From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 557 Are you kidding me?

"The greenhouse is still under construction... The funds seem to be a little rich... I'll consider starting to tidy up and repair an empty classroom this week."

"Although the material consumption in the Potions class has not increased, Professor Slughorn's meal expenses seem to be a bit high - forget it, let him alone, that kid Neville can actually be in the Potions class It’s really surprising that such talent can be displayed in the audience..."

"Professor William has to be urged to start his club - he has been teaching for so many years, but he still hasn't established his own club... The exclusive funding from the Ministry of Magic must be used..."

"Professor Snape has applied for a new batch of incense... Damn it, why is he more talkative than Sibyl now?"

"The wine Professor Trelawney requested, forget it, give it to her, Albus doesn't know what he thinks, he has to let Snape teach divination..."

“That’s it for this week’s capital outlays – then comes the headache…”

Professor McGonagall put down the various bills in her hand and frowned.

The following report was not pleasant - Gryffindor students each had their own joy when playing pranks, but when the punishment records of these pranks were submitted to her, the head of the house, it was very disturbing. I plan to leave this mess and resign.

When she endured the headache and got the thing, her heart became heavy with the information - it was about one-third thicker than last week...

Fortunately, after starting to review, Professor McGonagall's headache eased a lot - not all students were so outrageous, because due to the self-defense course, most of them were reports of seventh graders being dragged to clean up, which was very strange. It gives people peace of mind.

"Brother Weasley - the mastermind, I knew..."

After seeing the report from the twins, Professor McGonagall even felt a little relieved - it's not easy!

Seven years, seven whole years! Ever since the Weasley twins entered school, Gryffindor's scores have gone up and down like a roller coaster, making it hard to watch!

If they hadn't been smart enough and dedicated themselves to the Transfiguration course, Professor McGonagall felt that she couldn't help it. Of course, this had something to do with their outstanding performance on the Gryffindor House team. …

But no matter what, the things in front of her were nothing compared to the two people's numerous victories. On the contrary, she would be more worried if the two of them didn't violate the rules these days.

‘Let them continue to graduate with this frequency of violations...’

Professor McGonagall silently muttered words that others would not believe. She put down the violation report with ease, and began to pick up the Transfiguration homework to review and approve it - very good, the violation is not outrageous, it is normal.

"Dun, dun, dun!"

A knock on the door interrupted Professor McGonagall's work. She looked at the door curiously and said, "Please come in."

The door opened in response - when the face of the visitor was revealed, a heartfelt smile appeared on Professor McGonagall's face.

It's Granger, Hermione Granger.

The first in the fifth grade, he has received a lot of points for the college, has excellent grades, loves learning, and rarely loses points and violates discipline like other Gryffindors - which professor doesn't like this kind of student, and which dean doesn't like this kind of student?

That is to say, Snape's rigid blood theory and the professor who only knows how to score points for his own college will be dissatisfied.

'That is to say, I was not sorted into Slytherin. Snape was more interested in being sorted into Slytherin than anyone else...'

Professor McGonagall thought so in her mind, and the smile on her face became even more kind - she had always liked this student, and had even applied for a time turner for her before.

"What's the problem, Miss Granger?"

Professor McGonagall was ready to spend some time tutoring this top student - her recent grades had been somewhat overshadowed by other students, but she was still a well-deserved number one.

She could completely understand Granger's nervousness and uneasiness. After all, she was usually very concerned about her grades, and this was even more magnified in the OWLs year.

But it's not a big problem. She has dealt with similar problems many times and is quite good at it.


Hermione was a little nervous, and she didn't know if it was too early for a showdown - but she did encounter a small problem and needed help, and Professor McGonagall was the best person in the school to ask for help.

"What's wrong? Don't be nervous. Speak slowly."

Professor McGonagall was very relaxed. She knew that she could not put more pressure on this student now.


Hermione couldn't help but look back at the door - even though the person in front of her was actually the scariest person in Hogwarts, she was still a little inexplicably worried.

"Alright alright."

Professor McGonagall waved her wand gently and locked the door of her office - although no one in the entire school dared to break into her office.


The next moment, Professor McGonagall's surprised voice almost flew out through the office door and spread throughout Hogwarts.

In front of her, a tiger that was by no means petite appeared, raising its head and looking at her - but that look didn't have the domineering look of a tiger at all, instead it was a bit, well, how should I put it, panicked.

‘No, what am I thinking? ’

Professor McGonagall shook her head - her originally very clear thoughts had turned into a mess, and she was unable to control her thinking for a while.

She is the Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts. She has a Transfiguration Club. She has seen all kinds of geniuses. To her, things like a full OWLs certificate are not too surprising. It is a bit difficult. , but it will always appear after so many years.

But - even she has never seen such a perfect human body transformation a few times in school. To be more precise, among students, there may not be one with such a high level of completion in ten years, and most of them are in the seventh grade.

You said that there are many wizards in the UK who can master human transformation, but they don't do it in school at all. Even the students in the Transfiguration Club are considered top students if they can partially transform when they graduate.

‘She’s only in fifth grade! ’

‘Such a perfect body transformation technique! ’

Professor McGonagall always felt that she had some understanding of Hermione's talent, but today it seemed that she had underestimated the student in front of her.

However - this part of the curriculum is not accessible to lower grades! For difficult courses such as human body transformation, students in the club conduct research under her guidance. Where did she get the relevant information?

That's not right either - we have to see if her hasty transformation caused any serious consequences...


Just when Professor McGonagall was unsure of her true thoughts, the seemingly ferocious tiger in front of her made an extremely honest... cat sound...

'cat meow? ’

Professor McGonagall stared at Hermione - yes, it was a tiger. Was it an illusion just now?

Then, there was another meow, even with a slight sound, which completely brought Professor McGonagall back from her fantasy.

