From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 547 A new start

"what do you need?"

Bertha asked with some forced calmness - although she was still afraid until now, she was able to complete the Dark Lord's task in fear.


Barty glanced at the woman named Bertha in front of him, feeling helpless but unable to vent it no matter what.

What should he say? What could he say?

What excuse and position does he have to accuse a loyal Death Eater who helped the Dark Lord complete his resurrection? What achievements does he have to laugh at the woman in front of him who is actually trembling with fear? Why should he be jealous of the Dark Lord's rewards for loyal and capable Death Eaters?

But, he just couldn't reconcile it - why, it was obviously him first! Whether it's following the Dark Lord, working for the Dark Lord, or even disappearing after the Dark Lord disappears!

He was very happy to be free, and he was also very happy to meet the Dark Lord who had regained his strength, but...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore. What he had to do now was to do the task in his hands well and never mess up the task in his hands - mistakes like the one he made in Azkaban must never happen again. happened.

The Dark Lord needs manpower. If he continues to be jealous, he may make the same mistake as Umbridge. That is absolutely unacceptable.

"Mr. Batty, what do you need?"

Bertha suppressed her fear and continued to muster the courage to ask - she remembered that because of the person in front of her, she had been cast a forgetting spell by Mr. Crouch.

"A false identity, a specific one, enough Polyjuice Potion, and enough Galleons."

Barty forced himself to calm down and revealed his plan.

An outside wizard cannot be trusted and cannot withstand investigation.

Therefore, he must disguise himself as a wizard who can be trusted, so that he can naturally gain the trust of other wizards and build a spontaneous resistance organization.

"Fake identity?"

"Yes, you need to be older, have less social interactions, and you must live alone - whether you are widowed or never married."

Anyway, the Dark Lord now has a big business, and it is extremely convenient to investigate information. Naturally, Barty Jr. will not be polite. He has always believed in the power of the Dark Lord's subordinates, and they all kidnapped the Aurors together.

"There has been a shortage of polyjuice potion recently," Bertha flipped through the ledger in a panic, "but we are speeding up the cooking. After all, we have stocked up on a large amount of potion ingredients..."

Seeing her clumsy way, Barty became even more angry - angry with Bertha and himself, but he couldn't let it happen, so he had to find an excuse and leave.

'Go find Bella and the others and see how well they have cultivated themselves...'


"Harry, come up and demonstrate."

In the empty classroom, Harry walked towards the middle of the classroom with a look of helplessness on his face.

He admitted that he was a little proud during this time, but the professor did go a little too far.

Since the Azkaban siege on Christmas Day, their fifth-year curriculum has been significantly changed. More basic spells have been added to the Charms class, and Transfiguration has also begun to focus on how to quickly change the terrain as a camouflage. The direction has changed, not to mention self-defense, the theoretical knowledge has been changed, they even broke away from the previous textbooks and focused on talking about escape and hiding.

Dig holes, dive into water, hide in trees, hide yourself in vegetation…

Various hiding techniques with or without magic were taught in class - there were almost no practical spells, it was all about escape, escape and escape.

Harry actually smiled quite happily at first. The pain he had suffered was finally going to be suffered by others, but unexpectedly when he was smiling happily, the professor called him up.

That was what happened in the last class - when Professor William was talking happily, the students below noticed that the most advanced spell in the class was learned in the third grade...

As a result, the students below naturally had some opinions - but the voices were not loud. After all, everyone had gone through the test paper offensive for half a year, and they really didn't have the courage to express their opinions in person.

But the professor surprisingly heard it and turned around with a smile and admitted it.

"Of course I agree with what you said, fighting is the best means of protection."

Then, he was called up by the professor, and then the professor's devilish voice - "Harry, try to attack me, use all the magic you have at your disposal."

He did it without any hesitation, because the professor would really fight back.

Then it's five long minutes.

When he got up from the ground and took his wand for the seventeenth time, Harry was very happy to hear the words, "That's it for today's demonstration."

"Now do you know why you are taught this?"

After adding a pitiful three points to Gryffindor, the professor announced with a bit of briskness, "Whoever beats Potter in the duel can come to me in exchange for guidance on any spell - the one you have seen me use or the one in the textbook. Anything is fine.”

Because of this sentence, Harry has experienced about seven or eight duels in the past few days, and once again successfully proved that his status as the champion of the Triwizard Tournament was not obtained by accident.

With his agile skills, extremely fast shooting speed, powerful spells and breathtaking rhythm, he even knocked down several seventh-grade students head-on - fortunately, the latter did not feel embarrassed, after all, he was a champion. …

But that happened in the past few days, and now there is a new course...

'I actually still want to do exam papers, but being crushed is just too...'

Harry slowly walked to the middle of the classroom and took out his wand - he didn't dare to hold it up. If the professor cast the spell first, he would have no chance of resisting at all, and he would be hit one after another without even being able to protect himself. The incredibly fast spell suppressed him and he was unable to successfully cast it, and was finally disarmed by a magic spell.

But the first move wasn't much better. He first applied protection to himself, and then started to actively attack. However, the advantage of being the first move was lost in a little more than a minute. In three minutes, the protection was still breached and he was disarmed by a magic spell.

"Very well, that's it, three points for Gryffindor."

The professor still didn't plan to talk about attack methods today, but today is at least related to combat - today's lesson is how to escape from the battlefield and find bunkers to prevent being hit by other magic spells.

After Harry's defeat, everyone still learned very honestly - if you can't beat him, you can't beat him. What if you don't run away?

But at the end of the course, some students still couldn't help but ask, "Professor, don't we learn how to fight?"

