legal - it has two owners, Mr. Borkin and Mr. Bork, both of whom are first-rate skin pickers.

But these two store managers are extraordinary, very extraordinary.

William has not found out how good they are until now. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the Dark Lord came to work in this store right after graduation until he voluntarily resigned. In the future, this store was not even liquidated—— Whether it's the Ministry of Magic level or the Death Eater level.

In fact, according to some information William learned, this store is serving many purebloods, including but not limited to selling property, providing high-end goods of unknown origin, providing illegal potion materials and finished products...

This was also an important reason why William insisted on dragging Dumbledore to his house for shopping - not to mention that everything was complete, he would have more opportunities to find out what the Dark Lord was doing here during the subsequent investigation.

Yes, although William was responsible for the incident, if he is willing to intervene in the subsequent investigation, the Ministry of Magic will definitely be happy - because this means that Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic stand together and express support for the actions of magic.

But it's obvious that the shop owner at this moment didn't know that a madman from Azkaban was targeting him - he just saw a group of secretive guys with foreign accents coming to his shop waiting to be ripped off. .

He still could not forget the biggest deal he ever made - buying Slytherin's locket for ten galleons!

That was a really big deal, but it's a pity that we can no longer find such a big deal.

However, it is also a good thing to trick foreign enemies - these guys don't look like British wizards from the looks of their clothes, and they keep sneaking glances at the black magic props. Isn't this the Kaizi who has been sent to his door?

"Welcome, welcome, this is Borgin and Burke's, the best-stocked store in Britain."

He proudly introduced, "We have what others have, and we also have what others don't have. This is the guarantee of the Bojin-Bock store."

The boss on duty today is Bo Jin, and he looks at the visitor curiously.

They were all disguised - it didn't matter, there weren't many people who came to buy things from him without disguise.

But he has rarely seen so many people come to his store to shop at one time. After all, his products are really not suitable for too many people to know the effect.

However, Bo Jin's attention was quickly attracted by the large bag of galleons that the fat sheep took out.

Merlin's beard - aren't these bumpkins afraid of being robbed of their money, so they took to the streets in large numbers at once?

Don't they know that Gringotts has a very convenient business?

However, at this moment, Mr. Bojin has no time to pay attention to anything else. This group of fat sheep from out of town is like buying goods, purchasing materials on a large scale-magic potions, special powders, some crooked magic props, and even glorious items. One of them was packed in their hands, and one of the wizards held it in his hand curiously and observed...

‘This guy, hasn’t he ever thought about what that is made of? ’

Mr. Borgin tried not to show disgust until it was time to pay - because these fat sheep actually quoted a very smart price, not at all as ignorant as they appeared.

After putting down and taking away several times, Mr. Borgin had to sell the things at a price that did not earn enough...

This huge shrinkage in profits made him couldn't help but sigh after those people left, "Who are they!"


"Who is this!"

After William confirmed that no one was around, he finally stopped pretending to have an American accent - thanks to the twins, the voice-changing potion that came out of Polyjuice Potion made it less tiring for him to pretend.

"He made at least twice as much profit as his cost. If it weren't for maintaining his character, I would have had to have a good talk with this guy."

While William was counting the supplies, he felt disgusted that the same spell had destroyed the Hand of Glory and the phantom holding the Hand of Glory... This thing was so disgusting that he didn't even want the phantom.

"But we still bought all the things we needed... those who set fire, those who blocked, those who destroyed, those who made noise..."

William was wearing dragon leather gloves and taking inventory of supplies - this afternoon's raid on the Ministry of Magic depended on this.

That's right, in the afternoon, not at's just so rampant.

To be precise, it was a raid just after noon, less than two o'clock. They directly invaded the Auror office of the Ministry of Magic, controlled the Aurors inside, and then took the opportunity to search for Umbridge's belongings. Finally, they caused chaos and framed the Death Eaters. Leave.

As for safety, William had no doubts - he was sure of breaking out, and he didn't have to worry about taking Dumbledore with him.

"Find a place to eat," William handed a bag of supplies to Dumbledore, "and then we get started."


"It's almost Easter now, the weather is getting warmer, and many people like to take a nap after a long morning's work - as far as I know, this phenomenon is very serious in the Ministry of Magic."

"Aurors are no exception - due to their special duties, they prefer to sleep when it is safer. Obviously noon, when the sun is the brightest, is a suitable time."

"After all, there are so many people in the Ministry of Magic at noon - but you know, Headmaster, the results of our students who entered the Ministry of Magic..."

William spread his hands - anyway, the one who couldn't cast the Iron Armor Curse was his former student and had little to do with him.

"Actually, compared to night, sneak attacks at this time are almost no longer included in their emergency plans..." William checked the disguise again, "To be honest, if some sideways methods hadn't exposed us, it would actually be easier to defeat them than imagined. It’s even easier.”

"The Ministry of Magic has a staff entrance. Let's enter from there..."

William described his plan bit by bit, which made Dumbledore always have a strange sense of dissonance, but he couldn't tell where it came from.

"By the way, how are you sure you're on the Auror side?"

For the sake of confidentiality, Dumbledore omitted even the title.

"It's not confirmed, so we have to go to Secretary Fudge's office to have a look."

The difficulty of destroying a Horcrux means that it is easy to identify it. Whether it is dealt with by Aurors or dealt with by Fudge himself, it is possible - given time.

"Then let's go."

In the staff passage, Dumbledore nodded, and then easily blended into the Ministry of Magic with William.

"At first I thought about kidnapping people, but then I realized that keeping silent is not their style, so I just did a little research on this identification spell and took advantage of this channel."

William introduced in a low voice and took out a simple topographic map of the Ministry of Magic - all the commonly used American vocabulary was used on it.

Dumbledore didn't know what to say anymore...


“It smells so good…”

"This is...wait, it's poisonous!"

When a Ministry of Magic employee who woke up from his nap realized this problem, his eyelids began to fight. When he tried to sound the alarm, the wand in his hand was already a little heavy.

"Damn's daytime!"

As this thought emerged, he lay heavily on the table and fell asleep.

Not only him, but as William and the others moved forward, this kind of fragrance filled the air everywhere, but William, who was holding the potion in one hand and arranging things with the other, had doubts on his face.

"That shouldn't be the case. There should be people who use the Bubble Curse to restrain themselves in time, and then come out to join me in causing riots..."

He looked at the phantoms pulled out around him, and even considered whether to just use the magic potion to defeat the Ministry of Magic - this would be too careless...

Fortunately, before they rushed to the Auror's office, a Ministry of Magic employee who was not just dawdling finally issued a warning.


With a little joy, William waved his wand directly, and pale white flames began to flash like lightning on the combustion-supporting magic materials he had arranged along the way, and a flame burst out directly.

The Auror who was left on duty finally realized that something was wrong. While issuing an emergency gathering warning, he took precautions and rushed out of the office, trying to calm everything down.

However, just as he was anxiously preparing to go to the source of the fire, a sense of powerlessness suddenly emerged. Then, two magics hit him at the same time, depriving him of his last ability to resist.

Before he could struggle, a cool feeling appeared on his lips - damn, Veritaserum!

He tried to resist, but lost all ability to resist after casting a spell.

After a brief inquiry, William and Dumbledore let go of the Auror and looked at each other - they were really all in Fudge's office...

"Let's go..."

William looked guilty and scarred half of the Auror's body. Then he secretly burned most of the map, pressed it under him, and then turned around and left.

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