"Call again, Miss Granger."

As the cat meowed again, Professor McGonagall was sure that something had happened to the seemingly perfect human deformation.

"Return to normal first, Miss Granger."

She patiently gave instructions, and all her previous thoughts about how she learned it and whether this was considered a violation were thrown out of her mind.

When Hermione returned to her previous appearance with a slight blush, she pulled Hermione over and began to examine it carefully.

First of all, there is no need to doubt the brain - it cannot be restored if the brain is broken.

Then there are the eyebrows, eyes, and nose—nothing wrong with them, except that the front teeth are a little smaller, but that could be an illusion.

'As long as your head is fine...'

Professor McGonagall nodded - except for the problem with the head, even if there were any mistakes in other places, it would be extremely easy to save them.

The arms are fine, the legs are fine, the belly and other parts are fine, and there is no extra tail or anything. Everything is fine. Except for that voice, it is almost a perfect human body transformation technique.

"Can you change anything else?"

"No, Professor... I have just completely mastered the first transformation," Hermione shook her head, "But the voice is like that."

If she hadn't been frightened, she would never have approached the professor so quickly.

The first time the cat meowed, she was frightened by herself - how could a tiger meow like that?

"The first one?"

Professor McGonagall thought for a moment, and then asked with a little uncertainty, "Where did you get the reference to the tiger? Did Hagrid catch one in the Forbidden Forest?"

A non-dangerous creature like a tiger would pose no threat if placed in the Forbidden Forest, so Hagrid would naturally not be able to report it.

"No, I based it on Crookshanks...because it's easier to change with the same body type, so..."

This explanation made Professor McGonagall not know what to say for a moment - it was her first time, no, she should have realized beforehand that this Granger was more outrageous than anyone else when he acted randomly!

Before transforming the human body, you must use magic to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the creature you want to transform, and then you can try to perfectly transform yourself or others into the creature you want to transform into.

This is not an Animagus. It is fixed as soon as it comes. It is up to you to understand the shape. This is why not many people are willing to invest time in human body transformation.

It requires a magic wand. A completely transformed creature has no magic power at all, and may be used against you. If it is not completely transformed, it will not provide much combat ability...

When used against enemies, the Transformation Technique has no effect at all without crushing strength. If it weren't for the flexibility in application after mastering multiple transformations, it would be almost like a vase.

But this is indeed the top skill of transfiguration, and it is also very effective in improving transfiguration.

"Didn't anyone tell you that you need to completely refer to the species you transformed before transforming?"

"But the book also said that it is easier for creatures of the same size to transform, and similar creatures are very valuable for reference. Tigers are also cats..."

"What feline?"

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that it was a Muggle classification. "Cats are different from tigers. Cats can be wizards' pets, but tigers cannot. Cats' magic exists. The classification of magic is different from that of Muggles." Classification are two different things.”

While she was teaching Hermione a lesson, she was thinking of the perfect remedy.

"I'll ask Hagrid to get one in the Forbidden Forest. You can go there and observe it in your spare time, and try to perfect your first human body transformation object as soon as possible..."

"Can't I use a cat?"

"No," Professor McGonagall shook her head. "Before the first human-deformed creature is completely imitated, you'd better not make major changes - this is a very dangerous behavior."

"In addition, you come to my place for tutoring every week...well, every Wednesday night. I need to thoroughly understand the progress of your human transformation."

"Also, you are not allowed to show such skills to other students, and you are not allowed to use them outside my office..."


Professor McGonagall gave Hermione a bunch of no-nos - she was frightened by this imperfect transfiguration.



In William's office, William, who had just brought out a large plate of snacks, opened his mouth wide.

"Are you kidding me, Professor?"

He looked at Professor McGonagall, not sure that this professor, who was usually more serious than Moody, was bragging from time to time.

"No, Professor William."

"So, you are saying that Miss Granger completed the most difficult step of body transformation in the human body transformation technique when she was in fifth grade, and she did it with ease?"

William even gave up his intention of tearing open the snacks in his hands.

What a joke!

That's Human Transfiguration - it's a family tradition that Harry learned the Animagus. How could Hermione Granger have mastered Transfiguration to this level just by secretly learning it on her own?

"Yes, that's right, so I decided to give her a little more homework."

Professor McGonagall looked quite happy, "You know what I mean, Professor William."


William spread his hands, "This is not fair to other students...and she is an OWLs year...well, it seems that this problem is not really big..."

He denied it himself.

For other students, the OWLs exam is a thing - but to be ranked first for four consecutive years?

What is this problem?

" has always been the professor's responsibility to give extra lessons to good students - but are you sure she can accept it?"

"It's no problem. The rest of the students are not good at transfiguration. This is not a problem for her."

Professor McGonagall is very serious - the school has Thunderbirds and top students, so getting another Animagus is not a big problem.

Hermione graduated in fifth grade at a level that other students could not reach. Is there any problem in teaching her? This is even safer than a time turner.

"That's right," William sighed. He didn't dare to actually cast spells now. "Then it's settled. The full moon will start next year. I'll prepare the necessary potions. You can tell Hagrid to do everything. Prepare."

"Then it's up to you, Professor William."

Professor McGonagall nodded, "I will report it to her later."

'By the way, there are still reports coming...'

Then William remembered - he could easily get an absolutely legal declaration, but the same could not be said for students.

"By the way," he remembered something, "Professor, um, Miss Granger won't cause trouble after learning the Animagus, right?"

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, her steps stiffened, and then she replied in her usual voice, "Granger is one of the few students who doesn't break the rules very much."

"It would be great."

William smiled and nodded, watching Professor McGonagall leave, and then a doubt emerged.

"Wait a minute...if it wasn't illegal, how did she get the information?"

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