"Well... we will get into it a little later in the course. The sixth-grade advanced class will have a lot of combat spells, and the seventh-grade class will cover the curse part." William thought for a moment and let out a few words, "Due to the special circumstances this year, so The OWLs exam will also have this type of questions, and the score for the theoretical part will be compressed very low.”

In fact, some of the questions for this exam were submitted by him and then selected by the exam administration - but there is no need to tell the students about this. The content change of OWLs is required by current events, and there is no need to publicize this on a large scale.

Although the fifth grade students will be a little unhappy-but the magical world has not yet reached the time when fifth grade students are needed to go to the battlefield, and letting them learn how to survive the conflicts that may occur in the future is the top priority.

"Don't be so listless. If you really don't want to, it's actually not too late to change back to the previous examination system. If I can gather more than 50% of the signatures, I can go to the Examination Management Bureau to discuss it."

William said with a smile, but none of the students below continued. Even Hermione hesitated and gave up. The past exams were actually not bad, but Professor William's papers... revise them, revise them, how to revise them. It can't be any worse than before, right?


"Put down the water, Harry?"

“We played on the same team for five whole years!”

"Just a little bit worse, or accept the challenge from the two of us, and unfortunately fail in one-on-one, there is no shame in spreading the word."

In the empty classroom, Harry, who was about to go on a date, was blocked by the sudden appearance of the twins.

The reason is simple. Professor William announced the rules, and they planned to challenge the rules.

Although after learning the designated magic, you will definitely be settled by the professor - but at most it will only be in confinement, which is not a big problem!

"No, really not."

Harry shook his head firmly, "The professor said that if I lose the duel, it must be because I am too lax, and then my vacation will be gone."

“How can it still be like this!!!”


"How can it still be like this?"

Little Barty looked at the target named Susan from a distance, wearing an invisibility cloak.

Yes, it was Susan, not any other name - because the person with that name was a strong German witch.

She fits the requirements of little Barty very well. She is silent and widowed, but the wizards living around her respect her.

This Ms. Susan has a dragoon-like pace. She likes to wear emerald green and fiery red checkered clothes every day. Her strong waist and fists look very powerful, and her unobjectionable flat surface from her neck to her heels is even more eye-catching. He stood up with great determination.

She stood up and put her actions into practice, which was enough to attract people to follow her - little Barty had to sigh, this was simply not perfect.

'Perhaps this is how she was able to help the Dark Lord resurrect and take down Ilvermorny in one fell swoop...'

Perhaps others would subconsciously think that men would prefer male transformation, and women would prefer female transformation, but this Miss Bertha was completely different. She directly chose the best answer for him. And here he was given a test as a Death Eater from afar.

This is - I gave you the best answer, do you dare to choose?

Yes, the average wizard will definitely shrink back, even if this candidate is so suitable. In this way, her filing will be submitted, and it will be slightly worse, to show his dedication.

"Amazing, really amazing, that Bertha..."

Little Barty marveled - of course he dares!

After coming out of that hellish place in Azkaban, he has nothing to fear!

Wouldn't it be better to transform into a witch, stand up against the Purifiers, and use actions to gather supporters? He did it!

Serving the Dark Lord, he has been to Azkaban, what else is there not to do!

This challenge, this test question, he took the next step!

"Go and tell Ms. Bertha that I really couldn't be more satisfied. I will observe her itinerary, intercept her letters, and then proceed to the next step after roughly exploring it!"


"It's all over, Bertha, how could you..."

In the principal's office, Bertha looked at the information in front of her and felt like crying.

She actually made a mistake again - when selecting a suitable candidate, she accidentally sent a woman's information to little Barty.

"How could you do this, Bertha? Although he is a bit scary, you shouldn't be like this!"

She began to think about whether she should tell Barty Jr. and go over to apologize.

You should be forgiven, right?

Bertha was a little unsure, after all, not everyone was the Dark Lord.


Just when she was worried, a purifier carefully knocked on the door of the office - little Barty was knocked like that just after he came over. He decided to have more respect for this confused looking person in the future.

"what's the matter?"

"Mr. Batty said he could not be more satisfied."

The Purifier said cautiously, "He is currently in the observation stage, and it won't be long before he becomes active in the magical world as Susan."

"Ah, as long as he likes it..."

Bertha tried not to look surprised - the Dark Lord had scolded her...

'Sure enough, I knew that this lady Bertha did it on purpose. She is the Dark Lord's favorite subordinate. How could she be just really timid? ’

The Purifier cursed, but his expression was not discernible at all.

He now knows how terrifying the elites of the Death Eaters are - Barty who likes to laugh but kills people without blinking an eye, Bella who is crazy but normal when killing people, and Umbridge who quietly climbed to the top of the Ministry of Magic. , and this Bertha who likes to torment people by pretending to be scared.

Looking back now, wasn't it a kind of beating to be deceived into running around by her appearance?

After struggling a few times, everyone suddenly...

He couldn't help but prepare to take a breath of cold air, but forced himself to stop with his will. He didn't resume normal breathing until he left the office.

'Death Eaters and stuff are really scary...'


"That's next door?"

Late at night, in a magic community, a sudden abnormal noise alarmed people - the times were difficult, and the wizards began to gather together to keep watch.

"Look over there, Aunt Susan is over there. She lives alone, so don't let anything happen..."

The wizards who had already gone to bed got up, picked up their wands, and then walked in groups towards that direction - the Purifiers were causing chaos everywhere, and they did not dare to move out without people.

However, before they could get closer, Susan's very personal curse sounded out, and she waved a wand and an ax - the latter looking as light as a wand.


She made a rude gesture wantonly, and then turned around, "Thank you for your concern. I have driven away those unworthy things!"

Sure enough - it's those damn bugs again.

People cheered, cursed a few times, and then dispersed - it's no big deal, those bastards...

Fortunately, we got through it safely today...

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